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Jul-03-2009 17:22 ![]() ![]() Op Ed for Salem-News
By Henry Clay Ruark for
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(EUGENE, Ore.) - Long-prevailing conservative myth-making states that “the New Deal failed to end the Depression, with World War II the real factor for eventual return to prosperity.”
That erroneous story is now recognized as a canard, distorted Far Right propaganda to denigrate the New Deal and its far-reaching changes of American lifestyle and inevitable impact of democracy on the whole world.
Our July 4 observance commemorates signing the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Surely that’s a relevant time to examine again what brought on those significant New Deal accomplishments, presenting a pattern for further progress again NOW.
It was strong resurgence of what can only be termed “Do it yourself governance” that created the concepts, lead on to the legislation, and finally found ways to fund and make it all work. Everlasting credit must go to the social movements supplying the absolutely essential power-drive. Now recognized for unusual shaping effort are the diverse impacts of Sen. Huey Long’s Share Our Wealth program --far more radical than FDR; the Townsend movement seeking $200-monthly checks for everyone over 65, Veteran’s Bonus troops twice marching on D.C., Father Coughlin’s fierce criticisms; and activist peace groups working for probing War I profiteering and worldwide disarmament.
Then there was the rebirth of unionism, strongly reflected in the Congress of Industrial Organizations and the American Federation of Labor: Their combined impact laid the national legal framework for corporate/labor “agreement on a social contract that was the foundation for decades of rapid industrial and business growth.”
In short, strong public opinion drove both Congress and Roosevelt, mobilized by multiple and massive mutual action by a diverse range of social and union movements. That’s surely the way well-intended by our Founding Fathers, involving strong citizen responsibilities exerted through mutual cooperative action --highly reminiscent of the first American Revolution.
We lack that social/cultural/economic organization demanding “progress NOW !” from Congress today. The two once-powerful political parties are finding themselves now overwhelmed by the heavy consequences of corporate dollar-power, at work everywhere -- at perhaps a Million-to-One money-ratio vs the common confused and frustrated American citizen.
In fact, that malign massive money-impact is now itself the target of rapidly-growing social-economic forces dedicated to reversing a flawed decision by the Supreme Court. Remediating corporate chartering as demanded for return to serving public interest, as was the original intention of charter control, will inevitably become part of that absolutely necessary system reform and restructuring --only made much. much worse by the current worldwide economic crisis.
For the latest well-documented statement of those essential historic happenings, and the forces fully now recognized as the major factors moving both President Roosevelt; and a Congress for once not only cooperative but itself creative --sometimes even controlling-- we are indebted to Dr. Elizabeth Sanders, Cornell Professor of Government. (IN THESE TIMES, APRIL ‘09).
Surely it is no coincidence that in TIME’s Annual Making of America Issue (6 July) there also appears an equally comprehensive special feature (pp. 27-51). This timely, historic report outlines, summarizes and explores in depth what can only be understood as further development of essential citizen responsibility.
The joint message of these probing, incisive further examinations of that crucial period in our American history is extremely clear: Democracy is very definitely a do-it-yourself project continuing through decades and even centuries, demanding constant surveillance and continuing every citizen responsibilities.
The very clear connection is mirrored in our Founders’ inventive approach to both the Constitution and the accompanying Bill of Rights, presciently built flexibly enough at allow rational, reasonable adaptation to the multiple, massive changes sure to come in the New Age. Indeed, the Bill --now proven the classic declaration of human liberties over the entire past two centuries-- reflects precisely those very flexibilities and diversities which make this unique approach to governance the great role model for democracy that is has now become.
That has certainly, occurred --again, worldwide-- flying in the face of those desperate but deficient other systems set up as anti-democracies, on whatever failing basis. This historic development has occurred even in the face of determined, continuing heavily corporate-funded desperate attack, with deep damage, to the strong movement toward unionism which characterized those earlier New Deal days.
