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Sep-26-2012 10:53
Organic Food Recall on Yom Kippur - Classic Monsanto
Tom Green for
Thanks to the just released Seralini study, there is no doubt anymore that GMOs are a threat to humanity.
(WASHINGTON DC) - Worried about salmonella with the recent recalls on organic cashew butter and other organic nut butters? Don't be. Eating garlic is excellent for handling food poisoning. Enough vitamin C will completely neutralize it. All toxins, like salmonella, are pro-oxidants and deplete electrons. All antioxidants are anti-toxin and contribute electrons. Vitamin C, though, is the premier deliverer of electrons because 1) it is simple in structure, 2) it is water soluble, 3) it can be taken up by all tissues of the body, and 4) it has no known toxic levels. This lecture can give you a deep education in why vitamin C is so powerful. and this one can give you an education on what the massive economic implications of what vitamin C has to offer. Back to the recall. Too much media on it. Didn't we just have another big media story on organics? Oh, yes, Stanford put out study saying organic food is no better than food covered in pesticides (GMOs). And it turned out the study author had previously done studies for the Tobacco industry. And even his own study didn't show what he said or what media reported.
So, here we are with another media circus slamming organic food, this time warning people it has salmonella in it. And what is the timing? There is a crucial vote on Prop 37 in California - labeling GMOs - coming up. Early voting starts in early October. Monsanto and other big industrial ag and industrial food companies have been pouring money into defeating this chance for Californians to finally know what is in their food. And they and we all must know because its totally clear now that GMOs are deadly.
So on top of a media blitz of a California study saying organic food is irrelevant, here comes another media event, this time with warnings going out around organic food. And not just any organic food but nut butters when most of the nuts are grown in California.
And the timing is ideal - Yom Kippur - when millions of Jews are at home and fasting. Exactly because they are not eating, Jews across the country are really, really thinking about food. So, there is no question that they will take in very deeply the connection between organic food and salmonella. How many Jews in California? And what demographic is more likely to go to the polls and vote? Salmonella in peanut butter in 2009 killed people. But it turned out that peanut butter was not released accidentally.
"The Georgia peanut processing plant responsible for the current wave of salmonella peanut frenzy across the U.S. reportedly knew its product was contaminated with salmonella, but decided to ship it anyway. " Reportedly, the company even shopped different laboratories to find one that would produc[e] the negative test results they wanted. (Sounds a lot like Big Pharma, huh?)
"The peanut butter salmonella outbreak has so far sickened over 500 people and is thought to be the primary cause of death of eight people." And the background of the president of the company was interesting.
"The president of the peanut company that has been involved in a nationwide salmonella outbreak serves on an industry advisory board that assists the U.S. Department of Agriculture in setting quality standards for peanuts. Stewart Parnell, the president of Peanut Corporation of America, was initially appointed to the USDA's Peanut Standards Board in July 2005. He was reappointed in October 2008 for a second term that will continue until June 2011. .... "In this salmonella outbreak, Georgia officials have stated they will consider pursuing manslaughter charges if federal authorities do not begin a case against the Peanut Corporation of America." No charges were brought against the company or its president for killing 8 people by intentionally sending out contaminated food. But those deaths were greatly convenient for creating fear around food safety. The deaths came immediately after Obama came into office, and almost before media had even begun its national scare campaign, 7 huge food safety bills arrived in Congress. They contained the essence of the giant, centralized food safety agency that Hillary Clinton had proposed as part of her presidential platform, with her campaign advisor, Mark Penn, CEO of Burson Marsteller which represents Monsanto. MIchael Taylor was the Monsanto lawyer the Clintons put into the FDA who pushed through the first GMO in food chain - rBGH injected into dairy cows - deregulated all GMOs, and made sure there was no labeling. He was also the designer of the sudden flood of pre-prepared food safety bills. When Hillary Clinton lost the campaign, there was a very long wait before she conceded. Deals were certainly be brokered. When Clinton conceded, who showed up on Obama's transition team? Michael Taylor,and what arrived in Congress as soon as Obama got into office - Monsanto "food safety" bills somehow appeared 2 seconds after the