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New Checkpoint Method: Gassing Palestinian Cars with Unknown Chemical

Drivers and passengers feel nauseated after the Israeli checkpoints.

(OCCUPIED PALESTINE) - Palestinian workers at the Bethlehem checkpoint. Photo by: Daniel Bar-On Yesterday, Amira Hass reported in Haaretz the Israeli military are now pumping “nausea-inducing chemicals,” into cars at a Bethlehem checkpoint, as a new search method. Hass describes the IDF first pulling over cars, then:

...once parked, the passengers are asked to roll up all windows, apart from that of the driver – and exit the vehicle. Two tubes are then connected to the vehicle...

Read Full Article (Jan-31-2012 15:23)

Gilad Atzmon: The Wandering Hugh

In the last two years, the PSC EC has systematically expelled and marginalised leading Palestinian thinkers and solidarity activists in the UK...

(LONDON) - We’ve been sent a transcription of PSC Chair Hugh Lanning’s speech at the PSC AGM where he tries to justify, on the grounds of racism, anti-Semitism and prejudice, the expulsion of ex-PSC Chair, Dr. Francis Clark-Lowes.

To support the PSC EC decision Lanning quotes Dr. Clark-Lowes saying, "I said I was proud to call myself a Holocaust denier – it is the capital ‘H’ I believe we must question."

Read Full Article (Jan-31-2012 15:04)

Letter Campaign - 25 Demolition Orders in a Small Village With 45 Houses Altogether

Urgent appeal – please write to Israel's Defense Minister Ehud Barak, by fax and email, and either use the sample letter in the end or make your own. Why it is needed, you find in the following press release.

(AQABA, Occupied Palestine) - The entrance of the village of Aqaba, in the Jordan Valley Occupation rule's cynical game with the small village of Aqaba. Brigadier General Almaz makes a personal visit, promising to "look into the complaints".

Then, his representative issues 25 demolition orders - in a village consisting of 45 houses in all.

Read Full Article (Jan-31-2012 14:42)

CAIR Welcomes Withdrawal of Anti-Islam Speaker from West Point Event

CAIR has been challenging Boykin’s un-American bigotry for a number of years.

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) - William G. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today welcomed the withdrawal of an anti-Islam speaker, retired Lieutenant General William G. "Jerry" Boykin, from an upcoming prayer breakfast at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

CAIR recently joined with, a coalition of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans, in asking the academy to retract an invitation because of Boykin's Islamophobic views...

Read Full Article (Jan-30-2012 18:11)

At the Crossroads of War: Do NOT Say You Were NOT Warned

Only Israel can save itself or destroy itself, for as a Hebrew prophet once warned that those who live by the sword will die by it too.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Israel has claimed almost all of Palestine since 1948. Last week The New York Times published an opine by Ronen Bergman, who answered his own question in “Will Israel Attack Iran?”

“After speaking with many senior Israeli leaders and chiefs of the military and the intelligence, I have come to believe that Israel will indeed strike Iran in 2012...”

Read Full Article (Jan-30-2012 13:19)

Is Israel on the Road to `Self-Destruction`?

Israel... “would be prepared to take the region down with it.” - Golda Meir

(LONDON) - Israelis mark Holocaust Memorial Day in Jerusalem. One very well informed and courageous Israeli who thinks the answer is “Yes” is Merav Michaeli, a radio and television presenter who also writes for Ha’aretz.

She is completely without fear when it comes to telling it like it is.

Read Full Article (Jan-30-2012 12:44)

It is Time for Voters To Listen to Friedman

Friedman is no dummy. He is fully aware that Newt Gingrich would be a disaster for Israel if he makes it to the White House.

(CHICAGO) - Tom Friedman Before the South Carolina primary, casino mogul Sheldon Adelson gave $5 million dollars to an independent PAC supporting Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich.

That worked so well that a second $5 million dollar gift was soon on its way to that same pro-Gingrich PAC, Winning Our Future, keeping the former House Speaker in a tight two man race with Mitt Romney.

Read Full Article (Jan-29-2012 14:05)

`Israeli Mossad agents posed as CIA spies to recruit terrorists to fight against Iran`

The U.S. was reportedly furious with Israel and moved to limit joint intelligence programs.

(TEL AVIV Ha'aretz) - Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, and former U.S. Pres. George W. Bush Israeli Mossad agents posed as CIA officers in order to recruit members of a Pakistani terror group to carry out assassinations and attacks against the regime in Iran, Foreign Policy revealed on Friday, quoting U.S. intelligence memos.

Foreign Policy's Mark Perry reported that the Mossad operation was carried out in 2007-2008, behind the back of the U.S. government, and infuriated then U.S. President George W. Bush.

Read Full Article (Jan-29-2012 12:59)

Shameless Chutzpah: Could it Work for Muslims Too?

What would a reverse scenario in current trends look like?

(SUNDANCE, Wyoming) - Mel Gibson

As an American Muslim, I am a great admirer of the Jewish people, especially American Jews. I think we Muslims can learn a lot from the way Jews have made their presence felt in American society.

For example, I marvel at the chutzpah of the Beth Shalom Temple in Corona, California...

Read Full Article (Jan-29-2012 10:14)

Restiamo Umani- Stay Human

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter.

(BETHLEHEM) - Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. once stated: "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter."

It does matter that a mother died this week who has not seen her two sons for years (one for 9 and the other 18 years) because they are in Israeli jails and the jailers refused family visits.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
