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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Sep-07-2012 14:01)

Oh, this Stunning Moment
Truth and Love to the Nth Power

We are at a stunning moment in human history. Gandhi gave us the direction.

(BATON ROUGE, LA) - Mahatma Gandhi People talk about this time as a period of great awakening, a spiritual shift for humanity that will change everything, if we can only achieve it.

What does that mean? What is supposed to shift in us? Perhaps Gandhi comes closest to pointing us toward our awakening.

Read Full Article (Sep-02-2012 14:02)

The John Diefenbaker Award for Canadian Humor...

And The Winner Is: Duncan's Doughnuts

(SASKATCHEWAN) - John Duncan, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs Watching Clint Eastwood make a complete jackass of himself at the Republican Convention recently, such that I almost (but not quite) had sympathy for the Republicans, it suddenly dawned on me that Canadian humor is not as bad as I thought.

As one political commentator mentioned over Joe Dirt's disruption at the Romney love-in...

Read Full Article (Aug-31-2012 23:20)

Dancing Through Two Generations...
62 Year Old Salem Woman Will Perform in Le Grand Continental

Acclaimed dancer Jamie Benson is training his mom in Oregon for an incredible event.

(SALEM) - Verla Benson of Salem, who is 62-years old, is rehearsing Sylvain Émard's Le Grand Continental It is not an everyday story, not by any means. Verla Benson of Salem, who is 62-years old, is rehearsing Sylvain Émard's Le Grand Continental.

She has incredible support from family; one of whom is proclaimed as “one of the strongest, hottest contemporary dancers of his generation" by dance critic Lewis Segal.

Read Full Article (Aug-30-2012 13:23)

The Fighting CMTC

“We'll call it the CMTC,” said Jack, “Consort Military Training Corps.” “Yeah,” said Red, “The Fighting CMTC.”

(SASKATCHEWAN) - boys playing Much has been written since World War II about The Princess Pats, (Canadian Light Infantry), the Van Doos (The Royal 22nd Regiment), the Essex Scottish, The Winnipeg Rifles.

But there is one unsung history of another magnum force known to its members as “The Fighting CMTC,” so named mostly because of their fighting among themselves.

Read Full Article (Aug-28-2012 02:32)

It Takes Two

I am convinced now more than ever that it takes two parents to provide all of the things children need in their journey towards adulthood.

(TAMPA, FL) - The Isis Papers During my recent ten plus hour flight to Okinawa, Japan with my three daughters and our tiny Chihuahua named Chip, I flipped through one of my favorite books, The Isis Papers from time to time.

I figured this long flight would be a good time to reflect and evaluate how my wife and I are raising our daughters.

Read Full Article (Aug-28-2012 01:59)

Cowboy Rob

Cowboy Rob had been pushed from pillar to post ever since he arrived in Argentina last March.

(PATAGONIA, Argentina) - Cowboy The latest chapter in the life of a wayward cowboy began with a garbled phone call on a sunny Monday afternoon.

Most of our calls are garbled because they are in Spanish and the earpiece in our cheap handset makes everyone sound like a frightened chicken. This call, however, was in English...

Read Full Article (Aug-24-2012 23:02)

Ayn Rand, the Preacher of Selfishness Inspiring Paul Ryan

He looks to me slightly phony. I am not sure that Ayn Rand would have liked him either.

(TEL AVIV Redress) - Ayn Rand and Paul Ryan I was not interested in Paul Ryan, the man about to be nominated by the Republican party for the office of vice-president, until the name Ayn Rand popped up.

Ayn Rand, it was said, was one of the main inspirations for his particular philosophy.

Read Full Article (Aug-20-2012 22:55)

Baby Boys Have the End of Their Penis Cut Off for the Worst Possible Reasons

Tim King and Agron Belica say ENOUGH!
We must change the 'penile code' we live under.

(SALEM / BOSTON) - Scared baby I am increasingly discovering the effectiveness of approaching subjects without anger or opinion.

But babies have the end of their penis cut off for the worst possible reasons and it is unnatural, so don't expect too much civility in this writing.

Read Full Article (Aug-17-2012 23:48)

Typical Continental Breakfast Fare Unfairly Ignores Basic Health Needs

Sweet stuff leaves a bitter impression. We Baby Boomers listen to a different drummer.

(LINCOLN CITY, OR) - Continental breakfast Recently my wife and I had to escape a horrible heatwave. It wasn't a bit pleasant.

As retirees, we were free to take off midweek and headed to Lincoln City and vicinity.

Read Full Article (Aug-15-2012 01:24)

Author Hanan Munayyer Invited to Washington DC

The information below is relative to the September 18, 2012 in Washington DC. The CUNY lecture is scheduled for Wednesday, October 3, 2012.

(SALEM) - Traditional Palestinian costume book cover Following the successful lecture series presented in Jerusalem, Haifa and Nazareth during May and June 2012, Hanan Munayyer has received invitations from The Library of Congress in Washington DC and from the City University of New York to lecture on her textile and embroidery research, and autograph her book.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
