(Mar-04-2010 12:13)
Op Ed; New Gopster Attack Cuts Food, Meds for Unemployed Millions
Henry Clay Ruark
Bunning Action Deprives Despairing of Lawful Benefits.
(EUGENE, Ore.) -
Despite desperate acts of wiser political persuasion from many of his Republican and Democratic colleagues, a single Gopster Senator has now “manipulated the Rules of the Senate” to block continuing fully-legal federal benefits, affecting millions of American citizens.
Read Full Article (Feb-26-2010 14:07)
Op Ed: Healthcare-Summit GOPsters Modify Futile Obstruction
Henry Clay Ruark
Obama “Transparency” Triumphs for Nation-to-Know.
(EUGENE, Ore.) -
“By their actions ye shall know them” - sensible, sensitive rule found in any Bible.
Read Full Article (Feb-23-2010 12:55)
Op Ed: GOPsters Delay EIGHTY Percent Of Congressional Work
Henry Clay Ruark
“Vicious cycle” Driven by Massive Filibustering.
(EUGENE, Ore.) -
Millions of Americans voted for “transformative change” with solidly-renewed hope in their governance system only last year.
That constructive Constitutional application of the most potent weapon in any democracy; The VOTE -- is now contemptuously reduced to naught by 'a vicious cycle' of denial and delay from a determined GOPster cabal.
Read Full Article (Feb-20-2010 12:04)
Op Ed: Greed Drives Corporate Action, Delays Healthcare
Henry Clay Ruark
GOP Obstructionism Kills Off New-Job Creation.
(EUGENE, Ore.) -
Leading healthcare corporations more than doubled their profit-take in 2009, working constantly to eliminate many costly client-“sickies”, seek federal subsidies funds, and deny or delay any healthcare system reform.
Read Full Article (Feb-12-2010 19:19)
Op-Ed: Supremes Cabal: `Money = Speech` For You it Equals Zero
Henry Clay Ruark
Corporate dollars now will compel governance action.
(SALEM, Ore.) -
Five Supreme Court justices--all appointed in very recent years by conservative Presidents--now have abandoned more than a century of judicial judgment and precedent painfully built by their famed predecessors into “the settled law of the land.”
Read Full Article (Feb-08-2010 19:35)
Op Ed: People-Power, Perseverance Can Outmatch Corporatism
Henry Clay Ruark for
Part Three-Supremes Seaside Signal Series, New Strengths Combined Can Rescue Nation.
(EUGENE, Ore.) -
The 'massive movement of millions' historically, has been the only engine to eliminate any major default in our system of democracy.
Read Full Article (Feb-01-2010 19:42)
Opinion: Democracy and the Capitalist/Communist Paradigm
Ersun Warnke Business/Economy Reporter
The U.S. government in practice is a highly centralized, unaccountable, and purposefully opaque corporatist state.
(EUGENE, Ore.) -
There is much talk in political discourse about “communism,” “socialism,” and “capitalism.” These terms are bandied about with no clear meaning attached to them. Capitalism and communism only have any meaning in the modern world as propaganda terms.
Read Full Article (Jan-22-2010 15:59)
Op Ed: CHOICE: Next Steps For New Century
Henry Clay Ruark
Futilized corporate tax consequence shapes Oregon lifestyle.
(EUGENE, Ore.) -
Democracy is definitely a Do-It-Yourself operation, no matter at what level or in what format. Citizen choice shapes and solidifies whatever we put in place so long as we have The vote.
Read Full Article (Jan-12-2010 16:35)
OP ED: Distorting Initiative Will Californicate Oregon`s Tax System
Henry Clay Ruark
Perverting strong legislative action is first step.
(EUGENE, Ore.) -
The “Californication” of our Oregon taxation and budget system is clearly ONE major result of the vicious attack on nationally-praised economic leadership by a courageous Legislature.
The major tool is knowingly malign and desperate distortion NOW well underway via cunningly-produced tv-ads and perverted public statements --some so flawed and transparent they have brought on embarrassing coverage in the State’s leading media.
Read Full Article (Jan-07-2010 17:26)
Op Ed: FAIR Tax-SHARE: YOU Pay DEARLY, THEY Don`t WHY Oregon Lifestyle Demands Fair-Deal For ALL
By Henry Clay Ruark for
The truth is that even given the entire impact of Measures 66 & 67, Oregon will rocket upward to occupy 45th-place rather than 48th!
(EUGENE, Ore.) -
Oregon’s amazing lifestyle offers “fair-and-square” opportunities for an intriguing variety of residents, in a state blessed by both natural resources and very strong location for true entrepreneurial endeavor.
That lifestyle is under open, concentrated, vicious threat of truly extreme damage, forcing further deep and- dirty slashes to education at all levels and to every one of essential social services for our economic crisis struck fellow Oregonians.
Read Full Article