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Jun-14-2012 14:28printcomments

Food Wars

Denae Gemmrig explores the public face of Monsanto, one of the nation's most powerful companies.

Monsanto invasion

(PHOENIX, AZ) - While Monsanto works so hard to end the world’s hunger issues by creating genetically modified organisms, the people are fighting to get GMO food labeled. Genetically modified organisms are organisms whose genetic material is altered using DNA from different sources and then combined into one molecule to create a new set of genes.

In reviewing Monsanto’s website a person would come to the conclusion that its a company with the people’s best interests in mind. Monsanto even pledges to have “Integrity, Dialogue, Transparency, Sharing, Benefits, Respect, Act as owners to achieve results and Create a great place to work.” These commitments will be on Monsanto’s website. Most are understandable without reading the definition. However, “Dialogue,” on the companies’ website states “We will listen carefully to diverse points of view and engage in thoughtful dialogue.” In addition, under “Act as owners to achieve results” states “We will create clarity of direction, roles, and accountability; build strong relationships with our customers and external partners; make wise decisions; steward our company resources; and take responsibility for achieving agreed-upon results.” Based on the Organic Consumers Organization, Responsible Biotechnology, Fact Over Fiction, Greenfudge, US PIRG, 12 countries and millions of people around the world, just to name a few, Monsanto has not been keeping its word.

Monsanto controls our food supply - In the US, Monsanto owns 90 percent of soy, 85 percent of corn, and 95 percent of sugar beets — all genetically modified and including patents … When Monsanto purchased Semenis, just one of its many subsidiary seed companies, it gained control of an estimated 40 percent of the US vegetable seed market in one go — from peppers to peas, lettuce to lima beans. After the purchase of Semenis, Monsanto became the largest conventional seed company in the world. In the words of Henry Kissinger: Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.

Health - Recent independent testing of GMO food has shown it causes serious health risks including allergies, immune and organ dysfunction, bleeding in the stomach, sterilization, and other complicated disorders, even death, in animals. In the UK allergies skyrocketed by 50% soon after GM soy was introduced.

Environmental – Monsanto has been identified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as being a responsible party for 56 contaminated superfund sites in the United States, alone. Monsanto’s contaminated products have been found in lakes, streams, air and rain. The pollution and poisoning has led Monsanto into court where the company has settled countless times paying out hundreds of millions of dollars.

Honeybees and colony collapse disorder - Bees pollinate 70% of crops on the planet. Since the mid 1990s, farmers have seen a rise in colony collapse disorder in honeybee populations around the world. A study published by the journal of environmental science and technology states that Italian researchers have identified a common chemical Neonicotinoid insecticide to be causing the colony collapse disorder epidemic, which has been killing off honeybee populations around the world. The chemical is applied to many genetically engineered seeds before planting for the purpose of killing pests in which the GMO BT toxin cannot destroy. According to the International business times “Industrial corn production has increased in recent years with its use as both a food crop and in the production of ethanol leading to the application of more insecticides. As pests adapt and develop stronger resistances to the insecticides more potent ones have to be developed. The effect has devastated honeybee populations.” Since Italy banned Neonicotinoid insecticide, colony collapse disorder has virtually disappeared.

Organic testing – In the United States, organic farmers often find that their crops test positive for GMO cross-contamination. Organic farmers are having to test their crops for GMO contamination. This raises the cost of all organic products since testing one bag costs an average of $10.00 dollars a bag. The cross-contamination not only is caused by the wind blowing or bees but also farm equipment, trucks and more.

Lobbying – Monsanto gave $186,250.00 to federal candidates, democrats and republicans alike, in 2008. In 2010, Monsanto gave $305,749.00 combined to democrats and Republicans. Monsanto has a long list of government ties from former employees working for the FDA to having agriculture representatives guiding President Obama.

Our tax dollars hard at work for, junk food? – According to US PIRG “Between 1995 and 2010, American taxpayers spent over $260 billion in agricultural subsidies. Most subsidies went to the country’s largest farming operations (Monsanto being one of them), mainly to grow just a few commodity crops, including corn and soybeans. While dairy and livestock production also receive some federal support, it is these commodity crops that get the lion’s share of the subsidies. These commodity crops are then made into high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated oils for, none other than, junk food.

Monsanto a huge billion dollar bully –

  • Monsanto threatens to sue Vermont over GMO labeling bill
  • Monsanto sues thousands of farmers and takes over their businesses
  • Monsanto's patent GE “Terminator seeds” require activation with expensive chemicals
  • Farmers are required to sign agreements stating that the farmer will only use Monsanto seed
  • Monsanto has been caught suppressing investigative reports on the health risks of its products
Unexplored threats – “GMO crops pose a great risk of largely unexplored threats to human health and the environment. For instance BT Corn is a GM corn from Monsanto that has inserted into its DNA a special trait from the bacillus thuringiensis bacteria that produces a powerful insecticide which kills a common corn pest: the corn borer. However, farmers have reported that the borer has grown resistant, while the plant continues to kill additional insects such as the Monarch Butterfly and the Lacewing. Meanwhile, contaminated corn exposes humans to this modified DNA.” Reported by Fact over Fiction

GMO foods banned or labeled –

  • Austria and Hungary
  • Poland
  • Germany
  • Ireland
  • Sir Lanka
  • Switzerland
  • Greece
  • France
  • Italy
  • Luxembourg
  • Romania
  • Portugal
  • Last and surely not least Monsanto’s lunch room

Denae is a creative leader who lives with love, truth and honor. She is extremely outgoing and always gives 100 percent. She exemplifies a type A personality and her sign is Aquarius. Denae considers herself a professional volunteer and has recently created a website for her causes. She believes that to change the world we must start from within. One of Denae's favorite quotes is "We must be the change we want to see in the world" Ghandi

Denae enjoys traveling and is always up for an adventure of life. Check out Denae's website to keep track of her adventures as a philanthropist and educational activities.


Twitter @denaegemmrig



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