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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Dec-17-2011 22:28)

Obama Ad Condemns Israel Aid Opponents

What is so bizarre about the Obama campaign’s hostility toward those who oppose aid to Israel is that Israel doesn’t need U.S. assistance to begin with.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Obama and Netanyahu An ad on my Facebook page from reads, "Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, and Newt Gingrich say they would start foreign aid to Israel at zero. Reject their extreme plan now!"

This struck me as odd for two reasons: First, it is disingenuous and misleading. The actual position taken by these Republican presidential candidates is that all foreign aid should initially start at zero as means of reducing the deficit, to be immediately followed by the resumption of aid on a case-by-case basis.

Read Full Article (Dec-17-2011 15:39)

Egypt`s Activists Bid Farewell to the Revolution

“Anyone who isn’t confused really doesn’t understand the situation.”

(ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - A revolution hijacked and raped Soldiers have stormed an anti-government protest camp in Cairo …Mubarak says he will not run for another term as president … violent clashes have killed at least seven people and injured more than 150 others- and still counting …Tahrir square is packed with millions of Egyptians.

Protesters set cars alight and threw stones at military police in the Egyptian capital …what inspiring scenes we are getting here from Tahrir square … a wounded activist said that he had been arrested and beaten by soldiers at a sit-in near the parliamentary building earlier…

Read Full Article (Dec-13-2011 03:15)

Libya: Can We Have the `Lady Be Good` Back Now Please?

Do the spoils of war include this? If so is there enough left to worry about?

(SALEM) - Lady be Good I don't think it's easy to take a single story from the pages of aviation history and call it the 'best' or 'most interesting' because the competition is fierce, but the doomed crew of the World War Two B24 Liberator 'Lady Be Good' ranks for the title if any do.

The crew became hopelessly lost and because they were flying at night, they ultimately came to believe they were over the ocean, just about to run out of fuel, and this is what led to their decision to bail out.

Read Full Article (Dec-11-2011 22:23)

The Pending Second U.S. Revolution?

The cops will push too far and somebody is going to fire back.

(SALEM) - Woman being arrested on Wall Street It seems inevitable that Americans will soon be engaged in a revolutionary war the likes of which has never been imagined, and I say the 99% will win, and the government will lose. Of the people, by the people, for the people...

In spite of all the technology and military hardware, the government is vastly outnumbered by the people and if it has to be anarchy, then so be it, because the government is not America, the people who comprise this country are.

Read Full Article (Dec-11-2011 17:23)

GOP Candidates Wear the Jewish Kippah

Ben-Gurion was not religious, he was a convinced atheist.

(CHICAGO) - David Ben Gurion On the 38th anniversary of the death of David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first Prime Minister, the usual memorial event was held on December 1, at Ben Gurion’s graveside in Sdeh Boker, the Negev desert village where he lived during his retirement years.

Uri Avnery wrote in his Gush Shalom column, that Israeli newspapers published a picture of Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s current Prime Minister, speaking “under a big photo of the late leader gazing thoughtfully into the distance”.

Read Full Article (Dec-11-2011 17:04)

Organizing for the Port Shutdown

Challenging the assertion that the Occupy movement is trying to impose a shutdown of West Coast docks without support from port workers.

(OAKLAND) - The Port of Oakland (Daniel Parks) THE OCCUPY movement is trying to strong-arm longshore workers and truck drivers into shutting down West Coast ports December 12--or so say critics of the action.

They're wrong. Those organizing for action on the docks are neither the outside agitators described by employers nor the ultra-left adventurists snubbed by union leaders and their apologists.

Read Full Article (Dec-11-2011 16:42)

Overview: Israeli Spying

“ ... collection activities are primarily directed at obtaining information on military systems and advanced computing applications that can be used in Israel’s sizable armaments industry.” - 2005 report

(SACRAMENTO) - Perhaps the most famous Israeli spy as of late, Jonathan Pollard, a former US Navy intelligence analyst: convicted of espionage in 1987. One senior American diplomat explains that inside the State Department “everybody knows that Israel spies on us. When someone is caught, they’re ‘punished’ by being promoted.”

In 2006, a Pentagon judge stated categorically: “The Israeli government is actively engaged in military and industrial espionage in the United States.”

Read Full Article (Dec-11-2011 14:33)

The Story of One Palestinian Murdered by Israel

Electronic Intifada writer Linah Alsaafin (left) with Ola Tamimi (center) after Mustafa Tamimi was shot at close range by the Israeli military in Nabi Saleh village (Anne Paq/ActiveStills)

(SALEM) - Mustafa Tamimi Every death of every person in Palestine who perishes from violence is terrible, but the recent death of Mustafa Tamimi, who was shot in the face with a tear gas canister by the Israeli army on Friday, stands out. It begins with the dismissive comments from the Israel soldier who shot Mustafa.

All of it; the incident, the reaction... screams one word, that is apartheid.

Read Full Article (Dec-09-2011 16:02)

Debunking the Israelite Myth: Ancient Egypt Knew No Pharaohs

If you think the stories the Hebrew Bible had told about ancient Egypt was the whole truth … you’d better think once again.And if you believe that ancient Egypt was ruled by pharaohs … then you’d better read the next lines

(ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - King Tutankhamun Ancient Egypt knew no Pharaohs, Prologue: The title might sound a bit strange and perplexing, but throughout the following lines I’m going to elaborate, as I unfold this bizarre issue, on the historical reasons why the rulers of ancient Egypt were called kings and not Pharaohs.

“Kings or pharaohs, what difference does it make?” some might argue.

Read Full Article (Dec-09-2011 14:58)

Egypt`s Nude Blogger Brutalized in Tahrir Square

Israeli women rally for the college student 'socially crucified' in Tahrir Square.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Aliaa Elmahdy being drug through the square by supposed moralists; all male, all abusive, to an Egyptian woman. A young woman in Egypt whose free soul might better have been born in Berkley rather than Cairo, was 'crucified' in Tahrir Square this week by men who identified her as the nude activist blogger who has taken a stand against rampant sexism in this mostly Muslim country.

Easily spotted and vulnerable, Aliaa Elmahdy was bound and dragged through the crowd of demonstrators in Egypt. Eventually taken to what appears to be a medical team, it seems clear from the video that those personnel, male and female, began protecting her as soon as she was delivered to them, I hope that is the case.

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