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Jul-15-2009 03:00printcomments

Op Ed: Healthcare Reform
Demands Responsible
Public Demonstration

D-I-Y Democracy Endangered By Citizen Ennui.

Ennui, circa 1914, by Walter Richard Sickert
Ennui, circa 1914, by Walter Richard Sickert

(EUGENE, Ore.) - D-I-Y Democracy Endangered By Citizen Ennui

By Henry Clay Ruark for

Factual probing by wide-ranging channels long ago proved up solid American public demand for direct and strong reform of our obviously now-corrupted and broken healthcare system.

Many current continuing polls, journalistic projects and formal reports from agencies involved show the same continuing demands: The American people understand their healthcare dilemma, and when properly consulted they demand true and comprehensive reform as their human right.

Yet public ennui, primarily based on continuing lack of solid decision-shaping information, allows our Congress to play political games with one of the most dangerous, damaging and destructive developments ever to threaten our nation.

That information-status has steadily deteriorated ever since 1912, when universal healthcare was first considered by then-President Theodore Roosevelt, It was summarily killed off then --at the beginning conceptual stage-- by strong opposition from the same forces then only beginning their unending efforts ever since to take over, control and direct our democratic governance system.

Today --nearly ONE HUNDRED YEARS later !-- we find ourselves subjected to repeated billion-dollar/power to continue the same defy-deny-delay actions.

The goal is clear: “They” mean to defeat, if possible, an action long ago accomplished in every other civilized and “advanced” --or even only-now “advancing” nation.

One specific goal --and overriding result of strong and successful propagandizing techniques over the past decades-- is to create and continue to project the natural ennui of busy-life/surrounded citizens into a dangerous apathy, when their human rights are under challenge.

In this healthcare situation, the challenge comes from those who stand to profit from continued predation on unavoidable human miseries, reduced to statistical probabilities sure to lead to that result if allowed.

That determined and highly obvious corporate and special-interest effort --continued at such high cost and undeniable application across all media today -- cannot fail to call probing attention to profit and other dollar-driven motives for such massive expenditures.

Those predations are now clearly seen to occur by not only that sector of the healthcare industry but also by some few among many good/faith healthcare suppliers. (Ironic note: Major strength for such massive flows for corporate propaganda purposes clearly comes from the “Corporate campaign contributions” erroneousprecedent decision by the Supreme Court. That’s made ironic here by the continuing examination of nominee Judge Sotomayor, at precisely the same time as Congressional study-for-decision on human-right provisions for healthcare.)

That very fact should brightly illuminate the unavoidable conclusion that there must be even more reason (read: “unconscionable profits”) here now than in past decades. The historic record shows clearly that early death for just-beginning healthcare concepts was then, too, accomplished via much the same methods.

Further record-revealing examination indicates a number of closely similar “defy-deny-delay and defeat” situations, the last surely known to all occurring as a major debacle during the Clinton Administration.

Despite long-cultivated mythic massage meticulously applied for propagandizing purposes in all-possible media channels, the real worldwide healthcare record is clear and undisputable: Where universal healthcare has been accomplished, the vast majority of citizens are receiving levels above and beyond what our broken system has been able to achieve here.

“Universal” is the basic planning and operational principle for each and every such effective system. Surely we need urgently to remedy and reform a system which has failed us in achieving that human right to affordable and accessible healthcare.

The fact of recognition as human right is now broadly acknowledged around the world as indispensable public service, by not only broad international adoptions but also by declaration of a variety of international agencies and organizations.

That’s despite some surely expectable individual examples of delay and denial, seen in nearly every such system. Those are comparatively few both in number and impact, given the very large working bases for which all such system must be designed. We can surely learn from that long experience, in the planning, patterns and protocols of our own version here.

We pride ourselves on being the world leader in the very technologies demanded for full information to all concerned re each patient-involved. Yet we lag painfully --at very high costs both in dollars and defeated healthcare applications not nearly so fully available as they deserve to be --especially given our current learning efforts re true preventive healthcare for every citizen.

That’s the solid foundation on which the most effective cost-prevention conceptions in healthcare now surely depends: Widespread application of data-recording and easyaccess transmission to every citizen and all healthcare providers involved can make not only possible but easily applicable nearly every needed fact for true preventive care.

Already, wise preventive-care is very well now established as the root factor for any cost/effective new effort demanded to fully surround and surmount what we now must face as an overwhelming national need. For some, it is not merely a need but a very threatening and dangerous emergency demand.

We have nearly FIFTY MILLION Americans now contending with life-difficulties, including unemployment and partial or complete disabilities or personal situations debarring them from the life-preserving healthcare we others are fortunate enough to continue.

WHY do we still allow to happen corporate-based dollar-driven massively manipulative actions to defy our recognized realities - and thus AGAIN deny and delay truly AMERICAN-STYLE universal healthcare?