It was that strong, concerted, cooperative and comprehensive gathering of social/economic strengths that gave those New Deal years not only a very special flavor for all-involved, but also a record of true and tremendous accomplishments, boding well for all citizens of this nation. (See TIME-issue for comprehensive coverage complete with revealing graphics.)
One of the most essential of our freedom-defining public decisions then developed was, surely, the right of workers to unionize. That remains the ONLY WAY they can negotiate a level playing field with their inevitable partner for the creation of wealth; thus equalizing the shaping and controlling of the fundamental opportunity for the pursuit and capture of happiness --as so plainly set forth in our nation-shaping documents now the criterion for the 21st Century world.
Another absolutely essential work-out of the Founders blueprint for human rights is the coming-soon arrival of universal healthcare, in radical format now demanded for rational --and reasonable !-- reasons, already reflected worldwide in every other “civilized” nation. It was first proposed in 1912 --by Theodore Roosevelt.
We can go on and on,,,and on and on and on...with many more such now-clearly necessary reforms for the true development of the American Way set up so long ago by our Founders. The full agenda is now on public record, set forth in detail and with flexible development provided for the work of the Congress.
Where’s the strong, impassioned, continuing and overwhelming true “public opinion” which was so forceful a strong factor in New Deal days, surely felt by the Congress ? Closing lines of Prof. Sanders revealing research says it all, after summarize that then-crucial situation: “Which is to say, if we want a New Deal, we have to do it ourselves.”
At 21, Henry Clay Ruark was Aroostook Editor for the Bango, Maine DAILY NEWS, covering upper 1/4 of the state. In the ‘40s, he was Staff Correspondent, then New England Wires Editor at United Press-Boston; later Editor for the Burlington, Vermont 3-daily group owned by Wm. Loeb, later notorious at Manchester, New Hampshire UNION LEADER for attacks on Democratic Presidential candidates.
Hank returned to Oregon to complete M. Ed degree at OSU, went on to Indiana University for Ed.D. (abd) and special other course-work; was selected as first Information Director for NAVA in Washington, D.C.; helped write sections of NDEA, first Act to supply math, science, foreign language consultants to state depts. of education; joined Oregon Dept. of Education as NDEA administrator/Learning Media Consultant for tenyears.
He joined Dr. Amo DeBernardis at PCC, helping establish, extend programs, facilities, Oregon/national public relations; moved to Chicago as Editor/Publisher of oldest educational-AV journal, reformed as AV GUIDE Magazine; then established and operated Learning Media Associates as general communications consultant group. Due to wife’s illness, he returned to Oregon in 1981, semi-retired, and has continued writing intermittently ever since, joining S-N in 2004. His Op Eds now total over 560 written since then.
All comments and messages are approved by people and self promotional links or unacceptable comments are denied.
dude July 12, 2009 11:08 am (Pacific time)
Hey Jerry O'Brian--What's wrong with white people? Things like this are every bit as offensive as the nonsense the kkk or la raza spews. "nasty smelly white republican trash, it is time to deport the filth" You had to throw the word white in there huh? Your racism disgusts me.
Henry Ruark July 9, 2009 12:50 pm (Pacific time)
Vic et al: May have missed mark here, but intent was to point out that "opposing viewpoints". as I read them, came from biased sources so designated by their own statements. IF indeed we missed clear examination of pertinent and unpoliticized points by truly persistent (rightfully so !) persons, always willing to do further dialog direct, esp. on any points viewed as "difficult", thus subject to censorship. Those are the very ones we find most delicious and also dedicated to best outcomes of honest, open, democratic dialog in this S-N channel, provided by patience and full understandings of necessity by Editor/Owner Tim, to whom we owe very large kudos...
