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Feb-17-2011 23:49 ![]() ![]() Wake Up Hillary: We The People of the Internet Have Risen Up!Eileen Fleming"HOPE has two children. The first is ANGER at the way things are. The second is COURAGE to DO SOMETHING about it."
(CLERMONT, Fla.) - During a speech about Internet freedom a heckler interrupted Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and was hauled away in a lame attempt to silence him, for within hours this YouTube went viral: I knew not to drink from Obama's Kool-Aid of so called change as soon as he chose as his VP, Joe Biden, a blatant and pandering 'Christian' Zionist, who stated on Shalom TV: "There is this inextricable tie between culture, religion, ethnicity that most people do not understand…You don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist, I am a Zionist." [1] Christian Zionism is a contradiction in terms and Christian Zionism is adding fuel to the tensions between Muslims, Christians and Jews. A 'blind spot' of Christian Zionists is the fact that the Palestinian people, every day and in every aspect of their lives are living under an oppressive military occupation. [IBID]
Before we the people elected Obama because we trusted he would be an agent for real change, I attended a rally for him on 14 September 2008, hosted by New York Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney and soap opera star Deidre Hall. Immediately after the two took their final bows addressing "Central Florida Women for Obama" I infiltrated the back room and was allowed a few minutes with the Congresswoman. I had more than a few questions, so I handed her paper copies of my 13 September 2008 article, “Questions for the Christian 'Quartet' Pursuing the White House Regarding the Holy Land” And requested she please deliver them along with the copy of my second book, Memoirs of a Nice Irish American ‘Girls’ Life in Occupied Territory to Joe Biden that I inscribed with this quote from St. Augustine: "HOPE has two children. The first is ANGER at the way things are. The second is COURAGE to DO SOMETHING about it." Congresswoman Maloney said she would deliver my offerings and even added, "I'll read it too and get back in touch with you." I am still waiting for that part of hell to freeze over. But it is Hillary Clinton, the democrat demimondaine-defined as "a prostitute who provides service to military personnel" and consummate pandering politician that keeps my Irish up and flaming, and which inspired this: Message to President Obama RE: Hillary and the Settlements On 1 February 2007, while still a Senator, Clinton gushed for AIPAC, "Both Israelis and Americans know so well, a democracy is far more than just holding elections. Democracy has to spring from an active and open citizenry dedicated to tolerance, to respect for differences, to the rule of law, to policies that lift us up not tear us down as fellow human beings, and to the value of human life." It was Jeff Halper, American Israeli, a 2006 Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, Founder and Coordinator of ICAHD/Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions who first explained to me that, "Israel is a not a democracy but is an Ethnocracy, meaning a country run and controlled by a national group with some democratic elements but set up with Jews in control and structured to keep them in control." [2] When Israel became a state in 1948, it was contingent upon upholding the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. One of many Articles Israel ignores, is Article 13 which affirms: (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state. (2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country. The state of Israel allows, encourages and entices any Jew without any historical tie to the so called holy land to migrate-settle/colonize on Palestinian property under the Jewish Law of Return, while ignoring Article 13 of the UN UDHR and UN Resolution 194: UN Resolution 194 guarantees the Right of Return-or compensation to the indigenous population of the so called holy land-which is in pieces-Bantustans; disconnected enclaves that warehouse Palestinians; akin to what 'civilized' white men did when they forced Native Americans onto disconnected reservations in the "bestest and greatest nation in the world"-Sean Hannity. The indigenous Palestinians were forced from their homes in 1948 and 1967 and are still denied the right to return home. They will continue to get screwed by THIS ADMINISTRATION, UNLESS they can be moved to conscience by the TRUE facts on the ground in Israel Palestine; and it is Apartheid!