WHY is it that we citizens do not now exercise our first, foremost, and surely the most essential human right we have, reflected in the First Amendment, to speak out strongly on what we believe and the reasonswhy? With solid communication to OUR OWN elected representatives in Congress-assembled, charged by oath and our choice to act AS WE DIRECT?

THERE’S the answer for the current threatening danger of still another “universal health care debacle, already predictable by dollar-driven deeply-piled ‘contributions’ selectively placed in secure fashion via seductive means” -- as predicted by several major national sources. (Quote combined from excerpts to summarize statements too lengthy for verbatim inclusion here.)

WHAT can WE DO, NOW, to prevent this from occurring - again? Need you ask? You have access to computer email, since that’s the channel you are using now.

You have access also, almost for sure, to the simple but most powerful communications-tool/of-all: The telephone. Easy access to every elected Congressperson goes with that computer you are using to read this; your ‘phone --either wired or wireless/cell-- is surely right at your hand, either right or left. SO the choice for sudden contact and conversation with your Congress colleagues --both Representatives and Senators-- is truly NOT a RIGHT or LEFT-oriented decision. It is simply, naturally, and ONLY another question of YOUR CHOICE.

A wise philosopher put it pure and simple some decades ago: NOT to DECIDE is to DECIDE.... No matter on what form, or shape, or size, or system of healthcare you feel is best, NOW is the time for YOU to declare yourself to your Congress: Denied-delayed decision for reform, change, direction --even funding-- must NOT be allowed to block and sabotage-again what we need and must have NOW in this nation: UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE as enjoyed in every other civilized nation in our 21st Century world.


At 21, Henry Clay Ruark was Aroostook Editor for the Bango, Maine DAILY NEWS, covering upper 1/4 of the state. In the ‘40s, he was Staff Correspondent, then New England Wires Editor at United Press-Boston; later Editor for the Burlington, Vermont 3-daily group owned by Wm. Loeb, later notorious at Manchester, New Hampshire UNION LEADER for attacks on Democratic Presidential candidates.

Hank returned to Oregon to complete M. Ed degree at OSU, went on to Indiana University for Ed.D. (abd) and special other course-work; was selected as first Information Director for NAVA in Washington, D.C.; helped write sections of NDEA, first Act to supply math, science, foreign language consultants to state depts. of education; joined Oregon Dept. of Education as NDEA administrator/Learning Media Consultant for tenyears.

He joined Dr. Amo DeBernardis at PCC, helping establish, extend programs, facilities, Oregon/national public relations; moved to Chicago as Editor/Publisher of oldest educational-AV journal, reformed as AV GUIDE Magazine; then established and operated Learning Media Associates as general communications consultant group. Due to wife’s illness, he returned to Oregon in 1981, semi-retired, and has continued writing intermittently ever since, joining S-N in 2004. His Op Eds now total over 560 written since then.

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Citizen July 24, 2009 6:43 am (Pacific time)

Instead of making health care more like the DMV, how about we make it more like grocery stores? Give the poor and tough cases health stamps and let the rest of us buy health care -- and health insurance -- on the free market. It's been reported that over 70% of us are very happy with our current health plans, so let's concentrate the debate on those who cannot afford health care along with those who have the funds but decide not to by health insurance. Let the government provide guidelines for the private market (disallowing individual states to drive up costs with their specific onerous regulations) so those dishonest organizations are driven out of the market. The government runs medicare and medicaid and it is a mess with a significant percentage of fraud. It was reported by the New York Times that around $4 billion is lost through fraud in just New York alone. In Florida four pizza joints applied for becoming HIV Transfusion locations and they got it until the scam was uncovered. Who knows how bad the fraud really is, and the government running a national program for eventually everyone! No thanks. Let's approach it like food stamps and focus on the needy.

Henry Ruark July 23, 2009 5:13 pm (Pacific time)

