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Isolating Iran is part of the `Great Energy Game`: Antony Loewenstein

Antony Loewenstein’s articles on Iran, Israel and Middle East current affairs have appeared on the Guardian, Washington Post, Sydney Morning Herald and The Australian.

(TEHRAN) - Antony Loewenstein The Middle East is witness to continuous developments these days.

One is Iran’s active diplomacy to attract the indispensable 118-member bloc of non-aligned countries to support its nuclear program, another is the growing isolation of Israel in European countries and within academic circles in the U.S.

Read Full Article (Aug-01-2010 19:19)

`Every War Must End`

Ludicrous? Absolutely! An alternative to war? Peace!

(DA NANG, Vietnam) - B1-B Lancer dropping cluster bombs on SE Asia The words of military strategist Fred Ikle. But, tomorrow, August 1, 2010, the new International Ban on Cluster Munitions is lacking three crucial signatures: Those from the United States, Israel, and Russia.

These three countries, well entrenched in war as we speak, and no doubt continuing to proliferate the use of cluster munitions as they engage their enemies at various levels, do not apparently show an interest in this legacy of war.

Read Full Article (Jul-31-2010 22:58)

Response to Israel Minister of Justice vis a` vis Human Rights of Mordechai Vanunu

Israel claims Vanunu received a fair trial...

(CLERMONT, Fla.) - The original Times article from 1986; it took Americans more than twenty years to ever get wind of this through traditional sources.  President Carter made it reality in May 2008. After 5 years of petitioning the Israeli Government to FREE VANUNU, I received a three page, 13 point letter from the State of Israel Ministry of Justice The Human Rights and Foreign Relations Department on July 29, 2010.

For those who don't know, Mordechai Vanunu is the former Israeli nuclear technician who blew the whistle over Israel U.S. funded illegal nuclear weapons program in 1986.

Read Full Article (Jul-29-2010 02:49)

Postwar Photographs of Lebanon by Amelia Opalinska, Round II

Postwar Photographs of Lebanon by Amelia Opalinska, Round III

(ISTANBUL) - Photos of Lebanon by Amelia Opalinska Four years ago today the United States government issued a Humanitarian Situation report detailing the progress of the July War.

According to the section entitled “Numbers at a glance – Lebanon”, the country had accumulated 421 dead and 3,225 injured since the start of the war on July 12, and currently boasted a “Total Affected Population” of 866,780.

Read Full Article (Jul-23-2010 14:13)

What`s Going on in Lebanon`s Parliament this Summer?

Anyone really serious about allowing Palestinians their civil rights? Part VIII of a series on The Case for Palestinian Civil Rights in Lebanon.

(SHATILA REFUGEE CAMP, Beirut) - Shatila Refugee Camp “Some members of Parliament prefer that the camps explode and then they will insist that “Palestinian security problems must be resolved before Parliament can consider giving them civils rights”—meaning several more years of delay. That would be a disaster for all concerned.” -
‘Ahmad’, Resident of Al-Buss refugee camp, Tyre, Lebanon

During last week’s Parliamentary session Head of the Administration and Justice parliamentary committee, MP Robert Ghanem, reiterated his request to Berri and Parliament for a two-month “rest period”.

Read Full Article (Jul-22-2010 12:35)

Postwar Photographs of Lebanon by Amelia Opalinska

Photos of the destruction left in the wake of the 2006 Israeli attack.

(ISTANBUL) - A few months ago I posted a series of photographs of Lebanon taken in 2006 by my traveling companion Amelia Opalinska, in the aftermath of the July War perpetrated by Israel.

Read Full Article (Jun-29-2010 15:03)

Needed, A Just Accommodation

Displacing, assimilating or exterminating populations has been the course of human history from the beginning. Israel is no different than anyone else.

(GOLD RIVER, B.C.) - Free Palestine child with tear Needed, A Just Accommodation As most everyone who follows the news is aware, on May 31 the Israel Defense Force attacked a humanitarian aid ship headed for Gaza, killing at least nine people.

The world went into an uproar over this attack, and Israel's global propaganda machine went into high gear to control the damage.

Read Full Article (Jun-28-2010 14:21)

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Bit of Background

Almost 58 percent of Palestinians live in poverty, and about half of this group lives in extreme poverty.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Flags of Israel and Palestine Much of the reportage on the Israeli commandos attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, Israel's Gaza strip invasion, the 2006 war with Lebanon, and its continued settlement building, gives the impression that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is 21st century phenomenon.

What is sometimes lost in such coverage is the deep background the events described above are but the latest chapters in a long saga stretching back to the creation of Israel in 1947.

Read Full Article (Jun-27-2010 10:59)

Lives Lived and Lost in Time- Remembering Chatila

When will the time come when justice is addressed for this outrage against humanity?

(TRIPOLI) - As I walked the alleyways of Chatila yesterday, I could not help but reflect on the consequences of the mentality that justified it or the consequences caused by those devastated by it.

As I wait here 30 years later to board a boat to defy the Israeli’s continuing occupation and oppression of the Palestinian people in Gaza, I cannot avoid the reality on the ground that Israel has created.

Read Full Article (Jun-25-2010 00:01)

The Golden Rings of Betrayal

Report Coincides With New Effort to Break Gaza Siege.

(BEIRUT) - Scene from Das Rheingold. Courtesy: SF Opera On the 21st of June Haaretz published an article, “Lebanon allows Gaza-bound ship to sail to Cyprus.” Two ships may be involved, one with a contingent of Americans, approximately 10, another with a group of women including Nuns, the Miriam.

This new effort at breaking the Israeli siege of Gaza follows the attack on the boats that sailed from Turkey where 9 people were killed by Israeli naval forces.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
