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Aug-03-2012 10:46printcomments

Ordinary Citizens: the Silent Victims of Anti-Iranian Sanctions

Western warmongers are at work desperately trying to create WWIII.

Sanctions from the US and EU against Iran
Sanctions from the US and EU against Iran directly impact the citizens of this ancient country; political developments aside.

(TEHRAN) - While the United States and European Union are vehemently competing with each other in the seemingly endless race of imposing sanctions on Iran, the ordinary Iranian citizens are experiencing the most breathtaking, agonizing impacts of the crippling embargoes.


On July 31, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) sent a letter to all members of the U.S. Congress, demanding a concerted action to approve The Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act which imposes a new set of sanctions on Iran's energy and transportation sector.


On August 1, the media reported that the Congress has ratified the bill and it's waiting to be signed by the president.


Iran is already under 6 rounds of sanctions endorsed by the United Nations Security Council. The sanctions are purportedly aimed at preventing Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons.


The UNSC sanctions stipulate a freezing of Iran's international assets, the closure of branches of Iranian banks in other countries, barring the export of nuclear and military facilities to Iran, a ban on investment in Iran's oil, gas and Petrochemistry sector, business dealings with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, banking and insurance transactions and traveling restrictions for high-ranking governmental and military officials.


The United States, Israel and EU countries have long accused Iran of trying to build nuclear bombs, a charge which Iran has persistently and categorically denied. Iran says that it needs civilian nuclear power to meet its growing energy needs, especially since Iran is a country mostly reliant on fossil fuels for its energy demands and oil revenues to keep its economy alive. The United States and its allies, in response, have penalized Iran with excruciating economic sanctions to derail the possible chances of Iran acquiring nuclear weapons capability.


On January 23, 2012, the European Union foreign ministers agreed upon imposing a multilateral oil embargo against Iran. The oil embargo which bans the European countries from buying crude from Iran went into effect on July 1.


What the Western officials say in public is that the sanctions are aimed at punishing the Iranian government and dissuading it from working toward acquiring nuclear weapons. What takes place in reality, however, is that the "smart" sanctions have directly come down like a ton of bricks on the Iranian people, making their life an arduous odyssey of struggling for survival in an ailing economy.


The sanctions have devastated the daily life of ordinary Iranian people by bringing the price of goods to a skyrocketing height, making the students abroad unable to get financial assistance from their parents in Iran, rendering it impossible for the private companies to do international transactions and making it extremely difficult for Iranians to get visa for traveling to foreign countries. The "smart sanctions" even include a ban on the importing of medicine and foodstuff from the other nations to Iran.


In the previous weeks, I have been arguing with my editors in some of the American political journals to convince them that certain sensitive medicines as well as agricultural goods could not make their way to Iran as a result of sanctions. They wouldn't accept, telling me that such transactions were smoothly taking place. But now, I think they have credible evidence available, confirming that the hard-hitting sanctions are destroying the daily life of the poor, defenseless Iranians who should pay the price for the West's and Israel's animosity with their government.


On May 6, Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty quoted Iran's reformist daily Shargh as writing that the exportation of a great deal of vital medicines to Iran has been banned as a result of the sanctions. These medicines which Iran is not capable of producing include drugs for the treatment of cancer, heart and breathing problems, thalassemia, and multiple sclerosis.


Hamid Reza Emadi, an Iran-based political commentator also confirms that the latest round of sanctions imposed on Iran just a few days ago directly affect the lives of average Iranians who have nothing to do with the country's nuclear program. "This latest move by the U.S. Congress shows the extent to which Washington has become frustrated and now it is going to step up their pressure on Iranian civilians by preventing the country from importing agricultural productsIran is a grain importer and the U.S. knows that and by creating obstacles in the way of grain exports to Iran, the U.S. is clearly committing crimes against humanity because it only affects ordinary Iranians who have got nothing to do with the country’s nuclear energy program," Emadi said in an interview with Press TV.


"Do not forget that it is not just agricultural products; the U.S. is putting maximum pressure on international banks doing business with Iran, therefore Iranian medical companies cannot import some vital medicines," he added.


The board of directors of the Iranian Hemophilia Society has informed the World Federation of Hemophilia that the lives of tens of thousands of children are being endangered by the lack of proper drugs, a consequence of international economic sanctions imposed on the Islamic Republic.


Dr. Ron Paul, a Texas Congressman has called the recent sanctions an "act of war," saying that the bill had better be named "Obsession with Iran Act 2012."


“When you put on sanctions on a country, it’s an act of war and that’s what this is all about,” he said.


Some anti-war advocacy groups and organizations in the United States such as Veterans for Peace and Friends Committee on National Legislation have called on the U.S. government to put an end to its sanctions game with Iran which is seen by these groups a total declaration of war against Iran; however, it seems that these pro-peace groups will face a tough job to have their voice heard by the U.S. Congressmen and people in the White House who seem to be hell bent on delivering a lethal blow to Iran.


"Veterans for Peace" has just released a statement, saying that sanctions and threats of military strike are not viable and logical solutions to the nuclear crisis with Iran.