Friends: Many media reports call the public-view as "skeptical' of costs but strongly seeking change since they do plainly understand --and many are feeling remorseless pain-- from lack of affordable care. Public Agenda, with Daniel Yankelevich, famed social scientist reporting, states the proper word is "confused", NOT "skeptical" --with solid rational reason based on "the Learning Curve" so familiar to many closely involved with change process itself. "Consciousness-raising" is the first point on that curve. That part of the process is well along, with most persons already familiar with growing and painful healthcare costs. Current step is "working through", where those feeling pain and beginning now to understand something MUST be done, start actually thinking through the choices sure to be required, and overcoming such problems as "wishful thinking". Then, finally, comes "resolution" "in which the public has weighed the options and reached firm conclusion." Given straight talk and sure, fact-based approach via President Obama --and skillful conscientious and honest information broadly disseminated by the media, we can still reach sensible, rational and reasonable solution for this complex and massive problem. "Costs" entail unsustainable rise and multiplication in healthcare situations now, and the public must understand that with rational change can come huge savings offsetting known and proven waste and bad-choice now driven by many economic factors. Preventive-care emphasis and broad usage of new information technologies guarantee other extensive and essential savings sure to be achieved at very low comparative costs, as operating clinics already have demonstrated. Democracy remains as always do-it-yourself process. IF we allow propaganda spending in the billions to pile on badly confused responses from a public led as we were to unfounded, unnecessary war, we will lose the options we have open to us when we make sure our elected representatives know, without fail, what awaits them face-to-face with us when they return to their districts. We, too, can communicate with Congress and other leaders --and NOW we MUST DO always while we retain even tattered-torn democracy, the CHOICE IS OURS, and we can make it happen, given the political will to do so. What we GAIN will PROFIT EVERYONE. WHat "THEY" gain will be only a start on remorseless, unavoidable, unfair and continuing private-interest "profits", at huge costs to our commonweal. Change-process is slow, difficult, demanding, but highly effective, given patience and understandings dedicated to it by multiple effort from many persons whose contscts and exchanges can shape it for all of us. You read this on the only tool you need to participate for your own essential major interests in this part of do-it-yourself democracy. Send YOUR representatives in Congress --both houses-- YOUR response to multi-millions spent malignly, from unpalatable profits (WHERE ELSE ?) to defy, deny, delay and defeat OUR mutual and massively-needed healthcare reform necessity NOW.

Citizen July 23, 2009 2:03 pm (Pacific time)

I was wondering if anybody has a quote or a statement of any kind where a congressman or senator has stated they were against health care reform? I'm pretty sure all of them want some type of reform, but hopefully most do not want the government to be involved in running a healthcare system. It appears the public is making their feelings known about Obama's plan, so now comes the period of compromise. A good process, and the way it should be. Things have been moving too fast with this administration and the evidence to date is that nothing of significance has been close to getting accomplished that has meaningful results, especially the stimulus. Russia gave up nothing and China as well as India is ignoring the cap and trade. Slow down congress...

Henry Ruark July 22, 2009 1:52 pm (Pacific time)

Keith: Yrs re media report from varying groups and then action as if jurors reflects fundamental misunderstandings and/or distrust of our essential representative form of government. Are you suggesting we replace or displace or simply disregard what the Founders put into plan for careful choice of representatives who then pay full, comprehensive, probing and impartial attention to our commonweal, and THEN decide ? I agree that no longer exists, but surely wisest way is to remedy that situation via power of the VOTE, which we still retain, thus returning us to principles on which nation was built. Do you agree ? Seems to me that will beat out huge disparities surely now arriving from 40,000 lobbyists, with 200 more yearly, and billions of dollar power permitting them to make "corporate campaign contributions" as if an inanimate form of business operations by a few executives driven by charter demanding pursuit of profit should now be allowed to substitute for the Founder-invented system. What do you think ? Shall we forego American democracy, no matter how distorted/perverted it has become, for media-run special-plea "persuasion" --when we can fix what's wrong with Congress the American Way any time we have political will enough to do so ??

Henry Ruark July 22, 2009 10:37 am (Pacific time)

Keith: Yrs reminds me of my old b-button story re "Opinions: Everybody has one and they are all the same." Point: "Informed opinion" based on irrefutable fact beats out "b-button feelings" from life experience every time. I respect your comment, obviously made in good faith, but must totally disagree both with your approach, adding no authority or other reference from any source, while simply adding extraneous, irrelevant detail. Can speak to point since professionally involved in a number of similar curriculum changing situations at both K-12 and grad-school situations, in as-difficult and demanding areas, so do speak from other than b-button feelings. Thank you for participation which makes point here far better and stronger than my Op Ed words. Failure to understand the realities,appreciate shaping actuality, cogitate and then consider wise action is precisely what happens with ennui, apathy and denigration of democratic dialog into irrelevant petty points, and then into party-pandering. Nothing personal, you will understand; and I wish you well with opportunity still to learn, read, grow, listen and think --unless you, too, are 91 and "coasting" !!

Henry Ruark July 22, 2009 9:10 am (Pacific time)

To All: D-I-Y re democracy is dead- flat truth: Founders built our system themselves, made it work so well it served spectacularly until party-pandering provided the propaganda protocol for excessive private-profit gain. Election of 1800 started the steady degeneration, working its way ever since. From that date deterioration set in securing ennui, apathy in place of involvement via informed decision and daily attention as per Founders full pattern. Current U.S. distracting lifestyle, proliferation of information meaningless to far too many via media failures, false-value party-pandering, profit uber alles approach via corporate-charter changes, and "WIN for party despite what that does to nation" is destroying our strong founding principles. SO NOW it is "USE it or LOSE it" --with healthcare only first of multiple means to massively manipulate via "defy,deny,delay, then defeat" pattern already put in place for past century by the same corrupt cabal hiding behind party-label. Nation has risen in rage and political revolt for all prior tests --will it do so NOW, AGAIN, or do we become 2nd Japan, then follow same fate as preceding once-great nations since Greece ??

