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Independence Seven Day Weather Forecast (Sep-15-2006 12:35)

New Independence Cinema Set to Open This Spring

The project will help the city jump start it’s downtown revitalization process.

(INDEPENDENCE) - Movie theatre construction Residents of Independence and surround cities soon wont’ have to travel far to see a first run movie.

The city, in conjunction with Prestige Development, have begun construction on a new 18,000 square foot cinema located at the intersection of 3rd Street and D Street.

Read Full Article (Sep-14-2006 09:06)

Police Identify Woman Killed After Train Collides With Truck in Polk County

At the intersection where the accident occurred, there were train crossing signs, but no signal gates.

(INDEPENDENCE) - Train A Willamette & Pacific Railroad engine struck a mini-truck early Thursday morning neat the intersection of Corvallis Rd and Stapleton Rd.

Polk County Fire District No. 1 spokesman Jason Cane says the single engine was heading southbound when it collided with the mini-truck around 6:13 AM.

Read Full Article (Aug-14-2006 22:51)

It’s Take Your Dog to The Movies Night in Independence Saturday

You and your pooch can have a doggone good time at the movie and

(DALLAS) - Cute dog The Willamette Humane Society is inviting you to take your dog to the movies with the Hill’s Science Diet DogFest Film Festival on Saturday, August 19th at the Riverview Park Amphitheater in Independence.

Read Full Article (Jun-25-2006 21:04)

Illegal Fireworks a High Priority for Police and Fire Officials

Salem Police And Fire are increasing enforcement this year. In general, illegal fireworks are those that explode, fly 12 inches into the air, or travel more than 6 feet on the ground.

(SALEM) - The Salem Police Department, along with the Salem Fire Department will be increasing their enforcement of illegal fireworks this Fourth of July holiday.

Salem police spokesman Lt. Bill Kohlmeyer says every year officers respond to numerous calls from citizens involving illegal fireworks.

"Many of these calls originate from citizens concerned about fire danger, noise violations, property damage, and potential injury," Kohlmeyer said.

Read Full Article (Jun-22-2006 15:53)

Be Aware! Buena Vista Ferry to Close Next Week

(INDEPENDENCE) - Due to low river level readings, the Buena Vista Ferry will be closing on Wednesday, June 28th, for dredging and will reopen at completion of the project.

The river conditions have restricted the ferry's load ability and until the completion of the dredging project, it can only carry two vehicles at a time across the river. All heavy equipment that people wich to transport is at the discretion of the ferry operator.

Notifications will be made when the ferry is back in operation and will release that information immediately.

Read Full Article (May-28-2006 23:10)

Applicants Sought For Reserve Officers and Cadet Explorers

(INDEPENDENCE) - The Independence Police Department is seeking reserve officers and cadet explorers.

To qualify for the reserve police officer position, applicants must be at least 21-years-old by April 1st, have a high school diploma, be of good moral character, and have a clear criminal record.

Applicant testing includes a writing and physical agility exam.

High scoring applicants will be invited back for an oral interview, then meet with the Chief who makes the final appointments.

Applicants who pass the oral interview will be given a thorough background investigation. Once hired all reserve officers will be sent to a reserve police academy.

Read Full Article (Apr-12-2006 23:53)

OSP Fish and Wildlife Troopers Rescue Three People After Capsizing

Timing is everything, and these troopers could not have been in a better place at a better time to rescue the victims in fast moving, 41 degree water.

(INDEPENDENCE) - Capsized canoe Three people narrowly escaped tragedy Sunday, when state fish and wildlife troopers happened upon an overturned canoe with three adults hanging onto the side a few miles downstream from Independence. All three were wearing lifejackets, which the troopers believed help them survive.

Sunday at approximately 12:30 PM, OSP Trooper Adam Turnbo and Trooper Andrew Goffrier were on boat patrol along the Willamette River when they spotted the three on the Willamette River with their canoe overturned...

Read Full Article (Mar-26-2006 17:16)

Restoration of Former Independence Mill Pond to Aid Winter Salmon, Steelhead

The removal of a dam and stream restoration will open miles of new habitat

(INDEPENDENCE) - The Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board has agreed to fund a portion of a project that includes removing an old mill pond in Independence.

The $20,625 grant will fund part of a two-year project coordinated by the Luckiamute Watershed Council in cooperation with numerous local and state agencies.

Removal of the pond's dam will open access for juvenile steelhead and Chinook salmon to several miles of the South Fork Ash Creek for the first time in 50 years.

Read Full Article (Jan-11-2006 08:52)

Winters Praised for Work on Meth and Justice Issues

(Salem) - Senator Jackie Winters Senator Jackie Winters (R-Salem) was recently honored for her work to curb the use of methamphetamine and her advocacy of Oregon`s justice system by the Oregon State Bar. The organization`s Board of Governors approved the resolution honoring Winters in December.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
