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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Sep-22-2009 16:57) Live 7:00 P.M. Newscast for Tuesday (VIDEO)

Video newscast from Tuesday night.

(SALEM, Ore) - launched live Internet news earlier this month. We are in beta testing phase as we go live weeknights at 7:00 p.m. with news Presenter/Anchor Bonnie King.

This particular program had its share of technical errors. New equipment was brought online and used for the first time, leading to some disappointments and also remedies and answers. The parts of this program that did not air with clarity will be repeated Wednesday.

Read Full Article (Sep-22-2009 10:20)

It`s a Tech World, After All

Today's technology is a blessing and a curse.

(AGOURA, Calif.) - Frustration with technology I love technology. I hate technology. I get so frustrated with technology. All of the above. That’s my generation and definitely me. My friend Marty is a tech wizard, while my wife is still using computers primarily for e-mail. I’m somewhat in the middle with my knowledge and depth of tech use and dependence, though my boys laugh at my attempts to learn anything new.

But, it’s hard to resist all we hear about what every new tech gadget has to offer, especially for us men (a.k.a. boys and their toys).

Read Full Article (Sep-18-2009 17:09) Newscast Recorded Friday (VIDEO PROGRAM)

NBC's Ann Curry speaks to Iran's President about new developments in Iran's relationship with the U.S. We'll look at the type of plane U.S. pilots may have to deal with if there are future conflicts, and we'll show you the Vietnam Traveling Wall that recently came to Albany, Oregon.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Here are some of the stories you can look for during our special live 7:00 news broadcast on for September 18, 2009.

Oregon State Police say one northbound lane is open following a multi-vehicle crash involving 26 motorcycles and two passenger cars on Interstate 5 near the Baldock Rest Area south of Wilsonville.

Read Full Article (Sep-18-2009 11:11)

The Dangers for Journalists Who Expose Environmental Issues

We must defend journalists who expose attacks on the environment.

(PARIS, France RFP) - Guinean journalist Lai Baldé has been threatened. Egyptian blogger Tamer Mabrouk has been sued. Russian journalist Grigory Pasko has just spent four years in prison. His Uzbek colleague, Solidzhon Abdurakhmanov, has just been given a 10-year jail sentence. Mikhail Beketov, another Russian journalist, has lost a leg and several fingers as a result of an assault.

Bulgarian reporter Maria Nikolaeva was threatened with having acid thrown in her face. Filipino journalist Joey Estriber has been missing since 2006… What do these journalists and many others have in common?

Read Full Article (Sep-16-2009 22:08)

`News` Related Internet Anomalies Wednesday Affect

It just seemed odd and suspicious that the particular word "news" would be so strongly affected. This should give the more paranoid thinkers reading this something to talk about.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Screenshot from, 9-16-09 While monitoring the volume of Web traffic that draws nearly every day, I have become a sort of addict, always eagerly anticipating the figures that a new hour brings.

These statistics are a direct reflection of how good we are, and how many people our stories attract from search engines like Google, Yahoo and now Bing.

Read Full Article (Sep-14-2009 18:26) Live Video Newscast Weeknights at 7:00 P.M. (VIDEO)

Just hit the 'play' button to the right (center of video screen) to watch our live 7:00 p.m. newscast with Bonnie King.

(SALEM, Ore.) -'s Bonnie King We began broadcasting live news on two weeks ago, and that live 7:00 p.m. program will return Friday night, September 18, 2009, with news presenter/anchor Bonnie King.

The ability to deliver live news on the Internet to a mass audience is a relatively new concept. We are using a group out of the Bay Area of California,, to bring the program to you.

Read Full Article (Sep-11-2009 12:14)

Olberman Unloads Over Wrong Way Wilson & the `Flying Monkeys of Right Wing Media`

Getting a perspective on Joe Wilson's "You Lie" moment before the President and Congress.

(SALEM, Ore.) - MSNBC's Keith Olberman Writing about Joe Wilson and his ridiculous behavior this week toward the President of the United States, is too broad of an opportunity. Who better to put it into perspective than MSNBC's Keith Olberman; the King of the American media love/hate relationship?

Read Full Article (Sep-07-2009 16:42) Newscast Tonight at 7:00 P.M.

After 7:00 p.m., just hit the "play" button to the right.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Bonnie King on the set during the first program The third live Web newscast for Oregon will broadcast at 7:00 p.m. tonight on with Bonnie King at the anchor desk.

We are in the beta testing phase of this new operation that allows us to bring the news live to thousands of viewers all over the world.

Once again, please be patient as we are very much in the early stages of this program's development. It may be a little rough in the beginning, but we assume our regular viewers would still rather see the action that not see it at all.

Read Full Article (Sep-03-2009 14:35)

Watch for Live News on Tonight

The First Online Newscast enters Beta phase tonight.

(SALEM, Ore.) - will launch Oregon's first all-Online newscast with Bonnie King tonight at 7:00 p.m. This will be a live program and the subject of our plans over the past five years.

Bonnie King, in addition to being the Publisher of, has substantial history as an on-air personality. She first anchored news in the late 1980's for TV10 on the Oregon coast.

Read Full Article (Aug-16-2009 17:30)

Our Electronic Lives

As if the potential disasters weren’t enough, you can now add solar storms to the list of potential disasters you can pretend you don’t know about.

(CALGARY, Alberta) - Computer and drink One clumsy (not enchanted) evening I knocked over a glass of Pepsi, spilling it on my modem, giving it an apparently fatal injury.

While I was waiting for a new modem to arrive, it tried it every day, but to no avail. Pepsi is sticky; beer is not.

Read Full Article
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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
