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May-01-2009 07:29printcomments

Op Ed: ONE HUNDRED Days, Again:
Courage, Cooperation
Builds National Consensus

Obama Seizes Situations, Earns Strong Citizen Support.

Barack Obama
White House Photo, 4/24/09, Chuck Kennedy

(EUGENE, Ore.) - President Obama has already earned the confidence and trust of the American people by his proven courage, concentration on the economy and on cooperation to build absolutely essential consensus.

He is courageously tackling head-on those multiple “overwhelming situations” left behind by a fleeing former White House Occupant --awaiting further word from Spain.

Here’s both the WHY and the HOW of the new President’s first 100 days.

You can easily find the fine, strong, growing record of accomplishments so far in other reports. When did any previous President seize a truly “threatening situation” situation so firmly in rebuilding one major component of our American bedrock industry - the American auto industry?

He even had to invoke Fiat, a foreign firm, now seen as surely essential to return efficient manufacture to the U.S., for the rescue of an historic, job-making American originator of the industry.

President Obama put honest, open priority on what is best for the business stakeholders, the partnership worker-unions, AND the commonweal in his Thursday special press conference.

The entire story was nationally broadcast for all “to see with own eyes” (AND, naturally, “evaluate with own mind, too!”)

Very properly, he denounced by detail those few lush-profit/seekers paralyzed by their own private interests in known-perilous hedge-funds --while all others involved “gave back until it hurt.”

What more American remediating/rescue/rebuilding effort must one see-and-hear in full, open detail? How more confident, confiding, comforting and consensus-building could he be?

Face-the-nation open, honest dialog denoting the demanded Fiat-Chrysler legal-process proceedings surely now should provide full proof --even for determined political-principle dissidents-- not only of his abilities but his fiery, soon-to-be-famous determination to build a truly action-Presidency in the interests of ALL the American people.

His fully-transparent “tell it like it really is” tone, this time with fully-detailed information for a public eager to hear-directly AND understand, sets a standard for all future public servant leaders to match. (“See with own eyes” shows all who did so that he spoke completely off-the-cuff, without T-Prompter.

The only parallel is FDR’s “fireside chats”. But this was an open Press Conference, considerably tougher.) President Obama, one day after his first-100, was explaining the unavoidable necessity for an historic bankruptcy to make it possible to build historic industry leader Chrysler anew, despite destructive past situations forcing the company into crisis now.

Even in that difficult situation, he made clear and entirely understandable why a foreign firm is NOW an essential working component to accomplish a unique demanded forward step in American remediation of this “tipping point for a whole U.S. industry.”

That’s part of overall world fiscal/financial events forced by U.S. dereliction through desperate, dangerous “deregulation” of our own shaky, insensitive, greed-driven and extremely selfish fiscal/financial “entrepreneurs.” (Read dollar-snatching pirates profiting from the unprecedented properties of this once-a century situation.)

Next-step, sure to come, is to list fully, openly and for all to see, “comprehend, and compensate-by-action” the full details of each hedge-fund operation refusing the cooperative, consensus-building steps the President and his team were able to create. We owe them our full thanks, expressed in typical fashion by the full weight and determination of the American people via their own wit, wisdom and will.

That’s one well-deserved consequence-to-come from the courageous, open-statement by this just-beginning President --and it exemplifies for all his ongoing attitude and highly competent concentration on the real shaping responsibilities of the American Presidency. But there are far more already on record, too, for those who will set aside previous impatient demands that he “walk on water” within the first weeks, first term.

Some few continue to demand that he rapidly and immediately push every possible “Emergency Button”; provide ever more potent pattern-and-program progress --even if imperfect because rushed and therefore rash; and meanwhile satisfy every possible--even if improbable-- insistence on “how we see it.”

American government is --as, indeed, President Obama has stated-- precisely positioned like a massive ocean liner, built that way to preserve and protect its high presence on any otherwise-overwhelming wave. This ship of state may be ponderous, slow to shift direction, hard to turn even a few degrees in heading; But it has survived every storm --and will do so again, to bring its passengers safely to sunlit shores for further opportunity meant for ALL.

President Obama is in unique position to know and appreciate precisely what that can mean in any truly American life.

