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Dec-11-2011 22:23 ![]() ![]() ![]() The Pending Second U.S. Revolution?Political Perspective by Tim King Salem-News.comThe cops will push too far and somebody is going to fire back.
(SALEM) - It seems inevitable that Americans will soon be engaged in a revolutionary war the likes of which has never been imagined, and I say the 99% will win, and the government will lose. Of the people, by the people, for the people... In spite of all the technology and thug cops and military hardware and jails and prisons, the government is vastly outnumbered by the people and if it has to be anarchy, then so be it, because the government is not America, the people who comprise this country are. I always knew it would come to that anyway, Right wingers are an anarchist's best friend in their own bizarre way. Unlike the police ranks, the military will not take action against Americans. In the isolated cases where it does, we'll have the rest of the military to stand down those elements that do, in whatever way necessary. Police may find it easy to subjugate their citizens, but the military is different. The 99% already has the military on its side anyway, and I can tell you as a military veteran who has spent time in Afghanistan and Iraq and Kuwait as a reporter, that only the guys from the deep south and a handful who are deeply disturbed and full of propaganda, would turn their weapons on Americans anyway. People in the military often hate the government most of all, with a dedication unknown to civilians. Particularly disturbing to all Americans, is the fact that U.S. Marines have been shot and attacked by police; one in LA says LAPD, accompanied by federal friends, threatened his life and his family's. Do these cops think people will not figure out who they are? Are they so exceedingly warped and immoral and power crazed that they actually think they can get away with that crap? Oh they would at first, but once they are identified the people will resolve the issues. Speaking of LA, hold your breath, because the LA cops went after one of the writers for Family Guy, Patrick Meighan, and I had to smile over that one... the beauty of what these cops create. Just wait LAPD, that is funny as hell. Meighan's gonna get you guys and tens of millions more will hate the cops in LA. This is a sad time really, but it can be a triumphant time also. Building Tension with PoliceAmerican police are essentially out of control as it is, with their plethora of weapons like the taser, and their disregard for right and wrong and the actual rights of citizens that our service members have given their lives to preserve; something has to give and that sea of blue is going to be it. For too long they have been used to do things like arrest marijuana smokers, matters that are of no consequence at all, and to this very day that madness continues, while Wall Street is bailed out. The police comprise the inflexible aspect of our society that are programmable like computers, those who care about the right things are finding their way out of law enforcement at the time of this writing, and I hope many more soon follow, because people in this country lost control of police long ago, in fact in many cases police have spent far more time enforcing laws in the United States like Jim Crow Laws that forfeit any reasonable claim today. Like the Nazi's, they follow orders regardless of their morality or purpose, or to what end they serve, that is why we are in this position; the reason that we have become a divided nation and two of the symbols that divide 'us' and 'them' are banks and badges. Right Under Our NoseThere are growing reports of camps under construction that would be used to coral Americans in the event of a fallout, which will happen, and I had two reports today cross my desk about large numbers of military vehicles like HUMVEE's being transported on railroad freight trains through Oregon at 3:00 a.m. and at the same time, there are reports about the military supplying tactical vehicles to police departments. It will probably begin, as it so often does, in one place. The cops will push too far and somebody is going to fire back. Then we will enter a time of martyrdom as police are ready to kill as it is; they will unleash bullets like they did at Jackson State, or the way the weekend warriors of the national guard did at Kent State. The world we live in today isn't at all civil or decent; it isn't the 50's or the 60's or even the 70's, we've been punked one too many time now and the results of the U.S. capitalistic bourgeois will soon be spread all over the table. It is the greed, the push for supremacy; the desire if the 1% to have so more than other people and to make the rich richer, and the poor poorer, that led to this devastating state we are in. There has been a war on the poor raging in the United States for many years, the cops haven't taken pay cuts, anyone notice that? Police ranks are swelling and they are overpaid and in positions to easily misuse their power under the color of law for personal profit, it happens every day. At this moment, as I write this, somebody is being adversely judged by a cop because they are poor, they are being singled out for being poor, for being different, for being Black. Uncle Sam the Drug DealerThe recent Fast and Furious U.S. gunrunning program to the Mexican drug cartels is the best reminder of all, because it really amounts to an extension of the weapons smuggling programs used to fund the right wing Contras as they killed the poor farmers of Nicaragua, and the U.S. CIA's drug running program that flooded the streets of America