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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Jul-04-2012 00:56)

Vietnamese Agent Orange Dioxin Victims Today

We're hosting a 'Rebuild The Nation' event at Thong Nhat Park, in Hanoi, to raise $50,000 for a new safe-house in Hue city where suffer most of Dioxin in the war.

(HANOI, Viet Nam) - Thong Nhat Park, in Hanoi I am writing you on the behalf of the Agent Orange War’s Victims, a non-profit organization that spreads awareness about the victims of Dioxin in Vietnam war.

At the Agent Orange War’s victims organization, we provide victims of Dioxin and abuse with support groups, counseling and safe-houses/school across the country.

Read Full Article (Jun-29-2012 04:11)

Dow Chemical - Tower Hamlets Mayor Statement

The Vietnam war memorial is 492 feet long. If a similar memorial had been made for the Vietnamese who died, it would be nine miles long.

(LONDON) - Len Aldis and his nemesis Len Aldis, the internationally respected Agent Orange Activist and Chair of the Tower Hamlets CND has released the attached letter from the Mayor of Tower Hamlets regarding the London Olympics.

Len has been instrumental in organising worldwide condemnation of Dow Chemical involvement with the London games.

Read Full Article (Jun-26-2012 16:27)

History is the Enemy as `Brilliant` Psy-Ops Become the News

“the US has dumped a quantity of toxic chemical amounting to six pounds per head of population, including women and children” - 1970, US Senate report

(SYDNEY) - Why do we accept From Agent Orange in South Vietnam to Obama’s drone attacks in Afghanistan and war in Syria, Washington spins its assaults on the world as it cynically lives up to a reputation for casual slaughter.

Read Full Article (Jun-25-2012 13:25)

Support Surges for Agent Orange Fight

Thirty-seven years after the end of the Vietnam war, children are still being born with severe disabilities arising from US use of Agent Orange.

(WESTMINSTER, UK) - Agent Orange victim in Vietnam A broad campaign to aid severely suffering Vietnamese victims of US defoliant Agent Orange went into a higher gear today with surging support at Westminster.

Read Full Article (Jun-24-2012 17:50)

Len Aldis - the Man Behind and Often in Front of the News

Len is working to establish further events to raise much needed funds for the Victims of Agent Orange.

(LONDON) - Len Aldis In December 2011 Len Aldis, Secretary of the Britain-Vietnam Friendship Society and a small select number of government guests and dignitaries were invited to fly on the inaugural direct flight from the UK to Vietnam.

Len was honoured to be invited as a participant on this momentous occasion in Vietnam - UK aviation history.

Read Full Article (Jun-18-2012 19:16)

URGENT: Don`t Let the Biotech Industry Sneak This In!

Provision would strip federal courts of the authority to halt the sale and planting of illegal, potentially hazardous crops while USDA is assessing those potential hazards.

(WASHINGTON DC) - GE crops Congress is considering a sneaky, pro-GMO rider to a funding bill, and it may become law without anyone realizing it—unless you take action NOW!

The biotech industry has managed to insert a dangerous rider in support of genetically engineered crops into the FY 2013 Agriculture Appropriations bill.

Read Full Article (Jun-16-2012 16:09)

Agent Orange`s Deadly Legacy Spreads to Japan

"We unearthed over 100 barrels buried in rows. They were rusty and leaking and we could see orange markings around some of their middles" - Lt. Col. Kris Roberts, former head of maintenance projects on Futenma

(MOSCOW, RTV) - white powder used to symbolise Agent Orange The fallout from the US military’s use of Agent Orange may have spread from Vietnam to Japan.

Massive caches of the toxic herbicide were buried on Futenma, “the world’s most dangerous base,” potentially poisoning the island, a Japanese daily reports.

Read Full Article (Jun-15-2012 23:46)

(Dow Chemical) - Letter from the President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour

"The Vietnam war memorial in Washington is 492 feet long. If a similar war memorial had been made for the Vietnamese who died, with the same density of names, it would be nine miles long."

(LONDON) - Agent Orange being sprayed on Vietnam's jungle Len Aldis of the Britain-Vietnam Friendship Society has released a letter received from the President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour representing 7.5 million Vietnamese workers.

Read Full Article (Jun-14-2012 17:54)

NPR Betrays Listeners` Children for Monsanto and Drug Money

NPR and PBS have a lot to learn.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Monsanto and NPR NPR supporters were outraged when it began running "Marketplace," a show produced by American Public Media- funded by Monsanto.

Read Full Article (Jun-14-2012 14:28)

Food Wars

Denae Gemmrig explores the public face of Monsanto, one of the nation's most powerful companies.

(PHOENIX, AZ) - Monsanto invasion While Monsanto works so hard to end the world’s hunger issues by creating genetically modified organisms, the people are fighting to get GMO food labeled.

Genetically modified organisms are organisms whose genetic material is altered using DNA from different sources and then combined into one molecule to create a new set of genes.

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