That truly American concept is now is in process of further proof by his accomplishments when opportunity arrived. with “overwhelming situations” still arriving. The prescient providers of our Constitution, the Founders famed for what they gave the world, knew the rough seas of governance from their own navigational experiences.

That’s why they worked as-they-did, via patience and proven process of ethical dialog, to bring the best thinking of historic philosophers into close relation and win consensus with the realities they faced then. They knew --and presciently provided for us-- the major means and mechanisms to protect, preserve and project that American way of life: Opportunity for all; assistance by government for those crucially needing it, as required, at all levels; and honest, open consensus reached democratically; to guide cooperation and wise action --always in the interests of the commonweal.

How well he has succeeded is only in the beginnings of basic proof-by-accomplishment; but already the wit, wisdom and will of the many millions now facing furious “new developments” --and “new and unique life-and-fortune difficulties”-- is on the public record.

Rising poll results, from authoritative sources, show clear and strong results reflecting widespread, well expressed understanding and appreciation for his attitude, concentration and continued wise efforts. Despite desperate effort by the now-disintegrating, dispirited and depressed minority, driven by their self imposed, deeply-embedded disinheritance from American values for many reasons --some seemingly “natural”, some surely psychological, some simply malign-- the many millions who gave this President his operational mandate have a multiplicity of reasons to be grateful for this first One Hundred Days.

That is WHY every thinking American, surveying this early scene, should have no problem in joining progress this nation is now set-to-make --by supporting with loyalty and personal action what is now clearly --and again very cleanly --underway by already-demonstrated courageous Presidential action.

That in no way precludes continuing probing, potent surveillance, and its resulting properly-Constituted dissent --always a democratic right, and surely the height of our chosen American Way.

Remember FDR. in similar situation: “Now make me do it!”. That way stresses not only demand-for consensus but the heart of American public opinion. Given the current particularly painful Un-informed and Mis-informed status of far too many Un-responsible Americans still avoiding full immersion in dialog to shape and supply ethical consensus rationally reached, can we hope for anything more until we correct that weakness damaging, potentially even destroying, our democracy?


Reader’s Note:
Quotes unattributed, shortened, summarized, and/or excerpted for space reasons; verbatim list on request to Editor with complete ID. For this “informed opinion” more than 40 sources were consulted, including 32 Internet 100-Day reports from national and international sources, collected within the past 24 hours. Full source list and links available on request to Editor with complete ID, as LMA report.


Reader’s Note:
See the Associated Press report for IMF summary of the current economic crisis: “Global recession deepest since Great Depression, IMF declares.” at registerguard.com. More than 40 sources, in standard reference books, current magazines, writer’s working files, and via the Internet, were utilized for “the facts converted into knowledge, shaping this ‘informed opinion’ for your convenience”. Full documentation available as LMA report, via complete ID and phone to Editor.


At 21, Henry Clay Ruark was Aroostook Editor for the Bango, Maine DAILY NEWS, covering upper 1/4 of the state. In the ‘40s, he was Staff Correspondent, then New England Wires Editor at United Press-Boston; later Editor for the Burlington, Vermont 3-daily group owned by Wm. Loeb, later notorious at Manchester, New Hampshire UNION LEADER for attacks on Democratic Presidential candidates.

Hank returned to Oregon to complete M. Ed degree at OSU, went on to Indiana University for Ed.D. (abd) and special other course-work; was selected as first Information Director for NAVA in Washington, D.C.; helped write sections of NDEA, first Act to supply math, science, foreign language consultants to state depts. of education; joined Oregon Dept. of Education as NDEA administrator/Learning Media Consultant for tenyears.

He joined Dr. Amo DeBernardis at PCC, helping establish, extend programs, facilities, Oregon/national public relations; moved to Chicago as Editor/Publisher of oldest educational-AV journal, reformed as AV GUIDE Magazine; then established and operated Learning Media Associates as general communications consultant group. Due to wife’s illness, he returned to Oregon in 1981, semi-retired, and has continued writing intermittently ever since, joining S-N in 2004. His Op Eds now total over 560 written since then.

