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Jun-12-2010 01:36printcomments

Op Ed: Libertarians Will Kill Off Education, Cancel ALL Help

Our situation is unique, as it is in every other locale and latitude for education nationally --and unavoidably: The 21st Century is already here.

Students studying

(SEASIDE, Ore.) - American education is built from the foundation of tax-return on private property and personal income.

Libertarians will kill that basic source of support among their first actions --even before they cancel and negate Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. Republican obstructionism, attack on concept of unionism, continuing absolute demand for tax-cuts, and constant emphasis on “efficiency in education” with no effective measures for complexities of learning-and teaching --all promise threatening years-ahead for ALL education.

In Oregon, we still wait to learn who will “command the heights” of state supervision for our educational system for the next four formative years, while Oregon and all Oregonians return to relative non-recession, if not to proper and prosperour life for ourselves and our learners in every level for kindergarten to grad school.

True Libertarian political principle demands that extremely limited governance refrain from “taking a person’s wealth by penalty of the law beyond the very lowest amount needed to run civilization” as ethical evil. That foundation-guide for libertarian-directed action in Oregon can be confidently expected no matter who becomes our Superontendent of Education for those years.

Past political declarations remain revealing vs the actions-taken in recent years by those sooth/sayers who actually spend what monies can be manipulated. Protection of property rights, control of criminal activities, prevention of slavery, and minimum military security form the spectrum of what this outmoded, outdated and utterly outre radicalization of the true concept of liberty is said to offer.

Some few Americans, seeking solace and any kind of relief from frightening frustration --forced by their erroneous perception of supposed governance futilities-- seem willing to accept some-such perverted/distorted political format libelously labeled “libertarianism”.

Just to make sure of that spurious appeal, the basic concept is now wrapped in “Darwinian selection of the free market as determined by the profit motive.”

That’s the political operation now deluding the mostly-decent but deceived Tea Party-participants, massively misinformed by those who purposely propagandize via political pandering for their own malign private-gain purposes.

Some in both “regular” parties are driven by those carefully-delivered “white envelopes” --or other paperbased reward-formats. Others maunder and mis-state meaningless and misguiding messages --but net-effect and affect remains the same: Death to decently-apportioned funds for all education --since it is top-line/topic in all budgeting.

Most Tea Party proponents have no conception of how their lives will be practically pressured, probably massively-molded into descending patterns of even more frustrating “government intervention” -- their largest, longest-lived bete noir (read: budget beast.)

This time it will come by sadly-missing essential actions shaping, strengthening and protecting their current life-style. When foundation force-of-economics provided by government is snatched away by political pretension, then that is surely “intervention/reversed”, even if in pursuit of presumptously-proposed “principle”. Examples: + Income, estate taxes eliminated; property taxes, probably. Bare-minimum/ONLY for executive, legislative, courts; minimum-military for defense-only.

  • No government deficits allowed; balanced budget required regardless of economic status or needs.
  • There will be no Social Security, no healthcare, no Medicare nor any Medicaid.
  • Corporate welfare will seek to exist.
  • All farm/food subsidies will be abolished.
  • Israel will be on its own - no foreign alliances.
  • The U.S. will withdraw from the United Nations.
  • All drugs will be openly legal.
  • Restrictions on sales of alcohol eliminated.
  • No restrictions on adult-related porn.
  • Receiving payment for sex (as in Nevada counties) will be the national legal norm.
  • Any form of sex between consenting adults will remain legal. Abortion will remain legal also.
  • On grounds of free speech and free association, posting signs stating “NO Blacks, Honkies, Wetbacks or Redskins or Kikes Allowed” will be legal.
  • Renters will be denied housing on race or religion or any other form of bigotry.
  • Corporation will be allowed by free will to hire only one race or only one sex or one religion.
  • All roads will be privatized, fees-paid for use.
  • No government subsidy for rail,trolley or subway.
  • FAA will be abandoned; air-safety left to lines, motivated by market-miracle of competition.
  • No public works --dams, canals, irrigation, power plants, airports-- paid for by taxpayers. They will be paid for by privatization and competition under the “miracle of the markets.”
  • No minimum wage, government-enforced control of maximim hours-worked, or overtime-pay.
  • Lenders can charge any interest rate and set any restrictions the market will bear.

And surely: NO “stimulus:programs; job-search/training programs; FDIC bank-deposit insurance; OR Wall Street bailouts, bank takeovers or bailouts.

Does this foreordained Oregon/national future seem too far-fetched to believe ? If so, you are massively UN-informed, MIS-informed OR the victim of viscious decades-long prepatory propaganda...over the past FIFTY YEARS, starting in or before the rousing, rowdy Sixties, set into more-rapid and rapacious motion in the Reagan-era Eighties ---and long the ongoing political-dreamstate of a destructive small segment in our nation.

To them the education system has always been the prime attack-point since it represents a heavy --usually the largest or close to that level-- funding final-demand in every state. In Oregon what we need is communication. Solid, sensible, sensitive, rational/reasonable reiteration and radical recommitment among all proponents --and many participants-- in every level and format of our Oregon educational sysem is surely and inevitably --sometimes painfully, too-- now demanded.

