(Oct-16-2007 16:30)
Op Ed: Why Are So Many So Lacking in Basic Understanding?
Op-Ed by Henry Clay Ruark
IF These Are “Typical Oregonians”, We Are In Deep Trouble.
(BEND, Ore.) -
Recent issues of Salem-News have continued excellent coverage of major state and national issues, with continuing deep attention to the most important local events, happenings, and situations, too.
As the ONLY Internet-based alternative daily news source in the nation UN-connected to any other media institution, we have a unique role to play: Not only for Oregon but for this nation, badly in need of precisely this demonstration of an open channel for deeply honest and determined public dialog.
Read Full Article (Oct-02-2007 14:22)
Op Ed: Internet Policy Demands Wise Decision
Henry Clay Ruark for
"Fast is fine," but Congressional Internet policy demands wise decision. Congress Must Extend Internet Tax Moratorium, THEN Set About Deep Commission-Study for National Policies.
(BEND, Ore.) -
“Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything." That was Wyatt Earp’s longtime rule, and it was so successful that he never suffered the likely death-by gunfire highly probable in his confrontations, but died peacefully at home after numerous victories.
That Western history should now help Sen. Gordon Smith, as he contemplates what the Senate must do about taxing access or other usage of the Internet.
Read Full Article (Sep-29-2007 12:40)
Op-Ed: Promised Veto Flies in the Face Of Compassionate Conservativism
Op-Ed by Henry Clay Ruark for
Veto-weapon held high over the bowed heads of Congressional participants on both sids of the aisle, “President” Bush proclaims "ideology absolutism" as his real religion.
(BEND, Ore.) -
Killing federal funds sure to help the lower-levels of the foundering middle class as well as the poor-and-threatened, he will deny Congress its Constitutional responsibilities to protect, preserve and strengthen the wit, wisdom and will of the American people.
Seventy percent of all Americans stand ready and willing to work out universal health care for all --absolutely now seen worldwide as an essential human right-- here in the U.S.
Read Full Article (Sep-21-2007 14:48)
Op Ed: Mr. President, Sir...: Real Questions Never Fired What Americans Really Want Answered By Bush Now
By Henry Clay Ruark for
How would President Bush answer a series of direct questions, if he really had to?
(BEND, Ore.) -
Yesterday’s “Presidential Press Conference” mirrored much of what’s wrong with our system at the national level. Our vaunted “free press”, performing perfunctorily and with little intensity its most essential function, failed to demand any clear and responsible accounting for a host of hot-issue and highly dangerous questions from the very person to whom they should turn, given full and very public opportunity.
This Op Ed seeks to share those thus available with you -- as if they had been asked when the Chief Executive of this nation, by his own choice, stood before interrogators charged with the democratic responsibility to seek answers for the entire nation.
Read Full Article (Sep-19-2007 07:05)
Op Ed: Lies Repeated Proves Deceptive Intent By Big Tobacco
Op Ed by Henry Clay Ruark
Tobacco Ad Echos False Claims In Prettified Graphs
(BEND, Ore.) -
There is something that forces Big Tobacco to lie, cheat, distort and pervert known facts.
What could be their motivation? It’s simple to see the controlling facts clearly driving this latest open attack on citizen understanding: Big-T is losing the war for young buyers of that noxious weed known to waste away its users for centuries now, yet still permitted for sale “legally”.
Read Full Article (Sep-13-2007 09:51)
Op Ed: Big Tobacco Lies in Its Teeth: Desperately Dollar-Driven Despite Poison-Drug Damages
Op-Ed by Henry Clay Ruark
Why Allow Millions-More Victims of Uncontrolled Greed? They are the sure consequence of long-paid "corporate campaign contributions."
(BEND, Ore.) -
“WHO You gonna believe, me or your own eye?” is the classic rejoinder from Chico in the famed Marx Brothers film DUCK SOUP.
“Caught in the very act”, Chico proclaims precisely the same reaction of Big Tobacco in its latest effort to “manufacture consent”; and public compliance for killing off a reasonable/rational Legislative decision to seek the wit, wisdom and will of Oregonians.
Read Full Article (Sep-07-2007 05:30)
What`s the Big Deal About GOP Candidate Ron Paul? (VIDEO)
Op-Ed by: Tim King
People are talking about this Republican Presidential hopeful, backed by a small but substantial and outspoken set of principles and campaign positions.
(SALEM, Ore.) -
Many Americans are curious about a Texas GOP candidate named Ronald Ernest Paul, who is raising a few eyebrows among a wide section of the voting populace.
I've heard republicans refer to Ron Paul as a breath of fresh air, and I've had democrats mention the candidate in a good light. Then there is all of the excitement from the GOP debates that he generated, with his unbridled statements about the war in Iraq.
Read Full Article (Aug-30-2007 17:17)
Op Ed: A Nation Long-Seduced, Finally Wary, Ready To Restore People-Control
Op Ed by Henry Clay Ruark
Neo-Cons Forced To Face Consequences of Thirty-Year Plot, Reagan’s Union-Bashing, Corporate Perversions Under Bush I and II.
(BEND, Ore.) -
"The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it comes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism - ownership of government by an individual, by a group."
-Franklin D. Roosevelt
Those famous words echo loudly today across this entire nation with consequential events demanding immediate drastic attention.
Read Full Article (Aug-26-2007 01:59)
History Channel Program Examines Emerging New Information on 9/11
Op-Ed by Tim King
The program raises questions about what happened to our country September 11th, 2001.
(LEWISTON, Idaho) -
A program on the History Channel this week opened the door for new information about 9/11 that claims the U.S. government was actually behind the tragic attack.
I have written about aspects of 9/11 on different occasions, and I am heartened that a national audience is now listening to a movement that has a message nobody wants to believe or hear.
Read Full Article (Aug-20-2007 14:27)
Iowa Straw Poll: Win or Warning?
Op-Ed: Special to Salem-News by Dan Gilbert
Are core conservative issues replaced With marketing ploys, image consultants and free t-shirts? Republican presidential candidates should take note: low turnout, despite spending spree, shows less than enthusiastic base.
Last week’s Iowa Straw Poll is being heralded by the Romney and Huckabee camps as a victory and a sign of future wins in the GOP Presidential Candidate race.
Yet, after the amount spent by each candidate to lure voters to the event, one has to wonder how much bang for their buck each candidate actually received.
Read Full Article