with dangerous drugs, it is a sickening story. Reagan started the drug running the same year he launched the war on drugs. Man the fires of hell must by hot on that actor. His time in office was the pivotal beginning of the downfall of America which is now nearly at hand. But hey, bad karma right? The United States has led the way in polluting the earth and while there are horrific stories about the environmental damage to eastern Europe during the Cold War, I defy anyone to tell me the same scenario does not exist here, it does. We did it to ourselves, but the right wing movement is what backed Bush and his wars of non necessity but then hey, he was playing out the pages of the Bible right? That is the saddest thing of all, I don't think God meant to leave behind a game plan, the 'Armageddon' - but if you think we aren't in those times you are wrong, nothing will ever be like it was, and to the 1 percent, really, fuck every one of you. And to be perfectly clear, I am no calling for this or trying to incite a war against my nation, it is the government of the United States itself, the elected officials who recently voter overwhelmingly in favor of a defense bill that effectively eliminates the Bill of Rights, that gives birth to these uncomfortable times. ____________________________________________________
Tim holds numerous awards for reporting, photography, writing and editing, including the Oregon AP Award for Spot News Photographer of the Year (2004), first place Electronic Media Award in Spot News, Las Vegas, (1998), Oregon AP Cooperation Award (1991); and several others including the 2005 Red Cross Good Neighborhood Award for reporting. Serving the community in very real terms, is the nation's only truly independent high traffic news Website. You can send Tim an email at this address:
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Daniel December 13, 2011 4:15 pm (Pacific time)
Gandhi was able to unite Moslem and Hindu into a nonviolent movement that overthrew the British . Later its true the country split into India and Pakistan . But to unit two groups more separated than the Anti Wall St. and Tea party was a wonder in itself . Today I still believe passive resistance works the best . The best press the whole movement received was the protesters passively sitting and being sprayed . People may say screw the mainstream , but the Main stream media does reach and influence millions . The millions of the 99% who may want change but do not really know whats going on . Mike who I seldom agree with is correct in his assessment of the port closing turning off the union worker who missed a day of pay . I also believe any violence by the protesters will work against the movement . In Mexico after the last highly contested Presidential election a second government was formed and there was a massive occupation of central Mexico City . The Mayor of Mexico was the opposition candidate who help organize and supported the occupation . The occupation went on for months , but finally ended because of a number of hotel and tourist depended jobs were getting screwed . I do not believe most in the military would fire on passive resisters but I believe most would return fire if shot at or Molotov cock tailed . Violence breeds violence . Last time I looked the MIC had most of the weapons plus thousands of Military contractors who are very adapt at killing without a thought .
Mike December 13, 2011 2:02 pm (Pacific time)
It's amusing to think those that pay zero "income" taxes (approximately 50% of American workers pay no income taxes) believe that their dictates will register with those who literally pay for their food, housing and all those other evil corporation products that they rebel against, but "incorporate" into their daily lives. Clueless, just like the hippies of 40 years ago. By blocking some ports for a short time just created a lot of anger for millions of those who actually work. If they try to do it for a longer period, then they will be crushed. They are failing to grasp the reality of their foolishness, while the armchair supporters project their protest desires, which are not on the radar screen of these idiots. The anarchists and Marxists have control, and they will do what criminals always do, get other people injured/killed while they slink away to a safe distance. Reminds me of a brigade CO I had in Nam.
Reverend Donoghue December 12, 2011 10:26 am (Pacific time)
There are many people who have seen the actions of the police as a big part of the problem. The good police will lose because they refuse to stand up, themselves, against the misdeeds they see happening EVERYDAY within their ranks. They become as corrupt as the system they serve to protect.
Anonymous December 13, 2011 10:28 am (Pacific time)
In regards to the U.N. comment, In my opinin, Ron Paul is the only one that is not involved. Make a choice. There is an alex jones/ron paul interview at 11:30 (12/13), and every three hours after at They will make a youtube probably so I will send it to Tim King....I have a feeling this interview is going to be VERY enlightening..Paul tells it like it is.
Daniel December 13, 2011 8:31 am (Pacific time)
Tim please let me know if my last several posts or the last few days were lost or censored . Thanks
Tim King: Daniel, I see a total of two right now, looking for any others, absolutely not censored, thanks!
Donnie December 13, 2011 7:53 am (Pacific time)
The rant in this article is a clear reflection of one completely oblivious of the real world.
Libs never let facts get in the way of any of their many agendas. You poor feeble minded idiot, what must it be like to be that stupid?