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Henry Ruark May 5, 2009 7:01 pm (Pacific time)

Friend Steve M: Your numbers distorted by lush high incomes for W.St., others then. Their share thus so much larger, taxes higher, the comparative share of other segments shows artificial drop from "normal",also distorted. NOW with consequences of the fiscal/financial disaster caused by that "irrational exuberance", inequalities in income levels are larger and growing, while worker wage levels have been stagnating for some decades. For longterm consequences, see "Plenty of Nothing";Thomas Palley;Princeton,1998;ISBN 0-691-04847-9;and "Bad Money";Kevin Phillips;Penguin 2009;ISBN 978-0-14311480-2. Bill Moyers: "If you only read one book...on this financial meltdown...read this one." The two give you the reality of U.S. economy since the'60s.

Henry Ruark May 5, 2009 3:51 pm (Pacific time)

Friend Steve: Did NOT state my Maine fullblood Indian friend checked back 20 generations, only that anyone suspicious of others might well do so for self and family first... Sorry if unclear, but fact is we all derived from same basic start, with same high probability for "equality", however we choose to define that slippery characteristic. OR the initiating force... My Irish immigrant ancestors fled Brit-attack, arrived in early Md. for shipyard work; can I guarantee "purity" from then on ? Hardly...can you ? One might even have married a Republican... !! In 21st Century, becomes far less relevant every day in every way vs major manifold, massive, manipulated, much more meaningful issues than myth of "racial superiority", or "political principle". People are people wherever found; feel same way, bleed same way, hurt same way; some think differently no matter what race, tribe, group or gang; which is why world has moved ahead so fast, so often, in such fully confusing ways for some. Cultures build some singular characteristics, but all move mostly from cooperation and coordination of common sense, rather than by competition and chaotic confusion generally resulting from that approach.

Henry Ruark May 5, 2009 10:57 am (Pacific time)

For those needing the full impact of truly authoritative definition to clarify current political understandings, here is one from major source well recognized internationally: Oxford Press Encyclopedia of Political Thought “Libertarian” Definition “Individuals are free to pursue their own interests unqualified by any conception of public interest or public duty. “The individual is the best and only judge of his or her own interests, and government and law should do no more than provide a minimal framework of order in which these interests can be pursued.” ------------------ For latest reliable study of where millions of Americans really stand, here's "see with own eyes" from The AMERICAN PROSPECT: www.prospect.org Progressivism Goes Mainstream: New research on ideology refutes the conservative myth that America is a "center right" nation. Issue is May 2009;Pp.26-28 ------------------ No matter where one stands personally, politically, this two-part solid study provides cogitational concentration for all serious readers, with full graphic interpretation, too. (Read-time under ten minutes.)

Steve Moylett May 5, 2009 8:21 am (Pacific time)

I am currently doing a family background check using different databases. I have gone back 17 generations, though not real confident about the last 3 generations. The poster who mentioned how a native American documented 20 generations (Henry Ruark) is very interesting. Do you know how this was done. Thank you.

Henry Ruark May 4, 2009 10:14 am (Pacific time)

 "Few are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of the colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world that yields most painfully to change. Each time a person stands up for an idea, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, (s)he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance." --  Robert F. Kennedy
Surely continued rationality, reasonableness, responsibility and accountability for open, public statement must help to achieve such a standard.

Scott May 4, 2009 10:19 am (Pacific time)

Say, has anyone seen the factual numbers in support of President Obama's statement that he has "saved or created 150K jobs?". Oh, I believe it was an estimate from some economic staffers, based on projections done before the stimulus bill was even passed. the numbers aren't reality-based.

Steve Moylett May 4, 2009 10:05 am (Pacific time)

I just ran across some info from the Congressional Budget Office that surprised me about who pays the taxes. Maybe we should make sure small businesses have some kind of waiver before we start setting new tax policies? "According to a report issued by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the tax cuts significantly increased the share of federal income taxes paid by the highest-earning 20 percent of households compared to their levels in 2000, President Clinton’s final year in office. In 2006, the latest available year from CBO, the top 20 percent of income earners paid 86.3 percent of all federal income taxes, an all-time high.[1] This is an increase of over 6 percent from 2000, when the top 20 percent paid 81.2 percent. During the same period, the bottom four quintiles all saw their share of the federal income tax burden fall sharply: The bottom 20 percent of income earners' share of federal income taxes fell from –1.6 percent in 2000 to –2.8 percent in 2006; The next 20 percent's share declined from 1.1 percent to –0.8 percent; The middle quintile's share dropped from 5.7 percent to 4.4 percent; and The fourth quintile's share decreased from 13.5 percent to 12.9 percent."