Keith July 21, 2009 6:36 pm (Pacific time)

Lowering the standards for a specific group of medical school applicants while maintaining the same or higher standards for the balance of the other applicants pretty well speaks for itself as to what it is. Have you all heard only about 2% of medical graduates go into primary care. Seems we need to encourage a higher percentage to go into that field while also assuring an equitable balance of minimum standards for medical school applicants and high standards for graduates. I had some exposure to Latin while growing up, but not so much from the church as from my father, born 1905, who was an attorney and often took me to task with his Latin phrases, as my grandfather did to him and me and my siblings also. It was all done in humor, but it kept us on our toes. True times do change, I have been around long enough to see many, but lowering standards for medical students and other neccesary professions is not a positive change. In regards to the health bill legislation and making it available and transparent would accomodate several ideals, one being to keep Obama's campaign promise to make public all legislation and mainly to allow other medical and business professionals to analyze it and report their conclusions to the public via the media. Then we can sift through the different statements and analyses, somewhat like a juror, and respond accordingly. This is happening now, and some are not happy with the public's response, so maybe that's why some are trying to push it through too hastily. Why?

Henry Ruark July 21, 2009 4:17 pm (Pacific time)

To all: For serious readers seeking true detail on How Congress Works, see new book so titled by Henry Waxman, 18-term Cal. Democratic Representative. For review, see TIME 7/27, p. 19. I can attest to its honest, open, authoritative review of the representative process on which our democracy is based. Contents also makes obvious the reality that we retain the same "people power" Founders left to us...if we will but use it properly and often and with determination.

Henry Ruark July 21, 2009 3:41 pm (Pacific time)

Keith et al: Specifically, you wrote: "Obama said he is not familiar with content of the HEALTHCARE BILL (CNN, FOX, MSNBC all reported him saying this), and it appears none of our congressmen have read it." Happens I viewed/istened to each of the programs you chose with slightly different understanding of President Obama's clear language. He stated he was quite clear on the major points and the differing approaches but not the exact, precise language. For me it was an honest open statement of what exists in those circumstances, and NOT merely way to avoid further queries. In other situations where queries were made on this specific issue, he has been not only open, detailed and extremely frank but has also demonstrated precisely what he seeks, how it must work, and what he asks Congress to do NOW. Çonsensus of national report agrees on what he has shown is at stake; and on concerted political-interest attack now meant to subvert, submerge and seduce whatever else he may seek to get done. SO, again I say, let your voice be heard, for the good of the nation and the lost ones now needing our courage and cooperative care --surely American virtue demonstrated ever since we learned how in the Great Depression, the New Deal and other trying times. The democracy we all must serve and quite possibly may save is YOURS to shape, with unavoidable consequences for your life and those you love. Wit,wisdom, will of American people has permeated politics before when perpetrators joined for malign attack on our true values and attitudes and beliefs. Will it do so again ? I do believe it CAN...

Henry Ruark July 21, 2009 3:33 pm (Pacific time)

Keith et al: Specifically, you wrote: "Obama said he is not familiar with content of the HEALTHCARE BILL (CNN, FOX, MSNBC all reported him saying this), and it appears none of our congressmen have read it." Happens I viewed/istened to each of the programs you chose with slightly different understanding of President Obama's clear language. He stated he was quite clear on the major points and the differing approaches but not the exact, precise language. For me it was honest statement of what exists in those circumstances, and NOT merely way to avoid further queries. In other situations where queries were made on this specific issue, he has been not only open, detailed and extremely frank but has also demonstrated precisely what he seeks, how it must work, and what he asks Congress to do NOW. Çonsensus of national report agrees on what he has shown is at stake; and on concerted political-interest attack now meant to subvert, submerge and seduce whatever else he may seek to get done. SO, again I say, let your voice be heard, for the good of the nation and the lost ones now needing our courage and cooperative care --surely an American virtue demonstrate ever since we learned how in the Great Depression, the New Deal and other trying times.

Henry Ruark July 21, 2009 3:22 pm (Pacific time)

Keith et al: All parts of the bill you ask about have only been available for a few days in readable format. I'll guarantee they-there are now very busily reading every damned page-and-phrase via motivation from some million inquiries and petition copies and phone calls and all else...! You really have to have "been there" to see designated attention as for this issue ! My NDEA-added 20pp. went to Morse on Sat. p.m.,was in bill Monday 9 a.m. for hearing, was READ OUT LOUD at that hearing to all...and vote on bill came within days. (I was present at each of these situations.) Besides, each assigned committee member, on several House and Senate ones, has ALREADY sat through hours of hearings and had piles, literally feet- deep, of materials from staff. Again, "been there, done that" so no guff, flat fact. Believe me they are paying attention, knowing their own survival at home depends in depth on that patient quality now applied. That's what D-I-Y diligence by citizens can produce whe wisely applied. It can even win attention from lobbyists, given enough heat properly applied to end attention demanded by former colleague now holding that big bag of "contributions". Each member knows he/she MUST return to HOME VOTER to survive, sooner or later. It is 'old-hat" propaganda ploy to charge "Nobody has read this one !", inevitably heard from Right-side these days,part of concerted attack to create 'Waterloo", per GOP public statement. SO make your voice heard for YOUR CHOICE --but make damned sure it is best for the nation and for those who desperately need help NOW. Given current world economic crisis-situation, who knows who will be next, on that line of those without healthcare, when wife, children and self depend on our "richest nation in the world"...

