(Nov-05-2012 18:18)
Civil Disobedience Turned Violent and Serious in Portland Saturday
Tim King
Many were pepper sprayed. Critics of law enforcement violence said the aggressive tactics of police toward peaceful occupy demonstrators would lead to this...
Demonstrators from the Portland Action Lab clashed with police Saturday during the publicized 'Solidarity Against Austerity' rally and march.
Read Full Article (Sep-21-2012 16:50)
New Federal Lawsuit Filed Against NYPD for Occupy Arrests
PCJF Challenges Unlawful Police Tactics, Sidewalk Arrests, Orange Netting Corral, Insp. Bologna's Pepper Spray Attack.
The Partnership for Civil Justice Fund (PCJF) has filed a federal lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York challenging the New York Police Department’s use of sidewalk arrests.
The group says persons are targeted for false arrest based on their association with or proximity to dissent and protest.
Read Full Article (Sep-17-2012 10:32)
First Anniversary of the Beginning of the `Occupy Movement` Join Us Today 5:30 - Eureka Courthouse - I and 5th
Jack Nounnan for
Sending out reports and research studies, exposing media bias, holding government accountable to The People!
Occupy has never just gone away, but continues growing in its vast networking, spreading its ideas and always organizing.
Activities include occupying court systems and challenging this governments political corruption and repressions, with a tenacity built on how so many people see not only this systems abandonment of their interests and immediate needs, but playing a major role/with their corporate cronies in creating the almost overwhelming crisis of issues...
Read Full Article (Sep-13-2012 00:07)
Third Anarchist Announces Refusal to Testify Before Grand Jury
Michael Munk
Jail Likely for Grand Jury Resistors; Committee Against Political Repression Calls for Fax Petitions and Protests.
Matt Duran released an open letter today unambiguously declaring his refusal to cooperate. He is the third person subpoenaed to appear before a secret grand jury investigating the anarchist movement in Seattle, Washington.
A local demonstration will take place in Portland at the Federal Court House (1000 SW 3rd Ave) at 12:30 p.m.
Read Full Article (Aug-13-2012 22:30)
FBI Raids Homes of Seattle and Portland Occupy Activists
A US newspaper has revealed that the FBI has been raiding the houses of anti-Wall Street protesters in Oregon and Washington in what the agency describes an “ongoing violent crime investigation.”
The Oregonian newspaper reported that heavily-armed domestic terrorism units of the FBI have been raiding the homes of activists in Seattle and Olympia, Washington and Portland, Oregon over the last month.
The report said that at least six homes have been raided in the two states since July 10.
Read Full Article (Aug-01-2012 23:55)
The Bankers Are Not Just Calling the Shots, They Are Giving Them
Howard Wallack for
Why isn't media in the UK and here reporting these huge stories?
Goldman Sachs, known for its integrity around the bailout and around food markets, is also invested in vaccines.
Lloyd Blankfein, a major shareholder in the Goldman-Sachs/AstraZeneca partnershipis] is co-chairman with media mogul Rupert Murdoch in the David Rockefeller-founded Partnership for New York City (PFNYC), chartered by the Royal Family of England.
Read Full Article (Jul-23-2012 10:38)
Your Tax Dollars Pay for a Study to Study Other Studies
Unknown Amount of Tax Dollars Spent for Study that Determined Wind Turbine Blade Shadows Don’t Trigger Epileptic Seizures.
Oregon Capitol Watch Foundation says Petunia the Pork Detective’s first ever ‘Porker Award’ was given to the Oregon Health Authority.
It's over a wasteful study to determine if giant wind turbine blade shadows trigger epileptic seizures in humans.
Read Full Article (Jul-19-2012 13:45)
City Commissioner Looks Forward to Hunger Striker`s Hospital Emergency
Today, Whitten and his supporters are celebrating the 50 day anniversary of the strike.
Cameron Whitten has endured his seventh week of hunger striking outside of City Hall. Down to 160.1 pounds, he continues to petition local officials to expand their strategies on affordable housing and short-term emergency relief.
The week was abuzz with rumors of a forceful sweep that would remove the Occupy-affiliated demonstration from the sidewalks around City Hall.
Read Full Article (Jul-16-2012 10:21)
Occupy Portland is Cleaning Up its Act
Is Portland a 'cool city' or not?
Last Friday, City Officials confirmed the announcement of a scheduled pressure wash that will force sleeping protesters to be removed from the sidewalk outside of City Hall at 6am Monday morning.
In response, Occupy Portland has organized a preemptive wash of their own on the day before...
Read Full Article (Jul-15-2012 14:37)
Hunger Strike at City Hall Experiences Flesh Blood After 40 Days
There is no determined end date for this protest.
Former Mayoral Candidate and Occupy Portland Activist Cameron Whitten finishes into his 6th week of a hunger strike outside of City Hall.
His current weight comes in at a total 163.3 pounds, from an initial start of 193.7.
Read Full Article