Local school boards, by natural progresssion of power and productivity among local residents, need to know and understand in depth and detail what and why education for their 21st Century differs in design and thus depth, detail, direction, determination of those impacted and many other ways from what we grew up with in our own generation. Legislators need to learn--and some/few also to grow-enough to LEARN !-- not only the design, direction and detail of massive social change now demanded but also HOW the same formative factors affect impacts on finding --to keep that massive major legislative result really reasonable while remaking a remarkably sensitive system.

Teachers, too --and their union leaders-- must participate and, indeed, lead the long line of learners working to weld the chain of design/development/and then-do steps now demanded. Will we Oregonians be up to this test? There’s no way to ‘standardize” this one!

Our situation is unique, as it is in every other locale and latitude for education nationally --and unavoidably: The 21st Century is already here. BUT we’ve met many challenges before, and both history and our self-reliance --stronger in Oregon than in many states now ravaged remorselessly beyond what we’ve suffered-- can stand us in good stead. John Dewey, worldfamed educational leader as well as philosopher and sociologist, put it properly: “Conversation is the heart of democracy”, he insisted. We should learn-and-grow together --and dialog re education and its future in Oregon is the topic today, and tomorrow...and for many more days to come.

Reader’s Note: Libertarian descriptive content liberally (!) adapted from: Libertarian America: What the Ayn-Rand-Paulian Wing of the Tea Party Really Wants the USA to Become, by Gregory Paul. I’ll guarantee that Gregory is no relation to Sen. Ron Paul nor to just-elected Sen. Rand Paul. Link for this estimable, detailed, descriptive dissertation is Go “see with ow eyes” what I left out from its superb long list of probable Libertarian impacts.

At 21, Henry Clay Ruark was Aroostook Editor for the Bangor, Maine DAILY NEWS, covering the upper 1/4 of the state. In the ‘40s, he was Staff Correspondent, then New England Wires Editor at United Press-Boston; later Editor for the Burlington, Vermont 3-daily group owned by Wm. Loeb, later notorious at Manchester, New Hampshire UNION LEADER for attacks on Democratic Presidential candidates.

Hank returned to Oregon to complete M. Ed. degree at OSU, went on to Indiana University for Ed.D. (abd) and special other course-work; was selected as first Information Director for NAVA in Washington, D.C.; helped write sections of NDEA, first Act to supply math, science, foreign language consultants to state depts. of education; joined Oregon Dept. of Education, where he served as NDEA administrator/Learning Media Consultant for ten years.

He joined Dr. Amo DeBernardis at PCC, helping establish, extend programs, facilities, Oregon/national public relations; moved to Chicago as Editor/Publisher of oldest educational-AV journal, reformed as AV GUIDE Magazine; then established and operated Learning Media Associates as general communications consultant group. Due to wife’s illness, he returned to Oregon in 1981, semi-retired, and has continued writing intermittently ever since, joining S-N in 2004. His Op Eds now total over 560 written since then.

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Hank Ruark January 11, 2012 11:56 am (Pacific time)

D. Milstein: Yr thoughtful comment on this Op Ed dated in June 2010 provides convincing proof "well-stated truth will prevail over time" --greatest solace for those of us who provide some-of-same ! Matters not a whit whether you agree or disagree, and if you also then prompted for further open, honest and thoroughly democratic dialog, so much the better... it is becoming only arrow left in what was full/sheath 50 yrs. ago.

Daniel Milstein January 10, 2012 7:21 pm (Pacific time)

That is so true. As an author and business man, I can relate to how you said "Past political declarations remain revealing vs the actions-taken in recent years by those sooth/sayers who actually spend what monies can be manipulated". I hope more people discover your blog because you really know what you're talking about. Can't wait to read more from you!

ral February 16, 2011 8:43 am (Pacific time)

This article is like many criticisms the reverse of the truth. I've found that Libertarians are leading the charge worldwide to provide everyone with tax-free and low-cost/free education tools. See: to see what Libertarians are doing in helping people and accomplishing to better choice and justice. And remember, these proposals only seem odd if you don't know what's going on e.g. 2/3rds of the roads are privatized and there is no minimum wage (but very high wages) in 'socialist' Sweden. The Libertarians point out that people make these things happen, and coercive government programs often create the problem then keep people from solving it. Nothing 'magical' about that. Get informed

Henry Clay Ruark July 26, 2010 9:11 am (Pacific time)

To all: For serious readers seeking solid reporting on Oregon's very parlous fiscal/financial situation, do NOT miss: New series started Sunday 7/25 wit fullfrontpage graphic showing gruesome details, and with accompanying extremely well-reported content, with nearly fullpage jump inside. You may not like what you find, but "the facts" are out there in bloody detail, and form solid background for the further dialog still to come here, relevant directly to education in Oregon.

Hank Ruark July 3, 2010 4:12 pm (Pacific time)

To all
  For serious readers seeking more insider/insight into the many debacles and few winning ways of today's educational system, have is underway.