Henry Ruark July 21, 2009 12:00 pm (Pacific time)

To all: "Reading the bill" gives you only small part of what built it into language-used. IF one does not sit in on hearings, discussion, dialog and decision process generally as reporters often do at least in large part, one does not really gain from simple exposure to legislative language without that background. That's WHY sensible solid professional reporting is so essential: A role long played by daily papers, now taken over by short-shot tv-news few words written in a I know from personal experience and long careers "in the media" by four sons, two still very active. SO see whatever is published and read-well; but do not ever confuse that with total experience legislators must and do put in to produce that finished product, far better than most are able to learn simply by reading partial reports we get to see.

Henry Ruark July 21, 2009 11:32 am (Pacific time)

Keith et al: Re medschool qualifications, Latin was required for h.s. graduation in Maine when I made it through...had great teacher, learned much that did help when I went pro-writer soon after graduation. Times do change;we need many more at lower levels of skill, knowledge,thus lower beginning levels. Preventive meds works fine with nurses, now badly needed level for emphasis we have neglected. Makes common sense, don't you agree ?? That also lowers costs and compensation levels when available for solid service. That is WHY it is in bills, in one form or another; with digitalization of meds records for same reason...the world doth change, friend Keith !!

Keith July 21, 2009 11:10 am (Pacific time)

I'm here with a couple of other people sipping green tea and channel surfing the cable news channels. We have come up with a question if any of you other posters would like to respond to. If, as reported, Obama said he is not familiar with content of the HEALTHCARE BILL (CNN, FOX, MSNBC all reported him saying this), and it appears none of our congressmen have read it, so who is writing this bill? I realize much is delegated to staff legal begals, but is congress writing this bill or are whitehouse operatives writing it? And what are their names so we can background check them? Like as in cap and trade, should we follow the money? We voted our legislature in to work for us and prepare the bills to be voted on, just seems that if they are not involved, should we ask for an explanation from them why they are not doing the people's business as per the Constitution?

Henry Ruark July 21, 2009 11:00 am (Pacific time)

Keith et al: Question of what should be required as standards in med school is highly complex. What gives YOU competence in making such statements ? Happens I have worked professionally on doing so,not for med-schools but for education majors, so speak from experience. What's yours? Without some, or special qualification, yours remains meaningless b-button/feeling. Naturally legislators should read the bill; and they DO, as those covering legislatures can testify. YOU ever been there, done that ? This is tattered old charge always trotted out about this time in any solid review of reality --used today by GOP chairman, with no justification or proof, and old ploy from Bill Kristol who beats the drum for any attack on Obama possible by any means, with no reason except he won the election Nov. 4 We first heard it way back in '50s, when we won battle for first federal funding of math, science, flang. consultants and learning media in every state: N.D.E.A. --worth more than NINE MILLION Dollars in Oregon in decade. Re polls, if one is to use them for momentary meaning, here's solid source to check the past history of proven reliable one: -tracker.htm?csp=DailyBriefing Fact is fact; reality is reality. Rational, reasonable people have been working for reform of healthcare ever since 1912, while every other civilized nation put it into practice. WHEN will we EVER LEARN ? Pursuit of profit is deadly means to decide ANY public policy. That's major reason we've had wasting wars... WHY should it be allowed to overwhelm wit, wisdom and the declared will of our people ? Can ANYone explain where the billions spent in desperate defense of that single silly criterion now so highly evident doth cometh from ?? There remains ONLY ONE level and place - corporate profit now lavished via lobbyists and "contributions", subtly but surely delivered to far too many who sacrifice not only integrity but our sacred trust conferred by confident vote. Democracy has always been and remains D-I-Y. SO let YOUR voice be heard, whatever YOUR views may be. TELL 'EM what YOU WANT; and cogitate a bit first...

Keith July 21, 2009 9:50 am (Pacific time)

I sure see no problem with asking your congressmen if they will read any bill before they vote on it. What are they there for anyway? I have been reading parts of the current healthcare bill and have found many things that disturb me, such as requiring medical schools to essentially lower standards for some of their applicants. Pretty confident that the majority of those in congress who will vote on this bill will not respond publically that they read the whole thing. This just so wrong.

