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Feb-20-2010 12:04printcomments

Op Ed: Greed Drives Corporate Action, Delays Healthcare

GOP Obstructionism Kills Off New-Job Creation.

Tea bagger against healthcare

(EUGENE, Ore.) - Leading healthcare corporations more than doubled their profit-take in 2009, while they worked constantly to eliminate many costly client-“sickies”, seek more and very substantial subsidies from federal funds, and deny or delay any healthcare system reform. (See Reader’s Note.)

Not content with massive predation on clients they were pledged to serve, they strove to support and even to extend lavish-lobbying tactics tied tightly to the GOP effort for obstructionism for ANYthing, at any level, suggested or initiated by the Obama regime.

GOPsters now routinely, and very adamantly defy, deny and delay -- then seek to defeat -- whatever they can construe as Obama-initiative. These radicals now thus block any possible constructive Congressional action on all key issues/problems -- with no regard for national or even international consequences.

While the economy teeters precariously on the too small tip of slowly-effective stimulus funding, with new jobs clearly the major massive cure demanded, these GOPsters are pledged to defeat -- by any means they can manipulate -- whatever is conceived, then begun, or even backed in any way by Obama, despite his election via strong mandate only just over a year ago.

They thus defy the fundamental principle of our democracy: “Let the legal majority rule and govern.”

So many and so much is now at risk by these nasty-negative actions of the Gopster radical cabal that it has become meaningless even to try to list the issues, problems, actions and demands on which these obstructionist tactics are targeted.

(For anyone needing examples, simply check out any reputable daily, choose nearly any major national OR local news broadcast, or pick up any one of numerous national news weeklies or major magazines. Notes for this Op Ed show more than 50 examples.)

Those revealing actions are speaking far louder than any concealing statements by top GOPsters, for millions now becoming finally and fully aware of “the Southern planter attitudes” very clearly reflected.

Those attitudes and actions are well demonstrated not just in public statement but in every and any means or manner throughout all Congressional protocol and possible action-patterns.

The same political jiujitsu is now being packaged and exported into every state in our union, for exploitation and rapid “management” of political obstructionism there too.

We in Oregon encountered the tactic in operation last and strongest in the massive whole-media-based manipulation of fact (AND fancy!) perpetrated openly to kill off any and all changes in Oregon’s tax policies relating to “fair share” payment of pertinent governance costs -- after SEVENTY YEARS duration for one part of those policies, the highly unrealistic “$10 corporate minimum tax”.

That potent-but-UNrealistic tactic is unique and unprecedented in our entire American history: Never before has any political party gone so far, with such radical means and actions, to bring to a screeching halt the complex recovery reconciliation we must have from our elected Congress.

Extending that action into the fifty states not only denies democracy in action at the real grass-roots level, but also threatens its very existence even as tattered-and-torn remnant.

These Gopster radicals are denying and delaying for our American nation the very steps Congress must take to move again towards complete recovery from the most dangerous and difficult economic collapse yet in world experience.

States by law and their constitutional provisions cannot run deficits, and must provide balanced budgets, made extremely more difficult by such Gopster attacks. That’s why, now a potent political force in American life, is rallying its members to send ONE MILLION MESSAGES to Congress simultaneously to prove one single point: Undeniable, insurmountable, indomitable, massive and action-demanding proof that most Americans want political pandering abandoned, and now demand rapid response to national necessity for healthcare progress and insurance-system reform.

Key polls are now showing a full return to the original demand of Americans for rapid provision to cover and protect those nearly FIFTY MILLION of us now completely and dangerously vulnerable.

Earlier polls showed 3 out of 5 Americans favoring the public option strongly -- and the most recent ones show return to that sensible, sensitive concept again, now, after desperate, fear-driven attacks funded by huge outlays from corporations seeking to avoid the very competition they preach as key to “market magic” so cynically proclaimed at every possible occasion.

Moral, ethical concern for our commonweal is now clearly sacrificed by leading radical GOPsters -- at every turn and for any possible political advantage to be derived -- now or in the immediate future.

That morally-deficient political-primacy is what is so woefully, dangerously and defiantly delaying what we must now have on healthcare, for new-job formation, and to provide massive rehabilitation for our decaying national infrastructure -- and a host of other totally pressing problems and issues.

Political pandering for outmoded, proven-destructive economic and social policies has overwhelmed what the Grand Old Party once stood for, in a grateful nation.