"The United States, European Union and Israel are using Iran's civilian nuclear program as an excuse to impose devastating economic sanctions against the people of Iran. According to various sources, the sanctions have already wreaked havoc on the Iranian economy, leading to inflation rates of 50 to 100 percent, youth unemployment rate of over 22 percent, drastic reduction of Iran's domestic production to 40 percent of its capacity, massive closure of economic enterprises and widespread layoffs, and 40 percent drop in the Iranian oil exports during 2012, resulting in a loss of $32 billion in oil income since last year alone," the statement reads.


The group has called for a nuclear free Middle East in an apparent allusion to Israel's nuclear arsenal. Along with India and Pakistan, Israel is the only country in the world which is not a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. By the late 1990s the U.S. Intelligence Community estimated that Israel possessed between 75-130 weapons, based on production estimates.


When all's said and done, Iran is currently experiencing difficult times, and its people are under mounting pressure in their daily affairs. Iran's economy is on the brink of bankruptcy as a result of the biting economic sanctions and the international community is calmly and silently witnessing the painful suffering of the Iranian people. The anti-Iranian sanctions clearly run counter to the principles of human rights, but it seems that those who advocate such values don't believe that Iranians are also "humans" who might perchance have some "rights" including the right of access to medicine, foodstuff, employment and above all, respect and human dignity.


Kourosh Ziabari is an Iranian media correspondent, freelance journalist and the author of Book 7+1. He is a contributing writer for websites and magazines in the Netherlands, Canada, Italy, Hong Kong, Bulgaria, South Korea, Belgium, Germany, the U.K. and the U.S. He was once a member of Stony Brook University Publications’ editorial team and Media Left magazine’s contributing writer, as well as a contributing writer for Finland’s Award-winning Ovi Magazine.

Kourosh Ziabari was named the winner of winners in the category of media activities at the National Organization of Youths festival. He was honored by the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, receiving the honorary mention signed by him and the silver medal of Iran's Superior Youth. The media activities category did not award the Gold and Bronze medal to any participant.

As a young Iranian journalist, Kourosh has been interviewed and quoted by several mainstream mediums, including BBC World Service, PBS Media Shift, the Media Line network, Deutsch Financial Times and L.A. Times. Currently, he works for the Foreign Policy Journal as a media correspondent. He is a member of Tlaxcala Translators Network for Linguistic Diversity and World Student Community for Sustainable Development. You can write to Kourosh Ziabari at:




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Yair August 15, 2012 11:20 pm (Pacific time)

2009, Teheran - fake elections!! the people wants Ahmadinejad to leave, but nothing they will do will help. this is small quote of iranian: " please help us, they have shut down SMS and mobile systems. they want to cut our connection with the world. They are fighting people in the streets with guards who are not Iranian, they some of them are black and speak Arabic. they are killing people please help us" -CNN Exactly what happens now in their best friend's country- Syria. the same systems to depress people. each country and its local news are cutting some of the news for its own reasons, but Iran...they are the rulers.

Yair August 9, 2012 3:09 pm (Pacific time)

What do you mean by "iran doesn't do anything"? did you ment by filterring news?? LOL.
Iran, like many other muslim countries, not only do they filtter their viewers news, but they even block the whole world wide web from their eyes!!

 Tim King: You are utterly full of it, I have more than one writer in Iran, we carry their work regularly and Press TV and have carried each other's stories for years.  Iran receives the Internet, you are stating false propaganda.  Israel on the other hand, filters all U.S. YouTube traffic and I have verified multiple times with people in Israel that our stories show up but not our videos, that says a great deal and who handles Microsoft security again, that's right, Tel Aviv.  Iran has no history of starting wars in recent years but Israel does nothing but start wars and kill others.

and when they do open their TV's for their people, they broadcast violence against israel. they (all kind of muslim channels, Im not sure of which) show clips of how and how they kidnapp IDF soldiers and how they kill them etc. (sorry, maybe that is only for the kids in the summer camps, those 6 years old kids who train with AK47!!

 Tim King: When is the last time an IDF soldier was even killed by a Muslim?  It is earth shattering news, you guys are the forced military and the majority of all IDF deaths are friendly fire, like during cast lead, damned murderers.

Its true and dont deny it). have you seen any normal countries that broadcast crazy things like that to their children?

 Tim King; The damned settlers are training their kids in terrorist tactics at young ages, we have demonstrated this many times, there are endless photos of little Israeli settler kids and their deadly M-16's.  It is Israel that steals Palestinian land and then acts indignant because people don't like it, Israel would be a terrible joke if it were not true.  Finally, you are no better for militarizing your religion than anyone else, I love Jewish people but you strike me as an enemy of mankind intent on only protecting the Jewish people and screw everyone else.  Well in the end you are a minority, thank God, and maybe some day Israel can be in the hands of Jews, not Zionists, and I think things would be very different.  It is your own former Knesset member Avraham Burg who said it so well in the NY Times this week.  Israel is a hazard to all mankind.   I am sorry for the tragedy of the Holocaust and just as much for the allied soldiers who died defeating Hitler, their faith was the same, you have no right to push Iran into a corner and start WWIII so that you can end this planet.

