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Hunger Strike at City Hall is Ready to Last Over 50 Days

Whitten openly expresses his disappointment with City interactions.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Cameron Whitten's hunger strike Cameron Whitten is entering his sixth week of Occupying City Hall on Hunger Strike. The 21 year old activist and former mayoral candidate began this demonstration at 193.7 pounds, now descending to 166.

On July 1st, Whitten held a Slumber Party at City Hall, which brought over 70 activists to sleep overnight on the sidewalk in support of housing justice.

Read Full Article (Jun-25-2012 18:51)

Cameron Whitten Responds to Racist Attacks on Hunger Strike

The colorblind mentality adopted by a number of members in our society is the bane of racial harmony.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Cameron Whitten On the 24th day of my hunger strike; I faithfully embrace this sacrifice in advocacy for housing justice, essential relief for the homeless, poor, and working People in these hard economic times.

To the dismay of my efforts, a website was discovered which violently disgraces my own character and that of the black community...

Read Full Article (May-31-2012 22:03)

Strategies of Deception

Under a Republican president we could revive the spirit of revolt and mobilize the people of the world against the empire.

(OLDENBURG, Germany) - US President Barack Obama To get a preview of Obama's strategies for winning a second term, we just need to read the liberal press. They are giving lip-service praise to the current protests while trying to steer them in a direction that serves the Democratic Party.

They believe if Obama is given a second term, his true nature will emerge and he'll crack down on the greed and corruption of the 1% and lead the country in a progressive direction.

Read Full Article (May-22-2012 21:56)

Two Studies in Transparency... An Apology for JP Morgan Chase

JP Morgan Chase's trades were built around contracts tied to corporate bonds.

(SASKATCHEWAN) - JP Morgan Last week, a brace of headlines twitterpated the financial world.

One was out of romantic Italy, the other on the Street of Dreams, both dealing with the venerable bank/dealer/trader/broker with the curious amalgam of the oldest family escutcheon on Wall Street.

Read Full Article (May-22-2012 16:36)

Evidence of Widespread Wage Theft

A growing body of research has begun to reveal that wage theft is a widespread problem in Oregon and the nation.

(SILVERTON, OR) - Poverty in Oregon Wage theft is inherently challenging to quantify.

Wage theft occurs when employers pay workers less than the minimum wage, don’t pay time-and-a-half for overtime hours, cheat on the number of hours worked, steal tips or don’t pay workers at all.

Read Full Article (May-18-2012 00:55)

Merkley, Levin Call on Regulators to Close `JPMorgan Loophole`

The Volcker Rule goes into effect this July, but regulators have not yet finalized their rules.

(WASHINGTON DC) - JP Morgan Chase Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley and Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) today sent a letter to regulators, calling on them to close the “JPMorgan Loophole.”

Although the Dodd-Frank Act prohibits banks from proprietary trading, the regulators’ proposed rule creates a new loophole that could allow proprietary trading to continue even after the law goes into effect.

Read Full Article (May-18-2012 00:50)

Occupy Present... Single Payer Health Care

eople interested in fairness, and improved sustainable health care for everyone will want to mark their calendars for this free presentation.

(SALEM) - Occupy Salem will present a forum featuring activist Rosalie Pedroza sharing her views on single payer health care.

The forum will take place at 7 pm on Monday, May 24th at the office of Oregon PeaceWorks, 104 Commercial St. NE, in downtown Salem.

Read Full Article (May-11-2012 14:03)

Merkley: J.P. Morgan`s Trading Losses Show Need for Strong Volcker Rule

"... it is essential that bank regulators issue rules that do not permit hedge fund investments by Wall Street banks to be disguised as ‘market making’ or ‘risk mitigation,’" -

(WASHINGTON DC) - Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley, Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley, cosponsor of the Merkley-Levin provision in Dodd-Frank that put into law the Volcker Rule, issued the following statement after news that J.P. Morgan lost at least $2 billion in portfolio hedging trades made by their risk management division.

“What yesterday’s announcement makes abundantly clear is that even J.P. Morgan, supposedly the best risk manager on Wall Street, can make bets that go spectacularly wrong.

Read Full Article (May-02-2012 13:28)

May Day in Occupy Oakland: Let a Million Seeds Sprout

Another metaphor for Oakland (“what ye anarchists weave, so shall ye have the opportunity to un-weave”)?

(OAKLAND, CA) - Occupy Oakland May Day What was Oakland’s muddy “Lake Quan” as Occupy went into winter hibernation has resurged as a sea of green. Green grass, that is.

After Mayor Quan and OPD evicted the Occupy encampment at Frank Ogawa Plaza late last year, stating the occupation encouraged rats and other creatures and destroyed the lawn, city officials ran water sprinklers for days to flood the park and discourage re-occupation.

Read Full Article (Apr-26-2012 01:21)

14 Oregon House Reps are ALEC Members

ALEC has boasted that about 17% of its bills are passed each year.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Aerial view photo of the Oregon State Capitol by Tim King Washington D.C.-based ALEC—the American Legislative Exchange Council, has just been charged in a Whistleblower complaint to the IRS by the nonpartisan advocacy group Common Cause.

ALEC is suspected of, “misuse of charity laws, massive under reporting of lobbying, and obtaining improper tax breaks for corporate funders at taxpayer expense.”

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