peanut deaths, with all of them pre-loaded with Congressional support, mostly Clinton friends. Obama made Taylor Czar of Food Safety at the FDA. Was this the brokered deal made for Hilliary Clinton's concession? With the lives of American children sold out to Monsanto? As head of that division, having gotten his own bills giving him absolute power of all food and farms in the US into place, Taylor began armed raids on organic food sources, including 4 agency attack on an organic food coop, Rawsome, in Los Angeles, in which the FDA, the CDC, the California Department of Agriculture, and the armed LA police participated. The LA police destroyed everything, including over ten of thousands of dollars worth of the highest quality organic mangoes, coconut oil, vegetables, fruit juices, honey, etc. which were all dumped in the garbage. Why? To terrorize people even considering selling organic food but the reason given was that the goat milk operator who supplied the coop was missing some certificate (though it is not even clear they needed any). The owner and 2 others (including the mother who owned the goats) were taken away in handcuffs and charged with multiple felonies including "conspiracy" to sell raw dairy products. They face years in prison. The owner faced a million dollar bail until it got reduced. He was also held under horrible conditions, chained in a cold cell with fecal material coming up from the drains, and treated like a terrorist. To say the owner was treated like a terrorist is not hyperbole. The author of the Stanford study is involved with Department of Homeland Security in defining organic food as a biosecurity threat. Monsanto is using Homeland Security, , not just the FDA, the LA Police, the FBI (they did an armed raid on Rawsome previous to the arrests), the CDC, the California Department of Agriculture. Thanks to the just released Seralini study, there is no doubt anymore that GMOs are a threat to humanity. Prop 37 is California is crucial to stopping them by getting them labeled. People don't want them and if they are labeled, they will not be purchased. Monsanto runs the FDA responsible for recalls. Recalling organic nut butters to create a scare around organic food, timed for Yom Kippur to affect the Jewish voters in California, in order to defeat Prop 37 is not beyond them. It's nothing compared to the non-accidental peanut deaths that put them into power at the FDA in the first place, and nothing compared to their taking control of Homeland Security so they can "subdue" (this is a war after all and real people are dying already) organic food, the only food that is safe for humanity to eat.
As someone Jewish, I'm disgusted at the manipulation of fear on a High Holy Day and would urge the Jewish community to read the Seralini study and watch the video in English and fully take in that your families' lives are at stake. Don't let fear of ingesting salmonella (it is easily treated at home) lead you to ignore the greatest threat to food that has ever happened. GM-corn, GM-soy, GM-canola, GM-sugar and other crops they are adding, all come from the pharmaceutical industry that caused WWII and put Hitler into office. "The Human Genome Project, as it admits on the very first page of its website - - , is derived from the eugenics movement in the US and Nazi Germany during the first half of the 20th century." This may be the moment in which the Jewish community wakes up and California may be the place.
Certainly, none of the GMOs are Kosher, since they mix species. How is GM-rice with human protein it Kosher? Jews are even enjoined from mixing cotton and linen in clothing or using two different species of farm animals at the same time to plow! The Jewish community must join with communities all over the world in recognizing that GMOs are a threat to humanity's existence. And Jews before anyone else, show see and care where they are coming from. And it is not from organic food. Organic food is food from God, food untampered with by man. We say blessings over "bread from the earth," not bread from a biotech lab owned by companies "voraciously patenting the earth's life forms-its plants, bacteria, viruses, animals and even human genetic lineages." Not bread from Nazis. What Monsanto is doing with GMOs "is the new frontier of colonialism in the 21st century - the total domination and exploitation of the earth and everything on it ...." Stopping GMOs is critical to the world. We should thank organic nut butters for giving us insight into the history of how food scares have been used by Monsanto to gain power over all food in the US.
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Sarah Curran October 2, 2012 2:49 pm (Pacific time)
Shame the media is to brain dead to realize this. Also the fact that Monsanto genetically engineered all it's gmo food to make us all sick. It's all part of the plan! New world order. Wake up people
Agron Belica September 27, 2012 7:16 pm (Pacific time)
Excellent article! Thanks for sharing
Ariel September 27, 2012 6:09 pm (Pacific time)
Thank you!
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