Henry Ruark July 9, 2009 11:44 am (Pacific time)
To all: For any with remaining doubts re D-I-Y/democracy, demanding real action to responsible citizens to preserve, protect and provide pragmatic representative governance, here's "see with own eyes" link: Congress’s $1.2 Million a Day Drug Habit July 09, 2009 "Unsilent Generation" -- - When it comes to securing their interests against even the flimsiest of threats, the drug-makers’ pockets appear bottomless. A look at last week’s Center for Responsive Politics report on the industry offers an awe-inspiring view of the druggies in action: To begin with, we’re not talking about a handful of lobbyists twisting the arms of members of Congress. Pharma had 1,814 flacks at work last year and 1,309 in the first 3 months of this year. That’s 12 percent of all the lobbyists in Washington. Last year alone the drug industry spent $234 million on lobbying. In the first three months of this year, it spent more than $66.5 million–$1.2 million a day. And that doesn’t include polling, advertising, and research. Among the top recipients of Pharma funds are several members of the Senate Finance Committee, including Chair Max Baucus, who have positioned themselves as a “coalition of the willing” dedicated to promoting a bipartisan middle ground on health care reform–in other words, minor changes that won’t seriously affect private sector profits." --------------- Report from tested, reliable source has very distressin detail, nailing down what the dollar-power can do when it is permitted to defy, deny, delay and possibly defeat the known will of "the people".
Henry Ruark July 9, 2009 10:31 am (Pacific time)
J.B. et al: You and other serious readers may find this ref. of great value in learning more about the essential framing concepts involved: "Thinking Points";George Lakoff;F,S,Giroux;2008. ISBN-10: 0-374-5309o-4. Lakoff is noted cognitive scientist/linguist at UCal-Berkeley. Other scientists in various fields have also discovered some striking differences in some groups claiming certain political preferences. Most such research is now conducted by observance of brain-waves in certain brain sectors, some tied to inteliigence(s), some believed to reflect emotion, some reporting reaction to other factors in "intelligence(s)".
Jerry O' Brian July 8, 2009 6:37 pm (Pacific time)
The republican grifters, fascist neocons like Bush and Cheney and Rove and Limbaugh and O'Riley, the list goes on and on, cannot engage in common sense because of their twisted thought processes, some sick puppies these right wing loons. The President rocks and yes has some faults, but did anyone really expect there wouldn't be? Senior Bush is little more than the father of the cocaine user, the sicko's! The new president is braver and smarter than any member of the GOP ever thought they could be. When it comes to nasty smelly white republican trash, it is time to deport the filth!
Henry Clay Ruark July 8, 2009 3:43 pm (Pacific time)
To all: Democratic governance is really D-I-Y, noted for past centuries by many wise men: "If the citizens neglect their Duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupted; laws will be made, not for the public good so much as for selfish or local purposes; corrupt or incompetent men will be appointed to execute the Laws; the public revenues will be squandered on unworthy men; and the rights of the citizen will be violated or disregarded.": Noah Webster - (1758-1843) American patriot and scholar, author of the 1806 edition of the dictionary that bears his name, the first dictionary of American English usage.
Henry Ruark July 8, 2009 1:12 pm (Pacific time)
To all: D-I-Y is NOW demanded for any rational action on healthcare.\ Here's another national level source for "see with own eyes" action: Every State Needs Health Care Reform 50 State Fact Sheets America’s health care system has reached a crisis point. Every day, 14,000 Americans across the country are losing their health insurance coverage. Americans with health coverage often find that their insurance company won’t cover care when they need it the most, and the broken health care system will cost us between $124 billion and $248 billion in lost productivity this year alone due to the almost 52 million uninsured Americans who live shorter lives and have poorer health. Take a look at the fact sheets to see how the health care crisis is affecting your state. ------------ Link provides rapid access to each-state graphic summary.
