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Salem-News.com (Sep-04-2006 21:03)

Boy Arrested for Threatening People With a Knife

(KEIZER) - Keizer Taco Bell Police arrested a 15-year Keizer boy Sunday evening after three people reported that a juvenile had threatened them with a knife in front of Keizer’s Taco Bell restaurant on River Road Northeast.

Officers from the Keizer Police Department responded to a reported menacing in progress near Taco Bell at about 9:20 PM. The person who called police, a juvenile male, reported that an unknown subject pulled a knife on he and two friends while they walked down the sidewalk.

The victims identified Brandon Miller to police as the suspect who threatened them with a knife and he was seen running from the scene.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-01-2006 20:29)

Keizer Police Arrest Man for Indecent Exposure

Police say the man was already on probation for public indecency.

(KEIZER) - Suspect Dennis James Davidson Keizer Police say a man who exposed himself and masturbated in front of children was arrested today just after 12:30 PM. Keizer Police Sgt. Bob Trump says the incident happened in front of kids who were playing outside Cummings Elementary School.

29-year old Dennis James Davidson was arrested for three counts of Public Indecency, Disorderly Conduct in the second-degree, Tampering with evidence and a Probation Violation.

Trump says the school’s principal and other adults also witnessed the incident and were on the phone with 911 while the suspect continued to masturbate in plain sight on the playground of the school.

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Salem-News.com (Aug-28-2006 22:05)

Salem-Keizer Residents Getting Fed-Up With Panhandlers

Authorities say the ever increasing number of individuals standing on street corners and off-ramps throughout the mid-valley begging for money is becoming a clear and present danger to their and the motoring public’s safety.

(SALEM) - No matter where you travel in Oregon, from Portland south to Ashland, or east to Ontario, or north along the Oregon Coast, somewhere along the way, you will run into an individual standing at an off-ramp or street corner holding a sign asking you to give them any spare change you may have.

Sgt Brian Prevett, who is in charge of the downtown Salem patrol team, deals with many of the panhandlers downtown on a day-by-day basis says the law is fairly clear in that panhandling is constitutionally protected and any law or ordinance against it would violate the Oregon constitution.

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Salem-News.com (Aug-28-2006 00:35)

Keizer Police Hosting Firearms Safety Class (AUDIO)

The risk of firearms-related unintentional injuries or deaths can be reduced when firearms owners are aware of and fully understand their responsibility to handle firearms safely and store them in a secure manner.

(KEIZER) - city of Keizer Oregon police logo The Keizer Police Department is hosting a free community presentation on firearms safety.

The presentation will take place Monday, September 18th from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Keizer Police Auditorium located at 930 Chemawa Rd NE.

The presentation is open to the public. Registration is required.

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Salem-News.com (Aug-15-2006 20:45)

Police Officer Shoots Attacking Dog in Keizer

The officer who shot the dog is a veteran with the department.

(KEIZER) - Keizer PD mirrored sign A Keizer Police officer shot and wounded a dog while walking up to the owner's door Tuesday. Police say the officer was responding to a report of a previous bite from the same dog.

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Salem-News.com (Aug-10-2006 00:00)

Pile Driving at Willow Lake Water Pollution Control Facility

Pile driving for the new headworks is scheduled to begin in mid-August.

(KEIZER) - Map of Willow Lake plant Beginning in mid August 2006, intermittent pile driving will be required at the at Willow Lake Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) in order to complete the Headworks and Primary Treatment Improvements Project.

Pile driving is required to complete a deep excavation that will add new influent screens and influent pumps to the facility. This headworks structure is the ‘heart' of the plant and the collection point of multiple wastewater streams.

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Salem-News.com (Aug-09-2006 21:26)

Salem-Keizer State Assessment Results Show Growth in Student Achievement

Math scores stayed steady in almost all grades except for eighth, whose scores increased by 3.6 percentage points.

(SALEM) - Middle school girls in class State assessment results for 2005-06 school year show growth in student achievement in just about every subject and grade tested.

The scores were released Wednesday by the Oregon Department of Education, and reflect a similar picture of last week's preliminary Adequate Yearly Progress report.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-31-2006 01:03)

Dog Bite Ends Ride for Suspected Car Thief Who Gave Chase

Police say the driver who they eventually caught up with, was also intoxicated.

(KEIZER) - image: police lights Keizer Police received a report of a Hit and Run that had just occurred at the 3900 block of Brooks Ave NE Sunday just after 7:00 PM. The victim reported that a small Geo type 2D vehicle sideswiped his parked Jeep and drove away without stopping.

Keizer Police Sgt. David LeDay said he spotted the suspect vehicle around 7:20 PM near the intersection of Clark ST and Bailey ST NE and attempted to stop it. LeDay says the vehicle fled a short distance to the 4900 block of Bailey where it pulled into a private driveway and the driver ran away on foot leaving his passengers behind. The passenger ages were three, six, ten and 37 years old.

Officers chased the suspect on foot but lost the suspect over fences. Keizer Police K-9 Officer Jefferson and his partner Czar spotted the suspect going over a fence and Czar was released after numerous commands were given out for him to stop. Shortly after, Keizer Officers took the driver into custody after he received a dog bite to the leg.

The investigation continued and that is when officers realized that the car had been stolen earlier in the afternoon.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-26-2006 12:43)

Salem Police Help Nab Keizer Burglary Suspects

Two local police agencies worked together to take two burglary suspects into custody, and investigators report that the majority of the stolen goods have already been recovered.

(KEIZER) - Keizer Police responded to a report of a business burglary that occurred at 3787 River Road North Monday morning just after 6:30 AM. The owner of the business, Environmental Safety Resource Group, told police that he found the business had been burglarized upon arriving at its location.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-23-2006 22:11)

Keizer Apartment Fire a Close Call

Nobody was hurt in the fire that investigators say was started with fireworks.

(KEIZER) - Firefighters in Keizer were able to keep a fire from entering the units at an apartment complex Sunday, but the blaze that started in some shrubs at the Churchdale Apartments set fire to another home and a car before it was over.

Keizer Fire's Rod Conway says the District was dispatched at 5:22 PM Sunday to the Churchdale Apartments where bushes were reportedly on fire, with later reports of an apartment on fire. It was reported that a local youth had thrown burning fireworks into the bush, starting the fire.

Conway says Keizer Fire sent several units and were backed up by Marion County Fire District #1 for mutual aid. Conway says a total of 15 fire personnel were on-scene.

Keizer Fire District crews arrived at 218 Churchdale Ave N to find arborvitae shrubs on fire, as well as the deck to one unit.

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