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Trading of Women Rife in East Afghanistan, Report Claims

"... women that have been sold three to five times and in some cases sold along with their daughters..."

(KABUL) - Women in Afghanistan The sale and exchange of women as goods is rampant in Afghanistan's eastern Nangarhar province with as many as two women traded per day, according to the findings of a sociology researcher.

Assadullah Ahmadi stated that he found some women had been traded up to five times in three Nangarhar districts...

Read Full Article (Mar-29-2013 13:59)

Britons in Aid Convoy Kidnapped and Sexually Assaulted in Libya

Three women taking part in aid convoy to Gaza were attacked in Benghazi.

(BENGHAZI The Guardian) - Convoy vehicles stranded in Libya. Photo courtesy: Facebook page for All United for Palestine. Three women who were part of an aid convoy passing through Libya on the way to Gaza have been sexually assaulted in Benghazi, after a group of five British nationals were briefly kidnapped.

The three women, two of whom are sisters, were part of a large aid convoy travelling to the Gaza Strip.

Read Full Article (Mar-27-2013 20:44)

Historic Evidence that Toppled the Pope is Now Available

Help Preserve the History they Want Remain Hidden...

(BRUSSELS) - Guilty officials The Exclusive Common Law Court Evidence that Indicted the Pope and the Queen of England for Genocide is now available through the ITCCS

ITCCS released the evidence of the International Common Law Court of Justice case that forced Pope Benedict to resign, and may cause Queen Elizabeth to do the same.

Read Full Article (Mar-18-2013 15:47)

Evading Justice, Guilty Church-State Officials Face Public Banishment

Public Banning Order to be issued by the Common Law Court of Justice against Pope, Cardinals, and Archbishop Wilfrid Napier for aiding and encouraging child rape.

(BRUSSELS ITCCS) - Pope Francis I and former Pope Joseph Ratzinger After evading arrest by lawful Common Law Court officers, over thirty officials of church and state now face permanent banishment from their communities during Easter Week.

They are wanted criminals who are a danger to children everywhere.

Read Full Article (Mar-17-2013 19:07)

Appalled at Swiss Woman`s Gang-Rape, Zed Asks India for Serious Soul Searching

Continuing indifference to the maltreatment of women was not acceptable in the 21st century world.

(RENO) - Distinguished Hindu Statesman Rajan Zed Expressing shock at the reported gang-rape of a Swiss woman in Madhya Pradesh on March 15 after the recent death of Delhi bus gang-rape victim, distinguished Hindu statesman Rajan Zed has urged India to do serious soul searching on the treatment of women.

India could not even provide safer environment for the guests and her own women to go about their daily lives.

Read Full Article (Mar-15-2013 17:59)

Is Pope Francis the Right Choice to Fix a Church in Disarray?

The larger question is whether the Catholic Church has become too rich, powerful, and corrupt to continue.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Pope St. Francis As the whole world now knows, Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected Pope (Pope Francis). Clearly, the cardinals saw him as a safe, compromise choice.

In other words, a keeper of the status quo. He holds traditional Catholic Church views. Otherwise he would not have been elected. He opposes abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality, same-sex marriage, adoption by gays and lesbians, and contraception.

Read Full Article (Mar-12-2013 17:19)

How the Mighty have Fallen: The Next Steps in Reclaiming our World and Ourselves A Special Communique from ITCCS Central

The mask has finally slipped, for those who can see and understand.

(BRUSSELS ITCCS Central) - ITCCS logo In just over one month, history has been made.

One Pope has fallen, the Vatican is in disarray, and heads of state are evading arrest warrants after being publicly tried and sentenced for Crimes against Humanity.

Read Full Article (Mar-12-2013 15:43)

Cardinal Mahony: The Catholic Church`s Cross to Bear

No one can say for sure how many Catholics have left the church over this crisis, but many of those that have done so have said they left more because of the cover ups than because of the actual crimes.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Cardinal Roger Mahony Pope Benedict XVI has fled the Vatican and left the Catholic Church still deeply mired in a pedophilia crisis he could have alleviated, but didn't.

The horrific cases of priests sexually abusing young boys (mostly) in their care are well known and don't need to be recounted here.

Read Full Article (Mar-01-2013 14:50)

Rani`s Story

Neither journalist nor councillor, lawyer or doctor and I have no experience of interviewing someone who has endured what she has.

(LONDON) - Flowers for a victim named Rani from Sri Lanka The place has been difficult to find and I am late.
ā€˜Iā€™m sorry,ā€™ I say.

And then I hand her the bunch of flowers bought on impulse. It is an unremarkable day in February. The sun does not shine and the damp air threatens rain. I have travelled up to London for this interview but at the station I hesitated, then bought some hyacinths.

Read Full Article (Feb-26-2013 09:40)

Sri Lanka: Rape of Tamil Detainees

Politically Motivated Sexual Assaults in Custody Continue Since Conflict.

(LONDON HRW) - JH (a pseudonym) is a survivor of sexual abuse by Sri Lankan security forces while in detention Sri Lankan security forces have been using rape and other forms of sexual violence to torture suspected members or supporters of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).

The abuse is center of a new report by Human Rights Watch released today.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
