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Sep-25-2011 13:03printcomments

The Only Way To Oppose and End Nuclear Power, Is By Unifying Our Global Community

Beyond the UN Special meeting on Fukushima - All out effort now to help our Japanese activist friends thwart this latest high stakes play to usurp their abilities to end nuclear power in their country.

Radiation in Fukushima

(ARCATA, Calif.) - What has just occurred at the UN always happens when ingrained power faces 'showdowns' over any loss of their domain.

Fukushima has exposed the worst of nuclear radiations to mankind, including overwhelming evidences of  gross  malpractices by the industry, government and its regulatory agencies, enough to bring repudiation by  a huge majority of our worlds citizenry. 

It has forced these criminal allies to battle, in fending off the momentum for ending nuclear power with this high profile UN stage  in 'prepping' us for restarting their industry in Japan. Greater  global unity  is vital now in opposing any such moves!

We're seeing this task force of  government, nuclear corporations; ICRP,  IAEA and WHO, all before the UN (Which itself  supports nuclear power)  in support  of this newly rigged Japanese government's determination to  make their case for a   'perfected nuclear technology'  to the world. This is a major battle we face!

Again and again, government /corp  force their processes upon  us as if to say there is something to be further discussed about continuing their capital crimes, beyond simply  ending them.

This calls for an unprecedented  globally integrated peoples  movement  in support of our Japanese counterparts who are otherwise left stranded, facing their ordeal of ignoring the already devastating situation they face,  if we don't stand together.  A crisis moment, for if this sham of 'clean energy' power is successful in forcing its way,  not only condemning the Japanese  people, struggling to survive, but essentially opening the door for  nuclear advances around the world.

Governments prime device for maintaining  power has always been  to keep us divided, separating our chances of unity as certain as any military strategy to break through  an adversaries lines. 

    Now is our moment!
We must have our globally connected participation as never before,
with all anti nuclear people, their groups and our many allies
 working closely together
to face this ominously structured, face saving
UN appeal to overwhelm our rights and our lives
 in perpetuating radiation plaguing of our world.
cause of vast millions of deaths and greater sufferings,
poisoning our air, water, soil and killing or maiming parts of all life forms.

Quick history of  our movement   
     We've almost been this far before, while not quite focused on  global ties and 'might'. . .  as is being done with Climate Change.  Movements for ending nuclear weapons and  nuclear power  have been  intricately tied together since this all began with public  awareness of the fallout threats in the 50's  and we've had natural allies among Anti war and many of those fighting to sustain our life on earth.

    Historically American protests against nuclear power were  widespread, with less demonstrations and numbers of people involved than in Europe, but successful in stopping reactor constructions in California between 1964 and 1974.  Not a smooth road, because of controversy over how to lead the movement,  spawning disagreements over tactics in the Diablo Canyon battle, which ended in victory for the utilities. Such differences have been worked out since. . .  in other movements for human rights and environment, learning from those past mistakes to be more inclusive in accepting of differences.

    Germany, while  battling the  creation of nuclear industry at home, spearheaded  the biggest mass movement of the 1970s and 80s.. while joining other nations 'peoples' movements in the aftermath of the Three Mile Island accident in 1979,  then again after Chernobyl. They're  prime example of a people turning out in the hundreds of thousands at demonstrations to stop construction of nuclear plants and finding ways to make their government listen!

     Several site occupations were  attempted, their largest at Brokdorf Nuclear Power Plant west of Hamburg; some 100,000 people contending with  10,000 police officers and confrontations.  Other European nations joined in their own battles to  stop nuclear constructions.  July 1977 in Bilbao, Spain, had  up to 200,000 people who protested.

     By mid-1970's anti-nuclear activism had moved beyond local protests and politics to gain a wider appeal and influence. Although lacking  coordination  toward global organizing or having  uniform goals, they gained  great  attention. 
      German determination and ability to protest. . .  or at least not forget what they faced,  brought a showdown with the 2010 governments decision to extension  life span for nuke plants, the word out . . .and again, uprising and public demands, blockades of nuclear waste transport and  60,000 people forming a human chain between two reactors in southern  Germany, just one day after the disaster of Fukushima! The Green Party had been striving for the immediate shut-down of all nuclear facilities. The SPD (Social Democratic Party), had pushed for a nuclear phase-out within ten years.
The Federal Government of chancellor Angela Merkel was forced to reinstate plans to shut all German nuclear plants by 2022, reversing the earlier decision to let them continue to run.
      The Japanese  Peace movement itself played a  major role  in forming 
a unified "Japanese Council Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs" in 54'
 to  oppose  Pacific nuclear weapons tests,
 gathering an  estimated 35 million signatures
 calling for bans on nuclear weapons". You heard right, It's not a error!

      This  sham of governments continuing policy for
 condemning and eliminating their peoples is shown most effectively in this following video in shamefully  attempting to 'program' minds.


See this horrific  deception to inspire trust and support  <>BBC
you tube controversy   
   Telling us  it will be safe for the Japanese people to return home in a matter of days and that radiation levels should not be a health concern to the public.

Times Up!

No compromise!
End Nuclear Power Now!

reported on by. . .
Communities For Justice and Peace, Humboldt.Co. Ca.
Sending  out  reports  and research studies, exposing media bias,
holding government  accountable.


 Jim Falk, globalisation, technological change and the environment, nuclear technology, militarisation, and information technology.

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