  With the surprising turn of the Superintendcy re-election, many ongoing problems, issues -- possibly even some asners and wise actions-- now are in full/force review and gaining the strengths for reform and renewal most agree must come.

  moresoon --stay tuned !!

Hank Ruark June 21, 2010 8:12 am (Pacific time)

Pat K.: Still awaiting your response to demand for any two measures for teacher competence; OR to any checkable fact re your own special credibilities. Appreciate your dialog since it has illuminated facts at the heart of these issues, but silence shows only acceptance of my points --as originally made in Op Ed. For further factual ref. to same basic issuess see "The Virtual University" by Anna Kamenetz, in May/issue of The American Prospect. She examines same problems of failure in university nd college level,applied in depth to K/12 --for those who are willing and able to "connect the dots". In Oregon, the desperate plight of UO, OSC, others, AND community colleges, NOW simply precedes same reforms demanded to ready for new flood of more students seeking higher ed. as soon as possible, from newly- minted (reformed) Oregon K/12. End-institutions can only succeed when starter-steps are potently and powerfully done right...and in Oregon we need work on whole system under one rationale and reasonable plan and state supervision. Emerging from four-six year struggle for bachelor/degree with $25,000/$40,000 depth is NOT the way to build strong new workers in any level of our society, ready also to bring on the strong family structures we now so surely are missing more in depth in every year. More than our "prosperity" depends on what we CHOOSE to DO within the next five years, and we will deserve precisely what we get --either way !!

Henry Clay Ruark June 20, 2010 10:21 am (Pacific time)

To all: Did you notice that NOT ONE response defies/denies long list re libertarianism in OpEd? Impossible to do with GOP committed to obstructionism at any cost to true, honest,open republican governance. Re teacher/tenure and strong teacher unions they both come from distorted/perverted abuse by greedy business interests seeking over past 70 years to cut at any cost what's demanded in educational funding for the partial/system we've allowed perpetrated on those generations. NOW we face 21st Century with system demanding sensible reforms to fit true/new needs. 18th/19th Century pattern and plan will never make it, and we end up short/changing still further generations. It's our CHOICE --LISTEN, then act, re educational and learning process specialists OR small/group seeking private gain from their shallow and selfish perspectives.

Henry Clay Ruark June 19, 2010 12:27 pm (Pacific time)

Friend Pat K.: You wrote:"...There are many past models that are available for testing and evaluating teachers. At any rate the percentage of the budget that staff is consuming is just going to increase. If there was success going on then that would be something to examine in terms of future funding, but that is not happening, so we need a new approach at delivering education, so removing obstacles to that worthy goal is essential." Agree completely with your last-sentence; but must ask you to ID by easy-access the name of at least two of the teacher competency ("testing and evaluation teachers" you state are available. Are you aware of methods, materials, processes they use for this purpose ? If so, please endorse or state any failings you find with them. If you are familiar with the actual use with teachers,tell us when/where/what results. Mine own documentation shows flat failure charged by most authoritative associations, with we can explore further if you are so well-informed. Re "budgts inevitably going to increase", again agree with you completely;that's major reason rational/reasonable and documentable approach must now get underway while there's any time-left to put it into full pragmatic development. Re "success going on",there is much more of that than ever communicated to major mass audiences, some right here in Oregon, much more now well underway (over two decades) in many places, via new ed/tech, learning media, and changed methods of both funding and be explored here as time,talent and physical conditions may allow !! Your participation highly appreciated; ID on political stance, background,life experience, training as qualifying comment useful to many others, since adds to credibility of your comments.

Hank Ruark June 19, 2010 10:37 am (Pacific time)

To all: AJR-reference re Unethical, INeffective, Deeply damaging to Democracy "anonymity" --when ID-establishing email systems now available-- is by Ren Reider, renowned Editor of American Journalism Review, in his foreword to current issue at No Comment in Summer Issue is his Full-Court Press which leads the magazine issue, with sub-head "It's time for news sites to stop allowing anonymous online comments." He condemns such usage in fair, pragmatic,comprehensive, sensible,sensitive and truly professional terms --for you to "see with own eyes" there. Must observe I was gratified to find his words echoing my ongoing observations here, by comment AND Op Eds, over past four years. "Anon"-usage is simplified evasion of responsibilities long recognized as other-side of First Amendment golden coin we all state we honor but some continue to pervert. Centuries of communications research indicates that solid credibility rests on known evidence of reliability of the source, impossible to know via use of anonymity-evasion. IF you cannot sign your real name, better not send it !!

Henry Clay Ruark June 17, 2010 7:32 pm (Pacific time)

  With only two fingers can still point out to you what you wrote as meaningless stupidity:Staff and teachers account for 85% of the school budget. So what goes to the kids?"

  Have you no sense of values,sir or madam as the case may be ??

  THAT 85% is what creates the framing situation within which the relationship of teacher to learner can take place...and that is what education is all about --NOT damned physical structure, moving bus, new textbook, or phys/ed coach !!

