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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Jan-27-2012 15:03)

Roy Bard: Glad not to be... in the PSC

Cohen's angle is that as the victim of anti-semitism, Jews should be able to decide what anti-semitism is, -and that that decision should not be challenged.

(LONDON) - Roy Bard: Dr. Elias Akleh is a Palestinian. In 1948 and again in 1967 his family were displaced, and like millions of other Palestinians, he now finds himself living outside of his homeland.

It is perhaps fortunate that he did not move to the UK and join the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign, because after their AGM on Saturday, he would most likely by now be facing moves to expel him from the same campaign that seeks to liberate him.

Read Full Article (Jan-26-2012 14:41)

Jewish Imperial News

On Saturday the Islamophobic blog Harry’s Place and the Zionist mouthpiece Jewish Chronicle completed their takeover of UK Palestinian Solidarity Campaign (PSC).

(LONDON) - Obama in the crosshairs? This last weekend brought with it some vile manifestations of Jewish politics in its most horrific forms.

In the USA, the owner and publisher of the Atlanta Jewish Times, Andrew Adler, suggested that Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu should consider ordering a Mossad hit team to assassinate U.S. President Barack Obama so that his successor will defend Israel against Iran.

Read Full Article (Jan-25-2012 14:39)

Circumcision: Incest and the GAIA COMPLEX as the Opposite Side of the Oedipal Coin

The origin of neuroses is to be found in trauma occurred in childhood- Freud

(MONTEREY, Calif.) - Gaia and her children Freud was his own first patient. He may have been conditioned from Maternal Emotional Incest. The condition lies in the mother and from experience transferred into the child’s psyche.

Freud’s mother’s condition may be termed the Gaia Complex. Gaia was the pre-Olympiad Great Mother Earth goddess. Gaia created Uranus by herself. Uranus became her son/mate and they begat Titans.

Read Full Article (Jan-25-2012 10:10)

Thoughts on a Palestinian Conference

Includes several news items and a review of history.

(BETHLEHEM) - Israel's record of abuse against Palestinian children In this week in history: the Filastin newspaper was closed by the Ottoman authorities after Zionist complained in 1914.

Bylaws of the "Muslim-Christian Association" were approved in Jerusalem in 1919, and the first Palestinian Arab Congress opened in Jerusalem in 1919, and over 100 peaceful demonstrators were gunned down by British forces in Baghdad- 1948.

Read Full Article (Jan-23-2012 12:55)

APN Condemns Palestinian Mufti`s Offensive Comments

"People in positions of religious authority, on all sides, bear a heavy responsibility of avoiding incendiary rhetoric..." - Debra DeLee, APN’s President and CEO

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Mufti Muhammad Hussein Americans for Peace Now (APN) strongly condemns the belligerent anti-Jewish comments made by the Palestinian Authority’s Mufti of Jerusalem at a public event in the West Bank earlier this month.

Mufti Muhammad Hussein cited a Muslim tradition, attributed to Prophet Muhammad, which says that the yearned-for “Day of Resurrection” would only come after Muslims kill all Jews.

Read Full Article (Jan-21-2012 01:26)

Obama Stands Up to Israel, Tamps Down Iran War Threats

Barak: Israel "very far off" from decision on Iran attack".

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak In a stunning departure from recent Israeli threats to attack Iranian nuclear facilities, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Wednesday used an interview with Israel's Army radio to assert that any attack on Iran "is very far off."

He added, "We haven't made any decision to do this."

Read Full Article (Jan-20-2012 15:37)

In Support of PRESS TV

British media regulator OFCOM have removed Iranian Press TV Ltd’s broadcasting license, with SKY satellite being the first to remove Press TV.

(MELBOURNE, Aust.) - Press TV: George Galloway is the channel's best-known UK contributor. Photograph: Alessia Pierdomenico/Reuters The Guardian — Press TV, the Iranian state broadcaster’s English-language outlet, has been forced off the air in the UK after Ofcom revoked its licence for breaching the Communications Act.

Ofcom found that Press TV’s practice of running its editorial oversight from Tehran, Iran‘s capital, is in breach of broadcasting licence rules in the UK.

Read Full Article (Jan-19-2012 03:36)

Housing Inmates Who Make Death Threats... with their Intended Victims

"I don't want to be in there with that guy"
Murder Victim Chris Lange

(SALEM) - Twin Rivers Correctional Institute Why did Oregon officials fail to report the beating death of a prison inmate at the Snake River Correctional Facility last year?

Inmate Clayton Howard, who nearly died in a similar situation, says Chris Lange was murdered and his death consequently blocked from the public, because he was placed with an inmate who had a sworn death threat against him.

Read Full Article (Jan-17-2012 18:53)

Radio Netherlands: Dutch Tamil Tiger Five on appeal

The case could result in a change of EU law.

(THE HAGUE) - LTTE flag Five men convicted of supporting Sri Lanka’s Tamil Tigers (LTTE) last October began their appeal against conviction Monday in The Hague.

The case marks the first time an EU member state has considered the question of whether the Tamil Tigers is a terrorist organization.

Read Full Article (Jan-17-2012 12:01)

My Visit to Sri Lanka - Part 2 (Photos)

Rapid transformation of Kilinochchi...

(COLOMBO Sri Lanka Guardian) - Sri Lanka Further to Omanthai checkpoint, one could see housing estates being built with Indian and Australian funding.

Vibrant Kilinochchi is going through a rapid transformation since the end of the war in Sri Lanka. This one time capital of the LTTE that symbolised the group’s activities is no longer there. The shops and various offices of the LTTE reflecting heavy grammatical Tamil names have disappeared.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
