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Feb-03-2009 19:49printcomments

Give Michael Phelps a Break

A Sheriff in South Carolina Sheriff was quoted in today's LA Times saying, "If someone breaks the law, we have an obligation to investigate and to bring charges."

The photo of Michael Phelps with a water pipe or
The photo of Michael Phelps with a water pipe or "bong" which in and of itself in most places, is not illegal.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Sometimes America seems like an animal that devours its young. We send them off to wars that shouldn't have been started in the first place and we attack them over their personal habits. Michael Phelps needs a big break over the photo of him with a bong that a British tabloid published this week.

Can you guys say, "Redcoats"? Why let the Brits take Phelps' honor, American honor, because he does what other people his age do?

I defy anyone to repeat the crap about how marijuana leads to horrible circumstances and kills drive and ambition. I mean, maybe it did in this case, but it isn't the fault of cannabis or Michael Phelps; it's our stupid outdated legal system that so easily and quickly condemns its own - even against the will of the people themselves.

Sometimes it is OK to rally for people who are in trouble and sometimes it isn't politically correct. This is one where the country needs to stick together. Phelps' performance during the Olympics robbed the breath of anyone who watched. He is a man at the peak of his game if there ever was.

It certainly isn't news that young people smoke marijuana is it?

People need to wrap their minds around this one; not only does the modern generation smoke and grow this herb, they also have a hard time understanding why an aspect of society continues to try to demonize this natural substance.

Marijuana use is tied to peace and solidarity among those who use it. As much as this flies in the face of D.A.R.E. and every other lingering aspect of Nancy Reagan's "War on Drugs", its use is also, especially now, tied to the highest levels of success and personal accomplishment through the story of Phelps.

As if Phelps would automatically skate on this one, a Sheriff in Richland County South Carolina Sheriff Leon Lott, was quoted in today's LA Times saying, "If someone breaks the law, we have an obligation to investigate and to bring charges."

Lott added, "The Richland County Sheriff's Department is making an effort to determine if Mr. Phelps broke the law. If he did, he will be charged in the same manner as anyone else. The Sheriff has a responsibility to be fair, to enforce the law and to not turn a blind eye because someone is a celebrity."

Real important use of taxpayer money there, but what would we expect in a place like South Carolina? Sadly, expect the same thing you see in a progressive state like California. Unfortunately, as we learn in the case of San Luis Obispo County Sheriff Pat Hedges, the same mentality is at play everywhere, mostly because of all the little "pep talks" that the DEA has had with these local cops. (see: Meet California's Lawless Sheriff - Perspective by Tim King )

The DEA has taken the time in recent years to visit all police departments and sheriff's offices to help organize ways for cops to not follow state medical marijuana laws authorized by voters. It is wrong in every possible way.

Unlike the legal substance alcohol, it rarely induces violence in its users. It has been smoked and eaten and brewed for recreational and medical purposes for thousands of years and cannabis is referenced in the Bible.

American industry made marijuana illegal primarily because hemp rope is the strongest fiber known to man, and "synthetic" rope made in smelly factories had no chance in the marketplace if hemp rope was available, and so we entered what our Dr. Phillip Leveque, a reknowned medical marijuana doctor here in Oregon, calls "The Reefer Madness Period."

This is when an American politician named Harry Anslinger took it upon himself to use Hollywood and every other means to convince what came to be "The Greatest Generation", that people would smoke it and turn murderous. No kidding. The movie "Reefer Madness" ran moviegoers through the whole routine.

As a result of all of his garbage, which spanned decades with an extremely gullible American public, our U.S. Olympic Hero now walks a different walk.

It is a simple situation; President Barack Obama needs to decriminalize pot and let our weary economy reap the harvest.

Tim King is a former U.S. Marine with twenty years of experience on the west coast as a television news producer, photojournalist, reporter and assignment editor. In addition to his role as a war correspondent, this Los Angeles native serves as's Executive News Editor.
Tim spent the winter of 2006/07 in Afghanistan with Oregon troops. Tim recently returned from Iraq where he covered the war there while embedded with an Oregon Guard aviation unit. Serving the community in very real terms, is the nation's only truly independent high traffic news Website, affiliated with Google News and several other major search engines and news aggregators.
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Henry Ruark February 9, 2009 9:22 am (Pacific time)

D. Bennett: Yrs 2/5 11:58 draws mine here since yr experience parallels numerous similar times in press/broadcast/education work over past 50 years. But it is your last sentence which I wish to endorse intensely, after penetrating exposure to precisely that form of venality and stupidity. We spend billions because of it via imprisonment and all the costly processes involved leading up to that horrendous violation of human right.

