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Aug-28-2006 00:35printcomments

Keizer Police Hosting Firearms Safety Class (AUDIO)

The risk of firearms-related unintentional injuries or deaths can be reduced when firearms owners are aware of and fully understand their responsibility to handle firearms safely and store them in a secure manner.

city of Keizer Oregon police logo

(KEIZER) - The Keizer Police Department is hosting a free community presentation on firearms safety.

The presentation will take place Monday, September 18th from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Keizer Police Auditorium located at 930 Chemawa Rd NE.

The presentation is open to the public. Registration is required.

Rangemaster Officer Jeff Goodman will present information on the safe handling, storage and transportation of firearms.

Legal and safety issues involving firearms maintained in the home for security reasons will also be discussed. Gunlocks sponsored by Project Childsafe will be available at no cost.

This is not a Hunter Safety Education course, and firearms will not be permitted in the class.

For more information, or to register, please contact Officer Jeff Goodman at (503) 856-3470.

In Keizer, I’m Kevin Hays reporting for


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