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Oct-16-2007 16:30printcomments

Op Ed: Why Are So Many So Lacking in Basic Understanding?

IF These Are “Typical Oregonians”, We Are In Deep Trouble.

Statue of Liberty graphic
Image courtesy: U.S. Air Force

(BEND, Ore.) - Recent issues of Salem-News have continued excellent coverage of major state and national issues, with continuing deep attention to the most important local events, happenings, and situations, too.

As the ONLY Internet-based alternative daily news source in the nation UN-connected to any other media institution, we have a unique role to play: Not only for Oregon but for this nation, badly in need of precisely this demonstration of an open channel for deeply honest and determined public dialog.

That’s one reason Google chose Salem-News to feature in its own reports available worldwide.

Yet, especially in the inestimably-important reader-Comments section -- surely a notable feature of this news website-- there has been a striking and always painful resort to what can only be described as personal attack and vilification. Any time that occurs it is inevitably, inescapably painful for BOTH the perpetrator AND the intended victim. since it denies and destroys the democratic essence of this open channel.

The frustrated actions come from those who are clearly unable to carry on open, honest and effective dialog. The negativity is still deplorable and damaging to the essential flow as demanded for democratic purposes here-and-now --and more than ever before.

Apparently there is a deeply concentrated small group of deathly-intent so-called “conservatives” who cannot stand any dissent or denial of their “heartfelt feelings” from ANYone; especially those they consider to be entirely outside the group and suspect for views at one time termed “liberal”.

Both “conservative” and “liberal” are quoted-here to mark these terms as now well-outmoded and without doubt becoming meaningless.

Many local, state, national and worldwide events can be cited to show the deeply-different and extremely more-difficult sweeping events, making that an easy reflection of realities.

Past election results would have one believe that the Bush re-election was a majority voting-decision for the nation.

Yet we all know very well --now without any appreciable doubt-- that the national political choice was made by the Supreme Court, well-packed and ready for precisely that action.

That makes a painful farce out of Lincoln’s famous call for “government OF the people, BY the people, and FOR the people”; flinging open-wide the multifarious methods and means for voting corruption by corporate campaign contributions; and many other forms for fanciful manipulation and very massive duplicity via manipulation of media channels, contents and participations.

That’s the most meaningful demonstration of the damning effects of growing corporatist/state movement towards fascism in this nation.

Perhaps that in itself is one reason to understand that there is NOW --not for the first time-- a heavy and ominous undertone to local, state and national politics; clearly reflecting an exceedingly dangerous and growing trend in public dialog --deathly for democracy if allowed to continue unabated.

Not since our own Civil War --fought over a decisive human rights issue-- has there been such a flood of personal invective and venom in the political discussions now so widely shared via Internet means.

Democratically open-and-honest dialog is the very working heart of discussion and debate, leading on to open-and-honest public decision, in our now-weakened state of democracy.

It must surround and thus shape what values, beliefs and working information representatives elected for action can and will take --in response to what the people participating have determined should and must be done.

For decades, despite all their evident and demonstrated weaknesses and inbuilt difficulties, the American daily newspaper played a very decisive and determining role in all such public dialog.

It was the growth and mature development of the daily newspaper which made that possible, in the face of heavy anti-democratic trends in other decades; achieved only via penetrating analysis and solid political courage on the part of editors and publishers fiercely fighting many strongly entrenched political machines nationwide.

That was a major, enduring force for future democracy across the entire nation, precisely when-and-how needed-the-most; with still further impacts and famous effects in later wars and in the Deep, Real Depression, too.

The Letters and Op-Ed publication columns supplied the large majority of deciding voters with their best-available and most basic information for cogitation on personal political and cultural decision; then shared by them with representatives in person, by letter, sometimes communicated via public hearings, and in all the other traditional channels built over decades by public demand and necessity.

Nowadays that happens rarely and only intermittently in most public-policy situations; thus depriving elected representatives of those personalized influences of their very own constituents, in contrast to past decades of much deeper and more intense and frequent contacts.

Given the broad changes in modern life, the Internet has now become one of the most potent --thus essentially important and operational channels-- for that kind of communication among citizens, and with elective representation, prior to action on key essential issues and problems.

BUT no matter what modern means and methods we now are blessed to have at our ready disposal, that old bug-a-boo of fear for any dissenting view vs our own treasured feelings can still create --for some-- the necessity for personal attack replacing continued open and honest discussion. It is so much easier to cavil and complain than to cogitate and continue to reason and persuade.

That can now only be described as thoughtless, selfish, demeaning and deplorable diminution of our growing democracy.

To allow it to continue here is especially not only damaging as described, but plays right back into the very old and demeaning political hatchet-attacks deplored ever since Colonial times --long a damaging factor in many daily newspapers of earlier eras.

This IS the 21st Century --already in its seventh year! One might surely expect mature, experienced, thoughtful, and conscientious citizens to do better for themselves and the rest of us; in an open, honest, democratic and highly effective public channel for developing, dissecting, deciding and distributing information leading to better public understandings.

We shape public decision on key issues. That MUST be done openly, cleanly and wisely, especially when we are on worldwide view.