  Teacher-relationship is the heart and soul of the entire situation, and what's wrong with system now is that we do not supply more-and-better of that key component.

  But there are those who do never learn, no matter how well surrounded they are with fine, strong people guiding them, and with all/else it takes to learn-and-grow...and your demonstrated attitude here sets label tightly right where it belongs.

Henry Clay Ruark June 17, 2010 4:10 pm (Pacific time)

  Yours so badly misinformed and propagandized it demands line/forline rebuttal, now impossible for me to keyboard due to new meds restrictions on work.

  Invite your open-minded due attention when we resume here, and add my unfailing and unfettered contempt for any who so mistrust their own written words they defy and deny ownership.
  Did uou take time to slip on full-mask, or do you operate  with face rightoutthereinopen?

  For full disgust, see new statement in AJR, one of two major journalistic magazines,  
describing anonymity on public statement in terms too strong for use here. Will reprint here later when hands unfold again...if they do.

  SO stick it youknowwherewith

Henry Clay Ruark June 18, 2010 8:06 pm (Pacific time)

Pat K.: Yours/further reiterates no axe to grind re teachers en masse, yet language in your first was near-incendiary, re incompetence and union protection preventing teacher removal. SO ID-self as to your (obvious !) interest and political involvement, status re educational activity or work expereience any other pertinent points re your credibiliies, and we can then continue interesting further dialog, knowing your source characteristics as you state them...mine on record, see Staff section. Do believe we in agreement on basic concerns, with dialog perhaps adding to pragmatic guidance on how to get the job we both know is demanded done now and done right-(small-r!).

Pat Kittleson June 16, 2010 7:26 am (Pacific time)

Henry here is the source you asked for concerning the approximate portion of the school budget that teachers and staff consume in Oregon, which is in excess of 85%. As I'm sure you are aware, school facilities and many other infrastructures are funded usually by bonds of some sort. I have no ax to grind with the vast majority of talented and hardworking pedagogical professionals and the professional staff that help them in their teaching mission. Of course we need a no-nonsense screening procedure to deal with those who are failing in providing sound teaching methods. How do we do this? There are many past models that are available for testing and evaluating teachers. At any rate the percentage of the budget that staff is consuming is just going to increase. If there was success going on then that would be something to examine in terms of future funding, but that is not happening, so we need a new approach at delivering education, so removing obstacles to that worthy goal is essential.

Henry Clay Ruark June 18, 2010 10:17 am (Pacific time)

To all: For basic documentation on major points in this series of Op Eds on Education, see these two classic references --one from early/study re cult of business values vs education, other current comprehensive cogent record of American university achievements in both student/training and the innovations demanded for all civilized progress. Here they are: + Education and the Cult of Efficiency: Social Forces that Have Shaped Administration of the Public Schools; Raymond E. Callahan;UChicago Press,1962; LCCC 62-17961; available in many college/univ. libraries. + The Great American University:Rise to Preminence, Indispensable National Role, WHY It Must Be Protected; Jonathan R. Cole;Public Affairs/Perseus,2009;ISBN 978-1-58648-408-8. Have I read both ? YES, first one constant reference, second one just added, on second/read for file of basic numbers re K/12, included in detail and with documentation.

Henry Clay Ruark June 18, 2010 9:51 am (Pacific time)

"Anon": You wrote as below, so here's two-finger response point for point: "Staff and teachers account for 85% of the school budget. So what goes to the kids." SO where else would you have ed/monies spent ? Issue is what they NEED NOW, not the too/small,ineffective monies we now invest in our future. "Seems that expenses have gotten out of priority, and that priority is teaching the kids." "Cult of business costs" does not apply to education, albeit most school districts run exceeding tight-ship. More than 100 studies show basic differences involved including measurement of teacher effectiveness, class/size, and all methods,as fundamentally differing from profit-only business. Kids are NOT allsame product tobe machined,rapidly, at lowest possible cost, wrapped in certificate, pushed out door for delivery to employer. "That teaching thing has not gone well has it." Public record of American discovery, progress, economy, middle/class development, all show remarkable success. World record of innovation, invention, economic progress, better life for millions --all show OURS as strong system. YOUR own life reflects that. Recent poorer record due to "starve the beast" budgeting beginning in 80's with Reagan, now recognized by historians, economists, social scientists, even cognitive researchers... documentation avaiable via ID and phone to Editor. "Dissolve all public unions and go directly to federal mediation." Both unConstitutional and stupid. Right of association not deniable; total government control "anti-American !" and un/needed. Founders set up "common school" for pragmatic purpose, run by LOCAL and STATE control for very strong you not understand and agree ? "The day of needing unions in the public sector are not needed anymore for their is a huge body of laws to protect the employee from bad behavior by mgt." Public record denies this as does easy "see with own eyes" action via constant news and studies. Laws inadequate,not enforced, winked-at by Bushies since Reagan days. Supremes recent decision on corporate "political free speech" defies, denies your whole statement; see national reports. "besides these unions are just political and it's us taxpayers that support them, and for the majority, they are supporting issue(incompleted)" SO "political" ? YOU have no right to deny OTHERS right of association AND union access. Unions are tool-for-all with true political clout, thanks to long record of struggle in this nation. Can you deny that solid chapter in our history ? SO, taxpayer support ? That is cost of civilization as we know it;and we make it what we CHOOSE to make it by whom we choose to govern and by our continued access to VOTE ! Re major educational, union, other issues hee, yours shows UN-informed, MIS-informed and propaganda affects over past 50 years. Keep reading S-N for lowcost remedial action, esp. Op Eds ! Have a good day, and love your kids AND support sensible educational reform, as now demanded in 21st Century. WHEN did you last visit a school ? School board meeting?