Henry Ruark July 8, 2009 11:26 am (Pacific time)
To all: For return to highly relevant dialog re massive issue of our healthcare, here's "see with own eyes link for fullscale rational and reasonable discussion: In Retooled Health-Care System, Who Will Say No? Questions About Cost And Limits Linger By Alec MacGillis Washington Post Staff Writer Wednesday, July 8, 2009 "The question came from a Colorado neurologist. "Mr. President," he said at a recent forum, "what can you do to convince the American public that there actually are limits to what we can pay for with our American health-care system? And if there are going to be limits, who . . . is going to enforce the rules for a system like that?" "President Obama called it the "right question" -- then failed to answer it. This was not surprising: The query is emerging as the ultimate challenge in reining in health-care costs that now consume $2.5 trillion per year, or 16 percent of the economy. How will tough decisions be made about what to spend money on? In a country where "rationing" is a dirty word, who will say no? "The question permeates all levels of medicine: the use of tests that many argue are unnecessary (U.S. doctors order five times as many MRIs as doctors do in Germany); how early to intervene with common conditions such as heart disease and prostate cancer; how aggressively to treat patients nearing their life's end." -------------- Pres.Obama was precisely right in characterizing the question and also in his answer, on the program, which made it fully clear that this complex issue has no answer except what the Congress and Americans are ready, willing, eager to see put into place. That's how representative government, as formed by our Founding Fathers, is intended to answer all such issues.\ That's why open, honest,full democratic dialog in channels like S-N remain so critically demanded NOW. Watch for our continuing handling, in both Op Eds and responsible comment, for this and other crucial issues we now all must face together.
Henry Ruark July 8, 2009 8:54 am (Pacific time)
To all: Anyone NOT already having my personal email address can obtain via simple ID with working phone to Tim. I welcome and will address as time and energy allows any comment from anyone, when in rational, reasonable format and with documentation or link to someone with authority to speak on issue, problem or subject. Do NOT have time, nor will I expend diminishing energy, in useless insulting exchanges as sometimes encountered when Op Ed topic is "controversial" or otherwise open to such. That is why we do not carry emailer as routine with copy. Cogitation is the goal here, and often it takes openly obvious anger-inciting approach --part of "persuasive/affective style" to accomplish that. For every factual statement we can and will supply solid source other than political website devotedly dedicated to ONLY one level, tone, style and content of politics. Go it, keeds ! The deeper and stronger the dialog, the better our democracy will be...if you can stand the heat, be sure I can do so too. For those to whom my emailer has already been given, for whatever reason, do not hesitate to use it as needed, direct.
Vic July 8, 2009 8:11 am (Pacific time)
I know, Tim..and I appreciate Henry and his writing...I consider him a friend although have never met.... but he was saying that no one offered any opposing viewpoints..which wasnt the case, thats all...:)
Editor: I know Vic, thanks for bearing with us and I do understand!
Vic July 7, 2009 8:22 pm (Pacific time)
I tried to post a comment, but it was censored.....Perhaps the points I made were too hard to shoot down, so were disarded? I have come to expect more than that from SN...
Editor: Vic, Hank's career as a newspaper guy for many decades didn't involve a comment section, and as a volunteer and friend like yourself, and Oregon's oldest working writer at 92 (though you wouldn't know it meeting him). I'm deeply in debt to him for being with us all five years from the very beginning. Honestly, I think I approve almost anything else you send in, I really try to. This is more about valuing and respecting this writer. I am also critical about many points regarding Obama, and you will always see stories that involve criticism of his policies. A comment on stories I write will almost always show up unless it is some right wing troll, which there is a growing number of, thanks.
Henry Ruark July 7, 2009 5:41 pm (Pacific time)
To all: Please note that fulltime opportunity for furtherance of their points via additional dialog and documenting links have now passed with not a single response. Not one of the strong statements made in the Op Ed was challenged successfully, no further authoritative comment has been offered, so must now, again, demand of those so free with big words some proof of some solid real source other than those words. An "informed opinion" is far more than simple gut feeling or recall from 20-yr. old college course, or even 20 yrs. experience if spent in futile pursuit of some full understandings. Here we seek to excite, even upset, sometimes anger, those who are so full of self they see nothing but what adheres easily from past contact. Open, honest, democratic dialog is opportunity to share and learn, not catch-all dump-and-run for political pandering primarily procured from self-described one-shot highly partisan source.