Clean, clear, continuous, conscientious concern for what is widely seen as “demanded for our nation now” is understood by millions of angrifying Americans as what these GOPsters should be delivering. This line of GOP-attack on Obama’s Presidency is far and away a huge departure from Republican party tradition and flies right in the face of what honest real conservatives cite as what they believe.

How did this damnable denigration of honestly-held long-time, respectable political principle ever come about to concern sensible, sensitive, thinking Americans with its undeniable, unavoidable, and disastrous consequences? Current political history clearly shows its beginnings in the once-respected, even GOP-worshiped Reagan years, when radical invasion of the party began this inversion, leading on to full control by ideologues who simply cannot now accept the fact that others also have the right to govern: Won openly, honestly, ethically and with a strong mandate reflecting deep and realistic concerns for our democracy.

Hope springs eternal in the hearts of most truly patriotic Americans, even when faced with desperate design and near-dastard/level depredations now well understood as damaging our democracy.

What’s now demanded from all of us is Patience, Perseverance and then the application of People-Power. We have the means in “The VOTE”: If we have the political wit, will and wisdom to CHOOSE wisely and USE it well.


Reader’s Note:
“Last week, the news broke that America's five largest health insurance companies (United Health, Wellpoint, Aetna, Humana and Cigna) had scored record profits in 2009, totaling $12.2 billion. This was a stunning 56 percent hike over the previous year, a drive made all the more impressive by the fact that these gains came during the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression.“

Excerpt from Jim Hightower: “Greed Trophy Up For Grabs”;

At 21, Henry Clay Ruark was Aroostook Editor for the Bangor, Maine DAILY NEWS, covering the upper 1/4 of the state. In the ‘40s, he was Staff Correspondent, then New England Wires Editor at United Press-Boston; later Editor for the Burlington, Vermont 3-daily group owned by Wm. Loeb, later notorious at Manchester, New Hampshire UNION LEADER for attacks on Democratic Presidential candidates.

Hank returned to Oregon to complete M. Ed. degree at OSU, went on to Indiana University for Ed.D. (abd) and special other course-work; was selected as first Information Director for NAVA in Washington, D.C.; helped write sections of NDEA, first Act to supply math, science, foreign language consultants to state depts. of education; joined Oregon Dept. of Education, where he served as NDEA administrator/Learning Media Consultant for ten years.

He joined Dr. Amo DeBernardis at PCC, helping establish, extend programs, facilities, Oregon/national public relations; moved to Chicago as Editor/Publisher of oldest educational-AV journal, reformed as AV GUIDE Magazine; then established and operated Learning Media Associates as general communications consultant group. Due to wife’s illness, he returned to Oregon in 1981, semi-retired, and has continued writing intermittently ever since, joining S-N in 2004. His Op Eds now total over 560 written since then.

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Hank Ruark February 23, 2010 12:57 pm (Pacific time)

Terry H,: How come you do not start with Reagan tax-slash and his forced retreat and return to even higher tax-rates ? It was his deficits --more than twice total of all Presidents prior to his time--that set up series of miscues and misapprehensions and erroneous damaging policies which produced our present worldwide debacle. See previous Op Eds in full quantity on each point so far. Also never forget Bush II took us into Iraq via attack and needless war, costing much more in the TRILLIONS than all ever before. Also can cite H.Hertzberg full chapter in famed book re whole Reagan-as-actor playing President role, if that will help you to understand his very stupid policies fiscal, financial and social. SO if you have arithmetic or ref. problem with Krugman,take it up with him. He's easily accessable as I find true every so often; try him for yourself, sir, if you dare... Facts cited here are just that : FACTS. As in 50 MILLION minus all healthcare now,awaiting action delayed by senseless political pandering: See upcoming Op Ed citing TIME Magazine,with even more documentation. Also now hold here 23 separate other reports, fundamentally agreeing on each point. Your whittling on wooden-leg worn elsewhere means little in lieu of other facts, sir.