Henry Ruark May 4, 2009 9:54 am (Pacific time)

For those readers seriously interested in a rational, reasonable approach to complex 21st Century world, check out this link: www.cognitivepolicyworks.com You will find surprising content impacting directly on your unavoidable confusions and continuing search for some solid foundation, adding to dialogs on this open, honest, democratic S-N channel.

Henry Ruark May 4, 2009 8:45 am (Pacific time)

To all: Here's "see with own eyes" from national reliable source known for integrity and strong insights. His detailed report supplies further documentation for unique situation we NOW must face with unique approach by President Obama: consortiumnews.com 'One More Bubble!' By Robert Parry May 4, 2009 When I took an editing job at Bloomberg News in March 2000, my arrival coincided with the bursting of the Internet bubble. As once-hot IPOs tanked and the Nasdaq crashed. I would joke to other editors that what the U.S. economy needed was “to build a better bubble.” Then, to my amazement that was pretty much what happened, except that the bubble moved from the peripheral world of dot.com startups to a cornerstone of the economy, the real-estate sector. Low interest rates, exotic financial instruments and speculation pumped up the economy again, with Wall Street operatives enriching themselves as never before. Now, as the housing bubble has burst and taken with it trillions of dollars in wealth, President Barack Obama may be right that the future U.S. economy cannot be built on another bubble, that America must get back to manufacturing products that people need. However, that goal is endangered not only by Republicans, who seem determined to sink whatever Obama proposes, but by the fact that speculative bubbles are what make possible the obscene levels of compensation – and Wall Street is not about to give up on the golden payday. --------------- Rob't Parry broke Iran/Contra Reagan-scandal for AP, others. He furnishes further evidence of need for unique methods to move us back to "normal".

Steve Moylett May 4, 2009 7:58 am (Pacific time)

I find it pretty interesting that any native American can document 20 generations of their ancestry. How did they do it?

Henry Ruark May 4, 2009 7:49 am (Pacific time)

Bob: Assume you meant to write "wedding". In h.s. my best friend was fullblood Abnaki Indian, still speaking his tribal language, best athlete, then best coach in Maine. Yes, would have been honored to have so served. How about YOU ? OR do you have certified ancestry back twenty full generations or so ? With full details on every ancestor ? How else know from whence you came ? OR is there any doubt, via your own words ?? Re your assumption,R/N shows multiple sources for this one, with full summary via ID to Editor with phone, for LMA report. Cheap shots abuse our open, honest, democratic channel and damage true Freedom of Speech via belittling that right for all when done as by yours now.

bob May 4, 2009 6:12 am (Pacific time)

was Ruark Obamba's best man at his weding?Lets hope we are only headed toward European democracy and not the 1930s Germany.He will probably appoint Garofalo to head up a opposition cleansing.

bill May 3, 2009 7:55 pm (Pacific time)

You know how many times I have heard experienced we are pro's . my freind the best journallists are those who lived it, I have been in three conflit areas .The people who right in could n't last a week on there own without the protection of the country.But go ahead and edit this ,soros likes it.

bill May 3, 2009 6:02 pm (Pacific time)

editor: no free speech here, just disagree with , oreo.

Editor: Bill, think about it.  We are experienced journalists.  We work tirelessly to come up with the news every day and we strive, travel to war zones, etc.,  and all the while see little for it.  But, we are having a seriously measurable effect in many areas and we are more than happy to do what we do.  The idea of somebody thinking that you have "free speech" on a Website or a TV or radio station is pretty far out there.  Free speech is something afforded to Americans.  But there is no clause saying a person has to let you have that right inside their private business.  I think that wouldn't be a very free society at all.  I told another comment poster the other day to see it like a radio talk show and I have control of the mic.  

Henry Ruark May 3, 2009 10:51 am (Pacific time)

  Left superb success-list to other sources, but your reminder surely offsets silly one here re O as "responsible for 2 MILLION lost jobs."
  Arrogance of Uninformed and Misinformed often spills over into Malign multiplying magnified damages when allowed to continue unchallenged.

Scott May 3, 2009 8:24 am (Pacific time)

I apologize if I missed it, but don't forget to mention the 150K jobs "saved or created", as briefed by BO himself on 29 April.

