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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Jun-01-2009 12:06)

Capitalism Doesn’t Work. Period

The failure of the auto industry which went from king-of-the-hill in 1959 to bankruptcy in 2009 can be laid at one doorstep — auto industry management.

(CALGARY, Alberta) - Capitalism as a group of people working face to face to meet economic and material goals works. It’s part of human nature.

But Capitalism as a cultural phenomenon can’t work because people become “assets” and profit becomes the overriding goal—overcoming the standard virtues like honesty, integrity, morality and so forth.

Read Full Article (May-27-2009 06:59)

Op Ed: Healthcare Professionals Demand Remedy For `Broken System`
Doctors, Surgeons, Specialists & Nurses Agree

Reversing their long publicly-perceived record for century-long stubborn resistance, American healthcare professionals NOW, in overwhelming numbers, clearly demand --and are working to achieve-- a new pattern of providing health care to every person in this nation.

(EUGENE, Ore.) - California Nurses Association National organizations representing every part and facet of the entire professional spectrum serving our nation have made that demand crystal-clear --NOW.

They are NOW strongly working to bring about widespread change to guarantee every American can -- and WILL NOW-- receive high quality healthcare.

Read Full Article (May-20-2009 07:32)

Op Ed: Half of American
Families Facing Real
Healthcare Hurts

Even “Richies” Feeling Painful Pinch On Med-Matters.

(EUGENE, Ore.) - New studies reported from widespread authoritative sources show that more than half of American families, some now comparatively among our “richies”, already are suffering from rapidly rising healthcare costs.

A recent poll found 57% saying that the economy has affected their ability to take care of their health. ONE-THIRD of those surveyed, with income at $75,000-and-up, admitted they, too, were “feeling squeezed”.

Read Full Article (May-18-2009 08:10)

Stockholm Religion

We are a culture in deep denial, and I’m not talking about global warming.

(CALGARY, Alberta) - Stockholm Religion In 2002 16-year old Bethany Hughes of Calgary was diagnosed with leukemia, which doctors said could only be treated with blood transfusions and chemotherapy.

The Hughes’ were devout Jehovah’s Witnesses who did not believe in blood transfusions and, because of her own, parentally inculcated, devout beliefs, Bethany did everything she could, even in her weakened state, to resist treatment, including pulling tubes out of her arms.

Read Full Article (May-18-2009 08:09)

Op Ed: Capitalism, Driven
By Profit Motive,
Threatens Healthcare

Top-Dollar Drive Definitely Damages Human Necessities.

(EUGENE, Ore.) - Dollar Sign One thing we know for sure re the capitalistic “market-miracle system” is that profit-pursuit drives policy and performance, with little regard for anything else --including human necessities. With costs considered as essential unavoidable negative consequence for any-and-all corporate decisions, do you really believe private-profit performance, pitted against any possible gain for patients --poor or otherwise-- will have any weight against dollar-balances?

With healthcare --or lack of it-- definitely shaping and very often determining essential ability to workand- earn, that heavy burden all too often forces reliance on the last resort --the “emergency room” --in too many hospitals.

Read Full Article (May-01-2009 07:29)

Op Ed: ONE HUNDRED Days, Again:
Courage, Cooperation
Builds National Consensus

Obama Seizes Situations, Earns Strong Citizen Support.

(EUGENE, Ore.) - Barack Obama President Obama has already earned the confidence and trust of the American people by his proven courage, concentration on the economy and on cooperation to build absolutely essential consensus.

He is courageously tackling head-on those multiple “overwhelming situations” left behind by a fleeing former White House Occupant --awaiting further word from Spain.

Read Full Article (Apr-26-2009 00:31)

Op Ed: IMF Sees Deepening
Worldwide Depression,
Multiplies Keynes-Impacts

Fundamental Stimulus Demanded from All Nations.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Financial Crisis When relentlessly changing whole-world economic conditions rapidly undermine unstable demand-levels in every economy, SOMEthing MUST be DONE SomeHOW.

In the Great Depression, with even worse worldwide conditions now again shadowing the entire complex global economy as the IMF reported today, it took the Great War to create overwhelming output levels --created primarily in the United States-- to restore “normality”.

Read Full Article (Apr-23-2009 19:06)

Op Ed: UNinformed, MISinformed
Internet Responses Now
Distorting Public Opinion

Essential First-Step Neglected Brings Abuse Of Channels.

(EUGENE, Ore.) - Bad comment “First find out the facts, then figure out what they really mean”. That’s long been the paramount controlling, shaping and most significant step for millions of Americans who respond to the world-famed American“right of free speech”.

Public opinion -- most powerful operational component for democratic consensus on policy and performance for the commonweal-- depends on honest, accurate citizen understanding of realities.

Read Full Article (Apr-20-2009 07:23)

Letter to the Editor Supports Single Payer Healthcare Reform

"The development and implementation of a national single payer healthcare system will also promote job growth by removing the cost of healthcare burden from businesses."

(CANBY, Ore.) - Healthcare reform We feel compelled to write concerning national single payer healthcare reform. The current model of healthcare in this country is expensive, ineffective and clearly not working.

Read Full Article (Apr-07-2009 08:34)

Conservative Dilemma 2

The story so far…

(CALGARY, Alberta) - Adam Smith The conclusion from Part 1, for those who understood the argument and did not get sidetracked with the emotion of ideology, is: Conservatism is an opinion, based on assumptions. For liberalism it is the same.

Read Full Article
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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