Henry Ruark July 21, 2009 8:15 am (Pacific time)

To all: Yet to see here or any other place on Internet any dialog or discussion OR explanation of overwhelming total into billions spent to defeat ANY healthcare change. Those hugely-piled dollars MUST come from SOMEwhere, with only rational source from the "profits" of the exploitative parts of healthcare industry, surely involving the insurance setup we now suffer from so remorselessly. WHEN that explanation is forthcoming, then --and only then !!-- can we expect to see any reasonable changes in what is on public record for decades, here and internationally, as unsustainable ongoing costs we must conquer --OR people will REALLT die without healthcare due them as simple human right, so recognized internationally. Is THAT what we want, in the 21s5 Century, in "the richest country in the world" ??

Henry Ruark July 20, 2009 7:46 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Note no source nor further documentation given by those offering only personal statement, with no ID for us to know any basis to trust them OR what they say. That's further proof of same old propaganda mill, grinding hard via billions fueling it, to confuse, distort, pervert facts given freely, flatly, with solid numbers, documented by actual action underway now in Congress. WHO is Carmichael ? Any special expertise, graduate study, professional experience or other background ? Working experience re fiscal/financial or health management ? I note nothing making his words worth more than those of nearly every involved professional group, of qualified Congress and other political leaders, of large consensus of professional writers in healthcare. IF qualified, where's HIS chosen plan ? WHO set it up, if he did NOT ? WHAT's comparison on all benefits AND on costs ? IF he's so involved, interested and informed, those should be easily summarized and identified and shared here, as "see with own eyes" links for "evaluation with own mind", per our usual Op Ed documentation. You wish to buy a pig in a poke, pays to check out size of ham you think you are getting; and if still alive with teeth involved -- before you pays your dough, esp. if your kid's next deathly emergency may depend on it, as has hit two out of my five, my wife, and myself...

Carmichael July 20, 2009 1:23 pm (Pacific time)

Here's a rational idea about national healthcare, go call your elected federal officals and ask them to make a public statement that they will read the entire healthcare bill before they vote on it, and if it passes, they will join the government insurance program they want everyone else to be on. At the very least these people who work for "us" should promise that they will pursue due dilligence and read what they vote on. My feeling is that the way Obama's numbers are dropping and their delay of releasing the budget numbers in mid July until late August is because the American voter is getting a handle on what's going on with the economy and will insist that they cease the high government (out of control) spending. Here is the latest poll on Obama (numbers dropping fast): Overall, 50% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President's performance. Forty-nine percent (49%) disapprove. The President earns approval from 41% of white voters, 97% of black voters, and 58% of all other voters. /click on daily presidential poll/

Henry Ruark July 20, 2009 1:00 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Have you ever heard of a single nation using universal healthcare that has ever abandoned that system, to return to "market-place" decision -- I.E. decision driven by profit motives ? Oppponents always charge huge holes in every such other system --but never once do any of them ever cite a single system-reversed by citizens intimately involved ? Do you really believe there is a worldwide conspiracy to so protect wise decision to go universal that it can never, ever be reversed ? If you do, I have some prime seaside real estate in Arizona you can obtain real cheal --use the huge savings to buy more commercial healthcare.

Henry Ruark July 20, 2009 10:55 am (Pacific time)

To all: Please note Pres. Obama's healthcare report today precisely echoes ours here stating that "defy, deny, delay and defeat" technique was attack-mode from all of those billions-in-profits sources opposing action now. Please also note that there are reports on the Internet of advertisers threatening to cut or withdraw their very heavy expenditures for general and specific healthcare purposes. What more proof do YOU still need that malign forces now desperate to continue decades of deceit and despoilation are hard at work while they think there is still any "hope" for them ? "They" care absolutely nothing that in the process destroy the best hope this nation has ever had to put a period to that era of media distortion/perversion in this nation. Both the Four-D Rule and the dollars-slashed/pain were big parts of what we learned long ago in Indiana U pioneering course on propaganda analysis, taught by the four 'gentlemen from Virginia" never otherwise ID'd. BOTH 4-D Rule and "know your source" have proven very high potential in decades since, not only for me but across the entire span of communication study, research and media history, sometimes reflected here from painful prior experience. WHEN will we EVER LEARN ?? Fortunately, some ARE, now, as proven by Nov. 4 VOTE --if we have the wit, wisdom and will to back it up properly and with personal actions NOW.

