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Dec-29-2011 15:34printcommentsVideo

Shocking Nakba testimony by former Israeli Palmach fighter

Perhaps the selective amnesia that has afflicted almost all Jewish Israelis has not spared Neumann.

Amnon Neumann
Amnon Neumann

(ROME) - Ethnic cleansing, massacres, colonization and a great deal of racism are all revealed in this shocking video testimony of Amnon Neumann, who fought with the terrorist force (elite of the Haganah), Palmach, during the Nakba of 1948.

Neumann reveals that Moshe Dayan expelled Palestinians even as late as 1951!

Despite some moments of remorse, the former member of this terror group tells the interviewer that he refuses to talk about the massacres, in particular, because he participated in them. He also tries to portray Palestinian villages as all made of straw and mud houses!

Perhaps the selective amnesia that has afflicted almost all Jewish Israelis has not spared Neumann.

Warning to Palestinian refugees watching this: it can be really difficult to listen to parts of this testimony. I had to stop the video twice ... the nonchalance with which Neumann describes (in clearly sanitized language) the forced expulsion, the killings of farmers tending their grapevines, ... is overwhelming.

Special thanks to Silvia Cattori in Rome

End Israeli apartheid

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Stefano December 31, 2011 8:05 pm (Pacific time)

Frickin Zionists.

Anonymous December 31, 2011 8:03 pm (Pacific time)

Now the truth can be told, as i have been saying for decades!

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Sean Flynn was a photojournalist in Vietnam, taken captive in 1970 in Cambodia and never seen again.