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`Coffee with Hezbollah` review by Mary Rizzo

Following is a review of Belén Fernandez' book Coffee with Hezbollah, written by Mary Rizzo for Palestine Think Tank.

(ROME) - Coffee with Hezbollah Before reading the wonderful book by Belén Fernández “Coffee with Hezbollah”, I never would have imagined it possible to read about the post-destruction aftermath of Lebanon and smile at the same time.

The pretext alone, a hitchhiking trip from Turkey to southern Lebanon simply “feels” dramatic, especially when the memory of Brides on Tour, was still fresh.

Read Full Article (Nov-27-2010 09:55)

Can Israel Defeat Hezbollah in the Coming War?

Part II “Know thyself” Tsu Sun and Hassan Nasrallah

(BEIRUT) - Israel and Hezbollah flags According to the Lebanese military, at 11 am and again at 1 p.m. on 1l/24/10, a total of six Israeli warplanes crossed into Lebanese airspace, and violated for the 8256th time UNSC resolution 1701 that ended Israel’s 5th war against Lebanon, on August 14, 2006. Nearly, daily, and sometimes several times daily, warplanes and/or reconnaissance aircraft invade the skies over Lebanon to frighten, attempt to intimidate, and pressure the Lebanese population.

They also to try to keep tabs on Lebanon’s resistance, led by Hezbollah.

Read Full Article (Nov-19-2010 14:40)

How Israel and the US Hope to Destroy Hezbollah

The current project includes continuing the public threats and hyping threats that Israel is ready to attack Lebanon...

(BEIRUT Al Manar) - US Ambassador to Lebanon, Maura Conelley “I’ve got these [expletive deleted] just where we want them Maura! Watch the 1000 slow cuts as we shred

Hezbollah–who do they think they are? And we’ll do it by using 1757 and this time we’re going all the way. I told Israel to stay out of Lebanon because the IDF can’t defeat Hezbollah plus the whole region would burn.

Read Full Article (Nov-18-2010 15:12)

Road to Hope Kidnapping Statement of Events

Reviewing the recent abduction of Gaza activists from Libya.

(ATHENS) - Convoy members welcoming Greek Navy Before my statement I feel compelled to clear up a misunderstanding about my role in the Road to Hope Convoy. I am not an organizer nor an original leader of the convoy.

I became a leader shortly after joining the convoy, about three weeks after it departed London. This became necessary due to the convoy reaching significant levels of internal crisis.

Read Full Article (Nov-18-2010 13:26)

Hezbollah looks Mexican

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Nasrallah In an August report for the global intelligence firm STRATFOR, analyst Scott Stewart writes:

"When we [at STRATFOR] discuss threats along the U.S.-Mexico border with sources and customers, or when we write an analysis on topics such as violence and improvised explosive devices along the border, a certain topic inevitably pops up: Hezbollah.”

Read Full Article (Nov-17-2010 20:52)

Israeli Military War Crime Suspects Revealed

The following information was received anonymously; presumably from a member of the Israeli Military. It was presented as follows...

(TEL AVIV) - Four of the IDF members accused of war crimes from an anonymous member of the Israeli military. Underlining the following people is an act of retribution and affront. They are the direct perpetrators, agents for the state of Israel that in Dec.- Jan. 2008- 2009 attacked scores of people in the besieged Gaza.

The people listed here held positions of command at the time of the attack therefore not only did they perform on behalf of a murderous state mechanism but actively encouraged other people to do the same.

Read Full Article (Nov-13-2010 21:29)

Western Media Frightened of the `F` Word in its Israeli Context

“Israeli democracy is mainly for decoration, like a tree grown for its beauty, not to bear fruit.” - Yossi Sarid Ha’aretz

(LONDON) - Zionist media control There is a debate in Israel about whether the Zionist state is on the slippery slope to fascism or is already fascist.

As far as I am aware the mainstream Western media has not drawn any attention to this.

Read Full Article (Nov-13-2010 18:49)

Fast for Release Of the Gaza Convoy Ten

Remember, this convoy would not be so critical if it wasn't for those suffering severe malnutrition and deprivation of medical care due to the blockade on Gaza.

(GLASGOW, UK) - Members of the <i>Road to Hope</i> Convoy who were taken to sea by the captain of the Greek ship Strofades IV A fast will take place Sunday for the immediate release and return to the Libyan port of Derna of those held in Piraeus by the Greek authorities.

They were abducted on Tuesday evening from the Derna port in Libya by the captain after a disagreement... over payment.

Read Full Article (Nov-13-2010 15:25)

UPDATE: Gaza Road to Hope Convoy Members Arrested in Greece

The captain of the Strofades IV however, may be charged.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Strofades IV Writer Lauren Booth has received contact from the Road to Hope Convoy members and the news may be looking up.

Booth said, "The convoy members who were abducted then detained in Greece have been released following examination of video footage. The captain has been arrested."

Read Full Article (Nov-13-2010 13:08)

Which `Human` Rights do You Call For?

(TEHRAN) - Mental health One of my close friends is suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, a severe mental illness which has almost paralyzed his entire life.

Psychiatrists in Iran recommend his going abroad to pursue his treatment; however, he was financially unable to afford the expenses of such a solution and remained in Iran.

Read Full Article
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