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Salem-News.com (Oct-02-2012 10:21)

Fatima Hajj: Every Palestinian Woman

Fatima hoped one day the Palestinians will return and together all people will live in peace in Palestine.

(SHATILA CAMP, Beirut Lebanon) - The author with Fatima Hajj at Mieh-Mieh Palestinian refugee camp in Saida, Lebanon. Three days before the Nakba survivor’s death. Photo: Zeinab Hajj Last May I attended the Nakba Day at Kass-Kass Park, just outside of Shatila Palestinian refugee Camp in Beirut.

I made a promise to a young Palestinian resident of the Shatila Camp who I interviewed earlier in the week—that I would attend the festival to see her perform her dance recital.

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Salem-News.com (Oct-01-2012 20:27)

Circumcision`s Structure and Function with Maslow`s Hierarchy of Needs

No woman can call herself free who does not own her own body. Margaret Sanger.

(MONTEREY, CA) - Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Before learning what pathology looks like, a surgeon must know what normal tissues look like.  The same pertains to ritual.

This Report is based on Catherine Bell’s text Ritual Theory, Ritual Practice, and Maslow’s Motivation and Personality.  The Way.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-26-2012 01:32)

Hindus Laud Vatican for Drafting Record Number of Women for Synod

Synod is an ecclesiastical gathering for discussion and decision of issues relating to faith, morals, or discipline.

(RENO, NV) - Hindu Statesman Rajan Zed Hindus have applauded His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI for appointing 29 women to participate in October Synod of Bishops on Evangelisation.

This reportedly largest participation ever by women in the Synod “is a step in the right direction”, distinguished Hindu statesman Rajan Zed said in a statement in Nevada (USA) today.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-20-2012 10:10)

Among American Jews, Zionism Is In Retreat

Identification with Israel is declining among American Jews, particularly young people.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Salem-News.com There can be little doubt that the philosophy of Zionism----Jewish nationalism----is in retreat among American Jews. Zionism holds that Judaism is not a religion of universal values, but an ethnicity.

It believes that Israel is the "homeland" of all Jews and that those living outside of Israel are in "exile".

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Salem-News.com (Sep-18-2012 15:59)


If music be the food of love, play on... Smutty Bill

(DAYTONA BEACH, FLA) - jazz There's an enigma about jazz. I mean traditional jazz, not the offshoots, the evolutionary branches. I mean the kind you might hear on Bourbon Street in N'Orleans, although more likely, these days, drowned out by hard rock abominations. Trad.

Where I live, in Dixie where it all started, anyone you might stop on the street doesn't even know what you're talking about.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-15-2012 13:47)

How A Hate-Driven Anti-Muslim Film Led to the Death of Four U.S. Diplomats

The AP found that Nakoula had both Coptic and evangelical Christian associates in the shooting of the film.

(CHICAGO) - Secretary of State Clinton and President Obama Leave it to Juan Cole to come up with just the right metaphor to interpret the events in Libya and Egypt this week.

Cole knows the Middle East and he has the writing skills to clarify the complexities of the region and how they interact with U.S. politics as they unfold.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-13-2012 10:50)

Unwanted Ammunition for Politicians: Dare You Debate Using Polygraph?

It's either Trap or Zap.

(SALEM) - Polygraph Since some but not all candidates for public office often seem like caricatures of real people, should we not offer a "Pinocchio Prize" to the debate champ who best devolves into non-stop deceit?

Recent fact-check experts have shown these show-offs they can track their fiction which is geared to stir up voter friction. Alas, a lie addiction. As the old adage goes, "Practice makes perfect".

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Salem-News.com (Sep-12-2012 11:42)

A New Hasbara Production

The film depicting Muhammad as a fraud, womanizer and madman was funded by 100 Jewish donors.

(LONDON) - Sam Bacile film An anti-Islam movie sparked riots in Egypt, and an angry mob killed four American diplomats in a fiery and brutal attack in Libya.

It all ties back to the film made by Sam Bacile, who self-identifies as a Jewish-Israeli American real estate investor.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-11-2012 13:22)

MilSpeak Books releases How To Not Tell A War Story

Explore with Michael Lund the lives of these veterans who discover being in the service is not something to be edited out of a personal history.

(CHARLESTON, SC) - MilSpeak books Please welcome MilSpeak Books’ latest title, HOW TO NOT TELL A WAR STORY, written by Michael Lund, Vietnam War correspondent and author of nine novels about the great American highway, Route 66.

HOW TO NOT TELL A WAR STORY is a collection of short stories about veterans who went to war but left without a war story to tell.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-09-2012 16:27)

Asiatowne Plan in Early Stage, Targeted for Pringle Location

Current planning anticipates a probable official launching next May as the highlight of Asian-Pacific Island Heritage Month.

(SALEM) - Pringle park in Salem A novel idea for Salem's Downtown Area is in its embryonic stages. It is called Asiatowne and would involve creating a combination culture center that emphasize Food, Fashion, and the Arts, all drawn from nations of the Far East.

The Cherry City Institute, a local civic think tank, is leading the way.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