Henry Ruark July 6, 2009 10:45 am (Pacific time)
To all: Here's "see with own eyes" to nationally-recognized solid tested source for commentary: GIVING THE STIMULUS TIME TO WORK: As the Washington Post reported last week, "independent economists generally think that it is too early to judge the effectiveness of the stimulus plan, given that the spending package is only starting to ripple through the broader economy." President Obama has predicted that unemployment will reach 10 percent this year, while Nobel prize-winning economist Paul Krugman noted that "much of the stimulus at the federal level is being undone by budget retrenchment at the state and local level." But while there has been some talk of a second stimulus package, the administration has thus far distanced itself from the idea. Both Biden and Austan Goolsbee of the Council of Economic Advisers called talk of a second stimulus premature, with Goolsbee adding that "there's still a major injection coming down the pike" from the first package. In fact, as Boushey pointed out, "the largest job gains from [stimulus] spending were projected to occur in the late fall through 2010," while the health care and education sectors have both now shown a net job gain since the recession began. In the last few days, stimulus projects have gotten underway in Colorado, New York, and Tennessee. As Obama explained last week, "it took years for us to get into this mess, and it will take us more than a few months to turn it around." --------------- Use link to check and evaluate whole report, for a feeling of authentic and true interpretation devoid of only obvious political pandering. Note particularly citation starts with WPost as source, surely nationally and internationally better accepted and recognized than libertarian political propaganda site.
Henry Ruark July 6, 2009 10:02 am (Pacific time)
"Anon:" Your comment itself shows why you have not the courage to sign it with checkable name. ANY such poll is good only for the day it is published, as ethical pollsters state in their own materials. ANY small,economic-political OR even social event will make results distorted-image with rapid change. True political scientists tell us stimulus consequences may require a year or more;we are only just starting the huge job. Patience will pay off;malign damaging attack can only make failure much more probable --which, of course, is deeply desired by hugely-funded private interests using every possible tool and every open channel possible to acquire. IF you fear your words so much you refuse to sign for them, why should we pay even slight attention ?? Again, source means nearly as much as content in more materials now available than most persons ever realize...
Henry Ruark July 6, 2009 9:54 am (Pacific time)
To all: Must add to mine earlier: First lesson we learned from those "four men from VA." teaching exploratory courses in propanda analysis at Indiana U., in early War II years, was: "ALWAYS Know and Evaluate Your Source for EVERYTHING !" That's ever more true in the current crisis-consequences situation, shaping continuing formative actions by President faced with nearly insuperable problems, issues, events, and costs. His work deserves our full support, NOT insidious and malign attack for political pandering purposes purportedly presented as if in honest opposition when intended fully for fearful damage if possible to bring it on. Dissent is heart of all democratic dialog, when done in good faith for democratic purposes. When malignly meant and so managed, it is abuse of the First Amendment right of free speech, for obvious practical political purposes. For documentation, see "May It Please The Court",tapes and printed full transcripts of historic Supreme Court cases; ISBN 1-56584-330-4 I've used this for LMA work as media consultancy purposes since publication in 1999, and can attest as to its current values.
Anonymous July 6, 2009 9:34 am (Pacific time)
The below 7/6/09 Rasmussen poll is neither far left nor far right and it shows that the American voter is beginning to run out of patience with Obama's policies. My guess is that distractions will not work much more as people start looking at government actions coupled with "results" in conjunction with government talking and inaccurate forecasts. The voter has a very intolerant attitude when their lives are turned upside down regardless of the cause. The current leaders will always get the blame, whether that is done fairly or unfairly. "The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 33% of the nation's voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-five percent (35%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of –2 (see trends)."
