(Aug-08-2012 13:16)
Verizon/Big Cable Deal: Fewer Choices, Higher Prices
This information monopoly will continue to funnel money out of the pockets of consumers and into the pockets of cable and wireless executives.
Verizon Wireless and the nation’s largest cable companies including Comcast and Time Warner have inked a deal to come together and sell each other’s products and services.
If the deal between Verizon Wireless and large cable companies goes through, it will end up costing much more than the price of your cable bill.
Read Full Article (Aug-07-2012 20:06)
Marijuana Legalization and Reefer Madness, or Mad Cow Disease in Oregonian Editors
Dr. Phil Leveque
No state affiliated group would or could aid in any way to form the regulations to monitor or control marijuana dispensaries. We had to do it ourselves.
I don’t think I can have any other explanation of their article on Sunday, July 29th, 2012 entitled, “Flaws in the push to Legalize Marijuana.” and also a similar OPED denigration.
The Oregonian has been debasing medical marijuana since it became legal in 1999 but these two articles ‘take the cake’ in their vehement ignorance...
Read Full Article (Aug-05-2012 05:10)
Check The Other Site for Cutting Edge Middle East News and Perspective
Tim King
The OtherSite – Truth? Justice? Peace? Is a new initiative by Dr. Gabi Weber & Simon Köhl in Freiburg, South Germany.
A new German Website,, will open exchange of idea and discourse without censorship, mainly about topics related to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
This new project will reveal the unpopular truths about Palestine and Israel.
Read Full Article (Aug-03-2012 10:46)
Ordinary Citizens: the Silent Victims of Anti-Iranian Sanctions
Kourosh Ziabari
Western warmongers are at work desperately trying to create WWIII.
While the US and EU vehemently compete in the seemingly endless race of imposing sanctions on Iran, ordinary Iranian citizens are experiencing the most breathtaking, agonizing impacts of the crippling embargoes.
On July 31, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) sent a letter to all members of the U.S. Congress, demanding a concerted action to approve The Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act which imposes a new set of sanctions on Iran's energy and transportation sector.
Read Full Article (Aug-01-2012 18:27)
A Tribute to Capt. Charles Gnanakone
Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah for
Qualified in Britain, holding a Master Mariner’s certificate, that allows captains to operate any vessel in any part of the world, Capt. Charles, was a pioneer in merchant shipping in Ceylon.
(TORONTO, Canada) -
The passing of Capt. Charles Selvakumar Gnanakone will be felt by many and news of his death received with great sadness – especially by those he had helped, now living in various parts of the globe.
Although I have never met him, Capt. Charles as he was fondly called, was one of those I held in high esteem for the person he was.
Read Full Article (Aug-01-2012 03:18)
Murugan, Santhan, Perarivalan, and the Academic Achievements of Assassins
Tim King
Growing numbers believe men Convicted in Rajiv Gandhi's Assassination should be freed after 20 Years of looming death.
The world focuses its energy on persecuting Muslims and Hindus, yet rogue Buddhist militant governments are the deadliest and most deceptive, history shows us.
The lack of understanding of this complex problem is a reflection of the poor level of education in the United States in regard to geography and culture; and we can also blame the mainstream media.
Read Full Article (Jul-30-2012 02:13)
Double Standards of Mass Murder (GRAPHIC IMAGES)
Dr. Paul Balles
"Now, even as we learn how this happened and who's responsible, we may never understand what leads anybody to terrorize their fellow human beings like this. Such violence, such evil is senseless." --Barack Obama
(MANAMA, Bahrain) -
A Virginia college, a Colorado high school, a Texas military base, an Arizona strip mall, a Colorado movie theatre—all have become part of a recurring event in America: mass murder.
Following the latest massacre, Tom Mauser, father of a 15-year-old victim at the Columbine High School slaughter in 1999, described the inescapable scene...
Read Full Article (Jul-27-2012 14:37)
Who is Photoshopping Colorado`s Crime Scene?
Christian Petersen for
A knife in plain sight disappeared.
What appears to have been a large knife recovered from the shooting scene down on the back right corner of the theater, has been removed either from the Denver Post pictures, or it has been physically removed.
This is important because James Holmes was found sitting in his car with a gas mask and knife on him.
Read Full Article (Jul-26-2012 11:41)
Steinbeck`s Dispatches from Vietnam
"They make me sick with envy. They ride their vehicles the way a man controls a fine, well-trained quarter horse - Steinbeck referring to Huey helicopter pilots with the 10th Cavalry.
(WASHINGTON DC Air & Space Mag) -
In 1965, President Lyndon Johnson asked John Steinbeck to visit South Vietnam and report to him personally on U.S. operations. (The Steinbeck’s were frequent visitors to the White House.)
Steinbeck was reluctant to go to Vietnam on behalf of the president, but when the Long Island daily Newsday suggested that he travel throughout Southeast Asia as a roving reporter, he accepted.
Read Full Article (Jul-21-2012 17:03)
Dr. Boyce & Wilmer Leon: Did Someone Try to Assassinate Hillary Clinton In Israel?
Dr. Boyce Watkins and Dr. Wilmer Leon discuss the issue.
(SYRACUSE, NY YourBlackWorld) -
This week, it was reported by international news agencies that there was an assassination attempt on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during her recent trip to Israel.
Oddly enough, the story was reported on both Israeli radio and Reuters, which both went silent shortly after the reports.
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