Anonymous June 17, 2010 2:54 pm (Pacific time)

Staff and teachers account for 85% of the school budget. So what goes to the kids. Seems that expenses have gotten out of priority, and that priority is teaching the kids. That teaching thing has not gone well has it. Dissolve all public unions and go directly to federal mediation. The day of needing unions in the public sector are not needed anymore for their is a huge body of laws to protect the employee from bad behavior by mgt., besides these unions are just political and it's us taxpayers that support them, and for the majority, they are supporting issues we don't want.

Henry Clay Ruark June 17, 2010 9:23 am (Pacific time)

Pat K: Appreciate your link;ckd it out; numbers cover ALL employee cost for that percentage. THAT includes bus drivers, cooks, maintenance,stock clerks for supplies, librarian and secretaries, et al, et al. For similar operations, guru of management Drucker uses 60/40 ratio for professionals vs support; will bet that is what's involved here. Mine meant to cover ONLY teacher-total; yours counts ALL workers for Eugene Board. REAL key class/size and tchr/count to total of students served. Eugene rates well on those, seeking current numbers. How about answer to my other queries ? You "political" or "educational"-involved or parent ? Yrs re "incompetence" shows lack of real information and understandings of process and system; clear that up for me, let's provide further points for guidance of readers via further dialog. Short/delay (meds situation here) before Parts Two and Three; but "I WILL Return !"

Henry Clay Ruark June 16, 2010 4:00 pm (Pacific time)

Supt. Castillo's reelection now conceded by her opponent. Parts Two and Three of this series will renew ASAP, after some delay due to conditions here. NOW it is entirely clear that single,sole,dominating point of preliminary Op Ed to this series --"THIS is really communications problem !"--fully, comprehensively confirmed by surprising facts of this routine reelection. Parts Two, Three already set up to detail major reasons why poor choice, built on both UNinformed and MISinformed and Distorted/Perverted "public opinion", are having precisely the consequences pointed out here over past several years. "Stay tuned" and refurbish your own sources for what you think you now know re trends, events, funding, curriculum, organization, AND propaganda outlets building disastrous consequences for system in need of reform to reshape and redesign for 21st Century.

Pat Kittleson June 16, 2010 3:00 pm (Pacific time)

Editor I tried posting the below earlier today in the am, maybe it got lost in the shuffle? Since it provides documentation for your readers on an important subject matter that is in direct contrast to other statements, maybe that's another reason it's not posted? Since this is a serious educatioal fiscal issue, I believe your readers and the author of this article would benefit greatly from facts that would clear up previous misinformation. "Henry here is the source you asked for concerning the approximate portion of the school budget that teachers and staff consume in Oregon, which is in excess of 85%. As I'm sure you are aware, school facilities and many other infrastructures are funded usually by bonds of some sort. I have no ax to grind with the vast majority of talented and hardworking pedagogical professionals and the professional staff that help them in their teaching mission. Of course we need a no-nonsense screening procedure to deal with those who are failing in providing sound teaching methods. How do we do this? There are many past models that are available for testing and evaluating teachers. At any rate the percentage of the budget that staff is consuming is just going to increase. If there was success going on then that would be something to examine in terms of future funding, but that is not happening, so we need a new approach at delivering education, so removing obstacles to that is essential."

Henry Clay Ruark June 15, 2010 10:37 am (Pacific time)

(Inadvertently sent, so here continued:)

  HOW do you measure results you seek ?
  Any factors for family and home-life ? Economics ? Social class ?
  Many other elements all bear heavily on "student achievement", per long, deep, broad, professionally-built records from past 100 years.

  Including mean and nasty personal/grudge-attack vs teacher or teachers, in many cases, by drastic, radical and religious and "conservative" school boards, with power to hire/fire both teachers and administrators.

  HOW do you provide truly American fair treatment, in your own situation ?
  Share here so we can all learn...if anything there.
  Please also include your preparations to build skills and understandings needed in this field for critics...

Henry Clay Ruark June 15, 2010 10:32 am (Pacific time)

Pat K.:
  You also showed willingness to snatch teachers (support of family, often) from job for the crime of "incompetence".
  HOW do you measure teacher accomplishment,only protection re this drastic personal disaster action ?
  By "standardized" tests ?
  By ANY measure of "student accomplishment" ?

