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Salem-News.com (Nov-20-2013 13:49)

London`s Tamils Want to Share Their Horror Stories with David Cameron

There is a structural problem in the Sri Lankan constitution: Tamils just aren’t recognised as equal.

(LONDON Vice) - Tamil protesters in central London If you've heard anything about the persecution of Tamil people in Sri Lanka, it's likely you've only been exposed to the tip of a very large, very depressing iceberg.

The country's authorities have systematically attacked the Tamil population for over 60 years, engaging in a prolific campaign of sexual and human rights abuses, most notably the murder of at least 40,000 Tamil civilians in 2009. The Tamils believe that their people have been the victims of a genocide.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-20-2013 12:25)

BBC: David Cameron `Breached Protocol` in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka's government has accused David Cameron of breaching protocol on his visit to the country, during which he raised concerns over alleged human rights abuses against Tamils.

(LONDON) - Cameron in Sri Lanka a few days ago A senior source told the BBC that the prime minister had "brushed aside" an official and had failed to acknowledge a dance reception. They added that they "expected better". But Mr Cameron told MPs on Monday that his visit had succeeded in raising awareness of human rights issues.

In May 2009, Sri Lanka's army defeated the separatist Tamil Tigers after almost 30 years of brutal and bloody civil war.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-19-2013 12:15)

An Open Letter to Sri Lankan Journalists

Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims. So many people gave us secret thumbs-ups or whispered, winked or nodded their support. Sometimes in the most surprising places.

(COLOMBO) - Channel 4 coverage in Sri Lanka I definitely detected a delicious sense of “schadenfreude” from among you brave – but mischievous - Sri Lankan journalists, over the relentless harassment of me and my Channel 4 News colleagues by state intelligence, police and immigration officers.

I’m not referring to the ranting rottweiler “reporters” who do the regime’s clunky propagandist bidding, although I have no doubt that they enjoyed it too.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-18-2013 16:38)

SRI LANKA: Uprooted Trincomalee Tamils Demand Justice for Genocide

The uprooted people have not even provided refugee relief allowance for the last several months...

(CHAMPOOR TamilNet) - Uprooted Trincomalee Tamils Demand Justice for Genocide A section of uprooted Tamil families from Champoor, now staying at one of four so-called welfare centres in Trincomalee, staged a protest on Saturday carrying slogans that demanded justice for genocide and urged global attention on the continued refusal by the Colombo government in allowing them to resettle in their own lands in Moorthoor East.

On Friday, a day before the protest, the occupying Sri Lankan military intelligence operatives, went on a house-to-house and camp-to-camp round instructing the Tamils not to take part in any protest during the ‘Sri Lanka CHOGM’.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-17-2013 18:03)

Cameron Calls for Independent Sri Lanka War Crime Investigation, Rajapakse Remains Defiant (GRAPHIC PHOTOS)

Cameron had words of hope, but it is clear that he is appalled over the treatment of media in Sri Lanka.

(SACRAMENTO) - British Prime Minister, David Cameron The disappointment in British Prime Minister, David Cameron's decision to attend CHOGM (Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting) this year rang sharply through the world's Tamil communities.

But in the end he made clear that Sri Lanka's lackadaisical regard for its own war crimes will not be enough to thwart an independent, international war crime investigation.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-17-2013 14:40)

India Steps Up for Battered Sri Lankan Tamils, Finally

Lawyers of Supreme Court and Members of the Delhi Tamil Advocates Association hold Mass Protest March in New Delhi condemning the inaction of International Community in bringing war criminals of the Sri Lankan Regime to Justice.

(SACRAMENTO / DELHI) - Mr Ram Shankar of Delhi Tamil Advocates association Advocates for Sri Lankan Tamils are moved by a mass protest against the war crimes of Sri Lanka that was held today in Delhi.

Visvanathan Sivam, whose name is familiar to those engaged in this struggle, called the news from Lawyers of Supreme Court and Members of the Delhi Tamil Advocates Association "most welcome". Sivam is not alone.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-16-2013 15:31)

Press TV: Death Threats on Sri Lanka Government Radio

The problems began on 25 October, when Fernando was interviewed by The Island newspaper in Colombo. She discussed the condition of sex workers in Sri Lanka.

(SACRAMENTO) - Commonwealth flag A well-known and highly regarded Sri Lankan human rights activist received death threats live on state radio last week.

Ms. Nimalka Fernando knows journalists and activists who speak out against the government are murdered and disappear with mind-numbing consistency in Sri Lanka, but the discussion of her murder live on state radio was shocking even for this seasoned veteran activist.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-15-2013 16:46)

Sri Lanka Rights Abuse Allegations Divide Commonwealth

Other leaders are still coming, despite pressure on them to join the boycott.

(COLOMBO BBC) - Sri Lanka President Majinda Rajapakse The heads of government of the 53 nations of the Commonwealth come together every two years for a summit. This time, several have decided to stay away, to boycott the gathering in Sri Lanka.

The prime ministers of Canada, India and Mauritius say they cannot take part. Their basic complaint: Sri Lanka's President, Mahinda Rajapaksa, should not have been allowed to host the Commonwealth and then take over for the next two years as chairperson of an organisation committed to values of democracy and human rights which he is accused of flouting.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-15-2013 14:52)

US Congressional Caucus on Ethnic and Religious Freedom in Sri Lanka Praised by USTPAC

“USTPAC believes this bi-partisan Caucus will be an effective tool to highlight the systematic oppression faced by the Tamil and Muslim peoples,” - Dr. Elias Jeyarajah, President of USTPAC

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Sri Lanka map The United States Tamil Political Action Council (USTPAC) welcomes the launch of the Congressional Caucus on Ethnic and Religious Freedom in Sri Lanka at the US Congress this week.

UTSTPAC hopes this will be a turning point for the Tamils in the occupied North-East of Sri Lanka.

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Salem-News.com (Nov-14-2013 20:49)

Banned from CHOGM: Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers

Gabriela Knaul discusses options that exist for bringing accountability and democracy, human rights and rule of law to rogue states like Sri Lanka

(GENEVA) - Mrs. Gabriela Knaul, Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers. The Sri Lankan government blocked the conference titled "Commonwealth Values to Protect Democracy" scheduled to be held today in Colombo. Among the speakers was Mrs. Gabriela Knaul, Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers.

She discusses options that exist for bringing accountability and democracy, human rights and rule of law to rogue states like Sri Lanka, a nation charged with egregious human rights violations and war crimes...

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