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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Jul-26-2010 19:28)

Op Ed: Deceitful Dialog, Doubtful-Named, Damages Democracy

No Latitude for Lying About Facts In Comments Here.

(SEASIDE, Ore.) - Internet comments From Day One Salem-News has stood up for full, open, honest --and thus democratic-- American dialog.

Our Comments format was shaped to encourage and permit precisely that kind of full statement, strong and potent precisely because it reflects REAL PEOPLE --in their own words, after cogitation on strong feelings.

Read Full Article (Jun-12-2010 01:36)

Op Ed: Libertarians Will Kill Off Education, Cancel ALL Help

Our situation is unique, as it is in every other locale and latitude for education nationally --and unavoidably: The 21st Century is already here.

(SEASIDE, Ore.) - Students studying American education is built from the foundation of tax-return on private property and personal income. Libertarians will kill that basic source of support among their first actions --even before they cancel and negate Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare.

Read Full Article (Jun-12-2010 00:32)

What is Missing?

I hope that the government would consider adding the missing elements of Analysis, prioritization, common sense, and good judgment back in and give politics-as-usual a holiday.

(HARRISVILLE, N.H.) - America we knew As we watch the airing of the daily soap-opera that Washington D.C. has become, it appears that one or more things are missing.

Read Full Article (Jun-01-2010 00:03)

Op Ed: Oregon Education Demands Depth, Details to Survive

Changing societal forces summarized, documented.

(SEASIDE, Ore.) - Apple and pencils Oregon voters have demonstrated their deepening concerns about education at every level here by the paper-thin margin accorded incumbent Susan Castillo vs her opponent as Oregon Supt. of Education.

Read Full Article (May-19-2010 20:08)

Op Ed: Your Educational System Attacked: What to Do Now

Part One - Societal, Economic Changes Demand Citizen Action.

(SEASIDE, Ore.) - Statue of Liberty Our prescient Founding Fathers knew well the great role of education in forming and strengthening --and in preserving our world-famed “democratic experiment” - as so many have called it.

Pragmatic and philosophical considerations together guided them in their establishment of a common school intended to guarantee parallel practical learning for all involved --and to provide firm values and understandings required of all citizens in our new democracy.

Read Full Article (May-06-2010 00:19)

Op Ed: Education Chief Most Effective As Communicator

21st Century Changes Demand Broad New Approaches.

(EUGENE, Ore.) - Ron Maurer is the challenger for the state's top educator; held for several years by former TV Reporter Susan Castillo. On May 18 Oregon must choose its Superintendent of Education. There are two fine candidates this time for the most essential leader charged with directing and further developing the most essential public service we enjoy. One has already “been there, done that”.

The other seeks “make do with less” for a system now becoming notorious for its obvious current short-fall in some few schools.

Read Full Article (Apr-14-2010 14:25)

Op Ed: Irrational Response Denies, Delays, Can Defeat Democracy

Facts Reduced to Futile Fantasies by Revanchists.

(EUGENE, Ore.) - American Hourglass Surely symptomatic of this political age in our America, a favorite children's TV-show has become famed as “The Upside-Down Program”. There is no record of producer political-stance, but that title surely fits very tightly right onto GOPster revanchism.

The whole sorry story is reflected in the widely available public record--further illuminated by their own continuing self-praise for this naturally-negative “denialism” and for continued mindless “obstructionism”.

Read Full Article (Apr-12-2010 17:24)

Op Ed: `Denialism` Raping Constitutional `Idealism` in D.C.

Obstructionism Enforcing Outrageous Revanchism.

(EUGENE, Ore.) - YOU are witnessing historic conflict in D.C. clearly - -but surely NOT cleanly!-- reflecting once-again head on confrontation forced by further consideration of the complexities inherent in the real democratic process.

Surely the unavoidable, inevitable, extremely revealing and distressingly damaging display of recent weeks in D.C. makes further illumination unnecessary.

Read Full Article (Mar-24-2010 14:14)

Op Ed: Change Process Shapes Healthcare Despite GOPsters Demands of Democracy Guarantee Delayed- `Right`

Part 2 of 2: On healthcare, America has long lingered ‘way back in the early 1900’s, when famed warrior Theodore Roosevelt first realized the nation must have firm, full, fast, effective, efficient healthcare for every citizen.

(EUGENE, Ore.) - Despite all resistance-possible in any democracy, the majority-power for decision must finally drive what is done.

Centuries of development since early emergence of democratic concepts has devolved into a complex process of change, demonstrated down the long, dark halls of history ever since early Roman and Greek days.

Read Full Article (Mar-23-2010 20:36)

Op Ed: `Exceptionalism` Demonstrated In Healthcare Law
Patience, Perseverance, People-Power Prevail Again

Part 1 of 2: "This is what change looks like."

(EUGENE, Ore.) - Despite desperate dollar-power deployed lavishly to lubricate corporate capture of many key Congressional components, true American exceptionalism was again displayed for all the world to see on Monday in D.C.

"We proved that this government -- a government of the people and by the people -- still works for the people," said Obama on Sunday night when the historic legislation and an accompanying package of fixes were approved on Sunday.

Read Full Article
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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
