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Feb-12-2010 19:19 ![]() ![]() Op-Ed: Supremes Cabal: 'Money = Speech'
Henry Clay Ruark
![]() Supreme Court Justices Courtesy: |
(SALEM, Ore.) - Five Supreme Court justices--all appointed in very recent years by conservative Presidents--now have abandoned more than a century of judicial judgment and precedent painfully built by their famed predecessors into “the settled law of the land.” Their radical action defies and denies as well nearly two centuries of national political consensus that any and all corporate interests must be subjugated to what the commonweal requires.
They have given unlimited, license-less and very lavish latitude to ALL corporations--including foreign flag formats controlled from other capital cities--to buy outright any and all forms of communication necessary to shape and then control each and every level of our democratic government. All expenditures involved are chargeable as regular "business expenses" and can be written-off or passed along to consumers in pricing of products.
No stronger form or level of doctrinaire corporatist manipulation to master our elected representative republican format for commonweal consideration, then shaping all decision and action, can be conceived. Control of “the media” has historically preceded every form of radical take-over anywhere, worldwide. Corporate dollar-power can now 'manage' citizen understandings for their own private-gain purposes.
So now we find five men, formally gowned in impressive judicial style but clearly acting on what can only be understood as personal whim, destroying an explicit understanding in place and controlling our law since the earliest days of our national union itself. Control of our basic communications channels -- reflecting what John Dewey termed the conversation at the heart of democracy -- has long been the stated objective and the working goal of concentrated business interests ever since early American Revolutionary days.
Even before the formative events of 1776, every laader of our nation had warned of the overwhelming dangers to democracy in development of corporate forms seeking ONLY profits uber allies.
That’s WHY earliest state-charters for all then-growing corporations emphasized a public service purpose -- cannily removed by contrivance ASAP. Dangers developing inevitably from already feared experience with the corporate form was one major theme throughout pre-Revolutionary dialog. That dialog was driven by added-tax action of the British-monopoly East India corporation tea-provider -- soon to become the target of tea/chest/tossers into Boston Harbor. In 1816, Thomas Jefferson declared that our nation “must crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations”. In 1905, President Theodore Roosevelt warned the nation that “all contributions by corporations to any political committee for any poltical purpose should be forbidden by law.” He sought public financing of elections, and in 1907 signed the Tilman Act forbidding corporate contribution to federal campaigns. Justice William O. Douglas stated it was Santa Clara vs Southern Pacific Railroad that “armed corporations with constitutional privileges” despite the known facts of error committed by the court recorder.
It was that key if erroneous decision which led Supreme Court Justices Sonia Sotomajor, in dissent this time, to declare that the Court should recosider this imisguided ruling, which “gave birth to corporations as persons.” She continued:” There could be an argument made that that was the Court’s error to start with.” Her suggestion would have killed off this “radical action by conservative judges” to expand the First Amendment rights of corporations. THAT was surely precisely what they feared. All down the days since then -- more than a century ago -- corporations have manipulated, maneuvered, and mandated massive lobbyist “management”; (read: Bagmen basicaly banging on legislator doors and desks.)
That “management” has always, essentially, and with great impact (with or without the bags!) worked also on “the media”. That’s a flat-fact many more millions have come to realize, long before the Supremes-cabal acted to make it even more lopsided by loosening what few controls still existed on corporate largesse lavished wherever possible.
For anyone with eyes-to-see for paper-publications, and ears-to-hear on broadcast-channels, the massive propaganda-play by corporate consolidations has been highly visible for at least 50 years. Now that long-established mutual act is about to pay off with billions-more expended yearly for YOUR attention and to influence YOUR VOTE -- while that final act of citizen responsibility is still permitted!
Even such minor moments in corporate dollar-power control as the McCain-Feingold Act of 2002 now face fast overturn in the furious flurry created as this cabal killed off any and all previous advancements by their radical gang-attack on a century-and-more of modest achievements in control of electoral funding. Sen. Feingold said it straight: “Corporations can just open their treasuries (and) completely buy up all the television time, and drown out everyone else’s voice.”
What’s now bound to happen is that corporations will see “as a cost-of-doing business” all their now-sure-to-multiply expenditures creating fully comprehensive and completely overwhelming political influence -- via concentrated and closely-controlled mass communication.
They can comfortably -- and now even legally -- write-off every dollar spent, while guaranteeing close to complete control of every channel in the communications spectrum by the hugely horrendous new dollar-flow now unleashed -- even superseding what’s already laid on lavishly for every other form of “advertising”. Precisely as any other cost it is possible for them to claim -- this one being that much more impossible to challenge given ths radical give-away by this now-well-recognized black-robed judicial cabal--YOU will find every penny painfully protruding into your personal lifestyle as an added ‘corporate contribution’ MADE BY YOU! (“Willing or not, OUT of YOUR Pocket”!)