American taxpayers have also provided the state of Israel, "$1.8 billion a year in military aid and $1.2 billion in economic aid, plus another $1 billion or so in miscellaneous grants, mostly in military supplies, from various U.S. agencies. Tax exempt contributions destined to Israel bring up the total to over $5 billion annually." [3] IMAGINE how many Americans could receive basic and humane health care with that funding! Hillary the hawk and Mistress of AIPAC fantasies claimed, "Israel is a beacon of what's right in a neighborhood overshadowed by the wrongs of radicalism, extremism, despotism and terrorism. We need only look to one of Israel's greatest threats: namely, Iran. Make no mistake, Iran poses a threat not only to Israel, but to the entire Middle East and beyond… U.S. policy must be clear and unequivocal. We cannot, we should not, we must not, permit Iran to build or acquire nuclear weapons. And in dealing with this threat as I have said for a very long time, no option can be taken off the table." I was in the audience on Feb. 10, 2007 when Dr. Phyllis Bennis, Mid East analyst stated, "Iran has signed the NPT, which allows them the right to have nuclear power and to enrich uranium. The 185 non-nuclear states have agreed to give up the right to have nuclear weapons and the five nuclear powers that signed the NPT agreed to get rid of their nuclear weapons... Iran is not in violation of the NPT, but America is! The USA has been in violation ever since the day they signed it. The USA is acting like a rogue state. The rhetoric out of Washington, the arresting of Iranian diplomats in Iraq, are deliberate provocations hoping that the Iranians will take the bait and respond." At that same AIPAC fundraiser, Clinton's pimping continued, "We also know that the dangers posed to Israel have been compounded by the rise to power of Hamas…Hamas leaders have refused to disarm, to reject violence, or even to recognize the right of Israel to exist." Not only did the Palestinian Authority first agree in 1988 to recognize Israel, they reaffirmed this in 1993 during the Oslo Accords, and in 2006, Hamas also issued another olive branch of recognition of Israel- but Israel instead ignored all offers to make peace through justice. The American government also appears to be under Israeli Occupation or how else to explain their silence which colludes and allows the unabated relentless seizure of Palestinian land and resources? On 15 November 2005, while a Senator, Hillary Clinton stood on the Jerusalem side of The Wall and was quoted in Ha'aretz, expressing support for The Wall stating it "is against terrorists" and "not against the Palestinian people." In 2006, Mordechai Vanunu sent this WAKE UP message and invitation to Hillary and US Christians Regarding The Wall: After I read Senator Clinton's inaccurate and insensitive remarks in Ha'aretz, I immediately contacted her through her website. My email bounced back to me, for I am no longer a New York constituent. That really got my Irish up, for I was born in The Village and came of age in Levittown, Long Island, and that makes me much more New York than Hillary will ever be.< I also snail mailed Hillary a respectful letter informing her that even a little one such as I, knew all about the many gaps and lack of 'security' along The Wall that every taxi driver and ANY would be 'terrorist' also knew about in order to travel from the West Bank to Jerusalem without stopping for SECURITY checks. I also reminded her that we were in the midst of the UN Decade of Creating a Culture of NONVIOLENCE for all the Children of the world. The only response I received from Senator Clinton was to be put on the DNC's mailing list soliciting funds! Clinton also said, "I've been a strong supporter of Israel's right to build a security barrier to keep terrorists out. I have spoken out against the International Court of Justice for questioning Israel's right to build that fence of security." International Law states occupation is to be temporary and that the occupiers are not to transfer their population into occupied territory. And what RIGHT has anyone to put a fence up on somebody else's property? When The Wall is super-imposed on a map of Palestinian aquifers, it clearly illuminates that The Wall is all about grabbing land and resources from the indigenous peoples of the land. "Financed with U.S. aid at a cost of $1.5 million per mile, the Israeli wall prevents residents from receiving health care and emergency medical services. In other areas, the barrier separates farmers from their olive groves which have been their families' sole livelihood for generations." Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Page 43, Jan/Feb. 2007] On page one of Jeff Halper's, Obstacles to Peace, A Re-Framing of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict, he wrote, "Missing from Israel’s security framing is the very fact of occupation, which Israel both denies exists…and that 'security' requires Israel control over the entire country…rendering impossible a just peace based on human rights, international law, reconciliation." During one of my interviews with Jeff, he also made me laugh out loud when he told me this joke-and jokes are only funny when they are also true: "Do you know why Israel does not want to become America’s 51st state? Because then they would only have two senators!" Another reason my Irish stays up over Hillary, is that she went to the illegal settlement of Gilo, but NOT to the Christian neighborhood of Beit Jala, which is less than a mile away and a five minute car ride from downtown Bethlehem. Hillary said: "I went to see the fence with my own eyes. During a trip to Gilo, a Jerusalem neighborhood, I was greeted by Col. Danny Tirza, who was overseeing the construction of the security fence." The Media and most all of Americas politicians spin Israel’s ILLEGAL colonies as 'neighborhoods' but the truth is that every one of them is built upon legally owned Palestinian land; and NOT one of the settlements has been built on legally owned Israeli land! The Wall has also eviscerated the sister cities of Bethlehem and Jerusalem and will soon completely separate Bethlehem from her sister villages of Beit Sahour and Beit Jala. Bethlehem's significance to and historic ties with Palestinian East Jerusalem and its economic demise caused by The Wall is the end of any viable Two-State solution. The Wall is an APARTHEID Wall for it divides, separates, humiliates, dominates, controls and denies inalienable human rights to the indigenous people of the so called Holy Land, which it is raping! Clinton also said, "Col. Tirza's explanation in his graphic depiction of what was part of the daily life of people living in that one neighborhood, gave me an even greater appreciation for the imperative of the fence and the need to