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Jan-21-2010 22:48printcomments

Change Comes to Those Who Don't Give Up

Americans have a right to expect the health care crisis to be solved by leaders in Congress.

Veronica De La Cruz
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(LOS ANGELES) - In light of the recent election of a Republican to fill Senator Ted Kennedy's seat, the challenge of passing a reform bill to overhaul America's health care system might appear to have become harder. But to those of us who view universal access to affordable health care as our most urgent domestic problem, it will not change our resolve.

According to the World Health Organization, the US ranks a dismal 37th in quality of health care, far below other large nations. In fact, we drop even lower when it comes to "fairness" and "health level," where our tolerance of discrimination against those with pre-existing conditions stands out as an embarrassing anomaly compared to other countries.

The Status Quo Is Not Good Enough.

On July 4, 2009, my brother Eric passed away after being denied private insurance for five years (read his story at It has broken my heart and my mother's heart and I'm sad to report he is not alone. An estimated 44,000 people die each year in the U.S. because insurance is unavailable or inadequate to provide treatment needed. If you break it down, that's an estimated 122 people who die every day because they cannot see a doctor. And this is okay? Why do we continue to preserve a broken system that continues to fail the very citizens who make up the fabric of our nation?

And it doesn't stop there. Thousands of Americans are bankrupted by medical bills which are soaring out of control. It happened to my family, and it can happen to yours. Pay attention, the reality is that nearly every other industrialized nation has a better health care system, according to the WHO, than we do. Our health care costs are far higher than other nations, and yet our government pays a far smaller share of the nation's total expenditure on health care. I have been spending some time in France (which ranks #1 in health care according to the WHO) and have spoken with numerous people who tell me this would never happen in their country.

The bottom line is -- America's health care crisis is not a Democratic issue, nor a Republican issue. It is an American issue. And regardless of how the seats are filled in the House or Senate, all Americans have a right to expect this issue to be solved by their elected leaders.

Naïve as I know it sounds, health care reform should be about health care reform, period. More specifically, it should be about human lives. Not about 2012, not about 2010, and not about political score keeping.

What Choosing to Pass Health Care Reform Will Mean -- to Politicians and to the People.

For politicians, namely the House Democrats needed to propel health care reform through this latest obstacle, the temptation to simply quit is obvious. But the benefits of doing so will be temporary. To have worked on - and, most likely, voted for - some draft of health care reform over the past year, only to have NOTHING passed will surely be used against Democrats across the board. And their re-election hopes would probably be as dim as those of the last Democratic incumbents who failed on health care in 1994.

But should Democrats stand firmly (and, finally, united) behind an effort to get the Senate bill passed, those up for re-election this fall will immediately start seeing benefits delivered to constituents from what will be recognized as the most significant legislative achievement in decades. Things like an end to discrimination against those with pre-existing conditions, fewer insurance policy rescissions, the shrinking of the Medicare "donut hole" -- these are all benefits that are REAL and would start IMMEDIATELY.

While many deliverables in the bill would have to wait, make no mistake that passing health care reform would begin improving people's lives on day one. And doing so would at least ensure a majority of House Dems a fighting chance at re-election they may otherwise not have, not to mention a lasting achievement that no one will ever be able to take away.

What Side of History Will Your Elected Official Be On?

No one ever said legislation was easy - especially if it creates fundamental change. Americans have a right to expect the health care crisis to be solved by leaders in Congress. But we must earn that right daily by demanding it. Loudly. Frequently. And persistently.

Since my brother died in July, I've been challenging our leaders in Washington, on both sides of the aisle, to be part of finding the solution rather than exacerbating the problem. Not next year, not in 20 years. Now.

Call your representatives in Congress at 202-224-3121 and demand health care reform now. You can also visit sign our petition and share your own health care stories.


TV journalist and health-care-reform advocate Veronica De La Cruz is fighting for universal health care for all Americans. She’s fighting in memory of her late brother Eric ( who died because he had a pre-existing heart condition and couldn’t get health insurance.

Veronica believes that Universal health care is a human right that is taken for granted in every other industrialized nation except the United States. Here, big profits and greed have created a system that leaves 46 million people uninsured and excluded from access to health care. Our window of opportunity to change all of that is NOW. Our mission is to give a voice to all of the Erics out there, today and in the future. And our goal is to demand that Congress pass a strong health care reform bill this year that includes a public option, and to end discrimination based on preexisting conditions.

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Hank Ruark January 23, 2010 6:54 pm (Pacific time)

Heathcare as beautifully expressed by these comments and by the needs documented is and has been for a long time a human right internationally recognized. Democracy is do-it-yourself from the word GO !, with the other key word - CHOICE-- as the catalyst essential in any change-process. Speak UP and OUT with your First Amendment right flourished furiously over the head (and all other body parts too) of each and every public official you can reach. Tell 'em to get this job done NOW, and let them know what YOU know you NEED...that is where CHOICE works for you, and can work for all of us in bringing on action overdue ever since Teddy Roosevelt's Presidency,denied "the people" by thos who so-profit via the big dollar. Put it in writing, on and in every possible channel, and keep right on sending it until we get what we deserve, have long ago earned, and can make what we CHOOSE it to be. WHY should the rest of the world LEAD us in THIS major and massively essential area of modern life, in the 21st Century ?

Amanda January 22, 2010 1:51 pm (Pacific time)

I agree with the phrase" A Line in the Sand" because even a breeze will erase any line in sand. I think we need a Conrete Path, or we the people, will never get Healthcare Reform as a "Right" - because we the working people make or brake the economy.It should be in the governement best interest, to keep the workforce healthy.

jacksmith January 22, 2010 4:30 am (Pacific time)

A LINE IN THE SAND - From jacksmith - WorkingClass My Fellow Americans and People Of The World A strong Government-run MEDICARE like Public Option is STILL! CRITICAL We have had a long hard struggle to find out what would be the BEST! that this congress and the Whitehouse could do to fix our highly dangerous, poor quality, most costly, and MOST! disgraceful healthcare delivery system in the world. It is clear that congress can do much more for the American people than what is proposed so far. It is clear that congress can pass a strong GOVERNMENT-run public option CHOICE. Available to everyone on day one. Expand Medicare and not levy any new taxes on workers healthcare benefits and plans. LET THIS BE YOUR LINE IN THE SAND

Amanda January 22, 2010 12:37 am (Pacific time)

We will not have Healthcare Reform for years to come, if anything some bandages to appease the public, but real Reform would mean government "Price Control" and setting standards, which will disrupt the Corporate profits. Therefore, no Reform unless we elect a new government.

Jacky Rowland January 21, 2010 10:56 pm (Pacific time)

So sorry to hear about your brother, I will spread the word in my workplace which is big and really try to get people to contact the correct elected representatives.  Thanks for sharing your story.

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