Henry Clay Ruark June 12, 2010 9:29 am (Pacific time)

To all:
  Usual cowardly in-the-shade response from "Anon".
  Re economy, Anon should now check wasteful/warcosts, major massive misdirection of main monies in rest of economy, and updater/prediction/analysis from most master economists.
  Key word is now, always has been, will long continue to be
CHOICE !! --as in VOTE and in CHARACTER of those we put into our representative republic to direct all enterprise.

  Re "indoctrination" as main tool for what Anon claims... ever tried to "indoctrinate" any group of university and college and school leaders ?
  Impossible task, as any who have had to work for process of change there will guarantee for you...!!

Henry Clay Ruark June 14, 2010 8:42 pm (Pacific time)

Pat K.: You wrote:...85% of most public school costs are for staff, and these are primarily union jobs that are protected from being fired for incompetence... Your statement is erroneous, misleading on both counts. First, costs for schools run much more for facilities and services and supplies and transport of kids, et al, et al, et al, that for staff. Staff is probably less than 50% but generalization simply impossible since such a wild, numerical/jungle involved. Please cite documentation if any, and I'll check further, too. Re "fired for incompetence" read "protected from political attack" and "insulated from religious, racial, cultural and economic bias". If you know composition of many smaller school boards, you'll appreciate truth/here. (Documentation available.) That's truth of matter as educational history clearly shows. Again, cite your source if any, and I'll respond with reliable, unbiased, and very authoritative ones of mine own. Re "primarily union jobs" that, too, is far out on limb, since even totalled together the union membership of basic unions is far from large percentage of teachers at work in nation. Re "incompetence", most such actions in recent years have taken place in charter and voucher operations rather than in the full public school system. Re "union pay" --inferred in yours-- did you know NY charter and private ("choice") schools pay many teachers around $100,000? Check Ed-pages of NYTimes for ads in detail. Misinformation, by chance or intent, does nothing but build further foolish and futile bad feeling, when we MUST build together or see system broken, with "common school" principle of Founders-intent sacrificed to those who can pay for what they choose, while masses of mainstream, middle/class get scrapings/leavings, and less, for their kids. We can do better than that, at less cost than currently, with wise(r), well-informed public support for solid and tested reform and additions of new technologies already put to work throughout corporate, business, government, major associations and other groups. Major problem is built-in bias for those protecting own status-now,(what's YOURS ?!) while others are forced into disintegrating system by "starve the beast" political purpose and 50 full years of intentional propaganda. Please also cite any of your own personal experience which qualifies you as critic. Mine on public record at S-N, so asking for yours surely fair, open, honest --and democratic, too...right ?? Surely seems fair to me !! Mine rests on 50 years of full publication, many tough and hardhead editors, work at every level, in both public and corporate/private fields, including ten years of full- scale national-survey to many leaders in education...and the report for each survey in a national educational journal. (Given here simply to show credibility of Op Ed, which you plainly attacked with no word of your qualifications.) That's what open dialog does well: Compare sources and the documented information given in each side of ongoing share and learn situation !! Your thoughtful, intense participation appreciated, and hope we can continue dialog.

Pat Kittleson June 14, 2010 6:28 pm (Pacific time)

The below statement clearly illustrates what the public education system has wrought. Of course there will be those that say let's provide more funding, of course that's all they ever say, because approximately 85% of most public school costs are for staff, and these are primarily union jobs that are protected from being fired for incompetence, ergo, this is what these teacher unions have done to our kids, see below: Note: Just look at what's going on in your local public schools. If you live in an urban area you will certainly see how they continually fail the kids and ask for new taxes to correct their never ending failures."A nonprofit group says that up to 90 percent of young Philadelphians are ineligible for military service because of criminal records, obesity or lack of education. The report says 145,000 Philadelphians ages 18 to 24 cannot meet the military's medical, moral and mental standards. Nationally, the Department of Defense estimates that 75 percent of young adults are disqualified from military service.

Henry Clay Ruark June 13, 2010 12:28 pm (Pacific time)

“Anon”-again et al: For your edification here’s excerpt from major discussion chapter in Cole-study The Great American University, one of three used as prep for this Op Ed and rest of Education series: “The U.S. was able to create technical breakthroughs during the twentieth century,,,because Americans embraced earlier than others a societal commitment to mass education right up to and including college education...human capital and technological advance...are strongly related. “The requirements of an increasingly knowledge driven economy are met by larger amounts of human capital and our ability to produce that human capital better than other nations until the past thirty years or so... “In short, high-quality undergraduate education has become an essential means for individual social mobility and a social mechanism for the advancement of social and economic welfare.” ---------------------- Citation of sources and some name-credits excised to cut length of demanded statement; absolute impact on how we now MUST reform kindergarten/K-12 system becomes entirely obvious to rational, reasonable readers.

Hank Ruark June 13, 2010 10:46 am (Pacific time)

Same-"Anon": Forgot to ask how you classify considerable gang of contributors to Bible --any version: Albeit none from Chicago, to my current knowledge, most now widely cited across world came from same basic experiences, further driven by extremely close relation to Authority...

Henry Clay Ruark June 13, 2010 10:29 am (Pacific time)

Same-"Anon: You wrote:"...Adolph Hitler was the man of the year in Times magazine 1939." Perfect example of ignorant or intended distortion, sir ! TIME-selection (or TIMES !) made on base of news-value by actions...IN NO WAY POSSIBLY implying endorsement for his stuff, as what he did or what he stated as "principles". THEN he earned attention of world (thus "news" !) by what he was doing and how he did it, fully justifying choice by either TIME or NYTimes Mag. ANYone able to read should surely be able to make that distinction to cite it here as-done is to prove up either obvious faulty brain-work OR some purposeful intent... Which then kills any shreds of credibility for rest of your judgments, reflected in words on publc record, for the meanings they convey to all other readers. That's one basic unavoidable component of open, honest and democratic in this S-N channel.

Henry Clay Ruark June 13, 2010 10:18 am (Pacific time)

"Anon" 6:47 pm: Expertise,advanced-education understandings, pragmatic skills field-built, proven practical productivity via published-work --all mean nothing in yours, sir ! Entire history of American higher education proves facts of life here...New intensive study, included in prep here and documented in Part Two, details what, why, where, how, by whom, in what period, with profuse examples-cited. Author Cole at Columbia from student to 14 yrs. Provost, Dean of Faculties, now famed commentator on higher ed. as main goal for massive flow of American students, shaping all reform of lower building/steps for 21st Century life. You use any such material, sir ?? That fact alone sinks your misinformed-quote, heavy enough in itself !! Easy to see why you remain "anon": That's shelter for all defying, denying way world now works, why we have rapid flood of civilized advances, and all making world what is is NOW vs what it WAS. Yrs re home/schooling simply guarantees continuance of same flaws Founders saw,bringing on "common school" principle to promote, guarantee, safeguard democracy..which it did well for first 150 years. H-school fine when parents strong, sensitive, educated vs world, sensible and with time to devote. Current family- trend demanding mother-working time, dad fighting to provide survival, desperate re job- dangers, doth not NOW provide "framing" demanded to make it workable ONLY for elite who can afford it OR private OR parochial school Practical situation again emphasizes values of "common school" --which is why we need to reform,reshape, refund, and radically re-build whole system. See Parts Two/Three soon forthcoming for documented detail on both WHY and HOW we can reform, rebuild, refund and do so effectively and on cost-efficient base.

Hank Ruark June 13, 2010 9:55 am (Pacific time)

SideNote: ALL comments here selected by Editor Tim. In my book, readers Comment, writer responds to add detail, outline WHY by documentation, provide further learn/share opportunity. That's what our Founders did in Federalist Papers after long mutual study of then-prominent philosophers and famed scholars of concepts shaping governance. Published in dailies, Papers drew very broad response building major points in democracy. BUT they, too, insisted on "informed" dialog vs feelings formed mainly by emotional attachment to single idea or partial concept or myth.

Anonymous June 12, 2010 6:47 pm (Pacific time)

Something to keep in mind. Adolph Hitler was the man of the year in Times magazine 1939. I dont think credentials, especially now days, and especially those who worked in chicago and DC..are credible. both are a complete mess. As Gerald Celente says: Bombs, bullets and banks, harvard, yale and princeton..same ol, same ol. The highest of institutions, bring nothing but government cronies. I agree with Knapp about home schooling being better. Too bad the government has made it almost impossible to do that. And I do know why, they want their agenda, not the agenda of free, thinking people.

Hank Ruark June 12, 2010 4:56 pm (Pacific time)

SpinnY: You far-out-on-limb re your charge of "alarmist nonsense" from me, sir... I am solidly- qualified source from both experience and current research NOW. See S-N Staff for full, open, public and checkable information. Did you check there before your hot/words ? Yours forces me to ask your proven expertise as critic, and any special preparation ? Mine from 60 working years, two-level grad/work, nearly 7 million published/words, most chosen, paid for by tough editors, corporate and private clients --including national professional unions. Includes ten years of large- number school/leader surveys in 60s, 70s, on ed-and-media development, general shaping trends --you ever do such ? Try summarizing 4,000 such responses for fun/games vs deadline for publication... Still intermittently in the consultant biz on both media and education, too... You force me to reinforce stance as "informed" opinion- maker. NOW demonstrate why you better, more authoritative source: Fair enough ? Await yr response for more dialog on pertinent points, if you so wish.

Hank Ruark June 12, 2010 4:41 pm (Pacific time)

"Anon:" You disprove my generalities re Anons. Thanks for demonstrated and sensitive cogitation, welcome to more dialog. Sorry you so overwhelmed by erroneous myths re massive social, economic, cultural matters, but open dialog will help on that, too. Re Western,first Oregon job was Information Director for Dr. Gunn there; helped plan, build library with mediacenter as major focus. Pose specific query and I will seek to respond sensibely on your demo'd pattern !