Believe me, we are not stupied, we know we are being fed by the news with all kind of bulshit, and we all got sick of hearing every evening about Iran getting their nukes.

Tim King: Israel has at least 200 deadly, undeclared nuclear warheads, your persistence in this will be the death of us all,

we dont care and we dont believe anything we hear. You probably know better that the news people need to show interesting stories in-order to keep their jobs.
But one thing is for sure and is not a sience fiction- Iran whants nukes, and they are lieing like little kids to the world!!I see it and its just rediculese. israel is a small country,we have friends that know stuff.believe us when we say Iran is doing a lot of bad stuff, so open your eyes too.and we also have a lot of muslims in israel.we are living in peace

 Tim King: Right, with separate laws for Jews and Muslims, different roads, it continues to be a joke that you are so blind or that you would defend such things.  Of course there are Muslims there, you didn't begin stealing it until 64 years ago.  

and quite (although a big majority of them is in a radical muslim groups who wants us in the sea). they are israeli citizens, who can say what ever they want, make protests and all kind of stuff people in Iran cant do...
(sorry for the long comment :)

Tim King: Sorry if you really believe all of this, you poor people are fed false information all day, only Ha'aretz is slightly trustworthy and you can go to +972Mag for the real stories.  We work with Israeli people, mostly Jews, every day to bring this news forward.  Much of it comes from them, not Muslims.  Please open your mind, I do not like to insult people.  Look at the real history of Iran, their only mistake is failing to play along with the Israeli government. 

Anonymous August 8, 2012 9:48 am (Pacific time)

Iran and Israel are both warmongers. Iran is the enemy to all Americans, and they have a clear history of supporting terrorist groups that have been killing Americans, and Christians, and those of other non-Islamic faiths, around the world. Frankly those who receive money/other resources from Iran, or their citizens, no matter how it is filtered, are committing felony crimes. Those who think they got away with doing this will be in for a major surprise in the not too distant future. There are two Muslim congressmen at this time, see what they say and do...yeah, the hammer is coming for many of you...splat!

Editor: You are sad and violently misinformed.  But keep drinking the kool aid, we know you will anyway.

Yair_Israel,again August 5, 2012 3:13 pm (Pacific time)

We are Nazis? :)
"Zionists are the enemy of mankind".This is a Nazi saying.Do you even hear yourself??
Iran doesn't have to defend her self from Israel.Its people need to defend their self from its black and ancient regime.Iran is the one that says that Israel has to be annihilated.which normal country says that kind of words?..
Not long time ago Israel and Iran where very good friends with great shared economy and business, untill the islamic revolution.
Too bad, Iran IS an amazing country and I wish I could go and travel there.and also met great Iranian people (in europe)who hated the regime.

Editor: Iran isn't doing ANYTHING to provoke the CONSTANT wrath of warmonger Israel and by standing for it and lying to the public or actually being so dense (no ofence) that you can't see the evil of your own ways, you are working for the dark forces and perhaps you don't even realize it.  I know Israel filters the hell out of the news but you have +972Mag and many other sources from Israel that mirror my words.  Iran is not doing anything, this is 1000% Israel and the US behind what is going on, Iran... let me say this again, Iran has done nothing.  Iran has laws to protect Jews, do you even realize how many live there?  The actions of Israel are what endangers you, so work with us and swallow that bitter pill and push for peace and truth Yair, nobody wants violence, and we are deeply schooled in this subject, our friends have been murdered for opposing Israel.  I hope you can understand, there was an amazing piece in the NY Times yesterday by a former Knesset member who deplores what is taking place under Netanyahu, Israelis deserve peace and support, it will happen with regime change, maybe.

D. Fredricks August 4, 2012 5:28 pm (Pacific time)

The editor is smoking too much medicine. Iran ( a country I am well acquainted with) is full of extremist muslims and have no place in the nuclear arms race. Your own hate fill response is commensurate of your support.

Editor: Show me the history of aggression toward other countries from Iran.  What?  You can't?  Case close.  Of course there are Muslim extremists, few countries don't also have extremist Muslims.  What about the ones causing the world's problems though?  Zionists are the enemy of mankind, D. Fredricks is an apologist for war crimes and a supporter of apartheid Israel.

Yair August 4, 2012 10:51 am (Pacific time)

If Iran's president really cares about his country, he should call off is nuclear rase.Every government knows about his real plans which have began more than 10 years ago-make nuclear war heads for missiles.He thinks we are all fools...Some 30 % of the oil profits Iran usually makes is going to the Hizballa,Syria, and other terror organization.

Editor: Israel has more than 200 armed illegal nuclear warheads, I hope some day Iran has the ability to defend itself  from the apartheid state of Israel which is a joke albeit with little laughter.  I see you in the same light as the Nazi's who tried to eradicate the Jews, you who support Israel support theft and murder and you are our enemy  Iran is a beautiful country of peaceful people and their biggest 'mistake' is being critical of Israel's theft of Palestinian land.  I hear hell is an awfully hot place, I hope you Israel supporters dress light because it isn't going to be comfortable.

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