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Woman Arrested and Missing Albany Boy Recovered In Portland

The boy has been a Missing Person since April 5th.

(ALBANY, Ore.) - Alyssa Thomas Albany Police received a tip from a citizen that Alyssa Thomas and the teen were currently at the Lloyd Center Mall in Portland, Oregon.

24-year-old Alyssa Kathleen Thomas was taken into custody on an arrest warrant and probable cause for custodial interference.

Read Full Article (Apr-10-2023 15:23)

Difficulty of Addressing Gun Violence

Gun massacres rose by 183% after 2004, when Congress refused to extend the ban.

(SAN FRANCISCO, CA.) - assault weapon Like many Americans, I am appalled at the level of gun violence in this country. While in the U.S. Army, I was trained in a number of small arms, including the M-16 rifle, the military version of the AR-15.

Today, the AR-15 is the best-selling rifle in the United States.

Read Full Article (Mar-09-2023 21:28)

McMinnville Man Faces Federal Charges For Selling Fentanyl, Resulting in Death

All seven individuals consumed and overdosed on the fentanyl.

(McMINNVILLE, Ore.) - jail According to court documents, on February 10, 2023, Donnahoo sold powdered fentanyl he claimed was cocaine to an individual at a residence in McMinnville for $100.

One person tested the powder using fentanyl “test kit,” but it gave a (wrongly) negative result.

Read Full Article (Mar-08-2023 13:28)

Florida Man Sentenced for Sexual Abusing an Oregon Child

In October 2020, he threatened to kill the child and the child’s family.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - A Florida man was sentenced to 25 years in federal prison today for video recording himself sexually abusing a child he met on social media and sharing the abuse video with others online.

In March 2018 he travelled to Oregon to meet the child.

Read Full Article (Feb-28-2023 17:23)

The Coup in Israel

Netanyahu's actions promise an end to Israel’s democratic experiment

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Israel Israel has always been touted as America’s most reliable friend in the Middle East, a bastion of democracy in a region dominated by autocracies.

Now that picture is fraying as the far-right coalition of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu takes power.

Read Full Article (Feb-24-2023 12:38)

Israel Must Quit Palestinian Territory Immediately

Every day the occupation continues is a breach of international law.

(LONDON, UK) - israel Implanting settlers is a violation of occupation law by Israel and a War Crime on the part of the individuals involved.

Ending these violations involves immediate removal of the settlers and the settlements from occupied land and an immediate end to Israel’s exercise of control, including its use of military force, over those areas of the West Bank.

Read Full Article (Feb-06-2023 13:57)

The Israeli-Palestinian Two-State Solution Delusion

Israel is continually squeezing the Palestinians from their own lands.

(SAN FRANCISCO, CA.) - Palestine The conventional wisdom in the White House and in Congress is that it would be political suicide to threaten to cutoff foreign aid, military aid or loan guarantees to force Israel into meaningful peace negotiations.

The prospect for peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the next several years is slim to none.

Read Full Article (Jan-23-2023 13:52)

Armed Robbery Suspect Killed by Salem Police

No officers were injured in the incident.

(SALEM, Ore.) - suspect killed An armed robbery suspect was shot and killed this morning by Salem Police.

The suspect crossed the street to the NAPA auto parts store parking lot where he was confronted by officers and gunfire was exchanged. The suspect was struck and killed in the shootout.

Read Full Article (Jan-03-2023 14:05)

Suspect in Custody after Police Pursuit ends in Officer Involved Shooting

A suspect fired gunshots at police before giving chase Monday morning.

(ALBANY, Ore.) - Albany shooting The driver of the vehicle failed to stop for the marked police vehicle and fired gunshots multiple times at the Corvallis Police vehicles.

The suspect, identified as 40-year-old Stephen Anthony Schmidt-Shelton of Corvallis, led the two Corvallis Police Officers in a vehicle pursuit through rural southwest Linn County.

Read Full Article (Dec-22-2022 22:53)

Peace Organization calls for the Release of Julian Assange

Julian Assange’s so-called crime was to publish records of war crimes.

(POULSBO, Washington) - Julian Assange Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action supports Julian Assange for exposing war crimes committed by the US Government, and demand that he not be extradited to the United States and that he be provided safe haven in another nation.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