Henry Ruark July 20, 2009 9:11 am (Pacific time)

To all: Rapid developments in "news" headlines today prove up without question continued billions-spent from profits over past decades to defy, deny, delay. If we allow it, continued defeat may continue to distort American lifestyle and our destiny in the 21st Century. The rich will get richer while the rest get sicker and see "equal opportunity" again disappear despite decades of promise and possibilities. FROM WHENCE cometh all those BILLIONS ?? !! Need you still ask, after disastrous healthcare cost- rises every year for decades ? Re "transparency, further debate", "universal" has been under probing, thorough test and examination ever since 1912 ! Every other "civilized" nation already has it, forging ahead of us for workers and middle classes. Honest, open, continued "Public Opinion" still can rule in any open democracy, even one tattered, torn and distorted --but not yet totally broken--by malign totalitarian forces seeking dissolution by desperate means multiplied by dollar tools... As in corporate campaign contributions piled on very persuasively in this first of epic struggles just arriving. Distorted/perverted stories in the mainstream media, both print and broadcast, reflect the interests of ownership, very clearly so shaped by huge continuing advertising and stock-sharing motivations. "NOT at Decide is to DECIDE" is famed communications rule for action on inclusion or not of information shaping any story. Apply it here to YOUR OWN interests and ACTION to preserve YOUR OWN OPTIONS on healthcare. OR "assume the posture" for "moreofthesame", despite all experience ever since 1912.

Henry Ruark July 19, 2009 8:48 am (Pacific time)

To al: Flat-facts so wellknown they appear in Letter to Editor signed with real name by real lady, in Oregon's awardwinning daily REGISTER-GUARD here: 1. CEO of United Health care was removed after stock option scandal, given ONE BILLION as "golden parachute. 2. He was paid $124 million one year earlier. 3. U.S. "ranks last" among industrialized nations for "preventing deaths by effective use of healthcare, states Commonwealth Fund. 4. France, Germany, Canada, Australia, Holland, United Kingdom, Canada and Japan healthcare cost are about half what we pay in the U.S. ALL have higher life expectancy than we do. 5. Cuba spends 10% of what we do, with life expectancy about the same. SO, in public forum where people must sign and be ID'd, fact reigns precisely as Op Ed states...while we wonder where the public rage is and what we need to do about healthcare --on plan proposed first in 1912 by Theodore Roosevelt !!

Henry Ruark July 18, 2009 5:12 pm (Pacific time)

Carmichael: Au contraire, sir ! There's plenty of evidence re how far we are behind other nations with universal healthcare. We rank around 38th on longevity; similarly low on baby deaths. Numbers from recall, but will furnish links when you ID self in full with working phone to Editor. Previous Op Eds, available via Staff "Written by.." line does cite them in detail as I recall; also cite recognized national sources re billions allocated and being spent to protect current system from absolutely demanded reforms. Yours is simply uninformed on complexities involved; but factually is erroneous on how we stand internationally. What you state here is direct reflection of those now determined to deny wit, wisdom and will of American people, well expressed in national reliable sources, delay and if possible defeat ANY action to move from highly profitable laissez-faire. IF otherwise, how do you explain billions reported as spent on propaganda and to influence key Congress persons via "corporate campaign contributions" ? OR do you also deny that is and has been happening all along, and was main weapon to kill off similar effort in the Clinton administration ? IF monstrous profits NOT at stake, WHY in h... are "they" spending billions ? AND since they are on record re spending thus, how explain source of funds known-spent ? Do you think they now have private recipe for growing dollars via pharmaceutical means ? If spent-dollars NOT thus obtained, FROM WHERE ? Do you wish to contend they are borrowed from banks and private sources ? If NOT, what conceivable source remains except from corporate "Profits" --conscionable or NOT so conscionable ?? BTW, what's YOUR healthcare status ? Do you require daily meds to avoid extreme consequences ? Many of 50 MILLION without healthcare now, due to system failures, DO so demand daily meds --OR ELSE ! Are YOU prepared to pay your additional share of ambulance, hospital and death costs when this unavoidable consequence begins to hit home ?? AND to support families, children and others dependent now on workers denied care and about to suffer undeniable and unavoidable consequences ? If so, speak up for the record so we can forward your ID to proper action sources readying volunteers for that situation.

Carmichael July 18, 2009 8:18 am (Pacific time)

I have yet to hear anyone provide any real evidence that Obama's healthcare bill, in any form so far reported, will actually improve the present U.S. health care situation. There is plenty of evidence that no national healthcare program is actually better that even our flawed system. Why they are trying to push this through so rapidly, like the Stimulus bill, just demonstrates that they have no idea what they are doing. My theory about the Stimulus Bill is that it was not created to stimulate the economy at all, no "real" evidence that it's working, but to fund political supporters. The healthcare bill will be best served if it is fully transparent so more input and debate can fine tune the process, but don't count on that happening. It is a power grab, and we will never be the America we are suppose to be if it passes in it's current form as reported in my opinion.