Terry Hancock February 23, 2010 8:47 am (Pacific time)

Paul Krugman writes: "And the deficit came. True, more than half of this year's budget deficit is the result of the Great Recession, which has both depressed revenues and required a temporary surge in spending to contain the damage. But even when the crisis is over, the budget will remain deeply in the red, largely as a result of Bush-era tax cuts (and Bush-era unfunded wars). And the combination of an aging population and rising medical costs will, unless something is done, lead to explosive debt growth after 2020." So many things wrong with this paragraph. The reference to the "temporary surge" in spending is the first error. You can check the summary tables of the President's latest budget proposal. In 2009, fiscal outlays are estimated at $3.5 trillion. In 2010 they are $3.7 trillion. In 2011 they are $3.8 trillion. And so they go, until 2020, when they are $5.7 trillion. There's a slight dip in 2012 to $3.7 trillion, but the fact that Obama's spending never drops below 2010 levels, and drops below 2011 levels only once, gives the lie to the argument that the spending surge is "temporary." Let's also be clear that an awful lot of this spending is Obama's spending, not Bush's. And while Obama can argue that spending declines from 25.4% of GDP in 2010 to 22.8% of GDP in 2013 (before beginning an inexorable rise), that is still substantially higher than the 18.6% peak that President Bush foresaw. And Bush's forecast included $200 billion for the current conflicts and $200 billion for increased interest on the debt for the TARP stimuli in 2009, which has been successful, in that the debts are being paid back with interest by those who used the TARP funds.

Hank Ruark February 22, 2010 3:31 pm (Pacific time)

NOW we get to see GOPsters "put up or shut up', with the Obama summit Thursday as the site. (Krugman column today excerpt) "Why are Republicans reluctant to sit down and talk? Because they would then be forced to put up or shut up. Since they’re adamantly opposed to reducing the deficit with tax increases, they would have to explain what spending they want to cut. And guess what? After three decades of preparing the ground for this moment, they’re still not willing to do that." ----------------------- But they demand Obama walk on water to BOTH reduce the deficits AND supply pragmatic provision for what we MUST NOW HAVE, in 21st Century. Never forget where those deficits came from: Reagan era start, Bush I, Bush II deadly multiplication.

Hank Ruark February 22, 2010 1:49 pm (Pacific time)

You want more ? Just check for yourself on Internet sources; that beats filing for you by "see with own eyes": (From Alternet) Letters Reveal Top GOP Lawmakers Demanded Stimulus Money As ‘Vital’ Job Creating Engines Rep. Steve Buyer (R-IN)Last week, on the one year anniversary of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, ThinkProgress released a report detailing 110 Republican lawmakers who hypocritically opposed the stimulus, but later asked for more money or claimed credit for successful stimulus programs. Republicans, who voted largely in lockstep against the legislation, have been spinning to justify their opposition. Last Wednesday, as House GOP members fired off press releases reaffirming their sentiment that the stimulus had been a “failure,” ThinkProgress caught a House GOP leader releasing a statement taking credit for millions in stimulus funds.

Hank Ruark February 22, 2010 1:02 pm (Pacific time)

  Your conclusion, per most from unsigners, makes no sense until source is known, revealing motivations.
  Success or otherwise with price/wage controls depends entirely on whose horse is gored by bull's horn of inflation, usually sold as serious situation demanding surcease.
  Some do prosper from that unfair, damaging state forced on all by policy perpetrated --as Greenspan years clearly do demonstrate NOW.
  So name period-covered, by whom propsed,with what numbers you can muster --if you wish any credence here.
  Wise man once declared that" "Cogitation is the curse of the commucations class" --and you set off silly rather than significant situation via your anonymity, costly to all thus concerned.

  Participation valued when you share something we need to learn; otherwise don't waste space,time, attention...esp. if fearful of sig-consequence, usually revealing obviously ego-protecting motivation.

Anonymous February 22, 2010 11:27 am (Pacific time)

Remember when we all knew that wage and price controls don’t work.

Hank Ruark February 22, 2010 9:52 am (Pacific time)

  Obstructionism is best killed by direct challenge to those perpetrating its damages by unethical and immoral uses.
  President Obama understands that basic principle of all working democracies, and the Thursday session now set up will demonstrate the appalling lack of good faith and wise priority for achieving NOW what our nation MUST DO on healthcare:

Obama Details Plan to Expand Health Care to Uninsured

President Obama on Monday laid out for the first time a
detailed legislative proposal for overhauling health care,
largely sticking with the approach passed by the Senate with
unified Democratic support in December but making concessions
to the House version as well.

Mr. Obama's proposal is the opening act to a week of high
drama around health care that will culminate on Thursday,
when the president convenes Democrats and Republicans at an
all-day televised health care "summit" at Blair House. The
White House is hoping the session can jump start the stalled health bill.
  Flat-fact of healthcare issue is its huge costs now recognized as unsustainable by all concerned; and terrible consequences for nearly 50 MILLION uncovered in our nation --yet blocked in every aspect by GOPster-cabal's unprecedented defiance and denial of demonstrated will and wisdom of the American people.

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