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Salem-News.com (Feb-27-2012 21:39)

Alcohol is a Burden that Kills Teenagers

A plenary held at the main room of the Supreme Court has ordered Bacardi to remove all of its “White Label” billboard ads.

(MADRID) - A dance performance has been touring youth centres and schools in Sefton encouraging young people to think about the effects that too much alcohol can have on their health and safety. <a href= The Galician Health Service has launched a campaign with the goal of preventing alcohol consumption among teenagers.

This initiative was adjudicated last year following the celebration of a public contest, which was provided with a budget of 1 million Euros.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-04-2012 12:43)

The Value of Words

The defense of language is vital. It is therefore fundamental to have a norm that ads may come to adjust to idiomatic corrections.

(MADRID) - Flag of Spain The National Federation of Advertising Companies (FNEP) endorsed and signed a norm to perfect Spaniard employment within the various spheres of the Advertising industry. Ángel del Pino, FNEP President, was the one to draft the document.

More than a hundred renowned public figures of the advertising sector defended this initiative by taking action and participation.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-12-2011 15:43)

Tele5 `Forgets` About Child Airtime

Maribel Martínez Éder, from the Plaza del Castillo Association, submitted an open letter to Silvio Berlusconi. For your interest, I will share it with you below:

(MADRID) - Kids with TV From civil society and due to the indifference and lack of action of our political and judicial authorities, relative to the fulfillment of the current legislation regarding the protection of minors and T.V., we perceive with pleasure the anxiety that Mediaset Italy is showing in relation to the direction taken by its principal network in Spain, Tele5.

The degree of indignity to which protected airtime has reached, each and every single day of the year, is truly unbearable...

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Salem-News.com (Dec-08-2011 21:14)

Prostitutes in Crisis

Through sex ads, the mass media can become a tool for the benefit of those individuals that profit from the human-trafficking market.

(MADRID) - Prostitution in Spain “Your date with pleasure” is a public ad slogan displayed on the buses of the Metropolitan Entity of Transportation of Valencia. Even though the residents of Valencia have already complained, public buses continue to display the ads of a prostitution service center.

Within the socio-political sphere, about 80 percent of politicians and 70 percent of citizens are in favor of abolishing the prostitution ads.

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Salem-News.com (Oct-25-2011 21:14)

Alcohol Abuse Generates More Problems Than Drugs Do

Alcohol abuse generates more problems than drugs do. The Spanish government has destined more than 22 million Euros to programs against drugs and alcohol.

(MADRID) - Alcohol abuse British actor, Anthony Hopkins, is considered to be one of the most talented actors in the world today.

Among his most important movies are: The Elephant Man, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, The Remains of the Day, Howards End, The Mask of Zorro, The World's Fastest Indian, Hearts in Atlantis, as well as Nixon and Fracture. In 2003, Hopkins was awarded a star on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-25-2011 13:03)

The Only Way To Oppose and End Nuclear Power, Is By Unifying Our Global Community

Beyond the UN Special meeting on Fukushima - All out effort now to help our Japanese activist friends thwart this latest high stakes play to usurp their abilities to end nuclear power in their country.

(ARCATA, Calif.) - Radiation in Fukushima What has just occurred at the UN always happens when ingrained power faces 'showdowns' over any loss of their domain.

Fukushima has exposed the worst of nuclear radiations to mankind, including overwhelming evidences of gross malpractices by the industry, government and its regulatory agencies, enough to bring repudiation by a huge majority of our worlds citizenry.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-05-2011 16:25)

Alcoholic Drinks, the Worst Attack on Society

The most consumed drugs continue being those with legal status...

(MADRID, Spain) - Alcoholic teens The Foundation Against Drug Addiction (FAD) has launched a new campaign to create social awareness about the dangers of alcohol. One of its slogans is: “What should we do with alcohol?” This campaign is aimed at the general public and its goal is to raise awareness to reflect about irresponsible alcohol consumption.

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Salem-News.com (Aug-09-2011 15:53)

Somalia Needs Your Help!

In order to act out solidarity, one must take firm and tenacious determination.

(MADRID, Spain) - Children in Somalia The humanitarian organization “Action Against Hunger” has launched a solidarity challenge through an ad campaign with the slogan: “Action Against Hunger in Somalia”.

The worst drought in 60 years is affecting Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya and Djibouti. About 2.5 million Somalis have fleeted their homes in hopes to escape hunger and suffering.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-28-2011 05:38)

An Ode to Life!

For every 800 births, one is diagnosed with Down Syndrome in women of ages 30-34. What is curiously shocking is that there are hardly any Down Syndrome births today!

(MADRID) - Child with Downs Syndrome Sarah Palin did not separate from Trig Paxson, her Down Syndrome diagnosed son, during the entire US Election Campaign.

She would kiss him and stare at him with pride, knowing that the results of the election would directly affect their future.

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Salem-News.com (Apr-26-2011 15:53)

Unprofitable Famous Star Ads

Today, consumers are mostly influenced by social networks, and not famous faces per se.

(MADRID) - Miss Universe Amparo Muñoz Actress and 1974 Miss Universe Amparo Muñoz has passed away. She began her career as a commercial model after she was crowned as the most beautiful woman in the world in Manila, the Philippines.

She was previously chosen as Miss Costa del Sol and Miss Spain in 1973.

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