do everything possible to protect Israel against these continuing attacks." The truth is that in 2000, before the construction of The Wall began, there were less 'attacks' than in 2008! Clinton is also conveniently clueless that in Beit Jala, in the year 2000, a few hopeless militants who had given up on the 'peace makers' of the West to demand Israel adhere to International Law, UN Resolutions and the UN Declaration of Human Rights-instead, infiltrated the Christian village to shoot into the illegal colony of Gilo. The Israeli Defense Force immediately retaliated and let loose with hell fire upon the innocent ones who are always caught in the crossfire of violence! One such little one was George Nazzal of Beit Jala, and it is his face that adorns my website. The shrapnel that blew apart the wall of George's bedroom read "Made in USA" and was delivered via American made Apache helicopters that buzzed over his innocent head. If George had been in his bed, he would be dead! American Israeli, Professor Jeff Halper also informed me: "Israel is a not a democracy but is an Ethnocracy, meaning a country run and controlled by a national group with some democratic elements but set up with Jews in control and structured to keep them in control.< "Since 1967 the Israeli government has destroyed over 18,000 Palestinian homes. 95% of the cases have nothing to do with security. All these homes are on Palestinian private property. The Israeli government will not grant permits for them to build on their own land, and in reality are quietly transferring the Palestinians administratively from the land. They make conditions so intolerable that the Palestinians give up and leave and this is exactly what they are after. Not only do the Palestinians receive no warning when their homes are to be destroyed they are fined $1, 500.00! "The Israeli government simply does not want to take responsibility and the USA government ignores the situation. "Missing from Israel's security framing is the very fact of occupation, which Israel both denies exists...and that 'security' requires Israel control over the entire country...rendering impossible a just peace based on human rights, international law, reconciliation. "Israel has no constitution but has a Declaration of Independence, which promised that Israel would abide by conditions and UN resolutions. They have not fulfilled the agreement which was the basis of their independence. "It has been said that the Israeli's do not love this land, they just want to possess it. "There have been three stages to make this occupation permanent. The first was to establish the facts on the ground; the settlements. There are ½ million Israeli's and four million Palestinians here. They have been forced into Bantustan; truncated mini states; prison states. "It is apartheid and Bush and Hillary are both willing collaborators. In 1977, Sharon came in with a mandate, money and resources to make the Israeli presence in the West Bank irreversible. "The second stage began in April 2004 when America approved the Apartheid/Convergence/ "The Bush Sharon letter exchange guaranteed that the USA considers the settlements non-negotiable. The Convergence Plan and The Wall create the borders and that is what defines Bantustans. Congress ratified the Bush plan and only Senator Byrd of West Virginia voted no and nine House Representatives. "Israel has set up a matrix of control; a thick web of settlements guaranteed to make the occupation permanent by establishing facts on the ground. Israel denies there is an occupation, so everything is reduced to terrorism. It is our job to insist upon the human rights issue, for occupied people have International Law on their side." However, I do agree with one thing Clinton did say while she was a Senator from my home state: "It is not enough for us to say the right things; we've got to be smart and tough enough to do the right things that will protect American and Israeli interests now and forever." Tough and smart comprehends that the only way to security for Israelis is to do justice for Palestinians. Tough and smart would demand an end to the occupation and ensure that all people do indeed have equal human rights. No enduring peace, no security, and no reconciliation is even possible without the foundation of justice; which equates to equal human rights and international law! 1. 2. eileen fleming, Memoirs of a Nice Irish-American 'Girl's' Life in Occupied Territory, Page 15. 3. Dr. Phyllis Bennis, Understanding the Palestine-Israeli Conflict Page 24. Other SOURCES: ![]() You can send Eileen Fleming an email at this address: Articles for February 16, 2011 | Articles for February 17, 2011 | Articles for February 18, 2011 | ![]() Support ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||||||
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M. Dennis Paul, Ph.D. February 18, 2011 8:07 am (Pacific time)
As a bit of fill in for the above story, the individual that was arrested and beaten was not a "heckler". He was a legitimate protester who had merely stood up and turned his back to Hillary. That man was Ray McGovern, a veteran who also served for 27 years as a CIA analyst, did the daily intelligence briefing for Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush and briefed the National Security Advisor, Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Cabinet on security matters. He is 71 yrs old. His silent protest was against the wars of Bush/Obama and the treatment of Brad Manning. The kicker is that he was SILENTLY(emphasis)protesting (exercising his free speech in a novel way)during Hillary's speech on exercising free speech and the effect this had in Egypt!!! He spoke ONLY as he was being beaten and dragged away. Hillary, so cool, calm and collected... and who knew this man and could clearly see he was NOT "heckling" her...did not miss a beat in her hypocritical diatribe. It needs to be noted here that neither she nor Obama have ever commented directly about the abuses from Israel toward the people of Palestine. The pictures and videos and all the stories and articles of the beatings and gassing, the shooting and killing, the bombing, "mapping" of citizens, midnight raids and executions, kidnappings, and all the various methods of abuse and physical and mental torture of children (like batteries attached to their genitals)abound on the web... and neither say a single word about the vicious dog that is Israel or its daily disregard for international law and human rights. Let someone toss a rock at an invading and occupying IDF soldier and there is no hesitation on their part to speak out against the "attacks" on Israel by "terrorists". Neither Clinton nor Obama can open their mouth without hypocrisy pouring out by the barrel full. Please see
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