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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Nov-05-2013 13:54)

How to Make Enemies around the World in Two Easy Lessons

One has to wonder if US policy makers are really that stupid...

(JAMESTOWN, RI) - Obama and Middle east fighting Sometimes the policy of my country sickens me. Take Egypt for example. A democratic election, was held, and by a narrow victory Mr. Morsi was elected President.

He won a majority of the public vote, but he was the leader of the “Muslim Brotherhood” party, and so immediately US mainstream media did not like him, despite the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood party of Egypt is a very moderate party, and despite the fact their party prevailed in a democratic election.

Read Full Article (Sep-09-2013 12:53)

Egypt: Human Rights Ambassador William Nicholas Gomes Condemns Abu Deraa Detention

As documented by several human rights groups, military trials in Egypt routinely fall short of fair trial standards and violate fundamental rights of due process.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Adly Mahmoud Mansour Human Rights Ambassador for, William Nicholas Gomes has “strongly condemned” the arrest of Sinai based journalist Ahmed Abu Deraa.

On 5 September 2013, journalist and human rights defender Mr Ahmed Abu Deraa' was arrested by the Egyptian Armed Forces in the North Sinai city of Areesh, where he is based and acts as a correspondent for independent Egyptian newspapers...

Read Full Article (Sep-05-2013 12:49)

Egypt: Arbitrary Arrest of Human Rights Defender Mr Haitham Mohamadein

Haitham Mohamadein is specifically targeted as a result of his human rights activities, and fear for his safety and physical and psychological integrity while in detention.

(LONDON) - Haitham Mohamadein On 5 September 2013, human rights lawyer Mr Haitham Mohamadein was arrested by the Egyptian military at a check point in Suez while he was travelling on a bus from Cairo. He has been transferred to Faisal police station in Giza.

Haitham Mohamadein is a labour rights defender and lawyer affiliated with the El Nadim Centre for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence, an Egyptian NGO that provides pro bono medical and legal care to victims of human rights violations.

Read Full Article (Aug-22-2013 03:19)

Egypt - Turn Off The Money

We shovel our hard earned taxpayer dollars overseas to Egypt while they kill hundreds, burn down Christian churches and shake their fists at America.

(NEWBURGH, Indiana) - Egypt US flag The United States and our President must come together today and stop all money flowing from our hard earned tax dollars to Egypt.

Yes, I am talking about your money and your children's money and your grandparent's hard earned tax dollars flowing into Egypt at the rate of 1.5 billion dollars each year.

Read Full Article (Aug-22-2013 02:18)

Hilarious: Aljazeera & MB Duplicity Caught on Camera

We didn’t oust Morsi for his diplomatic or economic failures- you’ll be surprised to find out how adaptively everyday Egyptians, over the heavy years, learned to live with such failures. We ousted him, by a revolution, for his loyalty to the MB was far more than to the state of Egypt.

(ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - Egypt MB siege Though we live in the so called world of information, yet we are soaked to the eye brows in total deception and misinformation.

We need, more than ever, to know what’s really happening next door and everywhere on the globe.

Read Full Article (Aug-17-2013 01:56)

Ending the Muslim Brotherhood`s Occupy Egypt (The Unreported Story)

“MB is about a distorted theology that is based mainly on blaspheming and delegitimizing the other and the other, is simply everybody who is not MB”

(ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - Egypt revolution As expected, the mainstream media raved about the horrifyingly bloody crackdown on the peaceful Muslim Brotherhood sit-ins in Cairo on Wednesday morning August 14.

The two sit-ins, or to be honest, the terrorist bases in Rabaa and Nahda squares, were not peaceful at all; unless you believe Moltov cocktails, automatic guns, grenades, and RPJs are legitimate tools in protests and occupy movements with a good cause.

Read Full Article (Jul-27-2013 18:38)

Egyptians Did What Germans Should`ve Done Long Ago

“I really don’t care much if the whole world called it a military coup, though it’s not, as long as Egypt rids itself of the nightmare of the Islamists and the MB rule.”

(ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - Hitler and Morsi What happened on June 30 in Egypt, whom the Egyptians proudly insist on calling the second wave of their revolution, was not a thing that erupted on the spur of the moment; rather it was due to a snowballing buildup of collective dissatisfaction and fear over the last year.

Dissatisfied by the incompetent Muslim Brotherhood ‘MB’ governance and alarmed by their blatant agenda to turn Egypt into another Somalia or Afghanistan, Egyptians revolted again.

Read Full Article (Jul-26-2013 22:28)

What is Your Business?

What’s your business? Mine is to rave and rant on the internet and social media thereby taking a “calculated” risk to be in the bad book of both tribal and global powers.

(UGANDA) - Kiflu Hussein The business of America is global or rather imperial business.

The Business of Egypt is holding rival rally. The business of Ethiopia, Uganda etc is servility.

Read Full Article (Jul-23-2013 11:16)

Egypt: What Now?

If this is the situation vis-a-vis the military, on the one hand, and the Ikhwan, on the other, what hope is there for the Egyptian people?

(KUALA LAMPUR) - Egypt In the wake of the military coup of July 3rd 2013, the question that is on the lips of many people is what is going to happen now in Egypt? How will the situation evolve? What is the future of the 80 million people who live in that ancient land?

It would be hazardous to try to predict the future, given the uncertainties that befuddle the present. There is however one possible scenario that one hopes will not be the fate of Egypt.

Read Full Article (Jul-15-2013 19:54)

The Rhetoric of Spreading Democracy ---The World isn`t Buying it

Under US law the government cannot financially support a "military coup", so their solution is to avoid calling it what it is, making us a laughing stock around the world.

(JAMESTOWN, RI) - The Egyptian people love the American people, but hate our government, as do many other people in nations around the world.

A recent poll showed the people of Egypt hate the US government more than most other populations, so we must ask why? For the past 30 years the US government financially supported Egypt with an enormous annual contribution of $1.3 billion.

Read Full Article
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