Henry Ruark July 6, 2009 9:00 am (Pacific time)
To all: Rapid checkout of Lew Rockwell site produces this result: Lew Anti-state, anti-war, pro-market. Need more be said ? Next page shows direct shaping control by official of Mise Foundation, working cooperation with other Far Right economic, cultural, social forces. What''s cited is by their own admission propaganda-built statement meant to enhance, illuminate, strengthen and project information shaped for their own purposes. This source is simply Far Right libertarian political, and in no way shapes up at level of national acceptance to which we adhere for our open, honest, democratic S-N channel. The allegations in their overly-detailed comment are carefully selected for their own invention of meanings, to convey what they can shape for their own purposes from some events and activities, open to other and very different conclusions reached by nationally recognized sources as cited here: Prof. Sanders and TIME's special report. Please note that not one specific fact, statement or conclusion from either of those sources, or from the Op Ed itself, is in any way mentioned. The entire effort is to throw out a cloud of somewhat meaningful materials to obfuscate, defy,deny, delay and defeat real cogitation on each of the issues and points they mention. That's what propaganda is, and that's what it does. It can be used for benign or malign impacts. You decide, on this one...!! You pays your nickel and you can choose as you will. We warn you as to what you are getting, and provide full "see with own eyes" for full "evaluation with your own mind" for our cited sources. Swallow at your own risk.
Seth July 5, 2009 10:48 pm (Pacific time)
On June 15, 2009, in, Mark Crovelli, stated in part, delineated by the double parentheses: ((I hate to be the bearer of foreboding and disillusioning news to anyone who has been swept away by the claim that the American economy is back on the road to recovery, but there are a great number of signs that we have only just begun our descent into economic depression. Unemployment has now reached 9.4%, and the price of gold is fast approaching $1,000 per ounce. Rates for U.S. Treasuries have skyrocketed as Congress floods the market with an avalanche of new debt in order to keep their racket in operation for another year. The Fed is printing money at a staggering pace in order to buy up those I.O.U.’s from Congress. And Congress has once again agreed to fund (by borrowing, of course) two pointless, extravagantly expensive, and completely un-winnable wars. These are not signs that would lead one to believe that we are headed down the road to prosperity. Blowing up people and our money in Iraq and Afghanistan (or North Korea and Iran, for that matter) will not make our economy better off. Printing money in order to buy I.O.U.’s from the most indebted group of politicians in the history of the world will not make our economy better off. Giving our money to insolvent bankers will not make our economy better off. Putting American taxpayers on the hook to pay trillions of dollars worth of new government debt will not make our economy better off. And it sure as hell won’t make our economy better off to have the federal government in the business of manufacturing cars or making home loans. What is really needed in order for the economy to improve is simply for the meddlers, politicians and money magicians in Washington and New York to leave us and the money supply alone. They need to stop spending money they don’t have, stop printing money out of thin air to finance their schemes, and stop wasting our money trying to blow up and dominate two of the poorest countries in the world. Unfortunately, given what we know about the nature of politicians in a democracy, (i.e., their tendency to rob as much as they can for themselves before leaving office), we can rest assured that they will manage to do precisely the opposite of what is truly needed and sink us further into debt and economic depression.)) I wish I were so eloquent about the pit our present administration is sinking us into. By saying this I AM NOT defending Bush and his Neocon nitwits. That group of criminals raped the public treasury in the grossest form of corporate welfare ever seen.
