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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Nov-13-2010 12:44)

The Torturers Revisited

The US administration continues to deny that torture is torture. “Let there be no doubt, the United States does not torture and it will not torture,” says Harold Koh, legal adviser at the US State Department.

(BAHRAIN) - Bush and the war criminals The Trial is a novel by Franz Kafka, first published in 1925.

One of Kafka’s best-known works, it tells the story of a man arrested and prosecuted by a remote, inaccessible authority, with the nature of his crime never revealed either to him or the reader.

Read Full Article (Nov-13-2010 12:21)

Turkey`s Rambo Takes on Israel

Turkish film is based on a man's revenge over the Mavi Marmara incident.

(ISTANBUL) - Valley of the Wolves: Palestine As Ban Ki moon struggles to patch up relations between Israel and Turkey following the raid on a Turkish aid ship by the Israeli Defense Forces, a Turkish film company has decided to rock the boat, so to speak.

Passions on both sides are likely to be inflamed by a new film portraying a Turkish agent exacting revenge on the Israeli troops who carried out the May 31 raid.

Read Full Article (Nov-13-2010 11:11)

Is the American Public About to Toss Israel?

(BEIRUT, Lebanon) - Some opinion analysts express surprise with what they are learning from the American public and detect significant changes in American public attitudes favoring US disengagement from Israel.

Ever so slowly over the past two decades, and gaining momentum since the April 2002 Israeli destruction of the West Bank town of Jenin, American attitudes toward Israel appear to be changing according to some public opinion analysts.

Read Full Article (Nov-05-2010 10:24)

Lebanon Demurs as Israel Claims Victory in US Midterm Elections

Did anyone really expect Israel would lose?

(BEIRUT, Lebanon) - Yesha Council during an anti-Obama rally in 2009 The Republican party’s gain of 60 plus House Seats is the largest Congressional increase for either party since 1948.

Next January’s 112th Congress is already receiving rave advance reviews from more than half a million settlers in 100+ illegal colonies in occupied Palestine

Read Full Article (Oct-31-2010 11:20)

What Were They Thinking?

Instability in Lebanon seems to be the goal of Tel Aviv and Washington.

(SHATILLA REFUGEE CAMP, Beirut) - U.S. Department of State What were the International Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) investigators imagining as they walked into Dr. Iman Charara's private obstetrics and gynecology clinic this week demanding personal information on her patients? 

Perhaps more interestingly, was Jeffrey Feltman’s ‘Special STL Unit’ DC thinking when their clearly exasperated boss, according to a Hill Rag source, recently shouted by phone to the STL investigators in the Hague...

Read Full Article (Oct-30-2010 19:24)

Road to Hope Convoy Stalled at Egyptian Border

“Now we find ourselves in our third day at the Libyan / Egyptian border and we remain hopeful that the land route will be opened to us in the coming days” -Ken O’Keefe

(TOBRUK) - Ken O'Keefe, second from left; with friends on the <i>Road to Hope</i> Convoy The Road to Hope humanitarian aid convoy continues its role in the international community’s collective mission to break the illegal siege of Gaza and deliver desperately needed aid to the people of Palestine in Gaza.

The convoy comprises 30 vehicles and 101 humanitarian aid workers.

Read Full Article (Oct-29-2010 21:10)

Egypt Working with Road to Hope Convoy: Group Still Enroute to Gaza

The convoy looks like it will reach Gaza...

(SALEM, Ore.) - Photos from the Road to Hope convoy An update on the Road to Hope Convoy rolled onto the group's Facebook page at 10:00 p.m. BST Friday 29 Oct 2010.

Ellie Merton wrote, "The convoy is in the border area of Libya, near Tobruk, staying in temporary accommodation until our very kind hosts can get enough hotel rooms together in Tobruk..."

Read Full Article (Oct-29-2010 15:33)

Jeffrey Feltman`s `Really Great Plan`

“Do you think we’re that stupid?” Hezbollah (smelling a set-up) to Obama via the same channel 10/23/10

(SHATILLA REFUGEE CAMP, Beirut) - Feltman in Lebanon Beirut is abuzz over some pretty bizarre events that have been unfolding the past few months concerning Hezbollah and the UN created International Tribunal for Lebanon, set up in 2007 to bring to justice those involved in the Valentine Day 2005 assassination of then Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri.

One such event occurred yesterday morning...

Read Full Article (Oct-21-2010 13:06)

Ahmadinejad Galvanizes Lebanon`s Palestinians

Young Palestinians are still abuzz with excited discussions of his visit.

(SHATILA CAMP, BEIRUT, Lebanon) - One largely unnoticed achievement of the Iranian President’s recent visit remains among the Palestinian refugee community in Lebanon.

Close to a quarter million are “living in cages” to borrow President Carter’s description during his meeting this week with Hamas leader Khaled Mashall in Damascus, to describe how their sisters and brothers are forced to exist in Gaza.

Read Full Article (Oct-15-2010 20:31)

On the Road with Ahmadinejad in Lebanon

"If President Ahmadinejad asks my opinion, I shall tell him: A stone? My dear brother, you are capable of throwing much more than a stone." Hassan Nasrallah (AFP 10/12/10)

(BEIRUT, Lebanon) - Ahmadinejad visit to Lebanon He came, he saw, he conquered.

As he watched the Iranian President blow kisses to cleaning workers at Beirut’s airport during his departure for Iran early this morning, a Lebanese Christian historian commented “This Persian’s glory at the moment is arguably greater than Caesar’s following Rome’s second conquest of Britain”.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
