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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Aug-25-2011 23:42)

GOPster Gang Preaching
Faith-Driven Fact-Debacles

Perry, Bachman, Romney, Paul promoting falsities - they claim in any rational review of US government.

(SEASIDE, Ore.) - Dead GOP elephant Never have so many sought so false and misleading a deep view of past US historical event and culminating current issues than the dolts and distressed-pundit politicians of this GOPster Gang, and its surround of would-be campaign-funds collectors --already failing and falling away one by one.

Read Full Article (Aug-19-2011 14:33)

Flouting First Amendment
Sets System For Disaster

Only Humans Deserve Right to Free Speech - Earned by Personal Pertinent Responsibility.

(SEASIDE, Ore.) - First Amendment The First Amendment has always been the shining jewel introducing and reflecting the glories set forth in the American Constitution. Our Founding Fathers knew what they were doing --and WHY.

That is how come it IS the FIRST --not further down-the-list of their great accomplishments, still recognized world-around for the invention and intervention and inevitable impacts on individual life and liberties set forth in this superbly sensitive and surely unique document in history.

Read Full Article (Aug-05-2011 18:47)

They Die, We Die: An essay on life and...

“No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less..."

(CALGARY, Alberta) - At birth we join society (in progress) as a nascent thread; when we exit society, we leave a rip in the social fabric.

John Steinbeck observed in one of his novels: “When two people meet, each one is changed by the other so, you’ve got two new people.” Society is created and sustained by these ongoing interactions of its members—a non-stop fluxion of interrelationships.

Read Full Article (Jul-31-2011 14:10)

The Wit and Wisdom of Gordon Gekko

You’re all pretty much f*cked. You don’t know it yet, but you’re the Ninja generation—no income, no job, no assets.

(CALGARY, Alberta) - Michael Douglas as Gordon Gekko Gordon Gekko is a fictional movie character played by Michael Douglas (a role for which he won the best actor Academy Award).

At the end of the first movie, in 1987, Bud Fox (Charlie Sheen) has turned him in for insider trading and the viewer is left with the impression that GG will go to jail. It’s 1993 before he “actually” does and he is in for almost eight years—released just after 9/11.

Read Full Article (May-12-2011 15:29)

Op-Ed: How to Know What`s True In Age of Information Overload

Pragmatic, Serious, Sensible Guiding Steps To Navigating Blur of 21st-Century Media Terrain.

(SEASIDE, Ore.) - Blurr the book Seldom, these days,. do I ever find any book, even the most professional-level ones, of such overriding importance that it requires me to write essentially a book-report in place of mine own "informed opinion" as an Op Ed.
But it does still happen --very occasionally indeed.

This one is simply titled "BLUR".

Read Full Article (Apr-19-2011 14:27)

Gay Marriage - A Perspective!

I offer this perspective to share my view of this issue and possibly open your mind to a different analytical channel... not to argue a point.

(HARRISVILLE, N.H.) - Same sex marriage Let us say you have a son or daughter who you perceive as a good person. They received a good education, work hard at a job, and respect the rights of others. They are a peace loving and kind person. Now suppose that child comes home one day and says to you “Dad (or Mom) I’m gay”.

At this point, we must examine what has changed. The son or daughter is still the same educated, hard-working, respectful, loving, and kind person they were 10 mins. ago.

Read Full Article (Apr-16-2011 20:43)

Op Ed: Citizen-Choice Still Supreme to Shape Democratic Policy

Vote-power provides "Final Answer" for all conniving Congressional and party perpetrators of ideological attacks abandoning our principles.

(SEASIDE, Ore.) - Founding Fathers We must never forget that democracy is most definitely a do-it-yourself proposition, dependent always on what its participants choose to do.

No matter how strong or well-monied or otherwise well-prepared, any attacker seeking to manipulate a strong democracy must eventually deal directly with participant-strength weaponed by the remarkable, remorseless potency of the personal vote.

Read Full Article (Oct-21-2010 12:20)

Opinion: It`s a Matter of Priorities

The 2011 legislature shoulc spend money helping low-income working families with children by improving the state EITC.

(SILVERTON, Ore.) - Money Oregonians' priorities. That ought to be the legislature's guide when it comes into session in January and confronts a revenue shortfall by deciding where to spend Oregon's precious tax dollars.

In today's harsh economic landscape, what more important priority can there be than helping low-income, working families with children make ends meet?

Read Full Article (Sep-06-2010 21:21)

Behind the Curtain of the Convenient Recession

Who benefits from a continued recession? The answer to that question may explain a you know it?

(SACRAMENTO, Calif.) - Behind the Curtain art Republicans in general are pretty smart people. They seem to be able to amass large fortunes more frequently than anyone else. You do not accomplish this by being stupid.

Ever since the Democrats took back Washington, profits are down. They see the Democrats as wanting to feed the hunger, cure the sick, provide food and shelter for the poor, fight injustice. To an extent that is true. However, they feel the Democrats want to do these things with the taxpayers money. That would, of course, include some of their tax dollars.

Read Full Article (Aug-26-2010 09:29)

Op Ed: Historic U.S. Facts Reflect Continued Writer-Camouflage

Pundit-Palaver Illuminated by Detailed National Record.

(SEASIDE, Ore.) - Camouflage laptop “What are your intentions, sir ?” demanded the traditional Victorian virgin when confronted by her canny and contriving seducer. In a second “joke” often used in psychiatry, the judge demands “Yes or No” answer from an accused: “Have you stopped beating your wife?”

Read Full Article
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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