Vic February 8, 2009 8:17 am (Pacific time)

I started smoking pot at age 15...not saying that was a good idea or it wasnt, but I can honestly say that my grades did not change. I was always a B average student, sometimes a bit higher. I actually got better and spent more time learning music and art just on my own time, and maintained an after-school job my last three years of High School. I am not advocating anything, but just relating my personal experience.

Lee February 6, 2009 8:20 am (Pacific time)

This is simple. Bind pot smokers hand and feet and throw then in the lake. If they float, they are guilty. if they sink, they are innocent.

Editor: Well we know that burn the witch mentality is still in full swing; but I think you are talking about the wrong Salem though. You might try not saying things like that in public by the way, people might throw you in the lake.

Have a nice day, good luck getting help!

Dorsett Bennett February 5, 2009 11:58 pm (Pacific time)

When I was going to law school in the 1970s, they had a annual social event called the Shyster Holiday Invitational Tournament [SHIT for short]. One of the competitions was basketball. One beautiful day I stepped outside where the mini basketball court was and watched a few minutes of a game. The players and the referees were all law students. They took a short break and a couple of refers were produced, lit and passed around by all 12 of the guys. Several of them later became prominent attorneys, and two of the judges. You can find on YouTube the testimony of a stockbroker who has smoked 10 marijuana cigarettes a day for the last 35 years. [He is one of the 5 federal marijuana patients and the cannabis has made his life very livable and long]. The war on marijuana is incredibly stupid, and while those who support it might not be themselves stupid, they are certainly ignorant at best, or venal and corrupt at worst.

ChrisJones February 4, 2009 9:20 pm (Pacific time)

Let the people finally shake off their anti-marijuana shackles!!!

oops February 4, 2009 6:08 pm (Pacific time)

Tim already covered this story..sorry

no February 4, 2009 6:05 pm (Pacific time)

not a good point ablaut. this stuff Tim is talking about is available if YOU search. I dont know about you Tim, but I am getting so tired of doing other peoples homework. is an example, but getting tired of this.

ablaut February 4, 2009 3:40 pm (Pacific time)

Mr. King, you state, "The DEA has taken the time in recent years to visit all police departments and sheriff's offices to help organize ways for cops to not follow state medical marijuana laws authorized by voters."

First of all, please provide a reference when you make a statement like this.

Secondly, and more importantly, I fail to see how this is relevant, unless you honestly believe Michael Phelps has been legal permission to smoke marijuana.

Tim King: Good point ablaut, I do not believe that Mr. Phelps possessed a medical card and I'm pretty sure South Carolina does not have a law for that. I will tell you that I know from friends of mine who are police that the DEA contact has been going on for quite some time; it is a fact. I could probably get some cops to go on the record about it, I might have to do that.

Dumb Stoner February 4, 2009 12:15 pm (Pacific time)

Not to make an pointless ad hominem argument... but it seems that many people (e.g. Bob) who say "pot has made you stupid" ironically cannot spell and have a very loose grasp on English grammar. Frankly, we need to lose the notion that being an athlete equals being a role model. Athletes engage in all sorts of bad behavior from chewing tobacco to gambling on their own sport. I still respect Pete Rose's 4,000 hits and Michael Vick's touchdown passes regardless of their personal life. The reason the public is so alarmed at Michael Phelps' cannabis use is because he is an American white guy who has demonstrated the highest level of athletic prowess. This goes against cultural dogma as being the best in the world is not supposed to happen to cannabis users. Cannabis use is supposed to be something that mediocre and/or people of color do. I would be very surprised if anyone cared if a similar picture was publicized featuring either a non-gold medal winner or a black guy such as Usain Bolt. In any case, I congratulate Mr. Phelps on his fake "it won't happen again" apology.

Taylor February 4, 2009 9:20 am (Pacific time)

"Gateway drugs"...let's see. First, let's start with beer. How many future alcoholics and drug addicts began their lifestyles by getting their dad a beer? How many stole cigarettes from their mom's purse? Seems silly doesn't it? NOT. Maybe pot was on their list of transgressions, but it wasn't the first with any person I know. Think about it. Give your dad the credit he deserves for that swig off his beer, then remember personal responsibility and suddenly herb isn't the most likely suspect. It doesn't hurt anybody. I know it's a drag to not be able to blame pot for all drug problems, but this is a habit we're just going to have to break.

Jules February 4, 2009 9:06 am (Pacific time)

Bob needs to do a little, tiny bit of research. Bob: YOU ARE WRONG. Thousands of people do NOT die every year because they drive stoned. Find that fact any where and I'm sure this site will discuss it. There is no data whatsoever to back that up. Who told you that? Your old phys-ed teacher? Good grief, stop with the propoganda! Even if no one here believes you, don't you care about facts? Wake up B-O-B!