Tim King: Artie, Martin, Paul Lemay Jason, Tyrone.. these are the names you have left comments under, so who are you today? My agenda is peace, my goals are fairness and equality, that is some real dirty stuff in your book? Well there is nothing I can do about that..
Frank Huxley December 12, 2011 7:32 pm (Pacific time)
First: Kudos to Tim and Bonnie for producing an excellent news-band -- you can't really call an online "newspaper" a newsPAPER can you? Anyhow, as far as "Revolution" I don't think we're anywhere near there yet. The misery index for the average schome is not high enough to compell him/her to take to the streets.
COLLI December 12, 2011 7:05 pm (Pacific time)
Great article Tim. Listen to what anonymous is saying re: UN vs. Congress and Obama's part in it. Listen to what he is saying re: the end of the left/right paradigm. When both sides are as crooked as a dog's hind leg, they both need to go! We need to focus on shutting down the Federal Reserve and the group of huge international banks that own it and run our country from behind the curtain saying ignore the man behind the curtin. A sad, sad price will have to be paid to regain our country from the corrupt and those who corrupt. You have outdone yourself my friend!
Anonymous December 12, 2011 5:02 pm (Pacific time)
prediction: contrary to mainstream media pundits, the legislation that lets military/CIA/whatever to kill, imprison American citizens, without trial, due process and so forth, will be signed by obama...washington DC just declared war on the American people..the reason obama was against part of this bill, is beauseit gave congress more power than the U.N. in regards to this situation...Since obama is president of the U.N security council ( a blatent violation of the Constitution), he wants the U.N. to be in control, not congress..Its obvious by all obama's actions that he is not a U.S. president...he is a U.N. president...most dont know the people who control the U.N. but I do, and they re not nice..We are in big trouble.
FreedomRising December 12, 2011 1:39 pm (Pacific time)
Don't rule out the Tea Party yet. The revolution will not be left-wing or right-wing. Left/right are meaningless identifiers. What you are witnessing is the collapse of the left/right paradigm; average Americans who don't care about ideologies are going to get involved, and that scares the establishment.
Anonymous December 12, 2011 11:50 am (Pacific time)
Hey Tim maybe some people (below news article) are fearing police more than criminals? Something else at work here? Also one of the subgroups listed below could be developing growing concerns about those who want Sharia Law to be discussed as blending with our legal codes? "Handgun ownership surges in new groups Women, liberals, gays among those with shifting views of handguns amid post-9/11 fears, marketing efforts." Maybe if people become responsible for their own safety, they will start to see the virtues of individuality in other areas. It’s a start. Of course these above stats are probably not making anti-2nd Amendment groups pleased. Read more:
Anonymous December 12, 2011 10:53 am (Pacific time)
Tim you will either be completely wrong or correct in what you think will happen. Looking at the occupy crowd at the shipyards in Portland, I believe what we are seeing are the last gasps of Marxism, but there are some actions that will be taken regarding how the government has been systematically usurping individual rights. I recall the protest movements of the late 60's and early 70's when there were crowds of thousands. If the current movement had that size of crowds showing up, what you predict may possibly happen, but doubtful. I belong to a group called "Oathkeepers," and completely confident that neither our military nor the Portland police would fire on innocent civillians. Other law enforcement agencies, who knows? What worries me is that there are anarchists out there who will most likely fire some rounds off, then in a flash, the OWS or any other movement engaging in criminal behavior will be put down violently. My prayers are that this does not hapen, along with a plea to parents not to take their kids to these demonstrations. The issue of national security will prevent a revolutionary action as you predict Tim, but things will change in the next year that will reflect just what the Founders envisioned for America. Please review our histrory from the 20th century when it came to past wars and those leaders who got us into unneccesary violence because of their poor leadership. The same thing is happening now, so expect some intensity in our pursuit of changing the leadership in DC.
Erna Boldt December 12, 2011 2:40 am (Pacific time)
Tim, I agree with Toni S. you wrote a dynamic article, and are to be commended for your courage to publish the facts, as you believe them to be. You are indeed a hero for exposing the facts.
Tim King December 12, 2011 2:38 am (Pacific time)
Thank you both so much!
Toni S December 12, 2011 12:03 am (Pacific time)
OMG - Tim. This is such a dynamic well-written article. It reminds me of an earlier document written over 200 years ago proclaiming our rejection of tyranny. You are on my short list of heroes and it is a honor to know you sir!
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