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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Sep-09-2012 19:05)

US Dioxin Cleanup Politically Driven

The freeing up of US dollars for Da Nang may be less encompassed by altruistic motives, and more by self-serving tendencies...

(DA NANG, Viet Nam) - For over three decades, the US has claimed that no proof exists proving Agent Orange is the cause of significant health complications in Vietnamese citizens who may have been exposed to the herbicide.

Vietnamese scientists, shortly after the cessation of hostilities between the two countries in 1975, described an increase in human birth defects...

Read Full Article (Sep-07-2012 12:59)

GMO? No Joking Matter!

From Agent Orange Zone, A site for Agent Orange victims and their families.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Larry, Curly and GMO Americans are not the only people dialing in to the dangers presented by Dow Chemical and its decades-long assault on the American and world populace.

It isn't just Agent Orange; the chemical defoliant sprayed by the millions of gallon over the jungles of Vietnam; this is the 'company' that was criminally convicted as far back as the early 1970's

Read Full Article (Aug-13-2012 13:28)

The Terrible Legacy of Agent Orange

Forty years after war ended, Washington begins decontamination of worst-affected areas in Vietnam

(DA NANG, Viet Nam AOAG) - Agent Orange Tran Thi Hoan, 26, studied medicine only to be told that she couldn’t become a doctor because of a war fought 20 years before she was born.

The ostensible reason was that she had no legs or left hand, but the main reason, and the cause of so much misery blighting the lives of millions of other Vietnamese, is the 20 million gallons of Agent Orange sprayed in her country by US forces in the Sixties.

Read Full Article (Aug-11-2012 23:58)

Pediatricians and GMOs

Breast feeding is immunologically essential to an infant and baby and protective against a range of diseases.

(ANN ARBOR, MI) - Health pregnancy means no GMO's Many pediatricians are undermining breast feeding. One hears this from mother after mother. Paraphrasing: "Even though the baby is nursing fine and I am happy to breast feed, my pediatrician said I should start the baby on formula at 6 months."

"She asked me why I was so opposed to formula." "He said not to worry if the baby had trouble latching on, just use formula."

Read Full Article (Jul-26-2012 18:57)

Dow Chemical: a Stain on the Olympics?

In the run up to the Olympics, criticism is mounting of Dow Chemicals' status as a corporate sponsor. Activists claim that victims of chemicals produced by the company span multiple countries and encompass millions.

(MOSCOW) - Dow Chemical Olympic Boycott As the Olympics draw nearer, calls have been voiced for Dow Chemical to withdraw from being a corporate sponsor of the event.

Members of the Vietnam Women’s Union and the Bhopal Medical Appeal have both submitted requests to the Olympics’ Committee.

Read Full Article (Jul-21-2012 13:25)

Blair, Olympic Deals and Why Another World is Possible

The criminality of Tony Blair, rehabilitated by Ed Miliband, remains unmentionable.

(SYDNEY) - Tony Blair This is a story of two letters and two Britains. The first letter was written by Sebastian Coe, the former athlete who chairs the London Olympics organising committee.

There is an urgent appeal to Coe by the Vietnam Women’s Union that he and the International Olympic Committee reconsider their decision to accept sponsorship from Dow Chemical, one of the companies that manufactured dioxin, a poison used against the population of Vietnam.

Read Full Article (Jul-21-2012 12:55)

Open letter to the OC Watchdog Media

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." George Orwell

(LAGUNA BEACH, CA) - Contamination of MCAS El Toro TET (Team El Toro) is a small working group of Marines who served @ MCAS El Toro and have been unable to get any of you to dig as deep as we have.

Read Full Article (Jul-14-2012 02:48)

Goldman Sachs, Monsanto and the Suspicious Drought

Why is no one is filing FOIAs about whether HAARP is being used to cause this drought that threatens agriculture here and thus the country itself?

(WASHINGTON DC) - Corn in drought As farmers are cutting down their corn in the Midwest and ranchers are selling off their cattle.

When is someone going to make the connection that HAARP is yet another part of the from-every-side onslaught against farming and ranching that is occurring here?

Read Full Article (Jul-05-2012 21:22)

Remnant of War: Vietnam, 37 Years Later

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
Martin Luther King Jr.
US civil rights leader & clergyman (1929 – 1968)

(DA NANG, Viet Nam AOAG) - Vietnam and Monsanto It’s been 37 years since the end of the Vietnam War. The war was senseless. War is wrong. No question. As a veteran, I can attest to its nonsensical virtues.

One ongoing legacy of that war, Agent Orange, continues to destroy the lives of millions of Vietnamese.

Read Full Article (Jul-04-2012 15:37)

US Project to Clean up Dioxin Contamination in Danang

US project to clean up dioxin contamination in Danang.

(DA NANG, Viet Nam VietNamNet Bridge) - Dioxins in Da Nang, Vietnam Two US companies have won two contracts as part of the Environmental Remediation of Dioxin Contamination at Danang Airport project.

It is a joint venture between the US and Vietnamese Government.

Read Full Article
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