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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Dec-01-2012 17:39)

SPECIAL REPORT: Agent Orange Tragedy Haunts Vietnam War Veterans

Victims say the US should accept responsibility for the war and fully support Agent Orange victims

(DaNang, Viet Nam ANN) - Agent Orange The forest was as silent as the dead. Everywhere he turned, Doan Hong Chuong saw rot and decay. Trees were lifeless, jungle birds decayed on the ground, and fish floated in dead ponds.

He and other soldiers from his platoon would walk through defoliated zones in central Vietnam, drink water from ponds and bomb craters and ate bananas that littered the ground.

Read Full Article (Nov-30-2012 17:13)

SPECIAL REPORT: Agent Orange: A Toxic Disaster

Authorities estimate that 4.8 million were exposed to Agent Orange dioxin in Vietnam, with more than 3 million victims, including children of the second and third generations.

(DaNang, Viet Nam ANN) - Agent Orange contamination The boy is five, but he looks like he's only two years old. "Ta, ta, ta!", cries the boy as he rolls over onto his mother's lap, and points to a cup of water.

Read Full Article (Nov-17-2012 17:57)

Californians Have No Right to Know Anything Crucial

This article is useful in beginning to understand who is behind the GMOs in food and vaccines, and what are they doing.

(SACRAMENTO, CA) - GMO food The California Right to Know campaign focused on passing Prop 37, an initiative to get genetically engineered food labeled so people would be able to know what is going in their own and their children’s bodies.

The corporations involved in producing and selling GMOs poured millions into stopping the initiative, putting out stunning lies to do so.

Read Full Article (Oct-30-2012 21:48)

AO Victims Grateful to British PM

Gifts comprised a selection of beautiful hand-embroidered linen and colourful hand-painted pictures made by the AO child victims.

(LONDON VNS) - British Prime Minister David Cameron (right), Secretary of the Britain-Viet Nam Friendship Society, Len Aldis (left) The British Prime Minster David Cameron yesterday received touching hand-made gifts from Vietnamese Agent Orange victims as thanks for supporting their fundraiser.

The appreciative tokens, described by Cameron as "beautiful", were presented to the PM in his office by the Secretary of the Britain-Viet Nam Friendship Society, Len Aldis.

Read Full Article (Oct-28-2012 11:45)

Visit `Lesli Moore Dahlke YouTube Channel` for Inspired Insight into Agent Orange and Vietnam

New video channel offers very real, raw, vulnerable dialog of surviving cancer and Agent Orange.

(LOS ANGELES) - Lesli in Vietnam with the USO and later in life while undergoing cancer treatments in Los Angeles. Lesli Moore Dahlke is part of the civilian population who lived and worked in Vietnam.

Lesli's new YouTube channel launched just two days ago --- and the Collateral Damage "short" from Lesli's Documentary is up, as of yesterday.

Read Full Article (Oct-10-2012 11:14)

California Families Take on GMOs

Artists won't be able to resist jumping into this project.

(SACRAMENTO, CA) - family-owned farm The campaign for Prop 37 is pretty high tech and educated. Many communities are being completely left out of even knowing what is happening to them because they don't have computers or speak English.

Read Full Article (Sep-27-2012 12:24)

Victims of Agent Orange - Dioxin Poisoning

There are Bills in legislation that can make our lives less frustrating. Those Bills are House Bill HR-3612 and Senate Bill S.1629. Please urge your members of Congress and Senate to pass them.

(MEDIA, PA) - Agent Orange Victims of Agent Orange (AO) who are infected, Vietnam veterans, children of Vietnam veterans; then there are spouses and mothers or fathers who are victims by association.

By banding together and pressing forward to be heard is the only way we victims can win.

Read Full Article (Sep-26-2012 10:53)

Organic Food Recall on Yom Kippur - Classic Monsanto

Thanks to the just released Seralini study, there is no doubt anymore that GMOs are a threat to humanity.

(WASHINGTON DC) - GMO food Worried about salmonella with the recent recalls on organic cashew butter and other organic nut butters?

Don't be. Eating garlic is excellent for handling food poisoning. Enough vitamin C will completely neutralize it. All toxins, like salmonella, are pro-oxidants and deplete electrons. All antioxidants are anti-toxin and contribute electrons.

Read Full Article (Sep-24-2012 11:35)

Homeland Security is Working for Monsanto

When we see photographs of rats grossly deformed by massive tumors after eating genetically engineered corn laced with Roundup, it's not good news for Monsanto.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Tumor ridden rats People understand instantly in looking at those pathetic rats that organic food is not a niche market or a expensive luxury, but a life or death issue, because the rats were fed corn that is part of the American diet.

All the studies that were required but bypassed before GMOs were unleashed into the food chain seem compressed into this one devastating study by CRIIGEN.

Read Full Article (Sep-23-2012 22:42)

VA Approves 212 Ship Incidents for Presumptive Exposure to Agent Orange Conditions Affecting Vietnam Veterans

An estimated 60-80,000 Vietnam Veterans may be involved in the 212 “Brown Water” Ship & Units Incidents.

(SAN DIEGO) - USS Ingersoll An estimated 60-80,000 Vietnam Veterans may be involved in the 212 “Brown Water” Ship & Units Incidents.

Read Full Article
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