Henry Ruark May 2, 2009 6:01 pm (Pacific time)

Vic: Record so far gives me hope for continuance; you will recall several from past, and hope you will be seeking and probing in future --tends to sharpen my curiosities and add motivation, too...!!

Vic May 2, 2009 2:54 pm (Pacific time)

Henry, once again, I hope you're right !

Henry Ruark May 2, 2009 11:04 am (Pacific time)

Vic: Happens I just re-read whole chapter on FDR New Deal in new biog. by Jean Smith. He makes point pertinent here via repeated demand-then for rapid action, and historic counsel from some for familiar "Patience, Patience !" already cited here. After trillions spent, with heavy buildup in bureacracy,at huge unsustainable costs, with complex consequences shaping not only Iraq but whole East, as well as international trade and finances...again, gotta be "Patience". Action pledged, planned, new people in place, experts at work on end-phases, et al, et al. Gates seriously probing Defense budget for change,with hugely costly unsensible weaponry facing slashes now. Hang in there, friend Vic: Will be sensible, sensitive, wise, lasting and historic as it develops, sooner than may now appear. Churchill described similar situation in World War II as "Perhaps not the beginning of the end, but surely the end of the beginning." (Paraphrased)

Vic May 2, 2009 6:31 am (Pacific time)

Henry, I notice not a peep re the war situation, which was what motivated many to vote for this guy. This years military budget is the highest in history, and I see no signs of a withdrawal, other than the "re-classification" of troops from "combat" to "support" troops. It is akin to taking your car into the shop because it has a blown engine and this mechanic says he can fix it. Then when you check back, you find the mechanic has flushed the radiator, tightened the steering and added some fancy pinstriping, but hasnt touched the blown engine. And he expects to be praised and paid, even though he did not do what he was hired to do. That is the 900 lb gorilla in the room that the Obama supporters dont want to discuss or even acknowledge. What about the WAR ?

Henry Ruark May 1, 2009 11:05 am (Pacific time)

To all: Here's "see with own eyes" from CNN's unique Grade The President presentation. Listen and view what well-informed pundits presented, including David Sirota re Reagan-era initiation of crisis-roots: www.ourfuture.org/blog-entry/2009041830/cnn-cli p-grading-obamas-first-100-days ------------------- Please note that even the "conservative"-dedicated pundit agrees with very strong beginning for O-Presidency.

Quinn May 1, 2009 9:52 am (Pacific time)

Editor, so you're back eh?  You decided to use "Quinn" this time and you were reasonable for a little bit, then here comes the weird right wing anti-Obama rhetoric, downright bordering on racism.  Looks like you'll have to pick a new name and try this little process again.

Henry Ruark May 1, 2009 9:09 am (Pacific time)

To all: Dereliction and apathy extend to mspress institutions, massively multiplying the Uninformed and Misinformed segements of the American people. Here's "see with own eyes" report from famed journalist Robert Parry, who broke the still-relevant Iran/Contra debacle in Reagan-times: www.consortiumnews.com Who Betrayed 'Objective' Journalism? By Robert Parry The mainstream U.S. news media often laments the decline of objective journalism, pointing disapprovingly at the more subjective news that comes from the Internet or from ideological programming whether Fox News on the Right or some MSNBC hosts on the Left. But one could argue that the U.S. mainstream press has inflicted the severest damage to the concept of objective journalism by routinely ignoring those principles, which demand that a reporter set aside personal prejudices (as best one can) and approach each story with a common standard of fairness. The truth is that powerful mainstream news organizations have their own sacred cows and tend to hire journalists who intuitively take into account whose ox might get gored while doing a story. In other words, mainstream (or centrist) journalism has its own biases though they may be less noticeable because they often reflect the prevailing view of the national Establishment. -------------- Link facilitates your full exploration of Parry report, which is deep in detail and documentation.

Former conservative May 1, 2009 7:49 am (Pacific time)

Barack Hussain Obama is a fantastic President. His ratings are higher than Clinton and even Carters. The last thing he is, is a 'Dictator in the making'.  He will never try to take full control over the people. He does care about the Constitution and he does care about the American People. He does care about our soldiers.  "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely".  That was the story with Bush, thank God we have advanced from that at least.

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