Vic February 4, 2009 8:55 am (Pacific time)

Right on ! The last sentence really hits the nail on the head. Unfortunately, for some parts of society, the criminalization of pot is a cash cow...they are the ones reaping the harvest. And what better target for arrest, confiscation of cars, cash and even homes, expensive "classes",fines and lawyer fees than a populace that is in general, peaceful and non-confrontational. What cop wouldnt rather raid a grow room than a meth lab? Which scenario is most likely to turn violent? I think this is all about money.

Anonymous February 4, 2009 7:59 am (Pacific time)

get after it michael iam a parter in 420 must people are pretty stupid on the topic but for the few that are not we under stand and that sheriff is a peace of work get a clue u moron today people have a the rite to do what he or she feels so to the sheriff you suck beetsboy

SunflowerPipes February 4, 2009 6:34 am (Pacific time)

If Michael Phelps is into smoking pipes then good for him. Just because he enjoys smoking a water pipe does not mean he should have to lie about it and talk about the “big mistake” he made. The government makes a mistake every time it enforces marijuana prohibition at the expense of America and good since. America should grow up and quit attacking its own citizens for how they decide to spend their recreational time.

Bob February 4, 2009 5:46 am (Pacific time)

Ignorance breeds stupitidy and stupid people breed stupid people. Dave, before making blanket statemsnts do some fact finding first. Thousands of people every year ARE killed by people who are stoned from pot and then decide to get behind the wheel. It's not as extreme as alcohol related deaths, but one death by someone being stoned and driving is one too many. Just ask the family of someone who has had a family memeber killed this way. Also, it may not have been a gateway drug for you, but it does seem to have made you stupid. Ask anyone that works in a drug rehab center or that is going through treatment for herion, cocaine or meth what drug they first did. Almost 100% of the time they will tell you it was pot. I think this is a tragety because he is a sports hero and a role model. I don't care if he wants to smoke pot in his private life, but he should be a little more careful because he has a lot of influence over young minds with his stature and accomplishments. As for crime? Do some research on the so called care provider on care provider crime that has climed since pot was made legal for so called medical value. It's actually dope dealer on dope dealer crime. It has sky rocketed. Why? B/C most of these so called care providers are dealers using the new laws to grow and deal pot. Hey, I've known some people that all they want to do is smoke pot and that's fine. But you are kidding yourself if you don't think it leads to other more terrible issues. None of which are creative and peaceful. Wake up, do the research and I'm sure you will be suprised with the truth. I surely was.

Editor: Somebody else on the staff approved this and old 'Bob' is fortunate, because I would have flushed it into the great Internet drain. We are dead serious about printing factual information and it is NOT TRUE that "Thousands of people every year ARE killed by people who are stoned from pot" You are a liar friend and it will not be tolerated here. Your ignorance is countered by dozens and dozens of articles published by that explain the actual uses and treatments for medical marijuana. Most of these have been published by our Dr. Phillip Leveque who in addition to being a decorated WWII Combat Veteran, is a Forensic Toxicologist, Pharmacologist and retired Physician. He has more education under his belt than there is time to explain. So, remember that if you are going to visit this site and start making up erroneous information, you will be corrected like a child. You have a very unique version of 'truth' but there is hope for you and others, believe me. Just find something to attack that isn't a plant that grows naturally.

Dave February 3, 2009 9:33 pm (Pacific time)

While I am not a pot smoker myself (I tried it a few times as a teen in the 80's - and guess what: it wasn't a gateway to any other drugs. go figure.), I fully agree with you and your article. I think the Sheriff's are only trying to validate their own existence by standing up to something as menial as a photo of a person with a bong. If a person were to say, "I smoked pot at a party in November" is that enough reason for law enforcement to "investigate"? I think not. This is ridiculous - alcohol is responsible for so many deaths and it's legal... how many "stoned-driving" accidents are there per year?? I'm only commenting because - as a non-smoker that knows those that do partake - I have never seen any violence or destruction come from marijuana. In most cases, more creativity and peace exists.

Amy February 3, 2009 9:19 pm (Pacific time)

Thank you for this article! I can't tell you how sick I am of the greatest sports hero of our generation being criminalized for circumstantial evidence of an outdated "crime." He is a young person, and absolutely no one can demonize him for doing what young people do. If anything, this makes him a more accessible person in my eyes. Thanks, Michael, for inspiring so many potheads to swim!

Daniel February 3, 2009 9:02 pm (Pacific time)

The story leaves me with many questions . Maybe he didn't inhale , i dont see any smoke ! It could be an alien with long glass lips is sucking the salt out of poor Michael . How does the sheriff know what is in the pipe and does he not have more important things to attend to . Do they also have a shot with his lips to a beer bottle . Shame shame we cant use him to sell junk food , another hero down the media tubes .

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