Do you really think your paltry personal provision of well-meant but comparatively-low/piled dollars-due for this democratic duty to support reforms -- no matter on what problem, issue or dissent OR PROTEST -- can ever catch up and confine what Big Business will now do to YOU and YOURS?? (With YOUR monies...) What the cabal (and its indubitable corporate “sponsors”) did not count on is the massive, meaningful and very negative reactions they have triggered across the nation -- evidenced in over ONE HUNDRED published responses, editorial through special report, already on record and in-file.
THAT’S CLEARLY essentially due to total contempt they share for the public itself; and even for the basic concept of the commonweal.
The fear they undeniably felt, now credited by most reports as major motivation for cabal-action now, was for what they saw as determined resistances already under way, demanding rapid remediation by radical action to avoid desperate confrontation on basic American values. What they may have now mounted by that action may well become that massive movement for natural national RE-action which major political-motivation research teaches us is “always the foundation in our democracy for real reform.” MILLIONS voted for hope and change (read: Reform on the-way-it-really-is!) in 2008.
The mandate was large, strong, and continues strong with most who acted then. They well understand that FIFTY years of denial, defiance and defeat for what the people of this nation really seek will now require Patience, Perseverance and People-Power to remedy. THOSE MILLIONS now stand ready, many eager and motivated, many others now disappointed and some even disillusioned at the need for longtime, steady action to offset those 50 years of denigration and denial.
But they are now learning more every day about “requiring shareholder approval of corporate campaigning; full control and forced transparency for all foreign entity actions, with political expenditures barred; and personal responsibility by corporate CEOs for all corporate ads.” Then they know they can support the Fair Elections Now Act -- already counting 127 House members and 6 Senators as backers. The Act bars contributions larger than $100 for all Congressional candidates, forcing full use of small donations and public funds.
Passage of the Act will reverse this Supreme act of rejection for a fundamental principle of democracy -- ”One citizen, one vote”-- substituting “allowing Wall Street to tap its vast corporate profits to drown out the voice of the public in our democracy”, as Common Cause president Bob Edgar stated the isssue. What YOU CAN DO, to protect your own human right under the First Amendment, is to sound off loud and clear and continuously to your Congressional and Legislative contacts.
Tell them all it is YOUR money very meaningfully at stake here and NOW NOT AVAILABLE to pay for more paper-press-and-broadcast propaganda by non-person, non-thinKing and NON-VOTING soul-and-compassionless corporations.
Reader’s Note: Quotes are sometimes partial, combined, condensed; verbatim list available on request with full ID and working phone #. Full list of documenting notes is also available, not included here since it numbers over 75 entries. For background on Santa Fe vs Southern Pacific Railroad key-case and other issues/problems with corporate personhood and “campaign contributions”, see previous Op Eds in Staff-section “Written by...” list.
Hank returned to Oregon to complete M. Ed. degree at OSU, went on to Indiana University for Ed.D. (abd) and special other course-work; was selected as first Information Director for NAVA in Washington, D.C.; helped write sections of NDEA, first Act to supply math, science, foreign language consultants to state depts. of education; joined Oregon Dept. of Education, where he served as NDEA administrator/Learning Media Consultant for ten years.
He joined Dr. Amo DeBernardis at PCC, helping establish, extend programs, facilities, Oregon/national public relations; moved to Chicago as Editor/Publisher of oldest educational-AV journal, reformed as AV GUIDE Magazine; then established and operated Learning Media Associates as general communications consultant group. Due to wife’s illness, he returned to Oregon in 1981, semi-retired, and has continued writing intermittently ever since, joining S-N in 2004. His Op Eds now total over 560 written since then.
All comments and messages are approved by people and self promotional links or unacceptable comments are denied.
Hank Ruark February 15, 2010 8:43 am (Pacific time)
You wrote:"Neither labor nor government exists without wealth and those who innitiate it's production."
Centuries-old dialog you open (again !) part of problem laid on us by Supremes action:
Well-documented truth is that any "wealth" never can be gathered without some form of governance and cooperation with workers producing "added value" --which is proper definition for all wealth from any source whatsoever.
Nobody exists for long in this world without help from others obtained either by force or cooperative efforts.
That's been true since primitive days, including the feudal era from which classic capitalism itself grew.
Supremes handed current corporate predators open checkbook (read: bank-vault !) to use massive monies now to still further purchase full control of our tattered, torn, faltering democracy already near-stall from full-play obstructionism by corporate allies, aided, facilitated by lushly-paid lobbyists, many from legislative practice to build saleable influence.
