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Circumcision, the Greatest Crime Against Humanity, Racist and Catalyzer of Fanaticism, Terrorism, Genocide and Feminicide

"Every man who has chosen lie as an instrument must inexorably choose violence as a rule." Alexander Soljenitsyne

(PARIS) - Anti-circumcision In a minority (20% of humanity), some cultures destroy the specific organs of autosexuality (the foreskin, and sometimes the clitoris).

In a majority, the other cultures respect human anatomy. The use of the same term to designate both mutilations shows that circumcision is responsible for excision.

Read Full Article (Feb-21-2013 15:44)

Somalia: No Authority to Rape

Young woman was accused of fabricating her rape.

(NAIROBI) - Women in Somalia I recently wrote a story about a young woman brutally gang-raped by government soldiers in Somalia.

I hoped that her bravery in telling such a painful story would bring attention to the awful rape problem there.

Read Full Article (Feb-19-2013 22:20)

Circumcision: Sexual Predation, Child Molestation and Typologies

Predators prey on the weak. Child molesters and serial killers share a same personality type. Edward Mazza.[1]

(MONTEREY, CA) - Protecting children Circumcision is where sex and violence meets.

Both sexes are victimized. Circumcision reduces the humanity of the victim to his or her genitals – a genitalization of the body.

Read Full Article (Jan-29-2013 15:14)

70,000 Strong Internet Pedophile Ring Busted

70,000 members of an infamous ring, a handful of convictions...I find that odd.

(CLEVELAND) - Child and adult shadow An alive and very active 70,000 member Internet pedophile ring, “Operation Rescue” identified 670 suspects, investigation continuing.

230 known abused children in 30 countries rescued now in a safe place, How in the world could 70k operate anything for years without a trace?

Read Full Article (Jan-20-2013 13:35)

Taking the Law into Our own Hands: A Fine and Necessary Tradition in the Face of Tyranny

To no-one will we sell, to no-one will we deny or delay right or justice. - Clause 40, The Magna Carta, 1215

(DAYTONA BEACH, FL) - V for Vendetta The retired New York City cop stared at me with the eyes of someone who knew too much. He said matter of factly,

“It’s standard practice here not to prosecute child rapists for a first offense. They have to rape a kid ten, maybe fifteen times before there’s a good chance of conviction.”

Read Full Article (Jan-15-2013 00:23)

The Man We Need

Dr. Mukwege has become the world's leading expert on how to repair the internal physical damage caused by gang rape.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Dr. Denis Mukwege True heroes are hard to find in our world today. So when one courageously stands up for the rights of others there deserves to be recognition and celebration of such a man.

In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) there dwells a man who is a local hero, a true hero in every sense of the word.

Read Full Article (Jan-09-2013 12:31)

Daughters of India Violated and Abused

A woman's lot...

(LONDON) - Hospital staff carry the body of the Indian gang-rape victim to the police morgue vehicle at the Mount Elizabeth Hospital In the ancient land of India, where female deities deeply revered, Kali and Lakshmi, Sarasvati and Parvati, are held high upon the alter of Hinduism.

Each day thousands of Hindu’s ritually bathe in the Holy waters of the Ganges, cleansed within and without by the Goddess Ganga, women and girls; in the forests, cities, villages and towns, on buses and trains, in the street, the office, at school and in the home are being violated, abused, raped and trafficked into prostitution and domestic slavery.

Read Full Article (Jan-06-2013 20:54)

India: Largest Democracy in the World, Today is the Worst Democracy in the World

The rape and brutal wounding of a young pair of citizens, a woman who had her life planned out and ahead of her, has just shaken India to the core.

(YORK, UK) - Rape culture One of the most harrowing stories to come out of India in recent months was the Delhi gang rape of a 23-year old medical student that left her with mortal injuries.

She and a companion were thrown from a moving bus after being savagely attacked and raped.

Read Full Article (Jan-06-2013 20:01)

This is Not an Invitation to RAPE Me

The myth persists that only rape by a stranger counts as ‘real rape’, in spite of the fact that the vast majority of attacks are carried out by someone known to the victim (often her husband or partner), and are every bit as damaging.

(GLASGOW) - Sexy woman no bra With This Is Not An Invitation To Rape Me, Rape Crisis Scotland wants to confront attitudes blaming women for rape in a very direct way.

The group is inviting members of the public in Scotland to join them in putting an end to these attitudes.

Read Full Article (Jan-04-2013 21:29)

EPDP Accuses Occupying Sri Lankan Military for Inaction on Child Rape

More than 300 people, including the officials at the government offices and civic bodies, took part in the protest.

(JAFFNA, Srl Lanka TamilNet) - Protest against rape and murder of little girl in Sri Lanka. A strange turn of affairs has taken place in Sri Lanka.

Minister Douglas Devnanda’s Eelam People Democratic Party (EPDP), a paramilitary collaborating with Sri Lanka government, demonstrated against the rape and murder of a 4-year-old child, shouting slogans against the occupying SL military.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