Henry Ruark July 5, 2009 4:08 pm (Pacific time)
To all: Every professional writer has heavy responsibility to readers to provide full content for the demanded real understandings of what is published. SO here, for Terry and every reader, is the pertinent quote from "Commanding Heights" --for "see with own eyes" easy assessment re relevance NOW concerning market failings AND the Sanders/TIME content: Excerpt from “Commanding Heights” - 1998. Ch. 13: The Balance of Confidence. Page 399. Many forces re driving the shift from state control to market concensus. Yert fundamentally it rests upon a recasting of beliefs and ideas--away from the traditional faith in the state and toward greater credibility for the market. Perhaps, then, what will reeally determine whether this change will persist, or whether there will be a swing back. is the quality and character of the confidence that underpins the marketplace Confidence is more likely to endure if it is tempered by a realistic appraisal of risk and uncertsainty. and of the benefits and limits of the market and its values. And where will fall the future frontier between state and market ? That answer will be found in the cumulative judgments and experiences that will orient beliefs and shape the balance of confidence. ------------------------- Given that prescient content (1998 !) and the many shaping market experiences since, one can easily now understand the striking relevance and impact of the new Sanders research, as well as the re-evaluation of every event during the FIRST “New Deal”. Perhaps that may sharpen the Op Ed points here re D-I-Y governance, the ONLY kind open to us in this nation, unless we succumb to fascism-returned via rule of the few over the many.
Henry Ruark July 5, 2009 3:29 pm (Pacific time)
Friend Terry: You defy, deny, denigrate new authoritative research simply on your embedded general knowledge from past experience. Have you sought out and read the Sanders report ? Have you sought out and read the TIME issue confirmation and further detail stating same points ? Otherwise yours states denial without anything but your own words. You give us no links, no publications, no reports, no qualified academic or professional economists... only you own past experience and current beliefs; with no detailed ID, we know you not from some masked man paid for such stuff...and we've had proof on S-N of that now too common occurrence, too. Have you ever read "The Commanding Heights", Yerkin and Stanslaw classic covering marketplace remaking modern world ? (1998). It is now widely used in academia to reflect precisely the fully revealed market failings the Sanders research reflects. The TIME-content makes easily available that much more. I did re-read CH for this Op Ed. See Ch,13 "The World After Reform",read esp. pp. 395-399. Can you deny that prescient statement for what has now clearly happened ? If so do so here, now --with quoted content to prove your contact-- rather than more mere words. You wrote:"There are an abundant amount of past economic models that show how to grow us out of a recession by letting our free market system to take off by minimizing government over-regulation and high taxes." Why NOT cite and link at least one or two ? You wrote: "There is not one model, not one, where any government has used high spending to stop a recession, but there is a historical record that shows how that technique made a bad economy worse." IF you know CH at all, you already know this to be false; check for yourself to see the heavy evidence of strong involvement initiating and building our so-called "free market system"; that's one of main points in this classic study broadly used worldwide, which is why I, too, use it here and now. If these rebuttals you cite are so multiple and enmasse in economic and business history, should be easy as pie to cite some, with titles, dates, authors, and "see with own eyes" links. (Even if drawn from your longago college days, we will welcome them to prove up what you claim, as of then...) Should also be simple, even after all these years you admit, to name and cite the Stanford sources you recall, even if they only state what new research, brought on by new crisis differing in great detail and causes, now proves to be statements-rebutted,but still relevant to our current dilemma. Yours is common failing of far too many caught in the constant forward thrust of the world's massive manifold and multiple-level --and very meaningful-- changes, at rates far beyond anything known in your college days or during the past 50 years. That's one major reason some writers now do real service to provide update and documented content, as we strive to do here at S-N Do you see The Economist, famed international journal ? We cited here recently their study showing TWO BILLION new families joining the middle- class of their economies,thus changing every rule in the world economic gain now. Do you see IN THESE TIMES, from which the Sanders piece is provided ? Surely you DO see TIME, or its multiple other equivalents now all providing much the same material as cited here ? But your quarrel is with Prof. Sanders and her solid new research efforts, not with our accurate reporting Have you done anything like her work, sir : Are you qualified so to do ? If so, where is it published so we can verify and compare ? If NOT, why not contact her directly to carry on what will surely prove an intriguing --if also revealing-- dialog, which we would enjoy sharing. As writer/reporter sharing your candid admission re depth of knowledge, I can only rely on what I find when I dig, as for this Op Ed, which required intermittent work for two or three months...which is why I cite sources, with "see with own eyes" links for others to check re mine own reflection of what's found... Should surely be fair to seek from YOU precisely that same effort, to bolster and confirm and strengthen what is surely simply your words reflexed into sometimes revealing public statement. Your participation truly appreciated, sir, since it makes ringing points re what many others also permit themselves to do, without realizing how obstructive and damaging to widespread new understandings, based on solid new information, they are aiding to occur. Age has its benefits; one major one little appreciated is the growing degee of full suspicion of the "words only" approach, adopted by some many since it is so easy and simple and seductive. But a major responsibility rests on any professional writer, in any format, to make sure not to fall into that same trap and thus seduce and segregate readers from the very meaningful facts demanded for rational, reasonable --and authentically accurate-- understandings demanded for real citizen responsibility in our new 21st Century.