Henry Ruark July 17, 2009 3:57 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Seek out President Obama's courageous, honest, open and absolutely precise statement re what's now happenint to key elements of healthcare. Sabotage and seduction at high cost in corporate campaign contributions are right on the line for those who now dare to oppose what we all know we absolutely need and 50 MILLION MUST soon have --or else. The cancerous growth of corporate influence goes even deeper and more desperately affects our true interests than ever before exhibited, clearly and obviously on this one --see preceding Op Eds. If you want "more of the same" supplied in last 40 years, simply assume the posture and await the painful thrusts...a'coming soon for those too blind to see what's right before their eyes. Might also prepare selves for what will then eventuate, rapidly and with revolutionary fervor, in more ways than one can survey-and-report now. VOTE last recorded shows clearly where we must go (FYI Obama won by large margin and strong mandate), and one of first steps is to rescind and reverse the Bush tax-slashes, which alone, without the wasting wars, have cost U.S. revenues of well over $780 billions-and-still counting. Hudget office DOES NOT take into account what has been done in the past, nor what will happen with tax reform on the way to completely reform that pillage package which cost the middle class (80 percent of us) so much. Only by special request does it examine and report on specific pending legislation and it does not take into account other legislation not yet officially involved. Per all factual statements here full documentation for every fact on request with full ID and working phone to Editor.

katinamerica July 17, 2009 7:37 am (Pacific time)

Look at the State that The State of Oregon is in...Give me a break...Democrat, liberals have ruined this lovely place!

Blue Dog July 16, 2009 1:03 pm (Pacific time)

Centrist Dem Leader: Has Committee Votes To Block Health Bill: U.S. Rep. Mike Ross, D-Ark., a leader of fiscally conservative House Democrats, said Wednesday a House plan to overhaul the U.S. health-care system is losing support and will be stuck in committee without changes. "Last time I checked, it takes seven Democrats to stop a bill in the Energy and Commerce Committee," Ross told reporters after a House vote. "We had seven against it last Friday; we have 10 today."

Henry Clay Ruark July 16, 2009 10:44 am (Pacific time)

To all: Here's early "see with own eyes" re healthcare reform bill now emerging in Congress: July 16, 2009 Editorial A Strong Health Reform Bill While the Senate continues to struggle over its approach to health care reform, House Democratic leaders have unveiled a bill that would go a long way toward solving the nation’s health insurance problems without driving up the deficit. It is already drawing fierce opposition from business groups and many Republicans. This is a bill worth fighting for. The bill would require virtually all Americans to carry health insurance or pay a penalty. And it would require all but the smallest businesses to provide health insurance for their workers or pay a substantial fee. It would also expand Medicaid to cover many more poor people, and it would create new exchanges through which millions of middle-class Americans could buy health insurance with the help of government subsidies. The result would be near-universal coverage at a surprisingly manageable cost to the federal government. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that by 2015, 97 percent of all residents, excluding illegal immigrants, would have health insurance. The price tag for this near-universal coverage was pegged by the budget office at just more than $1 trillion over 10 years — at the low-end of the estimates we’ve heard in recent weeks. ------------------ Given billions spent already with more looming to kill off any real reform, expect very negative further data rapidly. NOW is the time for intense continuing public opinion via YOUR action to communicate with our elected Congress, confirming Op Eds re D-I-Y now on record here. How ELSE to offset those billions being spent by the private-gain entrepreneurs who stand to make more billions via access to those 50 MILLION new customers sure to become still more vulnerable via the failure of reform ??

Steve July 16, 2009 8:10 am (Pacific time)

Ironically, as we're moving toward having our government completely control health care, countries with government-run health care are moving in the opposite direction. Almost every European country, including Canada, has introduced market reforms to reduce health costs and increase the availability and quality of care.

Henry Ruark July 15, 2009 3:41 pm (Pacific time)

"Anon": Proof of the pudding is in the eating, why not serve us up something beyond your personal speculation --like historical reference and "see with own eyes" link to authoritative publications, as used in preparation of this Op Ed ?? "Elite world control" has been mythic retreat for far too many for 'way too long. Extensive cognitive research indicates that myth is surely one component of generalized denial, reflecting inability to accept realities. In one form or another, it has driven most "revolutions", some with real partial causes as in 1776. But historical flat-fact is we have "experiment in democracy" Founder-invented system we have allowed to be distorted/perverted, by many complex actions over far too long timeline, ever since. What's occurred comes about by general apathy, caused by involvements driven by many motivations and events. That's inescapable well- supported conclusion from ongoing search of recognized sources, as reported. Cite yours and their stated conclusions-otherwise, and we can continue "exploration" as initiated by Founders. Democracy remains a do-it- yourself domain demanding constant care, considerable intelligent understandings, and very close supervision of those we elect as our powerful shapers/doers and suppliers of what must be found somehow for all, in the 21st Century. "Elite takeover" is only a partial answer even if given fully-claimed impacts, since huge, complex, rapid-growth fundamental development since Colonial days surely doth not allow for single-cause, itself surely subject to massive changes over allathat time.

Anonymous July 15, 2009 11:36 am (Pacific time)

I sure wish things were as simple as what is in this article. Good writing to the editor, and much truth, but things are much bigger. Until people understand that there is an elite group of people who have been around for centuries that run the western world, all other opinions, in my opinion, are rhetoric.

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