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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Oct-15-2010 00:03)

Ahmadinejad Abandons Nuclear Aspirations, Sets Sights on Israel`s National Water Carrier

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Bint Jbeil, south Lebanon, site of provocation by Ahmadinejad. (Photo: Amelia Opalinska) Traveling in south Lebanon in the wake of the July War of 2006, I often acquired water bottles with labels depicting the variety of unexploded cluster munitions that one should keep an eye out for when walking in certain areas, such as in one’s yard.

Thanks to the state of Israel, it was thus possible to engage in the fundamental life process of hydration while simultaneously contemplating the sudden termination of all such processes. As for other regional water-related Israeli operations, these have enabled affected populations to not hydrate themselves.

Read Full Article (Oct-08-2010 09:34)

Will Hezbollah Defeat Israel (again!) in the Coming War

Part I: “Know thy enemy” (Sun Tzu)

(MARON AL RAS VILLAGE, Lebanon Border) - Akka, Palestine On a clear day you can see Akka, Palestine from my favorite Lebanese village, Maron al Ras, where more than a few analysts here conjecture that the next and 6th aggression by Israel against Lebanon will begin.

On any day, but particularly since 9/21/10, you can also see beefed up Zionist military patrols, assorted electronic listening posts, sundry spy devices...

Read Full Article (Sep-18-2010 23:47)

An Al Quds day letter to Tony Blair. From Lauren Booth, in Iran

Do you understand the 'idea' of the hardships suffered by millions in the Middle East as a direct result of your support for Israel, and just think they deserve it?

(TEHRAN) - Lauren Booth receives Palestinian Passport from Prime Minister Ismall Hanlya Gilad Atzmon: I guess that Tony Blair's sister-in-law, Lauren Booth, could easily use the phone and tell Tony what she thinks of him, his politics and his new memoir. However, being a peace activist, she decided also to share it with the rest of us.

Read Full Article (Sep-17-2010 12:20)

Return to Shatilla

To return to Shatila is an act of retribution, an act that gives voice to the dead that suffered there...

(LA VERNE, Calif.) - Sabra and Shatila Massacre in Lebanon Outside of the Shatila camp, who remembers? What American knows of the massacre? What government agency has investigated our involvement in it?

Read Full Article (Aug-21-2010 22:13)

Lebanon Puts Palestinians Underground to Keep Them From Phoning Home

The idea that Palestinian refugees in Lebanon should not be able to communicate with certain family members underscores the rootless existence to which they have been relegated by the Lebanese government

(BEIRUT, Lebanon) - Ein el Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp in Saida, Lebanon: One step up from underground. (Image from Earlier this year in Lebanon, I paid a visit to Roumieh prison outside Beirut to see a Palestinian friend who had ended up there thanks to a business endeavor involving a series of fake checks and a fake ambassador of Somalia.

My friend had additionally been suspected of false patriotism and had been removed from Roumieh last year for a weeklong interrogation session to determine if he was an Israeli spy.

Read Full Article (Aug-18-2010 18:06)

Lebanon Scatters a Little Chicken Feed and Labels it `Manna from Heaven`

Part of a series on securing civil rights for Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon.

(SHATILA REFUGEE CAMP, Beirut) - Palestinian refugees in Lebanon At 3:02 p.m. on 8/17/10 Lebanon’s Parliament began to deliberate on granting basic civil rights to its Palestinian refugees and within four minutes agreed to alter article 50 Lebanon’s 1964 labor law to theoretically make it easier for Palestinian refugees to obtain a work permit and a job.

There was no discussion of other draft bills to grant Palestinian refugees elementary civil rights, and fifteen minutes later, by 3:17 p.m. Parliament had agreed on the next bill involving excavating for oil, which may bring millions to some well placed members. Many MP’s hadn’t studied either bill.

Read Full Article (Aug-17-2010 22:53)

Americans Won`t Back Attack on Iran

If Iran is attacked, a large percentage of Americans will have nothing to do with it.

(SALEM, Ore.) - US targeting Iran Want to see the end of the world as we know it? If you do, you are in luck, because your chance to see the future of your kids and grandkids go up in smoke is nearing, and if the republicans and Israelis have anything to say about it, the grand final act will be here before you know it.

What will cause this? Israel. Why? Because the leaders of Israel represent the dark forces of nature, that's why.

Read Full Article (Aug-16-2010 22:15)

Supporting the Wrong Side

Mandela was arrested as a result of US intelligence cooperation with the apartheid regime, and was imprisoned on charges of ‘violence’ and ‘terrorism’.

(DAMASCUS, Syria) - On the left, a South African is carried away after being injured by police at an anti-apartheid demonstration in Camp Province (UN Photo).  On the right, a Palestinian man carries an injured boy. When Nelson Mandela stood to greet the thousands of people gathered to watch the world cup final in South Africa, everyone stood to show respect to the man whose moral authority and stardom is unrivaled and uncontested.

Read Full Article (Aug-16-2010 14:58)

Lebanon in Danger of Becoming Hizbullah`s Next Terror Capital

This article was first published on the official website of the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon.

(BEIRUT) - Collective punishment of Lebanon in 2006 deemed insufficient by the Israelis. (Photo by Amelia Opalinska) Shortly after the termination of the July War four years ago, I visited the south Lebanese town of Bint Jbeil—largely destroyed by Israel—and was invited into the home of a family that had only recently returned to south Lebanon after residing in the United States for a number of years.

The family’s 13-year-old daughter Maryam summarized their wartime experience, which had involved spending approximately 10 days in a basement with dozens of relatives and neighbors and attempting to reconcile themselves to the idea of impending liquidation by Israeli surgical precision.

Read Full Article (Aug-07-2010 04:02)

Terror Attack by Lebanese Army Thwarts Israeli Landscaping Effort

Past Israeli landscaping projects have include separating Palestinians from their yards with concrete walls.

(BEIRUT) - Other Israeli landscaping techniques. In the latest Israeli inversion of cause and effect relationships, the clash near the Lebanese border village of Adaisseh this week between Israeli and Lebanese soldiers resulted in the deaths of one of the former nationality and three of the latter.

It was characterized by Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak as a “planned provocation”, by Kadima MK Shaul Mofaz as a “planned terror attack”, and by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as something for which the Lebanese government was “directly responsible”.

Read Full Article
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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