Henry Ruark July 5, 2009 10:39 am (Pacific time)
To All: For anyone in doubt re meaning of "canard", here is definition: canard (as in "fabrication") n. : a deliberately misleading fabrication.
Terry July 5, 2009 8:41 am (Pacific time)
I'm the first to admit that there is much I don't know about and that's why I continually research various topics as often as time allows. During my high school and college days many years ago, I was taught that the New Deal era was what helped pull us out of the depression. Recently I have read that many academics (for example economic PHD's/ UCLA Economics Department)) have looked at that time period more closely and purport that it was the Keynesian policies that prolonged the depression and it was our manufacturing base during WWII that created the jobs (think "wealth") that grew us into prosperity. Just look in any phone book's yellow pages and see all the small and medium size businesses. In some area's of the country these businesses are quickly going under. They are the heartbeat of our economy, not the government, or even the major corporations. What history clearly teaches us is that all the past failed countries failed because they lost their manufacturing base. We have orchestrated the Stimulus Bill mainly to fund a few large corporations along with pork spending that does not create long term jobs. Our national unemployment is at 9.6%, it will continue to rise unless we learn from history, and for those who have read their economic history understand, is we need to help those small and medium size businesses to have stable funding (borrowing/credit) and reasonable tax/fee rates. There are an abundant amount of past economic models that show how to grow us out of a recession by letting our free market system to take off by minimizing government over-regulation and high taxes. There is not one model, not one, where any government has used high spending to stop a recession, but there is a historical record that shows how that technique made a bad economy worse.
Henry Ruark July 4, 2009 10:53 am (Pacific time)
Terry et al: You wrote: "...which our manufacturing grew us out of because of WWII." That reveals you did not read the Op Ed OR did not understand the major point made by Prof.Sanders solid new research, directly stating that what you describe is both erroneous and "a canard". Re stimulus-impact, rapid action by govt. is only first step. Realization of its effect takes time, perhaps up to two years here. Early Keynesian impacts were botched, and it was only later, during War II, that his prescient pattern was tested and found effective. Bretton Woods, via U.S. choice, set up current now- proven consequential actions still under probing research by economists. IF you have not read the basic classics on this era of our history, as appears to be the case, you are definitely "uninformed". even if you have, with decades of noise machine propaganda, you may well be "misinformed". Your participation truly appreciated since it called for this explanation for all.
Terry July 3, 2009 5:45 pm (Pacific time)
So how's that Stimulus Bill working? I see the government has done a little bit of hiring, but where do they get the money to pay for those government employees? It's the private sector that creates jobs (wealth), time to release our worker's genius unfettered by burdensome over-taxation and grow our way out of this recession before it turns into a depression like the 30's, which our manufacturing grew us out of because of WWII. Happy Independence Day to everyone. Remember, the government works for us! That's what July 4th is all about.
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