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White Bird Clinic Announces New Medical Director

A resident of Eugene since 2009, Dr. Saint-Louis served as the Medical Team Leader for the Occupy Medical Clinic for 18 months...

(EUGENE) - White Bird Clinic, located in Eugene, Oregon White Bird Clinic recently named Dr. Leigh Saint-Louis as Medical Director of the White Bird Medical Clinic.

Dr. Saint-Louis is Board-certified in Family Medicine. After working for a decade as a community health organizer and perinatal peer counselor, she graduated cum laude from the University of Illinois, with a degree in Biochemistry and extensive study and research in Clinical Psychology.

Read Full Article (Sep-05-2013 15:26)

September Song For A Snowbird Stock Market

I never saw a city boy yet who was worth a damn. - Ernest Hemingway.

(DAYTONA BEACH, FL) - Stock market The lament that Walter Huston commissioned for the 1938 Broadway musical "Knickerbocker Holiday," and which Sinatra crooned as late as 1946, is an apt metaphor for a stock market laboring out of Labor Day and a foreshortened hurricane season.

The factors that have been dragging on the Dow, and the portents – according to a growing number of portenders – signal that the half-assed honeymoon since Obama's first State of the Union speech is being pelted with autumn leaves falling in the narrow canyon east of Trinity Church.

Read Full Article (Jun-14-2013 13:49)

Occupy Marines (OMC) Issue Statement on Obama, Future of America

The decision has been made the world over, your time has ended and we go forth to usher you and your kind from power.

(BOSTON) - Occupy Marines As humans, when making mistakes, erring in judgment, indiscretions are a part of our learning capabilities; and learning is essential to becoming a better discretionary, leader, and human.

However, some indiscretions are inexcusable. When the consequence of a decision impacts another human life so far that, that affected life is lost or is so inadvertently altered there exists no chance for recourse.

Read Full Article (Jun-11-2013 11:43)

Iran Review: Protests in Turkey: A New Wall Street in Taksim Square

Most protesters are voicing their opposition to the way chosen by Erdogan to run the country’s affairs.

(TEHRAN Iran Review) - Protests in Turkey Turkish people’s demonstrations started in late May 2013 in protest to the government’s urban development plans and gradually swept the entire nation.

Early protests, which still continue, targeted the municipal officials of the port city of Istanbul after they decided to destroy the city’s iconic Taksim (Division) Square and an adjacent park.

Read Full Article (Jun-02-2013 00:47)

TURKEY: Protesters Call for Resignation of Prime Minister Erdogan

More than 100,000 Turkish protesters have gathered at Istanbul’s Taksim Square, calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Recep Tayyib Erdogan.

(ISTANBUL) - Riot police use tear gas to disperse the crowd during an anti-government protest at Taksim Square in central Istanbul on June 1, 2013. The protesters occupied the iconic Taksim Square on Saturday as part of their demonstration against the government’s decision to demolish Gezi Park and replace it with an Ottoman-era military barracks to be used as a shopping mall.

Police forces clashed with protesters, using tear gas and water cannons to disperse them.

Read Full Article (May-22-2013 19:40)

Analyzing Strategies in Nonviolent Protest

An article on Organizing strategy by Theresa Griffin-Kennedy.

(PORTLAND, OR) - The 'unofficial' leader of Serbia's Otpor movement, Srdja Popovic... In nonviolent protest, success or failure can depend on a variety of strategies that can determine the final outcome: whether or not the protesters are able to declare victory at the end of the day.

One way that “victory” can be determined, is by planning when participant departures take place and how long a protest will last.

Read Full Article (Apr-23-2013 10:50)

Can True Blue Democrats Do What Other Progressives Won`t?

"The self-labeled Progressive Movement that has arisen over the past decade is primarily one big propaganda campaign" - John Stauber

(COPENHAGEN) - Occupy Wall Street Sympathetic critics of Occupy Wall Street (OWS) contend that its passionate energy has faded due to massive federal, state and local government spying and police brutality.

They also cite a lack of political direction that could inspire millions of the 99% to join in, thus enabling it to be alive and kicking today.

Read Full Article (Mar-26-2013 23:18)

Activist Suing Eureka Police for Violating Civil Rights During Occupy Eureka Protest

Support in the courtroom is vital...

(EUREKA, CA) - Image from the night of  Verbena Lea's arrest. Please support the civil rights lawsuits against the Eureka cops who intimidated, hurt, stole from, incarcerated, and violated people during the Occupy Eureka demonstrations!

Verbena is suing the cops in small claims court for 3 separate arrests, massive theft, huge police attacks, for being arrested and jailed for FILMING, and being jailed for participating in a demonstration.

Read Full Article (Dec-19-2012 13:25)

Ray Gun Feared as America`s Biggest Threat

Conducting interviews on this topic is the former security policy analyst in the Office of the Secretary of Defense and the author of the newly released book "A Nation Forsaken", F. Michael Maloof.

(WASHINGTON DC WND) - Ray gun The nation's attention of late has focused on a nuclear bomb or an intense solar storm as the source of an electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, assault on the nation's vulnerable electrical grid system that could fry our electronics and wreak havoc on critical infrastructures.

Estimates are that tens of millions of fatalities could occur in the aftermath of such an event as food, fuel and power supplies evaporate and the nation is transported instantly back to the 18th-century lifestyle without a power grid or anything else electronic.

Read Full Article (Dec-05-2012 16:36)

Marines Occupy Airwaves Tonight

(Program is having technical issues, should be resolved shortly!) Dial in tonight to hear Lars Ogren of OCCUPY Marines and's Tim King.

(TRENTON, NJ) - Occupy  Marines The founders of and OCCUPY Marines will be live tonight on tonight at 8:00 p.m. EST (5:00 p..m. Pacific) to talk about the goals and aspirations of each group. and OCCUPY Marines joined forces several months ago to cross promote and assist one another, as Salem-News is founded by Veterans and has paid particular attention to issues involving the U.S. Marines.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin


The NAACP of the Willamette Valley