ID-self to editor Tim with working phone for full dialog direct on your queries;OR seek out previous Op Eds (many !) in our Archives.
Cannot in good conscience cover all aspects here without obscuring main issue:
Supremes selfish sell-out to corporate powers potently on prowl to purchase stranglehold on whole governance system.
Thank you for insightful and sensitive beginning cogitation and welcome your points direct at any time: my pleasure to provide massive documentation from 40 years reading, study and writing on same issues.
You might start with Drucker and his whole series, from 1st serious study of corporate format right on till current times.
Adam February 15, 2010 12:50 pm (Pacific time)
If those currently in power in both congress and the Whitehouse really want to make a stink about this they could just come out and be more active in creating legislation to attempt overturning this ruling. They will not do that themselves, but their surrogates are trying to talk down the ruling. Why won't people like Senators Chuck Schumer and Reid be more active in this matter? Because they receive millions from big corporations, and Wall Street has made Schumer their number one cash recipient. Last week the Whitehouse who use to knock those who got large bonuses have taken a different tack, calling them "savvy." I wonder why the flip? Culture of corruption?
Hank Ruark February 15, 2010 8:41 am (Pacific time)
Jim: You wrote:"Neither labor nor government exists without wealth and those who innitiate it's production." Centuries-old dialog you open (again !) part of problem laid on us by Supremes action: Well-documented truth is that any "wealth" never can be gathered without some form of governance and cooperation with workers producing "added value" --which is proper definition for all wealth from any source whatsoever. Nobody exists for long in this world without help from others obtained either by force or cooperative efforts. That's been true since primitive days, including the feudal era from which classic capitalism itself grew. Supremes handed current corporate predators open checkbook (read: bank-vault !) to use massive monies now to still further purchase full control of our tattered, torn, faltering democracy already near-stall from full-play obstructionism by corporate allies, aided, facilitated by lushly-paid lobbyists, many from legislative practice to build saleable influence. ID-self to editor Tim with working phone for full dialog direct on your queries;OR seek out previous Op Eds (many !) in our Archives. Cannot in good conscience cover all aspects here without obscuring main issue: Supremes selfish sell-out to corporate powers potently on prowl to purchase stranglehold on whole governance system. Thank you for insightful and sensitive beginning cogitation and welcome your points direct at any time: my pleasure to provide massive documentation from 40 years reading, study and writing on same issues.
Jim February 14, 2010 6:06 pm (Pacific time)
Regarding what percentage of labor and government makes up the engine of the economy is not significant if one does not have a business and the leadership that began it, and guides it. Neither labor nor government exists without wealth and those who innitiate it's production. Assigning a percentage as to it's value (labor and govenment) is pretty subjective, but one thing we know somewhat objectively is that small and medium-sized businesses make-up approximately 2/3's of our economy. Can anyone point out where "government" has done well running things? Making a profit to continue a private business's existence is not something government is doing well currently, that is if one assigns that this is the task they are involved with, nor is it labor, considering the unemployment rate. It is the business owner that makes things go. All in all, from what I've been reading is that corporations donate more to one party than another, but this fluxiates over time.
Hank Ruark February 14, 2010 10:12 am (Pacific time)
Friend Mike: You may find this article of significant interest re how the market really works, and how the Reagan administration set up to manipulate it and reinforce then-govt. policy. Will insert link-URL later for rapid access: May 29, 2009 Manipulation - How Markets Really Work By Stephen Lendman Wall Street's mantra is that markets move randomly and reflect the collective wisdom of investors. The truth is quite opposite. The government's visible hand and insiders control markets and manipulate them up or down for profit - all of them, including stocks, bonds, commodities and currencies. It's financial fraud or what former high-level Wall Street insider and former Assistant HUD Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts calls "pump and dump," defined as "artificially inflating the price of a stock or other security through promotion, in order to sell at the inflated price," then profit more on the downside by short-selling. "This practice is illegal under securities law, yet it is particularly common," and in today's volatile markets likely ongoing daily." (Report review Reagan adm. action to set up group for the purpose of shaping-up the market. Original Content at )
Hank Ruark February 14, 2010 7:47 am (Pacific time)
Friend Mike: Re small enterprise,inc. or other formats, it is one-third of engine you speak of, and is also largest part of failures forcing job search, benefits for unemployment, et al,et al. Other two-thirds of engine are labor and, like it or not, government, which creates the lawful surround and working situations making any/all enterprise possible. No business of any size can possibly operate without all there engine parts, in mutual cooperation for any possible profit and community gains. Latest W/S largesse may have been more heavily to Dems, but my ref. was to overall during past 50 years,with no question which party has always been the darling and the tool of corporation-capture of both economy and governance. I'm by far not only writer to report that immutable, significant fact, driving many factors in all those years, especially since Reagan "government IS the problem !" --declaration now seen as disastrous debacle and heart of corporate and business attitudes, actions, at center of economic collapse by deregulation,globalization, privatization, all corporate manipulated vs commonweal. (Documentation in depth by request with 'phone to editor) Re action NOW on ruling, I agree time/line long,difficult and dangerous --but action is demanded to offset what's sure to result otherwise. We can start with concerted action to kill "personhood" as perverted,paid-for intentional action of court reporter with distorted words of judge, to create false precedent in key case. See my 8/10 previous Op Eds over past four years for full painful but historic detail. Your continued insightful and provocative participation appreciated, sir. NOW what have YOU DONE so far to straighten out this unholy mess created precisely to convert even more of your personal monies to "costs" for corporate price-rises ??!! Target NOW needs to be our legislators rather than any continued dialog since fact is fully resolved --see any of some 100 national major and reliable responses on Internet shared by request with ID and working phone to Editor. We STILL have the ultimate democratic weapon --the VOTE-- if we have the will, wisdom,to use it well and wisely.