Hank Ruark June 12, 2010 4:36 pm (Pacific time)

Spinny: Dunno whathappened to my response...will re-do soon for re pseudonymn ? He was Irish steerage passenger, took 20 yrs. but he won the damned shipyard !!

Henry Clay Ruark June 12, 2010 4:32 pm (Pacific time)

TMK" Should have read PUBLIC education, sir --thanks for the differentiation. You are far from correct on rest of statement,as Part Two will document. Both private, home-schooling have role to play but for now it is confined to elite who can afford it. Reformed system should make sure to include some parts of benefits from both but NOT at cost of "common school" basic principle, built into whole governance system by Founders. Your sensitive participation appreciated, stay tuned !

Henry Clay Ruark June 12, 2010 3:10 pm (Pacific time)

Steve: With his slippery tongue, do not believe he'll ever make it; and if he did, Heaven protect us from devastations sure to follow in that climate as Op Ed surely documents. Fo those who wish to return to 18th/19th Century, better to seek travel/there by old novels rather than politics...

Thomas L. Knapp June 12, 2010 2:49 pm (Pacific time)

"American education is built from the foundation of tax-return on private property and personal income." Um, no. "Public," i.e. governement, education is built from that foundation. That's only one sector of education. And it has to be the most expensive and worst-performing sector as compared to private, parochial and home education.

Henry Clay Ruark June 12, 2010 2:33 pm (Pacific time)

Spinny:................ Intrigued by pseudonynm: Any connection with sailing ships ....................................................................................shipyard.............................................................................change....................................................................................................................................................

Anonymous June 12, 2010 2:21 pm (Pacific time)

forgot the "indoctrination" ..I agree with you for the most part. there are many who will not follow. But, there are more that will. My hope, is that you are more correct than I am. And keep in mind, through out history, tyranny came slowly. I am sure you know about the frog in tepid water, heating, and not realizing its becoming to a boil. i hope you are right Henry, but not too assured at this time. In closing, I will say, my son graduated from Western University, and what I am hearing, is more of an anti-israel, anti-banking, anti-obama, and anti-democracy, and to get back to a republic, and use amendments as times change. I do NOT mean "republicans", they lost their way long ago, same as the democrats. I am talking a true republic. Any learned person, knows that democracy = tyranny. That is why the Constitution was written.

Anonymous June 12, 2010 2:07 pm (Pacific time)

Henry..I am only anon because after I gave my name and address, I was still beat up, and still had my posts deleted before showing up. So who cares. Yes, I do know of what you speak of though. Your words are correct. The fact is, the only resolution is to learn, and yes, I do a poor job at teaching. I do know that voting has not worked in the past. I do believe bush won the 2004 election on lies. But now that more are speaking out, maybe voting can work. Not sure. No, I dont give answers, because I am somewhat confused myself. But, if people learn the truth, such as israel bombed the USS liberty on purpose, and 911 was an inside job, and presidents are nothing but zionist puppets, then maybe we could all work together to find the answers. When the people of the U.S. learn, as so many other countries have learned, that the banking system controls everything, then we can come up with solutions. You have to know the problem, before you can have solutions. I know it was nice for those to go to the doctor and have it paid for, but those people, while at the doctors office, were not thinking about their children. the ones that will be slaves to the debt it caused. Thank you tho Henry, for posting my comment, i look forward to debating in a professional manner.

Henry Clay Ruark June 12, 2010 9:32 am (Pacific time)

To all: Usual cowardly in-the-shade response from "Anon". Re economy, Anon should now check wasteful/warcosts, major massive misdirection of main monies in rest of economy, and updater/prediction/analysis from most master economists. Key word is now, always has been, will long continue to be CHOICE !! --as in VOTE and in CHARACTER of those we put into our representative republic to direct all enterprise. Re "indoctrination" as main tool for what Anon claims... ever tried to "indoctrinate" any group of university and college and school leaders ? Impossible task, as any who have had to work for process of change there will guarantee for you...!! Please note NO ANON ever mentions method, mass/muscled tool, dollar-weapon or any other way of so-forcing this issue per claim of performance as mentioned. That's because it has never occurred and can never be so accomplished, of course...

spinnikerca June 12, 2010 9:15 am (Pacific time)

What alarmist nonsense. No one wants to rip out an existing system leaving chaos. That is different from saying we should have grown in a different direction to begin with, and should reduce, not expand, failing programs.

Steve June 12, 2010 6:24 am (Pacific time)

Rand Paul is not a senator, YET!

Anonymous June 12, 2010 5:26 am (Pacific time)

Being that our entire education system, all they way to harvard and yale, are nothing but government indoctrination centers, might not be a bad idea to shut them all down. The entire education system is a failure, and it is only getting worse. It has become more than obvious to those of thinking minds, that the education system has been designed to dumb down just enough to be a government slave, but smart enough to be a productive slave. Also, author should inform himself in regards to the economy. We are not in Kansas anymore. A complete financial collapse will occur within the next 12 months. Guarantee 30-50% de-value of the dollar before end of year. Mark my words. People better quit fighting over politics, and begin to prepare.

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