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Henry Ruark October 18, 2007 11:08 am (Pacific time)

To all: You may find this one by Krugman of real interest re this Op Ed; "see with own eyes" is usually most meaningful. ==================== Paul Krugman: Why Do Right-Wingers Mock Attempts to Care for Other People? By Mark Karlin, BuzzFlash http://www.alternet.org/story/64931/ "... [Y]ou can't have gross economic inequality and still have a functional democracy. You can't really have a society with broad equality without having a political democracy. So it is all about having basically a shared society. -- Paul Krugman, Economist, Columnist, Author of The Conscience of a Liberal "In a sea of media transcribers and mediocrity, Paul Krugman has held a longstanding spot as one of the most popular liberal columnists in the media. But actually, although a New York Times columnist, Krugman is not a journalist. In fact, when I spoke with him for this interview, he was preparing a lecture for one of his economics classes at Princeton."

Henry Ruark October 18, 2007 7:22 am (Pacific time)

GP et al: Never forget the money-power heavily applied by "campaign contributions" --since classic longtime research by cognitive science clearly demonstrates that "enough repetition, even of falsities easily seen, will bring acceptance in time." We suffer from deplorable use of such monies, as clearly seen in the five-to-one ratio reported vs Measure 50, with over $10 million, all from Big Tobacco sources, already at work supplying distorted and clearly perverted versions of reality via heavy tv-massage.

Henry Ruark October 17, 2007 10:50 am (Pacific time)

GP et al: "T'was ever thus" is the natural response, shown by any historical search over many centuries. Founders passionate dialogs on Federalist Papers show full dismay at some of same points you make well, with due allowance for time difference. But that does nothing to lift our own historical responsibilities, much less even more demanding ones to existing generation for whom we have heavy load. given the absolute controls and many modernized methods now first created, then perfected by our own ongoing geniuses and great scientific, financial, cultural and educatational achievements and strong establishments. What's missing is the political will among the people, and powerful personal forces of character among our ostensible leaders. What must be done is to rebuild wit, wisdom and will among the people, with strengthened and extended real democracy is our major weapon.

GP October 17, 2007 10:04 am (Pacific time)

The reality is that most people do not sit around reading heavy stuff and books. If they did, George Bush and Dick Cheney would not have been elected. However, as you know, even if they do read books and are exposed to the facts, people remain stuck in their political beliefs. About half my friends are conservative Republican, most highly educated. They all voted for Bush twice. If you tell them the country is going to collapse because of all the corruption, they will respond that this is what it says will happen in the Bible. Even knowing what they do today, they would vote for Bush again. Facts and proper discussions don't seem to bring about any change in their thinking. And of course, they say the things about us awful liberals and feel we are the ones unable to think clearly. Though our country was supposedly founded on democratic principles, this has never been proven. It has become worse due to the fact our political campaigns are funded by rich corporate leaders. This is why the whole emphasis is on which candidate is collecting the most money. And we are treated like mushrooms. Most of us don't have a clue as to why our leaders do what they do. And listening to all the candidates, is there one other than Hillary who talks about what they want to do for the American people? No. It is all about war, terrorists, nuclear bombs, sex scandals, lowering taxes, all of which leaves Americans with nothing of importance to discuss. Given the fact that Bush and Cheney won't even listen to the team of experts they assigned to evaluate the situation in Iraq and provide their recommendations, why should I waste time arguing with people about it? I am as frustrated as you are, however I have learned not to get too excited in my expectations from my fellow man. Especially in the US, people are too busy consuming and trying to survive. And the issues are very depressing. While all people in the EU countries have had full health care benefits for many years, here in Oregon our government is trying to get poor smokers, who they know can't quit, to pay for the health care for our kids. This sounds great for many non-smokers, for this way they won't have to pay anything--let someone else pay. Isn't it sad that all people in Oregon can't agree to pay a few bucks in taxes so all kids can be covered? Americans have a problem of character.

Henry Ruark October 17, 2007 6:51 am (Pacific time)

GP: Your points well-made and valid. Yet 'way back in Colonial days and before, without widespread dailies, tv-radio and Internet, passion and clear understandings by many made the Founders work really possible. Surely we are capable and potent enough now, having hopefully learned something through nearly 250 years of astounding history. Current status as you here describe it should now cause ongoing consternation, leading to rapid and widespread action for changes-demanded. OR are we simply another Rome, ready for real drastic deterioration, rapidly further towards fascism, now visible ? Where's the outrage, the anger, the widespread and very insistent demand for working democracy NOW ? We get instead the insidious highly selfish acceptance of loss-of-rights, so clearly stated herein a day or two ago by a very vocal Commenteer, easily willing to lose Constitutional rights on the presumption of terrorist dangers left undefined It is the mentality of the media I aimed at here, NOT that of the American people. But that's open to rapid change, as in Revolutionary days long ago, by determined action of those who DO know, and DO care, and CAN act --the ordinary American when Really well-informed. We have the channels...but where are the voices ?? AND the readers, listeners, and Commenteers, too ?? Remember old, hoary, wise Ben F. ?: "...A republic, if you can keep it."

GP October 16, 2007 11:09 pm (Pacific time)

If you are expecting the average American to be well informed and able to argue clearly about the issues, you might continue to disappointed. We can't even get our politicians to speak from the facts or argue intelligently. And we have a president and vice president who having told the truth or presented the facts for six years. Rush Limbaugh is the most popular radio talk show host in the country--a loud mouth liar. Does that tell us something about the mentality of the American people?

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