Mike February 13, 2010 6:07 pm (Pacific time)
As per the FEC the major beneficiaries of Wall Street political donations were to members of the democratic party and number one and two were referenced in my earlier post. Regardless of how one wants to interpret small and medium sized businesses, they create the majority of jobs. Take a gander in the yellow pages of any phone book and also look at the advertisers in the different localized media. They are the economic engine and they will be no doubt be using this ruling to enhance their power. This may be good, and this may be a negative. Time will tell. Just the same this ruling will stand for a very long time, and it will take literally years to alter it, that is if congress wants to. I frankly don't think some powerful senators want too much attention drawn out on just how much they have received from large corporations in the way of political donations, especially from Wall Street. We shall see, but don't hold your breath.
Hank Ruark February 13, 2010 2:46 pm (Pacific time)
D.B.: When you call, first shot: Demand to know what contributions they have rec'd and from whom...sets the tone nicely for further demands by putting most of 'em on the defensive. IF by chance you hit one of few with real defense --"NOT a DOLLAR accepted from ANY corporation !" be sure to ID here for others to admire. Appreciate your insightful (!) participation, sir.
Hank Ruark February 13, 2010 12:32 pm (Pacific time)
Mike: Thanks for your generally positive insightful reactions. On campaign contributions you are in error; the Gopster side has long been known as closer to corporations and business generally, and my own reliable sources confirm that flat-fact as remaining true. Re small-business stance as major group in corporations, the very fact of their size militates against the gross impact of their influence, on whichever side...except when they can make their population majority felt by individual response, per my urging to all. For me, from long observation, they tend to be far too vulnerable to larger corporation and general business-interest propaganda, partially due to lack of their own self-understandings of the importance they represent in the overall scheme of things. Small corporations may well outnumber partnerships and other indivual formats for business, but same points also apply to them. Fact is that the Supremes acting erroneously have surely denigrated, denied and defied what the Constitution itself sets out for our support and succor in situations similar to what we now encounter. As in everything else in democracy --definitely a D-I-Y enterprise when it actually works-- it is the individual acting on personal citizen responsibilit --OR NOT !! by default, ennui, whatever real reason-- that eventually rules not only the democracy, but the rest of the world by what we are able to achieve right here in America --given the solid foundation we inherit from our Founding Fathers. What's most important now is to understand where we now do really stand, and to then move on to what we CAN STILL BECOME with people-power potently in place and operative.
Mike February 13, 2010 10:22 am (Pacific time)
Two thirds of small businesses, usually incorporated, makeup the majority of American corporations. Has anyone seen any polls on how they feel about this ruling? As far as Wall Street corporations and the major banks, the majority of their political donations go to the democratic party. In 2008 as per the FEC, Senators Chris Dodd (D. Conn.-retiring, and owns castle in Ireland, only income is from govt. pay as per tax records)) and Obama were number one and two in receiving political donations. Will these people who got the lions share of funding be focused on attempting to change this Supreme Court ruling? If some legislation is passed in congress on this matter, it will no doubt be appealed, and as it winds it's way through the courts, it will take years and years. It is also next to a zero chance that an injuction can stop this ruling for obvious reasons...which lower court can change a Supreme Court law/ruling? The best way to deal with any upcoming unfairness will have to be pursued on an individual basis, which will also be appealed regardless of it's legal decision in a lower court.
douglas benson February 13, 2010 5:11 am (Pacific time)
Great article Henry .Now to call my represenatives allthough they are bought and paid for allready but I will do so anyway .
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