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Egyptian Naval Ship Fires at Gaza Fishermen

The fishing boat was nearing Egyptian territorial waters, the Egyptian ship was stationed just within Palestinian territorial waters at the time

(GAZA World Bulletin/News Desk) - Gaza fishermen An Egyptian naval ship opened fire at a Palestinian fishing boat off the coast of the southern Gaza Strip early Saturday, Maan News Agency reported citing a Palestinian union official.

Nizar Ayyash, spokesman for the union of Gaza fishermen, told Ma'an that the Egyptian navy fired warning shots at a fishing boat off the coast of Rafah.

Read Full Article (Feb-15-2014 13:25)

Today`s Egypt in a Song: `Rima is back to her old ways`

The lyrics are highly idiomatic where what is left unsaid is understood from the little that is said.

(LONDON) - Yasser Elmanawahly In Egypt, there is a new catchy tune circulating in social media pages.

The song, which gives a symbolic description of the current events in Egypt, is sung by an artist who is known for his strong leanings towards the 25th January 2011 revolution.

Read Full Article (Feb-13-2014 16:53)

Joint Statement: We Demand the Release of Journalists Detained in Egypt

Since December 29th, the three journalists have been placed in horrible conditions...

(TORONTO) - Free al Jazeera staff We ask the Egyptian authorities to stop their persecution and release all other detained journalists.

We aspire that they be proponents of democracy by enabling reporters to carry out their professions without fear of retribution and by empowering diverse voices for the purpose of building a greater Egypt with tolerance, civil liberties and understanding.

Read Full Article (Jan-27-2014 11:53)

Misplaced Lessons of Tahrir

The lesson I take away from The Square is that we must prevent the operation of business as usual until the institution itself, not its face, is fixed.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Tahrir Square in Egypt I still want Dirty Wars to win the Oscar, but The Square is a documentary worth serious discussion as we hit the three-year point since the famous occupation of Tahrir Square in Cairo that overthrew Mubarak -- in particular because a lot of people seem to get a lot of the lessons wrong.

I suppose some people will leave Dirty Wars imagining that we need clean wars, whatever those would be. But too many people seem to be drawing from The Square lessons they brought with them to it...

Read Full Article (Jan-24-2014 12:12)

Egypt: Doing Without Western Democracy

“If the democracy the west is crying over is the one that could have allowed a terrorist group like the Muslim Brotherhood to devour Egypt then Egypt can and will absolutely do without the western idea of democracy” … By Dr. Ashraf Ezzat

(ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - Obama and Morsi “We started this mess, the so called Arab Spring, and we the Egyptians once again will finish this whole business. But this time we’re going to make it right”.

Those words from Soad Ali, one of the Egyptians, a house wife, who headed to the poll stations on January 14-15th and voted yes in a referendum on the country’s new constitution.

Read Full Article (Dec-23-2013 12:44)

Egypt: Egyptian Centre for Economic and Social Rights Raided by Security Forces

Five of the six detainees were released on the morning of 19 December 19, at approximately 11:00 a.m., while Mohamed Adel is still in detention and his whereabouts remain unknown.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - William Nicholas Gomes, Human Rights Ambassador for views the crackdown on ECESR as a part of an escalating harsh campaign to silence human rights defenders in Egypt.

This campaign started with defaming human rights organisations in the media, in the framework of the “war on terrorism”, before escalating to direct and physical attacks against human rights defenders.

Read Full Article (Dec-04-2013 15:58)

Open Our Eyes

A golden rule for all of us: welcome every idea, however strange it seems, as long as it doesn’t claim to be the absolute good, and as long as it doesn’t refuse differences, and let go of every idea that shuts the door for creation and progress.

(KABUL) - Sherif and I in Cairo, 2006 While catching up with each other over the challenges facing ordinary Afghans and Egyptians, Sherif Sameer and I talked about how ‘opening our eyes’ could go a long way toward building a better world. We decided to co-write this piece, from Ismailia, Egypt and Kabul, Afghanistan.

The truth is there, clear and burning like a sun. We only need to open our eyes and take a look. ‘Our eyes’ means ‘our minds’. The mind is that big thing on top of our necks inside of our heads, and it has a function called ‘thinking’.

Read Full Article (Dec-04-2013 10:49)

Egypt: Physical Assault and Arrest of Human Rights Blogger Mr Alaa Abd El Fattah

Ensure that the treatment of Alaa Abd El Fattah while in detention adheres to all those conditions set out in the 'Basic Principles for Treatment of Prisoners, adopted by General Assembly resolution 45/111 of 14 December 1990' -William Nicholas Gomes,Human Rights Ambassador for

(Washington, D.C) - Alaa Abd El Fattah Human Rights Ambassador for, William Nicholas Gomes is deeply concerned at the arbitrary arrest and detention of human rights defender Alaa Abd El Fattah, and the physical assault he and his wife were subjected to.

William Nicholas Gomes is further concerned by the new legislation criminalising peaceful protesters and on-line activism.

Read Full Article (Nov-25-2013 15:11)

Egypt Thwarts `the New Middle East` Conspiracy

On June 30th Egyptians once again, mesmerized the world with a real revolution and with the help of a patriotic military managed to not only do away with the rule of the terrorist MB group but to put the whole new made-in-US world order/conspiracy to a halt.

(ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - Egypt today A couple of years ago and while the millions of Egyptians were embarking on the world’s biggest occupy-your-square movement, President Obama alluded to what was happening in Tahrir Square, the hub of the Egyptian uprising, and said “We are witnessing history unfold in Egypt” … and as much as he was right then, he is now way on the wrong side of history and deadly dishonest, as if honesty had to do with politics, about what is still unfolding in Egypt.

Even more, Obama’s administration is foolishly losing Egypt, a pivotal Middle-Eastern state that has been a close ally to the US for over 40 years now...

Read Full Article (Nov-25-2013 00:55)

Four Coptic Christians Killed at the Exit of a Wedding in Egypt

The Salafists, who are even more extreme than the Muslim Brotherhood, have taken advantage of the chaos to terrorize the Copts. Copts have also come under attack jihadists in Sinai.

(MADRID) - Coptic Christian protest in Egypt The Foundation Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) has issued two campaigns with the slogans: "Syria, The Church will not abandon you" and "With your prayer peace is possible".

Moreover, in the Arab Republic of Egypt Coptic Christians are killed by the Muslim Brotherhood, accusing them of being to blame for the ills of Egyptian society..

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin