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Education Ministry blasts Israeli Arab school for taking students to human rights march

'The students carried signs against racism, house demolitions, etc., which violates the director general's circular [i.e. ministry regulations],' ministry tells school.

(TEL AVIV Ha'aretz) - Thousands of Israelis march for human rights in Tel Aviv, 10 December 2011. The Education Ministry reprimanded the Arara High School and demanded clarifications after the school participated in a human rights march in Tel Aviv at the beginning of the month.

"The students carried signs against racism, house demolitions, etc., which violates the director general's circular [i.e. ministry regulations]," stated the letter sent to the school.

Read Full Article (Dec-29-2011 19:00)

The sad, sad world of Israel`s big-time liars

“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes” - attributed to Mark Twain

(LONDON) - Yuli Edelstein Meet another of Israel's undesirables, Yuli Edelstein.He is the regime’s Propaganda Minister (or to be more precise, Minister for Dis-information and Diaspora) and he runs the biggest lie machine in the world.

His task is to make the Israel 'brand' smell sweeter. The reason it stinks, of course, is the regime's putrid morals and murderous conduct, which the lie machine works overtime to try to justify and excuse.

Read Full Article (Dec-29-2011 15:34)

Shocking Nakba testimony by former Israeli Palmach fighter

Perhaps the selective amnesia that has afflicted almost all Jewish Israelis has not spared Neumann.

(ROME) - Amnon Neumann Ethnic cleansing, massacres, colonization and a great deal of racism are all revealed in this shocking video testimony of Amnon Neumann, who fought with the terrorist force (elite of the Haganah), Palmach, during the Nakba of 1948. Neumann reveals that Moshe Dayan expelled Palestinians even as late as 1951!

Despite some moments of remorse, the former member of this terror group tells the interviewer that he refuses to talk about the massacres, in particular, because he participated in them.

Read Full Article (Dec-29-2011 13:03)

How Wealth of Members of Congress has TRIPLED in 25 years- While Average U.S. Families Suffered a DROP in their Worth

Median net worth of member of Congress rose from $280,000 to $725,000 between 1984 and 2009.

(WASHINGTON D.C. Daily Mail) - Congress The wealth gap between those governing the U.S. and the people they represent has dramatically widened, research shows.

The median net worth of a member of Congress has nearly tripled over 25 years while the income of an average U.S. family has actually fallen.

Read Full Article (Dec-27-2011 18:50)

A Tale of Two Squares and Two Movements

Egyptians in Tahriri and Abasssiya Squares have a better grasp of American politics and many of us have.

(CAIRO) - <b>Alexandria, 415 or 416</b> The assault on the "blue bra girl" brought intense wrath upon Egypt's army and the Supreme Council of Armed Forces.

The attacks are on the minds of all protestors, but in Abassiya Sq. the participants focus more on the provocative demonstrators in Tahrir Sq. many of whom they claim are baltagiy (hoods or thugs).

Read Full Article (Dec-26-2011 11:08)

President Ali Saleh: A Yemenie War Criminal in Obama`s Court

"Liberty, Oh Liberty, what crimes are committed in thy name." - Madame Roland, French Revolution, on her way to the Guillotine

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Ali Saleh Much like Gandhi’s Salt March in India in 1930 the “March of Life” in Yemen began in the besieged bombed southern city of Taiz with tens of thousands of men, women, and children, walking for five days to the northern capitol city of Sana to protest the illegal immunity given the blood and money thirsty tyrant, President Ali Abdullah Saleh by the U.S. – Saudi Plan.

The plan calls for a transfer of power from Saleh to his vice president while he remains in power for three months.

Read Full Article (Dec-24-2011 21:33)

Post-Mubarak Egypt Still a Work in Progress

There are rumors that a second, violent revolution will happen on January 25.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Head of Egypt's ruling military council Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi Two friends of mine recently returned from Cairo and report that except for Tahrir Square and the immediate surroundings, there is very little evidence of protests against military rule.

True this is scant anecdotal evidence, but it appears from the news accounts that the protestors may be losing the propaganda campaign that portray them as vandals and arsonists.

Read Full Article (Dec-21-2011 13:49)

America`s growing isolation

It's bad news for the would-be presidents on the Republican side who are grovelling for Jewish campaign funds and votes.

(LONDON) - Obama and Israeli flags It was UK Ambassador Mark Lyall Grant who read the statement of the EU group.

“Israel's continuing announcements to accelerate the construction of settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem, (1000 new housing units tendered for last week), send a devastating message. We believe that Israel's security and the realisation of the Palestinians' right to statehood are not opposing goals. On the contrary they are mutually reinforcing objectives. But they will not be achieved while settlement building and settler violence continues.”

Read Full Article (Dec-21-2011 04:54)

Terrorists Kill People

This is a fundamental issue, it is time to examine the government's use of a killer buzz word that can strip you of your rights as an American.

(SALEM) - Occupied Palestine photo of graffiti on a wall Strange title I know, but we're in strange times. Terrorism is the use of terror in attacking or controlling a perceived enemy. Terrorism is understood by some people on some levels, but by and large it has been used to describe anyone who refuses to accept oppression, and fights back.

Those who the developed nations brand "terrorist" are almost always poor; they generally are getting the hell blasted out of them by U.S. made weapons and they violently resist with whatever they can place their hands on.

Read Full Article (Dec-19-2011 18:49)

Joy to the world

Includes a message from the mayor of Bethlehem for Christmas...

(BETHLEHEM) - Joy to the World An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. "A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy. "It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.

One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego." He continued, "The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you - and inside every other person, too." The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?" The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."

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