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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Feb-18-2011 18:01)

Don`t Look Now - the Emperor is Naked!

Now that the people of Tunisia and Egypt have managed to overthrow their dictators, both backed and supported by the US government, the drive for democracy is spreading wildly throughout the Middle East.

(JAMESTOWN, R.I.) - US Envoy to Egypt Frank Wisner and Hillary Clinton The final outcome of the Egyptian revolution is unknown, but a clear result now evident to the world is the exposure of US hypocrisy.

Hillary Clinton supported the dictator Mubarak, while US envoy to Egypt Frank Wisner, said it was “critical” that we support Mubarak.

Read Full Article (Feb-18-2011 16:53)

Rebranding Egypt`s Revolution

In a truly democratic Egypt, political parties will have a place, the strength of which would be determined by the ballot box.

(LONDON) - Muslim Brotherhood The revolution in Egypt came in spite of (or perhaps because of) a long-standing US backing of the dictatorship there.

It was clear from the beginning that the protesters were united on one demand: namely that the unelected regime stand down or allow genuine political reform to be carried out.

Read Full Article (Feb-18-2011 16:36)

Peace Resistance, Israeli Arrests and Shootings Continue

The number of arrests and charges being laid against the residents and activists are continuing to mount...

(AL ARAKIB Occupied Palestine) - Routing Palestinians in al Arakib Over the past two days, the Jewish National Fund (JNF), Israeli Land Administration (ILA) and Yassam riot police returned to Al Arakib.

After a brief few days of relative peace in the village, the residents had erected approximately 15 temporary wooden structures in between the terraces of earth that had been created by the JNF. On Wednesday, these were again demolished.

Read Full Article (Feb-18-2011 15:40)

Wisconsin Revolt Reflects `Road to Cairo` In U.S.

Education, agency workers near strike-readiness prompted by unwarranted, unfair political attacks.

(SEASIDE, Ore.) - Fair questions, fairly asked as demanded by any rational approach to a controversial subject, must be applied to honestly evaluate any one person's "opinion" about the menacing manipulative Wisconsin attacks on state/agency workers.

The honest answers, from personal experience rather than manipulative political sources, is more-desperately demanded these days than since the pre-Civil War era.

Read Full Article (Feb-18-2011 14:19)

The Junk Bond `Teflon Guy` Behind Egypt`s Nonviolent Revolution

Since the ouster of Milosevic in 2000, Popovic has been busy spreading the gospel of nonviolent warfare.

(OSAKA, Japan) - Srdja Popovic On February 9, Al Jazeera aired an episode in its People and Power series entitled “Egypt: Seeds of Change.”

The programme offers a revealing behind the scenes look at a core group of activists from the April 6 Youth Movement who played a crucial role in Egypt’s nonviolent revolution.

Read Full Article (Feb-18-2011 13:53)

`Courage to Resist` Honors Bradley Manning, Wikileaks and Other Whistleblowers

Bradley Manning is an American hero.

(SALEM, Ore.) - RESIST war Vic Sadot says 'A tribute to GI Resistance in 2011' was especially inspired by the 22-year old Army private named Bradley Manning who languishes behind bars for telling the truth as an American about his own nation' lawbreaking.

The song also credits the mission of Julian Assange's Wikileaks.

Read Full Article (Feb-18-2011 00:10)

State Dept Should Limit Self to Twitter Communications

The State Dept. might consider conducting its briefings via Twitter, where functionaries have proven more adept at succinctness and clarity:

(ISTANBUL) - State Department Lately I have been concerned about the job security of PJ Crowley, usual emcee of the U.S. State Department daily press briefings.

The bio on his Twitter account reads: As U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs, I carry out the Secretary’s mandate to help people understand the importance of U.S. foreign policy.”

Read Full Article (Feb-17-2011 23:49)

Wake Up Hillary: We The People of the Internet Have Risen Up!

"HOPE has two children. The first is ANGER at the way things are. The second is COURAGE to DO SOMETHING about it."

(CLERMONT, Fla.) - Hillary Clinton During a speech about Internet freedom a heckler interrupted Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and was hauled away in a lame attempt to silence him, for within hours this YouTube went viral.

I knew not to drink from Obama's Kool-Aid of so called change as soon as he chose as his VP, Joe Biden, a blatant and pandering 'Christian' Zionist.

Read Full Article (Feb-16-2011 18:03)

Echos of History, Paths to the Future

A new intifada/uprising is due here in Palestine against Israeli colonialism.

(BETHLEHEM) - Palestine women Who wrote this and when:

"I have been keeping up with the situation in Egypt, and as you know this is one of the most important issues in world today. It will determine whether we live in peace or whether we will die in war. Naturally my sympathies are with Egypt, rather than with the Western Colonial and imperial powers."

Read Full Article (Feb-16-2011 15:23)

Gaza`s Forgotten Children

"We, the children here in the buffer zone," says Heba, the black-haired girl with the blue ribbon from Khuza’a’s school, "we carry our souls unprotected on our hands."

(GAZA) - Children of Gaza On a sunny day in March 2009, Wafaa Jehad Elnagar, now 17 years old, did something that millions of children did on that day, and do on every day: she went home from school.

But unlike other children in this world who do that safely every day, for Wafaa walking home is a serious danger.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
